@Toronto Maple Leafs

Are You Worried About The Maple Leafs Recent Play? | SDP

Steve Dangle, Adam Wylde and Jesse Blake share their thoughts on the Maple Leafs recent struggles.

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  1. All I'm gonna say is, I did NOT expect that Habs to be 4 points out of a wild card spot & 5 behind the Leafs this far into the season. They'll likely fade, but I can dream.

  2. You guys want to see improvement in the Maple Leafs?? Here is how you see things improve. #1 Time for a coaching change….whether he is a good coach or not, he seems unable to get the Leafs to improve enough. #2. Change the way players contracts work in NHL….. Stop front loading their pay on contracts and make there be a performance clause in all contracts that state certain metrics that are tied to the amount there getting paid. IE: Top players making 10,000,000 plus are expected to score x amount of points by halfway point of the season and at the finish of the season. In every other high paying profession out there, there are performance evaluations done, and metrics that are used to determine pay. Like mentioned here, and I agree with Steve, since getting his contract signed Nylander's performance has dramatically dropped off. If he and other players had to worry about a performance evaluation, that was tied to the amount of money they would be getting, I assure you, they would have a lot more incentive to perform.

  3. Don’t panic, just settle in and accept the inevitable. You guys will make playoffs and probably be top half of the conference. It won’t matter you will lose your first series and back to the think tank. You guys are the cowboys of the nhl

  4. Can the Leafs get back to the level they've back at the last couple years? Maybe. Can they exceed that and get to contender level? Probably not.

  5. Why trade assets to help this team? They SUCK! If I was Tree I would stand Pat too, unless some trade you couldn’t say no to came along. They need to fill a bunch of holes. Need at minimum 2 new decent defenders, preferably 3; Brodie, Gio are both trash, and Liligren is a give away machine at the worst times. Tavares is terrible, he’s not even in the play because he slow as f$&k, and when he is involved the play is automatically dead and the puck is turned over. The team needs a massive overhaul/upgrade.
    Love the Leafs, Hate this team.

  6. The Nurse hate is strange given the year he’s having (specifically defensively), probably tied with Ekholm for best defensive man on the team

  7. Same ole shite with these soft chumps. Change the name from Maple Leafs to Multiple Laughs. As soft and weak as the team is, the bigger problem is management and coaching. Keefe needs to go asap. He has been outcoached for years now.

  8. The money not starting until next year on Nylander is a flawed argument.
    The point is, he’s locked in. The negotiation is over. His performance no longer affects the next 8 years of his life.

  9. On any other team Keefe is fired last offseason. 1 playoff round win in 7 years with loaded rosters is a failure of coaching.

  10. About the contract. When you are told that your work over the school year is good enough for a pass, are you missing some classes in the last couple months? When you are a piece worker, a person who gets paid performance bonus for your level of production, and the, foreman says that you have reached the maximum level of bonus pay, do you continue to eat your lunch at the machine you run, or be the last guy to leave the plant?

  11. Is it strictly against the CBA to offer players performance clauses? If you score more goals, you earn more ;If you score less, you earn less. Where's the problem?

  12. So Wllie's deal hasn't kicked in yet and you 'won't hear it.' OK… his no trade deal hasn't kicked in yet. Trade him.

  13. The Toronto Maple Leafs got their problems. The Ottawa Senators got their problems too. The Montréal Canadiens got their problems too. Every team in the NHL got problems. It is how fast can they fix it that makes the difference in the end.

  14. If Keefe thinks they can just outscore their defensive problems then he knows nothing about hockey as these guys on the panel don't either. In the playoffs you're not scoring 5 and 6 goals a game. Obviously most Leafs fans only care about the regular season and Austin's 300 goal pace.

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