@Calgary Flames

What’s a hand pass?

What’s a hand pass?

by niftycrispy


  1. oh god. i was at work and heard it was bad but holy shit that’s an awful call

  2. tristan1616

    All I ask is for some consistency.

    But then again I guess they’ve been consistently shit, soooo…

  3. robertscolin9

    The fix was in tonight. Horrendous officiating throughout the game.

  4. Twice this year we’ve had goals called back due to incidental hand contact prior to a goal

  5. Ok. I’m being a little bit of the Devils advocate here but I understand the Preds not being a hand pass. I was so mad when it happened but the issue is that Tanev touched it after the hand pass. Same as when a puck is knocked down by a high stick and the one team has to hover around waiting for the other team to touch it.

  6. Not the top one with Nashville. Touched next by Flames, nullified.

  7. Serpico7272

    I don’t think you understand the rules properly.

  8. UniqueBar7069

    For those of you wondering, it took all of Toronto 2 minutes to try and find a reason to call back the goal. Might be the worse call of the decade. Definitely the year.

  9. Refs hand passed the win to the Leafs. All cupped

  10. weschester

    The bottom one is a hand pass. Like it or not it’s the right call based on current NHL rules. Should the rules be changed? Yes.

  11. Intelligent_Web2672

    Remember when the puck was in the net on June 05, 2004.

    Gelinas didn’t do a kicking motion.

    Psst, It’s the NHL

    #Nearly Honest League

  12. lunchbags

    TLDR of the handpass rule:

    Throwing puck to teammate is good goal if opposing team touches it (not by goalie)

    Puck deflecting or reflected then played by multiple players -> goal is no good because opposing team didnt touch it

    So by technicality its a “good” call,

    But heres the question why is it called a handpass rule WHEN PASSING THE MOTHER FUCKING PUCK BY HAND is allowed, (also why is toronto allowed to call a timeout to review a play to find any issues to challenge), fucking assbackwards ruling

  13. Both of those pucks were played by the Flames. One of them they weren’t allowed to.

  14. BlueEyesWhiteSliver

    > 79.1 Hand Pass – A player shall be permitted to stop or “bat” a puck in the air with his open hand, or push it along the ice with his hand, and the play shall not be stopped unless, in the opinion of the on-ice officials, he has directed the puck to a teammate, or has allowed his team to gain an advantage, and subsequently possession and control of the puck is obtained by a player of the offending team, either directly or deflected off any player or official.

    But that definition, that is a hand pass… I hate myself for writing this.

  15. ShinyVuIpix

    Well the top one isn’t a hand pass. In fact it’s not a pass at all.

    The bottom one is.. because it goes off his glove and to his teammate.

    Hope that helps.

  16. I get the rule is the rule, but that wasn’t a pass. He didn’t direct it towards a player such a garbage way to have a goal called off.

  17. bettycrockerinbum

    it’s not that it isn’t a hand pass becuz based on the rules it is. The issue is that if this happened to leafs it would be a good goal.

    same with the top. if forsberg played on the flames that wouldve been called a no goal because he hold the puck in his hand.

  18. Forsaken_You1092

    I can’t believe gambling is allowed in this league.

  19. sometin__else

    im sure if the top one resulted in a goal it would have been called back too, smh

  20. beyondrepair-

    I’m not really sure what’s so confusing here.

    The top one Nashville players grabs the puck, tosses it then Calgary touches it. Pretty clear cut that’s not a hand pass.

    Bottom one, Calgary player purposely deflects the puck with his hand then Calgary touches it. Pretty clear cut hand pass.

    There’s plenty to be angry about in this league. This isn’t it.

  21. 403DonOChron

    😡 😡… any coincidence the calls are to Toronto for the coaches challenge. This league is rigged to try and make these assholes good. Toronto sucks, we can’t pretend to make them good.

  22. Less-Hunter7043

    I’m now convinced that they keep grey areas in the rules so that they can fix games

  23. BulkyAd1017

    Maybe I am crazy but in slow mo it looked like JT touched the puck before Oesterle.  Even if just barely, the puck barely touched Coleman’s glove.

  24. Stealth__b2

    First one isn’t a hand pass.

    Calgary player touched it next, argument could be made that the Nashville player swatted it, but since it was HIM that played the puck with his hand it is not a hand pass.

    A hand pass only occurs when you play the puck with your hand out of the defensive zone and someone on your team /OTHER/ than yourself touches the puck next.

  25. Rare_Cartographer579

    I don’t know but one ended up scoring the other didn’t. Also coach needed to be on their toes. I personally thought it was bullshit.

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