@Toronto Maple Leafs

The Wings leap frog the Leafs. Reinhart the real deal? Has Slafkovsky arrived? | NHL Morning Recap

More bad news for the Leafs as the Red Wings leap frog them in the standings. Is Sam Reinhart the real deal, or is this simply the ‘Huberdeau effect’? And after a slow start to his NHL career, Juraj Slafkovsky has been playing much better. All this and more in the 7-Eleven That’s Hockey NHL morning recap with Gino Reda!


  1. I hope Leafs miss the playoffs. I am a fan and saying this. This could a blessing in disguise.
    This maybe the one they need to reset and reconstruct their roster going forward.
    Besides, I know deep down, even if they make it to the playoffs, I can't see one team they can defeat in 7game series.
    Not even Montreal.

  2. Is this the Nhls rebound of saying Slaf should be a fourth liner lol? Everyone calls it out and 2 days later you make a video saying has he arrived

  3. Bedard has more goals and points than Huberdeau. It will be interesting to see if Huberdeau can catch up to the rookie while he's out for 6-8 weeks with a broken jaw. I'm not expecting much.

  4. I received a great Christmas gift this year.
    A t-shirt that says:
    "I cheer for 2 teams.
    The Montreal Canadians and whoever is playing the Leafs !"
    What a joy it was to watch the Oilers come from behind to defeat the Loafs and extend their record winning streak.

  5. Doesn’t matter for the big 4 forwards in T.O. They’ve ALREADY GOTTEN PAID. There’s little incentive for them and perhaps even less for the lower paid players except they MUST put forth the effort because most of them will need to show grit and determination, hockey wise, but I wonder if this is part of the reason that they don’t stick up for each other. Matthews gets cross checked hard and goes down ! The reaction from his teammates was NOTHING. Shanahan and Dubas started this farcical path after Lou Lamorello was let go and the team is a long way from a final round appearance AGAIN…Just sayin’!!

  6. If Reinhart likes his linemates, his coach and his chances to win a cup, he should stay in Florida and not ask for much of an increase. They'll give him a raise, but there's no reason to be crazy. After seeing the Leafs and guys like Huberdeau, does anyone want to sign big contracts like that if you have any ambition to win?

  7. The league will make sure they make the playoffs, because they need the revenue from the crazy leaf fans who will pour out money to support the league. after the first round, it changes, the league made the money,and the boys can enjoy golf again. Its only the players and the fans that are saying "we are great", but you need to watch other teams play, not just one

  8. Lets see if this moron says anything when the Leafs start winning and pass detroit again my guess is not this guy has something against the leafs that's why cant take him seriously. The leafs were idle and detroit played maybe thats why derrrr lol.

  9. Some people forget that Slafkovsky is only 19 years old, he’s got all the tools to be a really good player and he’s already starting to show that. I’m excited to see what he does in the coming years

  10. Kyle Dubas took a steaming dump on this roster/salary cap. Than left it for someone else to clean up. He doesn't get enough blame/hatred.

  11. 0:59 Anyone who isn't a delusional Leaf fan. It's amazing how this fan base continues to convince itself year, after year, after year, that "this is the year!! we're winning the cup this year, baby!"

    I almost feel bad for them……………………. almost.

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