@Chicago Blackhawks

The Hardest Question I Ever Had To Answer


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#GregDoucette #natty #spectrum


  1. These guys will go above and beyond their ways only to justify in their heads and in front of others, that taking PEDs is ok LOL. That guy in the first video gave example of vitamin D and Melatonin not being natural. LMFAO.

  2. Actually strictly speaking being natural means you don't take any supplements or drugs. You get all you need from food…

  3. To me, anything that can be rather significantly detrimental to one's health as a side effect while the pro is a significant increase in performance, I deem that as very much unnatural.

  4. I think we confused "natural" with banned substances and "performance enhancers". I look at being "natural" strictly in the sense of anabolic/androgenic hormones. If you're taking an exogenous source, or exogenous agonist, of anabolic/androgenic hormones then you aren't natural. 1994-2004 WADA banned high concentrations of caffeine, that doesn't mean that you aren't natural because you had 4 scoops of High-Stim Gorilla Mode. Just as I don't think that you're unnatural if you take Clen or DNP, these are not anabolic/androgenic hormones. By that definition, I would say, however, that a girl on the pill, or hormonal IUD, is unnatural.
    The term "natural", and definition which we apply to it, is COMPLETELY subjective so everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I do think it helps if we pin down what we're referring to when we mean "natural" and not just refer to everything on the WADA ban list as unnatural.

  5. Greg you’re smart enough to know the word natural doesn’t literally mean natural as in existing in the world naturally for all timeIf it did broccoli wouldn’t be natural. Neither would almost any plant or animal. Everything came into existence from a state of non existence .
    This argument is ridiculous

  6. i would say for the average person using wada to guage how natural they are isnt even the right thing. I think anything that doesnt harm you or change your physiology in a crazy way can be counted as natural. I would question meldonium being unnatural and nmn being natural. I dont know the science super well but meldonium is similar to L carnitine and has similar effects to nmn and yet only the former is deemed unnatural

  7. Natural means if what you take comes from nature eg plants , meat or derived from plants or animals.

  8. 12:41 Yeah that's really sketchy, it's not that hard to rehydrate either. Plus he's going to scar up the arm from overusing the IV.

  9. In the future if we invent supplement that radically increases your ability to build muscle but as is as safe as protein powder and also doesn't effect your natural production at all. Is it wrong to take it?

  10. Greg- I’m a law abiding citizen. Also Greg gets caught smuggling steroids and mass amount of cash 🤣🤣. No hate, Greg’s my favourite just funny asf

  11. Who said anybody should be natural, just maintain a good state of health and if needed use exogenous sources. No issues🙏

  12. And that’s why Mike O’hearn is 100% natural. He’s never lied. Because he’s never identified as not natty. And because he doesn’t identify as not natty, because he believes he is natty, clearly, he’s been natty the whole time.

  13. Taking up the side of the organization that makes the rules makes sense because it is such a grey area when you get in into the weeds like melatonin and IVs. But how does wada make the rules?

    I think they would go off unfair advantage compared to a person that just eats food and works out. But I don't make the rules.

    Now it seems like there is Wada unnatural and up to our interpretation unnatural.

  14. If it is not whole, unprocessed foods, then it can not be deemed natural. Essentially, if an animal can not find it in the wild, then it is unnatural.

  15. The speed limit analogy doesn't work, Greg. Doing 150 mph on the freeway isn't only endangering yourself, you're endangering everyone on that freeway. Now, putting banned substances into your body is only endangering yourself. So, WADA can suck it.

  16. When I was bodybuilding, I considered anything consumed that wasn’t food to be unnatural. It’s extreme but it sure makes things simple.

  17. If it has to be heavily processed or prepared in a lab before consuming and does not have a natural counterpart, it's not natural.

    So anything you ingest or inject that you can't simply get from normal food is not natural.

  18. If it's hormone, amphetamine, or caffeine based it's not natural.
    If it's vitamin and nutrition based it's natural.
    If it's purely the food you're eating, absolutely natural.
    Simple as that.

  19. Connor is such a loser,rather then just saying "im not natural and i lied for years about it" instead now there is no natural or unnatural, there is just more or less natural,stupid shit.

  20. Smh any needle you stick in your ass for muscle recovery/ growth is not natural !!! Any oral “ illegal steroid “ pill u take for muscle / recovery is not natural . Playing dumb these days lol

  21. Natural and "cheating or not" are separate conversations. WADA isn't determining what is and is not natural, it's just determining what is or isn't cheating. The cheating convo is easy as it is constrained to the organization's rules in which you compete. What is or isn't natural is a much larger and harder-to-answer question. I agree with you that the answer will differ from person to person.

  22. It is a suuuuper dumb and idiotic discussion started by ppl who are butt hurt over ppl calling them unnatural trying to justify it. Oh if i am not natty then neather are you cause you take vitamin d. STFU you took roids that in many places are illegal that's not the same as taking vitamin d. there is no need for a discussion

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