@Tampa Bay Lightning

15 min to go till jersey time…..

Got here at 10 and there were only 6 of us. Glad I arrived early to guarantee one.

by Artimus_Gordon


  1. Damn! I’m pressing my luck online. I’m prepared to be broken farted

  2. toolschism

    Literally had one in my cart hit checkout and it was already sold out. Fucking sucks.

  3. Sharkmanquint

    Snagged one online! Curious to see how long they last till they are gone.

  4. escapethefear13

    Distant thunder here & got mine online right when it went live! Feeling very lucky

  5. rastabrah38

    Damn had one in my cart and it was sold out 🙁

  6. jadewill17

    Secured one! Wish they could be customized though

  7. Got mine online as well but it seems like the size I chose isn’t selling out right away.

  8. I got a size 50 for me and a 56 for my coworker! Not sure if my coworker still wants it though.

  9. rhodesleadnowhere

    Heck yeah! I was on line this morning. Picked up a jersey 🙂

  10. That fact that this jersey is limited release is just lame.

  11. Got one online, almost 2nd guessed myself with how bad I wanted it and opened up a 2nd page only to see 2 sizes already sold out in 2 min. I got mine even with slight hesitation, but all were gone in 6-7min. And now they’re already on eBay for $400.

  12. ChillyToTheBroMax

    Stood in line yesterday for mine. Line wasn’t as bad as I was expecting. Can’t wait to get it back!

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