@Columbus Blue Jackets

Inside The Numbers – Could Eric Robinson Help ??

Hey folks, in this video some numbers on why I believe we acquired Eric Robinson and why I believe it fills a glaring void..thanks for watching šŸ˜Ž
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‘Khatchaturian Sabre Dance’ was licensed and purchased from Audio Micro (License #U269T3409)


  1. Granato is a wuss so he wants everyone else to follow in his footsteps THIS NEEDS TO STOP! Pussy teams don't win cups 100% fact. Time to lace em up Wayne!

  2. Bringing back Okposo, Girgenson and Olofsson was a brutal mistake. Didnā€™t like it at all at the beginning of the year and hate it even more now.

  3. He will inject physical play and get demoted or traded Stillman and Fitzgerald. Greenway has size and plays like a figure skater. Lets trade for the Tanvev boys.

  4. Thx for being the one guy who analysed this correctly Columbus is my Second Team and i love Robinson he has a motor thats always running hes fast and hits like a truck that is what we need and also who the f cares about a conditional 7th

  5. You hit the nail on the head, Wayne. Especially if we actually get into the playoffs, we donā€™t have a chance

  6. This is EXACTLY what I was saying! I hoped that it would turn out that he was a BIG hitter! With how low his offensive numbers were, that was the only thing that made sense about this trade. That and if he was a monster 2-Way player. It was the only thing that made sense about this trade. Especially after Cozens ā€œWere too soft of a teamā€ comment!

  7. I canā€™t blame any fan for feeling like buffalo should make a rash decision in the front office, theyā€™re frustrated and fed up. But this is a great video that shows why thatā€™s not always the answer. Hereā€™s my worry though: Will granato pussify this guy on our team?

  8. It Can't Hurt now can it !? Back in the day the Sabs used to trade for no names, and they would come in and light it up. But that was a long time ago, before the dark times, before the Empire !

  9. I couldnā€™t agree with you more Wayne. I donā€™t always agree with you, but I respect your opinion and realism when it comes to the game we love. Any team that is soft, isnā€™t willing to sacrifice everything for the guy next to him and doesnā€™t crash the net ā€¦ well thatā€™s not a hockey team. I also think that ā€œmaybe just maybeā€ Kevin Adams knows a bit more about the game of hockey than the fans do. Last point. Love when fans are like ā€œsee ā€¦ see look look what that team did in a trade. Why didnā€™t our GM do that!?ā€ Like there are not a 1000 pieces involved to make a hockey trade work. Whether itā€™s due to fantasy sports or video game sports think it is so easy to find that Stanley Cup magic. It is not.

  10. I will admit, I was not bashing the sabres on this one.. but I figured A. we only are sending a conditional 7th rounderā€¦ basically nothing.. B. Sabres must have seen something that they think might help.. This just explains it..

  11. Okposo was simply terrible against the Red Wings. Why he was on the ice late in the game when the team was pushing for the tying goal is beyond my comprehension. He lost a battle along the far wall in the offensive zone and was very slow getting back. In fact…he got left in the dust. He looked old. He is slow. He's done as an effective bottom 6 forward on this team. Done as a bottom 6 forward on a struggling team. What does that tell you about Okposo? He's toasted to the point of being burned.

  12. I'd be more interested in seeing what a coach like Tortorella would do with someone like Samuelsson, who I will continue to bash until he actually starts to play defense like a 6'4", 230 lb. defenseman. And hits opposing players like they have been insulting his mother. What else is a D-man his size supposed to do when he has no offensive game to speak of? He should be making life miserable for every forward on every team that tries to set up in and around the Sabres goal crease. Players used to pay with cross checks, slashes to the backs of their legs, stick blade tips poking into their calf muscles, etc., etc. if they tried to camp out in that important real estate in front of the goalie. Ron Hextall and Billy Smith, as goalies, used to rap the living hell out of the shins, ankles, and feet of opposing players who were trying to screen them from seeing the puck. Now, those players don't even get breathed on by anyone playing defense for Buffalo, other than Clifton. They play like a bunch of Pee Wee's who aren't allowed to hit and it's a damn shame.

  13. Currently watching the game and number 50 has played amazing. Can he (and the team) do this every night…they would be a force to be reckoned with.

  14. While I appreciate Adam's making a move to add more grit to the team, I'm not jumping out of my seat over this. Never heard of this player until today. If it doesn't work out we lose basically nothing. But I want to see a trade for an impact player who will contribute to the scoreboard along with the hits

  15. Hitting is not the issue my man. Battling for the puck and playing physical is. Tonight against boston they played physical and out worked them for the puck and thatā€™s why we won. Hitting is such a misleading stat

  16. I don't think that Don Meatballs Granato isn't prohibiting them from hitting. I think that it's the game has changed so much since the 1970s, there's only so much that teams can do. I remember watching Chicago in the 1970s. If the opposing players tried to get close to The Late Great Chicago Goalie Tony O Esposito, they get hit and/or pummeled by Chicago Defensemen, such as Keith Magnuson (RIP), Bill White, Doug Wilson, and the rest. You can't do that these days, at the very least, without getting a penalty called. Let me know what you think

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