@Seattle Kraken

Thoughts on this??

I saw this on instagram yesterday and was curious what everyone thought about this persons ranking of the team? Credit to krakenszn on instagram

by rrose456


  1. Dymills77

    I agree other than yams being so low. Yams is Atleast a c+ for me. And as much as I love eeli I think he’s a bit high.

  2. I’d put Gru at a C. Unfair to put Burakovsky at a D+ just because he’s been injured a lot.

  3. TheoverlyloadTuba

    I think gru and bruky don’t deserve as low a grade as they got.

    I think gru should more realistically be a D, as while his play wasn’t the best, the vast majority of our losses in the early half of the season were due to our offense being non existent. 10 games where the team scoring 1 or less goals(all before gru got hurt)isn’t the fault of the goalie

    And I feel like burky probably shouldn’t have been graded at all, 5 points in 13 games isn’t amazing nore is it particularly bad, and the poster of the grades even said injuries had nothing to do with the grade.

    Other than that I don’t have thaaat big an issue, I do think matty deserves a little more given his defensive play has stayed amazing and while he hasn’t scored he’s been one of our best players at maintaining ozone time

  4. **Yamamoto** is B- or C+ at worst

    **Bura** should be in the C’s

    **Dumoulin** could probably drop to C-

    **Gru** ranking screams *”this page is run by a Gru hater.”* If Gru is going to be ranked an F based solely on how long he played then **Daccord** would have also been a D or F for that time period and an A+ just for the point-streak which is about 1/4 of the time frame landing him somewhere around B- or B+ at best, which is of course silly.

    **Gru** should be in the C’s, and **Daccord** is correctly graded at A+

    A few knee-jerk gradings all-in-all, but not bad.

  5. Wennberg should be higher. His ability on the PK is a big reason why it has been so solid and he’s actually shooting this year. I’d put him at B or B-. I’m in the minority here but Grubi should be a D. He was not playing that well up to the injury.

  6. bleedsorange23

    I may be in the minority but Larsson constantly frustrates me. I feel like he’s out of position on D quite often and almost every game one of the opponents goals seems like it can be directly attributed to a misplay by him. He’s been good offensively but when your top two defenders are more offensive oriented, it becomes a liability.

    Outside of that grade, Gourde and Wennberg have been hot lately so maybe they should be a bit higher. I’ve also really liked Tatar’s energy, maybe a B+ for him.

  7. therealchipperino

    Just another Gru hater that doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Also Burky being so low without an asterisk is absurd.

  8. I think Wennberg has been a B but not many complaints otherwise

  9. jaffers1228

    Turbo and Yams need to be higher. Turbo has been all over the ice and the stat sheet…in addition to all the stuff he does that doesn’t show up in the stat sheet. I feel like he’s having his best year with the Kraken. Wenny also deserves to be higher.

    Bellemare and Schultz and Dumo — I still don’t see what they bring to the team. Belle is supposed to be a faceoff specialist, but I don’t see him winning many. Schultz and Dumo seem to just be stand-ins until RYker and others are ready.

  10. Swimming_Squirrel_22

    Is the grading based on points? There are a lot of grades I don’t agree with.

  11. SeattleKrakenTroll

    Pretty terrible tbh but given the source I’m not surprised.

  12. Hobbitfollower

    Anyone who doesn’t appreciate Larsson doesn’t deserve him. Watching him slide on his stomach to block pucks and then immediately drive someone into the glass after he recovers is S tier.

  13. JasonEAltMTG

    This would be impressive if it were made by someone who watched the games

  14. shot-by-ford

    Dunn doesn’t have an A+ (yet) due to his slow start to the season imho

  15. LiberalTugboat

    This is made by someone who’s hockey knowledge is surface level at best.

  16. futuregoalie

    What the fuck is up with the F? Gru isn’t THAT bad holy shit 😂 Give him a C or something, especially since we don’t know if he has been fighting thru a chronic injury or not. I get that not everyone likes him but jeeeez. The Burky grade seems similarly unfair. Glad Driedger isn’t on this or I’d be mad 😂 also Joey is great but A+ is recency bias imo, he wasn’t an A+ at the beginning of the season which is normal especially for a guy who is just now a full time NHLer. So if this is meant to capture the entire season I think it’s a little off, I’d give him a B+ to account for the scrambliness early in the season. Which is still a good grade! Idk this feels like a Gru hater made it, I don’t think the diametrically opposed goalie ratings make sense 😂 Joey having a higher rating than Gru makes sense, but giving one dude 100% and the other 50% is silly

  17. vvTRiALvv

    Looks like someone really dislikes the Colorado Avalanche. Gru and Burky grades have to be related to that.

  18. PixelGhost25

    Don’t care what anyone says, Gru has def earned that F. Team is totally different in front of him and he is far too reliant on the defense to fix his missteps.

  19. TakeMe22TheRiver

    Schwartz has been far more affective than Oleksiak who hasn’t taken the body in a meaningful way in two years.
    Other than that it’s pretty accurate.

  20. IncompltlyHuman

    This is entirely preposterous and completely subjective. Two thumbs down.

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