@Buffalo Sabres

Chicago Blackhawks vs Detroit Apr 15th & 17

Chicago Blackhawks vs Detroit Apr 15th & 17

Welcome back to the tomahawk I’m Mike Matt’s up top Justin’s on the bottom and uh we want to talk to you guys and thank you for all of the listens that we’re getting getting we have recently just released all of our podcast on the on on on on listening platforms Apple Google

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Audio Only but we’re going to get right into it and oh also do us a favor give us a like And subscribe and give us a review on iTunes it really really helps us out so Hawks played Detroit they got hammered 4 to one and they won tonight

Four to nothing and it seems to be a per usual with the Hawks they’ll go out they’ll stink up the place and then they’ll come back with a with a pretty dominant performance lankinen did not play tonight um it was suban and he was backed up by coland Delia um I think

That we’ve seen enough of suban it’s more of the same from him he got a shut out tonight if he plays the next game he’s probably going to get his his teeth kicked in on TV uh probably a six goal allow aair uh but I want to see more of

Colin Delia uh I I don’t I don’t think that we need to see any more of suban I mean yeah sure he could play but I think we know what we have with him and um and generally speaking I want to start off with the goal tending situation we’ll go

With you Matt what do you think about suban playing tonight and um and Delia backing him up uh I was really surprised to hear he was coming in uh he played good though I can’t really knock him he got a shut out but it was against the wings so I mean

If he did that against like Tampa Carolina I’d be like whoa this guy you know he’s he wants this job as for deia that was wasn’t the last time he played game one yeah game one he got one shot he l in five goals just like suban

Rusty is all hell yeah so I mean if you were to play him I would rather play him against Columbus or Detroit I wouldn’t throw him right in against Nashville or even Dallas at this point I it’s G to be a not really a good time to experiment

When you’re trying to make the fourth playoff spot what do you think what do you think Justin uh I mean I thought suban looked decent tonight I like you guys said I was surprised I saw I think it was Tracy Meers posted this morning that oh that

This had been 10 days in the works that they were going to give Lincoln in the night off and not even dress him just so he could relax and okay I guess I mean I don’t I texted Matt right away and I’m like what if you’re trying to make the

Playoffs you’re on the outside looking in at that fourth spot don’t you gotta like kind of push right like especially against Detroit now granted uh it worked out suban played great I think the PK looked amazing because they had some long I think they had a couple double

Miners or at least one was I think Keith got a high stick right right um so I mean they they looked great but then on the same side I’m like okay well it’s Detroit so how much does that weigh in and then you compare it to the game

Before today and they look like garbage it’s like you’re losing to the Red Wings who there’s no I I didn’t even realize Wes Helm was still playing when I saw him today I’m like Darren Helm I saw that too Daren Helm I’m sorry not West Helm Darren Helm I’m like Daren Helm is

Still on the team that poor guy is been stuck in Detroit for like what a decade so 2009 right didn’t he have that amazing shift against the Hawks that uh he did yeah penalty kill yeah that’s only memory I have of him it’s like what are we doing you know I don’t understand

You want to make the playoffs but you play your backup in a game you got to win which again it I worked out great because he got a shut out and he looked good and now he’s he’s he’s got a little more confidence maybe maybe that’s what

He was missing but I I don’t I don’t even know where to go with this team like I I don’t know what Management’s doing I don’t know what the coach is doing I don’t know what the players are doing at times um just it’s it’s I don’t

I’m speechless I don’t even know what to say I was shocked that they won today I’m happy but I I’m like oh it’s going to be another blowout tonight but here we are you know we’re still hanging in there just barely but uh now they just

Got to keep Dallas uh you know at an arms length before they get passed up by them they’re winning and Nashville did lose which helped but if we got four points I mean we’d be right there we’re not taking these teams those Mighty Red Wings you know you got to be careful around

Them you know I uh I I want I’m not surprised man I was Matt before you got on I was uh talking to Justin about this this is right in line with what the Hawks have been doing all year you know they they come out they get blown out by some crappy team

And then they come out and they play against Tampa and they they pull they’ll pull a win out you know um I think that there’s a lot of inconsistency going on as a hole with the team and I think that it starts with Stan Bowman the the

Message is is that he’s setting to the players isn’t of a team that’s looking for to make a playoff run it’s more of to stack the team for what’s coming down the line now that being said as a player on the Hawks other than say Patrick Kane

Alex debrit uh Kobe uh I’m sorry Kirby Dak why Colby why why would you want to even play your hard out do you know what I mean it’s like the idea be behind the team and the and and the coaching staff is is we’re playing hard so that we can

Get a playoff spot so that we can win when you’ve got the GM that isn’t sending the team up for Success um I I think that Bowman is on one side what he thinks that he wants to do in the long term and khadin is you know he’s trying

To pull a rabbit out of his hat and I know that you believe he deserves the Jack Adams award Matt but uh oh for sure after tonight started sub let’s just give it to him right now if if if if you would have if you would have called a

Timeout this game could have been N9 nothing I’ll tell you that right now nine I would have said 11 or okay okay I would put a banner next to Phil Jackson of a 72 win 72 two amazing timeout calls within within within a week well you know unfortunately though

Eddieo wasn’t uh broadcasting tonight so he couldn’t say how of amazing of but timeout it would have been I think that’s maybe why he didn’t call the timeout toight right right and yell too many men too many men too many men every time the [ __ ] hits the bench yeah no

Kidding time yeah I know I know he does he always says it you know it’s it’s getting pretty annoying but I I wanted to talk about uh you mentioned it Matt I want to talk about I I believe his name is Kobe kinok is is that his name he’s

He’s uh on defense a number 48 uh most notably I noticed him because when Vinnie henrosa came back he was wearing 28 and not his original number 48 and um but anyways this guy every game that he’s played I think that he has been a Wyatt thank you his name is Wyatt kinck

And W yeah and uh you know what I’ve been watching the Falcon and Winter Soldier and Wyatt uh what’s his name Kurt Russell’s son is is in it and whenever I think yeah Wyatt Russell so whenever I think of this guy uh kuk I think of wer for some reason

Anyways I got that I got that in my head anyways I’m sorry as he is played I haven’t noticed him being standing out but I haven’t noticed him making very bad decisions uh where I’m like I I want to I want to have an opinion about this guy but I

Haven’t seen him do anything really really bad and I haven’t seen him do anything really really good you know other than I think that he has a really really good uh skating abilities uh I think his skating is really well he seems to be very balanced when he skates

And um he moves the puck pretty well and he’s pretty confident and tonight I think that he had a he had a really really good game uh there was a the goal with Kaner to kinook to to hen estrosa back to Kane you know it it it goes to

Show he jumped into the play right at the right time and today he was playing very well defensively I was wondering if if you guys have have noticed this guy or not yeah I mean I was looking uh on the the game center page and I noticed the

Last two games Kon had him out there giving them power play time so I mean they must see something either if that’s coming from Colton or maybe that’s coming from Bowman down saying hey we want to get a good look at this guy put him on the power play so that’s been

Kind of interesting I mean he’s getting between I mean the last two games he got 15 minutes of ice time the other night or tonight he got almost 20 minutes of ice time on the other day when they lost um serious so I mean I guess they’re I

Mean they’re giving him a good look um I was gonna say the same thing they’re giving him a look and they’re seeing if this guy’s got it I think they’ve given every guy a chance you know yeah uh Mitchell and I think this is his turn now yeah yeah especially with sitting

Bulist and and and playing playing this this kid because uh notably uh boas didn’t play tonight and they’ve been really pushing him and I think that it’s it’s pretty um to be honest with you it’s a little alarming that he’s out of the lineup considering how high they’ve

Been on him and how hard that they’ve they’ve been pushing him that that he he wasn’t even down on on on a third line pairing uh Mitchell was on that line uh he played pretty well tonight too but uh and zadov actually played pretty well I

Know I’m pretty hard on him but he he played pretty well tonight it just seems like sometimes he’s got like like blocks on his legs when he’s trying to skate do you know what I mean the rest of the team is pretty fast and agile and he

Just seems like he has blocks of ice on his legs sometimes he’s big he’s a big guy the problem with him is he he gets the puck and he like I said in previous videos he holds that puck too long like when you’re in the NHL a young guy you

Get that puck you got like one second to to make a decision otherwise you got a four checker on you and they’re going to turn the puck over you’re going to get hit right he’s just got to make faster decision right that’s what he’s got it

That’s what he really has to do sure sure so did did you guys did anybody else see anything defensively wise that stood out to you uh Stillman looks good I mean Grant it’s only been a couple games but like he’s he had a couple hits he had three

Hits tonight he had uh two hits uh the other night I mean like he in terms of like a good physical presence stay-at-home defenseman I I mean I don’t know it’s only two games it could it could all go off the rails really quick but uh he looks pretty good I mean if

You have him back there and I know Mike I saw on Twitter I think it was Bleacher Nation Blackhawks said that Bowman said that zarov probably will be back for an extended period of time through with the with the whole RFA process so you’ll get

To see him and uh hopefully you know the red uh colors for quite a while going forward but yeah like Stillman looks great like I I like him I think that’s been an awesome pickup so far I think Matt you’ve been saying it too I think the Hawks have totally won those trades

So far with Florida H looks great V yeah that that pass where he kind of did a double take back to see where Kane was that they had and it almost was like an open net by the time he got it to Kane like that was awesome so yeah great

Takeaway too yeah yeah yeah so no it’s I mean that Stillman looks good uh you know we’ll see what happens but that’s where I’m at what about you Matt yeah I’m I’m a huge fan of those two trades uh with Florida Vinnie what he got like six assists I think he has and

Yeah and I know him and kubik have some chemistry but I honestly think they should give him a look with Kane I mean he’s got speed he can get Kane the puck and I mean it wouldn’t hurt I think they should give it a shot offensive wise

That’s where I I wanted to move to and hroa was the first thing that I wanted to I wanted to get on um he’s been making a huge difference since game one being back with the Hawks obviously he wants to play here he’s from he’s from

The Chicago land area and um but he’s been making a huge huge impact uh with his he’s been having numerous passes that have been right on the money tap I mean the pass the pass that he had to Kane tonight was between the legs of of Mark stall which was pretty impressive

And and ker had an open net but he’s been um no noticeably on the on his in his own end he’s been great at uh poke checking uh playing defensively and creative opportunities and um the announcer tonight and it’s it’s I’m so glad to hear this that he

Mentioned Patrick Kane he uh ker had a really good uh stick lift and and a takeaway that um that stopped a play dead in its tracks it was huge and he he goes this is the evolu ution of having a complete 200 foot game and you know what

It’s about time that somebody recognizes Patrick Kane for it because I hear in the Sun Times I hear in the Tribune and I even hear our own announcers talk about Patrick Kane’s offensive abilities and nobody talks about his defensive abilities and how he has I would say a

Complete 200 foot game now he’s had it for actually I would probably say two to three years now Patrick Kane has had a complete um two-way game I’m not saying he’s I’m not saying he’s a I’m not saying he’s a sky candidate I’m saying that I’ve noticed him play defense up to

About two to three years ago playing more defense and soundly this year a great defense um the center situation is probably the most muddled situation I would say on the Blackhawks uh we have Kirby doc at Center and uh and David Camp got his first goal of the season

This year of of this year Mt Netter and I don’t even know who else is play was it sudor okay I could have sworn fully messed it up okay fully yeah okay so no David Camp still does not have a goal this year but he’s more of a

Shutdown Guy and um and and that’s fine he played pretty well on the on the PK tonight and so did Ryan Carpenter it was a five on three and he was on the ice with uh I believe it was Keith and and Conor Murphy and uh they stopped them

Dead in their tracks and it and uh put out a lot of effort a lot of effort tonight but back to the centers where do the Hawks move at Center do you guys think that Ryan stro is playing good enough on the wing to stay in the to

Stay in the lineup or should he be moved back to Center what do you guys think let’s start with Justin yeah I I for some reason I feel like they’re going to they’re not going to give up on St anytime soon I feel like he’s he’s so young he has you know

These flashes of Brilliance and it’s like wow he he could be something and then other times it’s like you know okay maybe he’s more move him down the dep chart a little bit but I don’t know it’s I it’s it’s so apparent especially not having Taves out there um you know that

I feel like Center has been their gaping hole for a while and now that’s definitely an area of weakness um and I mean like you said give it give credit to Kane I think like you said last couple Seasons he’s really stepped up his game in terms of a defensive player

Too and it’s even been more Amplified without having Taves out there like you see it right away like he’s come he’s backchecking like crazy right so yeah it’s it’s been awesome to see that development I mean because if you would have told me even what seven eight years

Ago he’d be a somewhat competitive back Checker i’ would have been like you’re crazy he’s not he’s going to he’s going to float at the opposing Blue Line back and forth until someone gets open and then just go so that’s great but I mean that doesn’t really help the center

Position so I don’t know you know you look at their prospects I don’t know if any of them are ready to step in right now I don’t see I mean do they go out and try and find somebody in the free agent Market this off season I I feel

Like they’re going to have to but I mean you look at some of the free agent centers we’ve signed in the past historically it’s not it’s not great you know I mean I’m reminded of like Denny aripov was a big Center acquisition one year and Yanik perau and so I’m not

Really that one yeah he was a great defensive centerman especially good to faceoffs it would be like win the face off and get the hell off the ice that was kind of his his thing maybe that’s what we need maybe maybe and I mean you

Know Camp I feel like like you said he’s he’s a good defensive shutdown you know forward he is like margus Krueger 2.0 to me where he’s not going to score at all um yeah and I got so excited when I heard Foley say Camp scored I’m like oh

NOP sorry you’re you’re still at zero never mind so yeah I don’t know Matt I don’t know do you have any suggestions for their Center position I don’t know what to do so uh well I want to start with uh stro yeah I don’t think we’re

GNA have to worry about that because I think that Seattle will probably pick him because he’s probably the best guy we’re going to have to offer MH so I mean it might be a good thing for us we can clear some money up and spend it on

Somebody else and as for the the cane talk I agree 100% I’ve been saying it since we started this podcast I think he’s back check checking like Mary and HOSA used to like full speed and not quitting on the guy and it’s paying off for him yeah yeah and as for the center

Uh I still want to see more out of Kirby dock I mean yeah I know he’s coming back from an injury but from a from a wrist injury from a wrist injury notably and I’m sure that affects him at the playoff dot at the faceoff dot I feel like he

Looks the same as he did last year I know against when you’re playing World Juniors obviously he has NHL experience and he looked good against kids’s age but I still I’m waiting for him to kind of take off and take over a game yeah he hasn’t had that breakout Breakout game

Let alone breakout season yet or breakout you know couple it’s his second year right I mean it’s his second year when it’s he had he had he had a pretty big surgery and you know I mean he pretty much W had his had his uh summer workout session went into the world

Juniors got injured which means that I mean he was in pretty he would have been in really good game shape to start the season and we really could have got we really would have gotten a good look at him coming in and I think that you know just

The off time has really has really stuttered him in a way yeah I would agree with that I feel like too I don’t know if this is the the the the team I don’t know if it’s management I don’t know if it’s NBC Sports Chicago but I feel like anytime

You get some young draft pick that comes up and they have any like shred of potential to have being like a breakout star like you’d swear it was it was like the second coming and I that’s got to weigh those guys down I mean look at

When Tavo came over and they’re like oh he’s I think they kept calling him the Finish Kane and it’s like no he can’t live up to that in his first season give me a break and they’re I I kind of feel they’re doing it to Doc now too and like

You said he’s he’s got an uphill battle between being hurt and having surgery and you know it’s the SEC it’s only the second season they don’t have the greatest team in front of them he’s 20 so he’s 20 yeah like you know I just I feel like they do this all the

Time and it’s it’s either you get this you’re either like the second coming of Christ when you’re a prospect in Chicago or if you’re Stan Bowman you trade your top prospects like Yoki Haru and and all that but that’s neither here or there one he’s actually he’s kept two it’s his

Oquist and Doc yeah and like like you just said do you remember when we first like around High School yeah Troy Brower this guy was the next one on Wow Troy browers this guy’s going to be great and he’s a third line guy his whole career everywhere he went he was effective but

He wasn’t like how they made him he was an effective player though yeah no he was a good role player you need a guy like that and I think he had some good years in what St Louis St Louis even Washington I thought he he played in

Calgary too as well didn’t he I think he jumped all over honestly after his St Louis run yeah but he would like said they they hyped him up I know they hyped David Bolan up which he played for the knights and he had big numbers and his numbers retired

There I think he he’s he was good called him up and he he wasn’t that uh yeah Dave Bolan he wasn’t um he wasn’t that like offensive guy like Kane you know he was a a shutdown guy and he made his made his money doing that and he was

Awesome at it so yeah I mean and I feel like you can already start to see it happen to Doc like I feel like next season if he comes out and he play he might play decent he might be more defensive know who knows where his

Career is going to go but like are people going to start throwing ra well you know we can we can we can toss him we can junk him he’s not he’s not lien up the score sheet you know it’s like you got it takes time I mean then you

Get into that with the defenseman and if if Bowman would keep some of these defenseman around long enough to see if they grow into something but I feel like for the most part it’s like one season or one you know one um one look at in Rockford you know for a season and

That’s it and then they’re traded for yeah I I still don’t understand granted I don’t know how Yoki howu is doing in Botho I haven’t heard his name in a year now so I don’t know but like nander Grant I know nander is hurt and he’s not

Coming back anytime soon but like I saw that trade and I’m like why like what has neander done prior to his time in Chicago that makes he’s not his brother either no he’s not he’s not his dad that’s for sure not even close so it’s just like and I know defenseman take

Longer to mature and grow in position same thing with goalies but it’s like some of these forwards you you you hail them and it’s like when they don’t hit you know they might still like you said with Brower he had a good career he was a serviceable player but same thing with

B when you’re hyped that much you’re not gonna you’re not going to live up to that expectation unless you’re Kane and I mean that’s a once in a generational Talent when does that ever Happ I don’t know would happen pretty much EX pretty much twice for us within a year Crosby

Crosby oetkin Kane yeah I mean you could say Daves he was you know he but not not not as much as Kane with I mean even Stam Coast Stam Coast had a rough first season that could have also been because of Barry Melrose too but that’s neither ha nor yeah remember

When he called him out he’s not ready he’s well he was fired right Sam isn’t ready he gets a hat trick against the I remember that game yeah so he was on fire that game man his like he he was skating man like he had like

Fire coming off of him he was so fast he’s got 400 goals I’m pretty sure he’s 400 goals right now and he he’s injured he’s injured again too I heard yeah wow yeah can you imagine if that guy could stay healthy yeah he’s like actually he’s just like a like another Pavo

Bur yeah he’s smooth his shot is his onetime was just as good as oetkin yeah you know so smooth completely agree yeah so moving on going on do you have you guys seen that the now that the trade deadline’s over the um guys are going to start getting settled into their new

Positions is there anything that’s standing out right now that when the season is over you want to see the Hawks do like maybe a move you want to make you want them to make uh I I’m I mean I’m sure I don’t know if how Matt feels but I want if if

You’re going to roll with linnan that’s fine but I want a veteran backup no more this you know if that means I guess I don’t know is suban technically a veteran at that point is this third season no I wouldn’t say so and then I feel like you’re short changing deal you

Too because he’s never even got really a shot but I want somebody that when they come in there’s a three4 of a chance that hey they could steal the game right like I mean you look at like Toronto they had Anderson and Campell and Campbell you at least felt comfortable

Granted he’s having an amazing season so maybe this is a bad example but you at least feel comfortable when your backup comes in when suban comes in I have no idea what’s going to happen like if he’s on he looks great and maybe his confidence is all he needed and he’s got

That tonight but then you see like they ran a stat today on on The Telecast it was like he’s given up yeah I think three five goal games or four five goal games and it’s like if that’s your backup that’s got to be infuriating to the team in front of you right because

It’s like if we don’t play perfect and if we don’t get out to like a three or four goal lead by the third period this game’s going to be lost immediately you know what I mean so I think a veteran backup would be great centers they got

To they got to add more you can’t have just doc especially if Taves is an unknown quantity at this at this point um I mean if he’s not doing so hot I totally understand he’s got nothing to prove he’s had an amazing career so i i

G i give it all up to him there I mean in terms of Wingers I guess your Wingers are okay I’d like another defenseman that has more more uh leadership I heard supposedly that they said that one of I know we talked about stro being one of

The guys that could be left off for Seattle but then I also heard danan might be somebody that they let go to get picked up too so I mean not not that he’s a rockar but he’s at least been a somewhat main not even a main state but

He’s been somewhat of a relaxing you know voice back kind better than strong I’d rather have yeah yeah me too so I that it’s yeah they they have so many positions where they can improve upon whether or not they’re going to I don’t know I mean if there if the depending on

The salary if who’s coming back from injury or not that could be a big play to to see what’s going to happen with that too so yeah what do you think Matt well as for the backup position I don’t think there’s many Ray emer’s out there anymore that guy was freaking

Lights out with the Hawks that that is what a backup does he goes in and unbelievable sits a lot but when he’s in he’s gonna win and man that guy was on and man he should have that’s like MVP like too I think he was what 20 was he 19 and0 or something

And it’s got to be so hard for you play maybe what once a week once every week and a half and then you he was great he but I don’t know if there’s any like backups out there not like that yeah we need another Jeff hacket oh geez

Yeah uh well I I think um for me it’s defense first I think a stay-at-home guy that isn’t thinking about offense because I know the new NH all the new thing is uh two-way defenseman they want guys jumping in the play and some guys aren’t made for that you know like zadorov I

He’s not gonna be a goal scoring guy like Keith was Brian he’s got a good shot though I mean he’s got a heavy shot yeah he does but I think we need like like I’ve been harping on this all Mark stall guys like that Saar just guys that

Will you know block shots and just steady In Their Own Zone I I we got too many guys that just want to get the puck and go Bist we got Mitchell Keith Keith is driving me nuts lately the way he he’s he’s getting old he he shouldn’t be making these same mistakes and

Unfortunately he doesn’t have C Brook to back him up anymore yeah because he was the smart and slow and Keith was the stupid and fast and now we just have stupid and fast we don’t have a lot of it and we got to find guys that are going to do

That yeah it’s yeah I agree man I don’t know yeah they’re at a Crossroads I think that the I think the the center position and defense is probably something that really needs to get addressed uh this off season especially with the uncertainty of what’s going to

Happen with Taves we we need a reliable Center at the bare minimum a good second line Center and and a solid defense with good skating ability who isn’t going to be who doesn’t want to score 30 goals a year you know and a GM yeah I don’t know if that’s gonna

Happen that knows how to draft and keep his draft yeah I mean I like Kirby doc I think he’s got tons of potential but Bo Byrum was available and Colorado is gonna have that guy for a long time K Mar can you imagine having them together

Yeah you know I mean who you never know what’s going to happen man you know when when it comes to the draft I mean Ryan strome was drafted third and Jonathan Taves was drafted third you know you can’t really you you you just you just don’t know what you’re going to get you

Know look at in the example of even Quinn Hughes you know Quinn Hughes is playing phenomenal what was he drafted at what was wasn’t he drafted in the mid mid first round that might be right let’s see here well they you don’t really see a defenseman getting drafted first anymore

Right you don’t see a lot of them and I think I think we messed that one up honestly seventh overall 2018 Quin okay well even like so I’m looking up right now upcoming free agents out of the top 30 that the first couple that were defenseman that I could find all right

Yay or nay uh douge Hamilton would you guys take douge Hamilton nay all right what about out slim pickings after this hold on uh we got wow all these are these are all forwards what about Tyson Barry would you take Tyson Barry I don’t think he’s having that good of a year in

Edmonton right since he left Toronto all right uh after that it drops down to let’s see David card it he’s the he’s going to be 30 he’s got 4.25 this year so I figure what maybe five and a half would probably get him if he doesn’t if he doesn’t resign if he

Doesn’t resign yeah montor right you got Montour and then you got Ryan Murray is another one um his name has been in rumors all the time with the Hawks I feel like every trade deadline Ryan Murray to the Hawks Ryan Murray and you know you don’t hear much about him this

Uh this defensive free agent class is not looking good we got Brandon Montour Alex gigowski Alec Martinez no you take Alec Martinez no yes I would I would yes I liked him in La I don’t know I haven’t followed his career since he left La that much Vegas right okay that sounds

Right I think he’s in Vegas he’s a like solid steady guy and that’s what we need you know we don’t need offensive guys few other more off top my head that I’m looking I see uh Sami voton Eric Guston which we already had and they let him go

Guson is gonna be a free agent he’s gonna be a free agent yeah wow I’m surprised was I was happy when he left he got he got traded recently too yeah yeah good you got traded so yeah there’s not much uh what about centers centers

All right hold on let me tell you uh we got let’s see centers none of this is organized by position uh their seventh top pick according to the hockey news is Philip do know which seems kind of would you take him uh Center David kety but he’s 35 I

Don’t know if I’d want him at this point Ryan getl no no 10 years ago Paul Paul Stasney oh these guys are all in their upper 30s at this point man that’s depressing uh yeah there’s not many cent centers either that look too Scott Loft Lofton does

That sound right I think he’s in Philly or he was in Philly I think he got traded didn’t he no he resigned five years oh did he okay I’m pretty sure he did what about Tyler boac is he with the blues I think he’s still with the blues yeah I don’t know

Wow yeah free agent class doesn’t look that good Taylor halt or do they have him down as a wing oh yeah they have him down as a wing did he did he ever play center I think he did but no it’s he’s more of a Winger I think he’s on the

Wing with uh the guy he just said on Boston kry okay yeah he scored every game for Boston right they said I saw a stat it said Buffalo 37 games two goals Boston three games two goals he signed the dotted line he knew he was going to play in Buffalo it’s not like

We put a gun to his head hey you’re playing in Buffalo and he signed there so he’s got no one to blame but himself for that yeah well cool guys what else you guys got uh I got Marlo um is actually playing not sure what number but I know

He’s tied with Gordy how in games played which is pretty impressive for a guy who pretty much spent his whole career with the sharks I gave him credit I know he went to Toronto for a couple years but it’s I like him he’s a he’s a good

Player seems like a classy guy might be nice to see him get a cup but I don’t think it’s gonna happen 1,767 game yeah I wonder how many with the the Sharks it’s got to be what do you what did he play three years in or two years in two years I

Want to say in in Toronto right and then they traded him where did they trade him to they traded him to car Carina that’s right yeah got out or something I think and he didn’t he went signed with the sharks I think yeah that sounds about

Right so which I would have never got rid of him in the first place he was heart and soul guy I would you know took take care of Doug douge uh what’s his name dou uh Wilson yeah he’s done a lot of questionable things in the last couple

Years I I thought letting pavelski go for another forward that plays defense Carlson who will get you 50 points but he’s minus 50 so it’s kind of pointless yeah and they paid him what 13.9 w yeah that’s gonna come back to bite them and you traded away your heart

And soul Captain ah I just I I don’t know I don’t get some GMS I don’t think Carlson’s worth 13 million no you know I mean for what he’s doing I the best defenseman on that team is Burns that guy two ways and he’s just a good def unless you’re unless he’s

Scoring like 75 goals you know I don’t think I don’t think I don’t think any defensive player should get paid get paid 13 or 14 million a couple years ago about him I think he was in the running for the heart against Kane maybe and Foley was

Like how can you give a guy an MVP when he’s minus 20 I mean he has a lot of points but he’s not playing his position yeah he’s a forward that’s all he is yeah yeah I’m not a fan uh never have been I think Jo Joe pavelski is a great

Player I can’t believe Doug Wilson let him go number one um but he’s been he’s been their GM for what man how long has it been 10 years 12 years a long time he traded for uh Thorton right J I’m pretty sure yes he’s been he’s been their GM

Since I think 2003 it say holy smoke 20 years no cups no cups I can’t believe he’s he’s had this had the job for that long yeah well now that now that they’re kind of hitting rock bottom so to speak I’ll be curious to see if they switch it

Up change things up or if they keep rolling with him cuz he’s been around for so long I don’t know I feel like you get to that point where you’re almost a Mainstay in the organization any nobody’s everyone’s afraid to make that big of a decision to to remove you you

Know we’ll see what happens though but yeah you know what he remember what he did to the Hawks after 2010 that offerson yeah and I think that was all strategy he knew the Hawks were gonna match him and he oh yeah all over neami after that and yep neami played good for

Those guys for I think they made the West finals right a couple times with nemi sounds right yeah yeah I I I think nmi had like three Good Seasons there he he was very much like as quick as he was on the scene I feel like he

Was gone like there wasn’t you know I don’t know yeah I agree I I read something saying after the cup the 2010 cup he wanted like nine years with the Hawks at like 3.9 million I read wow wow man was like Noah no we’re not going

To do that and they didn’t even I mean I at least I would have gave them a year of some like kind of like a bridge deal like let’s prove it you know yeah so I mean so for him is that because of how

Good of a defense he had in front of him because when he went to San Jose he was decent but he wasn’t as good as he was that first year well yeah Hawks defense was otherworldly yes that season Yes actually man all cup runs their defense

Was really good it’s huge huge he was responsible for that him and buffin for that shark series great buff was great uh that Vancouver series was a freaking shootout I don’t think it would have mattered who was in that it’s last go wins at that point we were what high scoring Kane had

Great games and even the sadin I mean they were putting points up against the Hawks and I just missed those times it was a great rivalry and I could talk about that for hours and hours Vancouver and Hawks yeah that was a good W you just the thing about it is like you

Didn’t even see it coming you know it just no it just happened naturally you know and it’s like another Series against Vancouver here we go that uh what was that 09 I remember buff kind of ran L Longo and instead of stopping he gave him a jab right to the

Head and all hell broke loose the Hawks were getting smoked in the game but I remember uh burough grabbed Keith pulling his hair eager Kevin Besa and he had burish going back and forth with somebody else and it was just an allout war and I feel like that

Started it kind of like the Snowball Effect game then he had Andrew lad knocking Kesler out with a good one shot to the face and it was awesome well that’s what drives me nuts is the NHL tries to force these rivalries by like when they tweaking the divisions a

Little bit and like changing everything up it’s like these things are going to happen organically you can’t just say you guys are in the same division you have to be Rivals now it doesn’t work that way right like if you look at the Central Division I don’t care what what

Minnesota does I mean granted they’re getting pretty good now but I wouldn’t consider them a rival now I know the North Stars were but that was a little bit before my time so I can’t really comment on that but it’s like when you have a couple playoff series and it gets

Pretty you know vient that’s how the yeah game sevens that’s how the the rivalries buil and that’s how the fan bases you know grow to hate each other you know there was a period of time like oh I remember I had a student wear conu Jersey and I’m like why are you wearing

This I was like who put this up to you or who did this to you and he’s like oh I I think they’re a good team I’m like you realize you’re in Chicago right that was like the the like do you want to know what you that on your test yeah

Fail yeah find a better team you know so but yeah well cool guys that was a good time so anyways everybody do us a favor give us a like give us a comment let’s talk hockey in the comments and we really appre appreciate everybody listening and uh we’ll be back right after this

Three-game series against Nashville it’s going to be huge uh if we can get all six points from this it would be absolutely huge and uh we’ll see where we’re at after uh after this series but until then we’ll see you guys around this is the tomahawk and we’re out

The Chicago Blackhawks played the Detroit Redwings in their last series and lost the first one 4-1 and won the second one 4-0. Kevin Lankinen was in goal for the loss and Malcolm Subban was in net for the win.

Where are we with the backup goalie situation? It’s clear Lankinen is our starter but Subban has been wildly inconsistent and Delia only got one opportunity to play.

One bright spot has been the additions from Florida. Vinnie Hinostroza has been playing excellent and Riley Stillman have made an impact.

Let us know what you think of these past 2 games on Social Media or on the Youtube page. Also give us a review on iTunes it really helps the podcast.




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