@Boston Bruins

Patrice Bergeron making a comeback?! #RumorBoys are hearing so. Presented by #pinkwhitney.

Patrice Bergeron making a comeback?! #RumorBoys are hearing so. Presented by #pinkwhitney.

Rumor Boys Hey rumor boys Bruins guys I’m hearing that uh l cap might be making a come back with this is Ultimate rumor boys ultimate rumor boys but apparently apparently Bon’s been skating around here a little bit now then we get word he skates a little bit just to stay fresh for the

Alumni games which I didn’t believe which that’s that’s a little like you’re probably 20 years younger than most of the guys playing in the alumni games but he he’s a Prof Prof he’s a Workhorse so maybe he is but if Patrice berson’s out there skating around looking at maybe a

February comeback can you imagine the Bruins fans R be over there wearing his bees diaper and smoking his bong I want to see video of what he’s doing at these practices to stay in quotes in shape for these alumni games give me a break he’s probably working on his rer from the

Slot right now he’s working on the bumper position in not on that power play he’s snapping


  1. First place team getting the best defensive forward of all time for the playoff run? Please yes.

  2. Sounds familiar to when rumors first started swirling about when Jordan came back. He was practicing with the team, and they were saying it was just for fun.

  3. If Vancouver leads the leauge, he'll be doing a comeback.
    As a van-fan I wouldn't be surprised at all.

    And then we'll see Vancouver burn again..

  4. He coming to shore up the face off game. Has anyone else looked at the stats around the league everyone but Bruins centers of course have been getting a+10% uptick. You have to appreciate how dominant he was! He’s going to be a DFO designated face off.

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