@New Jersey Devils

Lance Armstrong & Paul Kimmage verbal battle at Tour of California 2009

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Watch what happens when Paul Kimmage from the UK Sunday Times confronts Lance Armstrong on doping issues during the Amgen Tour of California Press Conference. “What is it about those dopers you admire so much?”

Video produced by CYCLEFILM. All rights reserved.
CYCLEFILM is a European based production company specializing in informative cycling documentaries, how-to ride and reconnaissance films for indoor training as well as promotional films and news gathering for cycling events, pro teams and trade shows around the world.

Don’t Dream it, Do it – Cyclefilm Founder/Director Markus Neuert

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  1. The cat is out of the bag Paul kimmage was right the cat told us so years later, so he has 30 pieces of silver so what

  2. “You’re not worthy of the chair you’re sitting in.”

    And you’re not worthy of any of the shit you won.

  3. Lance is such a pos sociopath. Not only is he a flat out cheat, but he likes belittling people as well. He knew who Paul was, they had raced as rivals for years. The only reason he asked Paul who he is again was to out him down. Then he goes on and says he deserve the chair he’s sitting in. I spit on Lance.

  4. The level of righteousness is quite unbelievable and I hope history remembers the good guy with integrity and courage long after the hypocrite and deceiver is forgotten.

  5. Everyone praising Paul, but Paul did not go after the entire peloton. He went after American cyclists, but EVERYONE was on dope back then. He had an agenda, and it was not unbiased. Even Paul himself admitted to taking amphetamines when he was racing. It did not help because his lame ass never won anything. He is a hypocrite. So you all in the comments need to settle down a little.

  6. Hincapie sat quietly knowing Armstrong was a liar while being doped himself all through his career, cycling will never be clean until all those who happily doped during the 90’s or assisted in it have no positions in the sport

  7. “You are not worth the chair you sit on” Perhaps the greatest sociopathic narcissistic projection of all time

  8. I think what was meant by the cancer returning is that Armstrong may have been viewed as an asshole because sometimes people call others cancers when disrespectful and being pricks towards others 1:02

  9. Im just watching document called "the armstrong lie" and had to come here to watch this.

  10. Reading the comments makes you laugh… the whole peloton doped for nearly 20 years and yet you all think Lance should pay for it all. Did they strip Riis, Ulrich, Pantani of their tours? Your all fuckwits

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