@Buffalo Sabres

Tage Thompson and UPL Shine for the Buffalo Sabres

Tage Thompson and UPL Shine for the Buffalo Sabres

Tage Thompson UPL shy for the Buffalo Sabers can their season be saved from the jaws of life we’ll talk about that after this Intro he what’s up and welcome to Sabers Edge podcast presented by nichel City mafia my name is topshelf Timmy Corks And this is my co-host Sammy Saucy mits Sammy happy Victory Tuesday how has uh your weekend been it’s been fun I’ve had a pretty good pretty good week honestly I’ve been

Cooking so I’ve been well fed with the teams that I enjoy watching seem to be winning pretty recently I got to go to the Sabers game against the sharks so all in all pretty good how have you been I haven’t been too bad myself you know had some big victories yesterdays for

Both the Buffalo teams here so that made thing aot things a lot more easier and pretty much the Sabers kind of lived up to our expectations that we had for them this past week um so yeah let’s go ahead and just delve into those games real

Quick um so the Sabers face the Ottawa Senators uh they won five to three we got goals from petka Thompson two times Krebs and cousins uh the Sabers actually went one for three on the power play um and UPL was 20 for 23 with a safe

Percentage of 893 per. um after that we had a Canucks game now they got shut up by the Canucks one- nothing not too much to talk about lafy had the lone goal for the Sabers um we’re gonna delve into a little bit but uh we’ll talk about the

The elbow that darene took from JT Miller the response from the team but the other thing too is UPL had a save percentage 20 for 23 of 9 57% and finally yesterday’s game which got moved back an hour to accommodate for the Bills game I heard that there’s

A lot of bills fans at this the Sharks game too kind of has like a pre tailgate type of thing yep um but at that game the Sabers shut off the Sharks three to nothing uh we got goals from middle stat tuck and Greenway UPL had a safe

Percentage of 100% And on the week for us he had a safe percentage of point 95 throughout the whole entire week so Sam any thoughts from this past week for the Sabers well obviously as you brought up UPL UPL is kind of the the starting point for all conversation for Savers

Talk this week it does feel like we’re we have a starting goalie now it feels like we’re moving into that one to was it you who was talking about that last week where you’d like to see us move into like a you have an established start

And then you have the guy who fills in the gaps right when you have backto back games or like maybe like a like I don’t know like three and five or whatever but UPL he’s looked good he’s played good obviously the uh the uh Ottawa Senators game he was

All right but his team kind of bailed him out there but it doesn’t even go back to just this uh week in his last five starts he’s 95 and0 s or 950 save percentage with a 1.0 or 1.40 goals against average sorry I’m chipping on my

Words here but UPL has played great in his last five appearances and he’s four- one during that time he’s really starting to emerge as our our starting golender and that is what we wanted to see it’s nice just having a a steady presence in the back

And not really having to worry about it night in Night Out Levi his top level is great and we know that we see it for like individual games but it seems like he probably can’t sustain a starters load or even like a one B load and when

He’s playing like you need to give him time in between and you know play college he’d only do weekends right like obviously he’d have back Tob backs on those weekends sometimes but like that’s it’s it’s a whole different game when you’re constantly or when you’re like one you’re traveling very far and then

Two it’s you know there’s constant games maybe he wasn’t cut out for the workload but if you can if you can cut down his workload by giving it to UPL who’s currently playing the way that he is that’s great for us to have as a team

Yeah no and finally getting settled on a starting goenda in finally at this point of the season and like you mentioned you know Levi is GNA be the backup I know we talked about back in the fall hey send Levi down to the AHL to get some

Experience down there um but I also find value of him kind of just staying up you know being upl’s backup and they’re both two young guys learning the ways of the NHL to as well so they can help feed off each other and the big thing with Levi

To is he does he didn’t have any really he doesn’t really have NHL experience so just kind of like traveling with the team and you know understanding each team’s Arena like this has given him a lot of value um but the biggest development out all this is that upl’s

Living up to expectations that we had when we drafted him and he’s you know playing at a level that’s helping out the team a lot is it perfect every game no but is he giving this CH team a chance to win of course yeah really like

We said at the beginning of the season this is all where that we’re looking for out of the go another thing I’d like to point out just between UPL and Levi is that together they have a winning record yeah UPL this year is 87 and

Two it’s you know just a or sorry that that was Devin Levi I’m looking at Deon Levi sorry Devon Levi was is 87 and two this year UPL is 10 n and two that’s a combined record of two wins over NHL 500 both guys too yeah the where where

We’ve tanked this year is Eric comry who’s one in five just like to put put a little like thought into the the if we didn’t have any of the Eric comry games we probably be like a NHL 500 team we’d be pretty close to the playoff line that we have

In the East right now like we are a fairly competitive team when we don’t have Eric com in that now I don’t like as a team you have to be able to play in front of a backup goenda goenda you don’t expect vaski to play 82

Games y your team has to be able to show up those extra like 20 games it’s not an like unsubstantial amount of time but when we have one of our two our top two goal Tenders in net we have more than a fighting chance and I think that’s shown recently especially with

UPL starting to take the Reigns yeah and just having him continually play to is just going to help him out in the long run run having these guys switch out every other game or back when we at three goenda insane because your goenda you just got to play the hot hand

The hot hand right now is UPL and just play him like until until like the wheels fall off because right now like I mentioned the saber season you know it’s not a loss cause but it’s on the edge I mean it’s on the Sabers Edge right now

So we’re trying to figure this out right now um so keep on rying the guy we have a we have a great schedule coming up right now between Chicago Tampa Bay Anaheim I mean we can we can win we can go on a win streak right here like I

Mentioned for the past two weeks so just and there’s some good time in between those games and they’re all at home just play UPL don’t even second guess anything because Chicago’s down right now Tampa Bay is down and then if you fly out to anah anaheim’s been down to

All season so should be pretty good um yeah Tom seems to agree that one shut out for com isn’t cool enough for six plus goal SC then I entirely agree with you however I am gonna say something that completely contradicts that because you just mentioned uh riding the hot

Hand of Lucan in and I 100% agree with that and as a result I think that uh I think you should send Levi down you think so yeah just on the Merit of like I don’t think that Levi is worse than com in fact quite the opposite I think that

Levi has played better than CER when he’s with us this year I think that if you’re gonna if we have decided that we’re landing on UPL as our number one goalie you bring up Com or to carski and have them ride the bench instead of Levi give Levi the line

Share of the games down in uh Rochester because we know that the level of the game up here can be a little too high for him with continuous games give him just give him a bunch of repetition give him a bunch of starts down in Rochester our defense down there doesn’t seem to

Be great so he’ll get his fair share of practice in we can bring back suban as the backup goalie for the immaculate Vibes that he has he doesn’t have to play that’s the thing he can be he can be an Anthem s singer I’m good with that

You’re in in the current like plan that you’ve drawn up that I actually totally agree with we don’t really have the a backup goalie play unless it’s like a backtack you can even be running it where you call back Levi when you’re intending to do the backto back like I

Literally don’t care who the second goalie is up with uh Lucan in you just wait and or you just give you’re sending Levi down just so he’s playing more games and at this point it’s not even like a punishment like it was earlier in the season like you’re

Just giving it to him like as a like this an assignment for you to just play games be a starter like because we’re handing over the Reigns of the net to Lucan in which they should do right now yeah I don’t think that it would be that

Much of an issue just be like all right whoever whoever from the AHL that we don’t think will be like an issue to send through waivers we bring them up and they don’t play until like maybe a back toback right yeah I like that idea that the only

Thing is would Kevin Adams and Don Granado want to do that that’s the only question they’ve been kind of stubborn on these type of things you know well I mean ultimately I think I think it would be better for the development of Levi and I think think that they should give

Lucan in the Reigns so that’s that’s that’s where I stand with it at least I don’t know yeah I mean if you can the thing is I don’t I you probably can’t like you mentioned if you’re going to do a back toback you always can bring

Levi up obviously on the west coast trip that’s coming up let me check real quick um they do have one back toback you’re not going to be you know flying right you’re I out obviously this is not something that’s gonna be happening anytime soon but I mean like

That idea um I think the goal tender that they would get probably to back up would ideally you’d want it to be I don’t even know I think he how’s com doing in the AHL by the way do you even know that’s a great question um we can

Find out because if he’s if he’s playing pretty well then he might have his confidence back up but if he’s starting down there he might be like pretty warmed up right for the Rochester Americans he’s played two games has a 2.52 goals against average and a 929 save

Percentage that’s not that’s not too bad I mean that’s pretty good even that’s that’s a backup goalie expectation yeah and NHL backup goalie should put up about those numbers so I I reckon and when he was a actual backup goalie instead of trying to run him like

As a yes starter like we did he had Elite numbers when he was back in Winnipeg behind uh who’s the hel Buck yeah one of the best goalies in the league so he didn’t have to play that much but when he did play he was great Elite even so I think that

You can run you can do that with with com although this year he hasn’t been great I still believe that if you put him in a true backup role he’ll be fine yeah I think Cony started off the season pretty well um and even the pre-season two is just he had that I

Think I’m pretty sure he like his one win that he did have injur hej had a good win but I think he got injured iMed hurts man that’s not a good record I think he had an injury immediately after like his first win and then this is just like last season he

Got injured and this season just went to hell same exact thing I mean like without his games of record though we’d be 18 16 and four and that’s depending on how the team would play in front of him like you mentioned no that’s that’s just omitting all of the like wins and losses

Game yeah not that Shar the devil’s game yeah the Devils is not great yeah but obviously um you do still have to win those games but if we just erase the games from history that he played we are 186 and four okay so yeah I mean that’s a pretty

Good record so um yeah no so that’s a good idea to entertain if that’s going in their heads right now I’d be surprised to be totally honest with you because everything seems to be backwards with the management and the coaching of this team um so yeah if they’re watching

Give that some thought right now Donnie give some thought at Kevin Adams you know that’s gonna definitely uh be a help to the team too um Sam were there any other things that you took away from those games at all either yes a very important one also kind of pertaining to Uka

Lcan they had um during the Sharks game they had brought over or like a uh European and Sabers fan club okay made their way over to watch the game and they had they brought such a fun atmosphere to the arena because I don’t know if you’ve ever watched like

Professional European soccer but they have like all their fun chant and whatnot they had uh they had one for UPL and it was a bunch of fun and nobody really understood what was going on because they played it on the Jumbotron and everything like they had recorded it

Before the game really and they yeah they were like chanting in the arena as well and it was it created a whole kind of different atmosphere and even though there weren’t too many people at that game because the bills were playing that game or that day and uh it was obviously

Very snowy we were just coming off of travel bands that was a bunch of fun the atmosphere in that Arena that game was so much fun this is the Sharks game by the way yeah and I I uh attribute a lot of that to the European savers fan club I wonder

If they’re from Finland where do they say where they came from they had um like they had a sign I think it said like ckss something so I think it might have been like Czechoslovakia oh okay that’s pretty interesting I I could be wrong I mean there must be um some Dominic ashik

Fans that are still lingering around that are Sabers fans still so perhaps yeah I know that we’ve got we’ve got like some some small pockets of fans all over the globe like lva for zungu enson so it’s very possible I wonder if Austria still has Sabers fans because of

Vanic too so that’d be interesting to figure that out that would be fun to see but yeah that’s pretty cool though I mean if if there’s ways they can bring more energy to the games that’s awesome because right now that’s what the Sabers need and that’s what the fans need so

That’s a good thing to hear about that as well um so yeah you know that’s always exciting um really the only thing that I want to take away I mean and I kind of mentioned it at the beginning or when I was going over the games is

You know during the Canucks game we had Dalene taking that elow from JT Miller um and the biggest top topic topic conversation from that just around what I’ve been listening to podcast and on the radio too is just the team’s response um so we had basically right

After the hit ow power kind of addressed it in his own type of way um which I mean it’s it’s it’s it’s unexpected because you saw cousins was right there too as well uh um and power actually took a lot of criticism for the way that he approached that

Um I mean I don’t know what fans were really expecting out of power to do right there we kind of know what we’re getting out of power right now as a player so the fact that he addressed it was kind of like a surprise to me so

That was that I took that away as a positive like okay the guy even though he left his gloves on he still kind of like tried to go do something obviously he lost but still I mean like good for you power I mean there’s times

Where I watch you on the ice or just watch you in general I always wonder if you really care obviously you know that’s from the outside looking in your teammates know so that was always a good thing to see and the other part that took um that people were complaining about too is

That the person that actually addressed it was Eric Johnson who’s our 35-year-old uh defenseman and he shouldn’t be addressing that in a fight with JT Miller I kind of agree that in a way now I don’t want to see Dylan cousins doing the fight a player that I like seeing

Addressing more things like that even though he wasn’t on the ice would be like a Jordan Greenway type of player just because of his size and then like I see I mean he seems like a tough player even though he’s building up a skill right now you’re a third line you’re

Third line Center which is going on right now um I you could be a little bit more tougher out there man I mean you’re one of the bigger guys on the ice I don’t want to to see Eric Johnson doing that I mean the guy you know he can get

He’s barely getting through three games in a row I don’t want him fighting out there either because he’s kind of bringing the stability to ow power right now um do you have any thoughts to from that at all well for one I’d like to just agree with the the one point uh

Owen power I’m just glad to see the little spark yeah it does seem like sometimes he’s just going through the motions and that seemed to have woken up woken him up that game like he saw that and he’s like hey you can’t do that and chose to address it instead of just

Being like someone else will deal with it right which for stars like sometimes you see that where they’re like it’s not really my problem that’s we have other people on the team for this no Owen power looked at that and although it was kind of pathetic he

Was like hey you can’t do that to Rasmus Dalene and took it upon his own hands I’m not sure that anyone else saw it like I think I saw was Dylan cousins like kind of moving into the corner like it didn’t look like he really saw what

Happened like I think power beat him to it it looked like cousin was kind of like the side I don’t know and maybe cousins didn’t see it was an elbow because the ref was right it was awkward because the ref was right there too so I was kind of like confused of what

Happened right there so anyways go ahead sorry either way I’m like proud of power I’m not like I don’t think he did spectacularly well but I’m proud of him for just like showing up saying hey like I’ve got my teams back because if you don’t have your teams back like how are

They supposed to have yours and I think that he proved that like he does care and I think that’s important now moving on to Eric Johnson I respect and actually like the the play from him he is obviously the like 35 Old you don’t want him to like

Be kind of put out of shape by doing something Reckless MH but I do think that in his situation like I think it’s kind of clear that he knows that his body is kind of falling behind his mind he still has the ability to like think the game at a high level

And he’s just like slower right he’s slower he’s got less of an oomph to him physically he’s falling behind the speed that is the new generation of hockey players and that can be frustrating so what he brings to the team now is his kind of leadership and I

Think that him choosing to take that fight is kind of like shows that even though this is a team that signed him for one year after he won the cup like he could be mailing it in right now he could be like you know what the season’s

Not going well for the team that I’m currently on I’m just gonna coast and they’re gonna trade me at the deadline and whatever no he’s showing why he’s worth it he’s bringing the leadership that you’d expect from a guy like him in place of maybe that uh skill that he may have had

Years ago and I appreciate that from him the one thing that maybe is not the best is the time and place aspect of it as a result of him choosing to take that fight we see Zenus gurgenson as our fourth Defender for I don’t like like five minutes right because the fight was

At the time um Dalene was in like some sort of concussion protocol I think I think they were checking him out in the back room and uh Matias samelson got injured earlier in that game I think he actually was King cuss so and like choosing to take that fight

As a defenseman bringing you down to three defenseman that’s maybe maybe you want one of the offensive guys to take that initiative but in a vacuum I love the move I really do no and he’s kind of like the the Yoda to the young Buffalo Sabers the Young

Padawans on the Sabers um because they don’t really besides akosa um he’s the only other guy and he’s the only guy that’s been hasn’t been in the system for a while so he can lead the team a little bit more so it’s always good to see that and I’m just hoping as the

Season goes on that kind of more guys pick up on this like my expectation I think for and I’m gonna put it on Jordan Greenway is for him to kind of be like a little bit more of like the power for or tougher type of guy and just because and

That’s just basely on his size and you’re a third line Center and there’s some expectations that come out well he’s a third line center right now he’s a third line Winger either you’re third liner there’s some expectations that come with that too so that’s pretty much it um I’m just glad that

Uh Lich Ryan Miller situation didn’t happen at all um just because once that h i i i actually turn everything back to this drought back to that with the Sabers with that luch hit like that hit just stays in my back my head it’s in my nightmares just because the team’s

Response to that was just so sad and after that Ry Miller wanted nothing to do with the Buffalo Sabers he wanted out he didn’t like his teammates anymore he wanted to leave so it’s good just to see some like you said see a response from a power who’s

Not expected to do that who’s considered to be like eventually like a star on this team in the future um to kind of step up and do that so you know that was good to see and for the people that are complaining about that overall I mean what did you expect and I

Understand that some people are calling that the the Sabers the team overall a little bit soft but it’s like okay in the past you didn’t expect this this team probably wouldn’t have responded this time around they responded for their teammate yeah it’s not like the pounding that you

Probably would have saw when Chris Neil hit um or yeah Chris Neil hit Chris jury the the line brawl between the Sabers and the Ottawa Senators but it was a response and this team is just like we always mention it’s a young team it’s going to happen more they’re still

Learning the NHL at this point and like you mentioned that’s kind of what’s nice to have guy like Eric Johnson doing that to be that veteran leadership at this point of his career for the team so yeah um really not I I mean for as many games

That we had for this week there really isn’t too much to talk about were there any subjects that you that popped up in your head at all not particularly like kind of in the topic of talking about Eric Johnson I covered the Zenus thing I thought that was kind of spectacular to

See Zenus uh real team player ended up on defense for a few shifts throughout that game so that was kind of fun but also we do have some uh comments in chat that we could quickly go over so uh some mandatory love for Casey middle stud absolutely the guy is uh a

Five on five wizard kind of at this point he’s doing great things yeah he might be in our three stars just wait to just how about the Savers hope they keep on rolling absolutely we love to see the we were talking about it the past uh few

Weeks where it’s just win like two out of three of your games and during the past two weeks they’ve won two out of three of their games so we’re now four for six in the past three weeks so and we got a win streak coming I’m telling

You right now there’s a win streak coming watch out well Mike says would be nice at NFL playoffs if the Savers could go on a three plus game win streak we haven’t at all this year and Mike this is the week I telling you right now okay

Who do we have we’ve got uh we’re we’re already on a one like we’ve already won the most recent game then we’ve got the Blackhawks that’s tomorrow I mean they they don’t have Bedard they’re the they’re the bardess Blackhawks I mean that’s not gonna jinx it but we should be favored in that

Match um the lightning that should be a challenging match to be real with you I mean even though they’re not at the same level that they have been in the past years like they’re still kind of like they’re still doing well they’re they’re above us in our division at least

There’s actually conversations of them at the trade line be trade deadline being Sellers and Stam Coast possibly being one of those guys I’m just saying things are aren’t so hot in they are for all intents and purposes there’s blood in the water in Tampa Bay we can

Like that’s a winnable game and then if you get to three there I mean you got the Ducks next you you could you could realistically see see four game win streak yeah so so Mike I will bet you my Waffle House bet if the Sabers go on a four game win

Streak if they do you have to do the Waffle House how about that [Laughter] Mike and then some acknowledgement of NFL playoffs hello love to see you here uh and then they say they agree three to four game win streak would be amazing haven’t watched them much how’s the

Sabers defense doing the past five games how do you feel the Sabers defense has done the past five games that would be dating back to the Pittsburgh game um I can’t recall Too Much from the Pittsburgh game to be totally honest with you let me go back we won it three

To one okay that was a UPL game though up had that oh yeah that that was that was definitely a hat UK luuka win we had um yeah 40 saves on 41 Shots for a 976 save percentage and that was also the one where we had the uh the Rasmus

Dalene empty net gold that was wasn’t actually an empty net goal so yeah um so then that and then you have the Seattle game where we lost five to two one in Ottawa Ottawa that wasn’t upl’s best game so it wasn’t the defense’s best game either

Yeah the defense I mean and then you stood up against Vancouver which is surprising I mean one to nothing that’s a pretty good game even though you know UPL played pretty well in that game too and then San Jose um obviously that was another UPL win um overall I mean the

Team’s defense over that streak I mean it’s just been what we kind of expected they’re not going to be they’re not R Ralph Krueger defenses but they’re not Don Granado high-scoring offense no defense type of team it’s just been up and down like the whole entire season I

Think right now really what we should be focusing on for this team especially with the way the upl’s been playing is just focusing on offense is really where my focus is on this team right now um that’s what’s going to win us games at this point just trying to outscore the

Other team I I think the whole beginning of the Season where they tried to focus on defense like we mentioned had didn’t work out so right I’m not too worried about it let’s just worry about offense what do you think I’m kind of in the same butat I don’t think that our

Defense has been I think it’s been like okay it’s been probably okay to like average and if you take out uh the Devin Levi game against the Kraken it’s kind of clear that a lot of the numbers for the last five games have been boosted by

Ukap lukanin we’ve let in five goals in UK ukap lucan’s passed four games so I mean like he’s kind of standing on his head to to kind of be a crutch for those numbers but yeah I think that I think the defense has been okay obviously you

Don’t get a shut out with terrible defense in front of you it just doesn’t happen but like I don’t think that we would have gotten a shut out if UK of pekcan wasn’t playing well as well as the defense being all right yeah so I don’t know that’s it’s it’s been

Okay it’s been okay yeah I think my f has just been totally on the offense and have just been like I come to expect what to expect this defense for right now so yeah yeah yeah um Mike Sure hopes that uh we get that three- game win

Streak and he gets to go to Waffle House yeah Tom Tom asks about um have you seen the new lightning sweater I just took took a look at them uh the gasparella jerseys I mean they’re pretty they’re pretty neat do you do you know what Gasparilla is I am unfamiliar

I saw the Jersey I’m UNF familar what gasparella is so gasparella is a celebration in Tampa Bay um after this pirate that um for long in the past that obviously um sailed into Tampa Bay and it’s like almost like a Marty Gro type of thing where they have like this Old

Ship come into the bay and people party on boats and party along the Boulevard and it’s it’s almost it’s Tampa Bay Marty cross basically what’s going on like they’re Fat Tuesday before lent starts so that’s essentially what that is and it has it happens for like over a

Month I can quickly share my screen here so that anyone who hasn’t seen it already I don’t know if it’s actually sharing why is it not sharing yeah that’s H so anyone who hasn’t seen it yet this is the uh Jersey that Tampa Bay came out with I think

Kind of the point of asking this question this looks weird I think kind of the point of asking that question was it kind of looks like uh one of the Sabers jerseys oh with the swords going through like the middle there that’s the swords and the puck that everyone loved back in

The day that was like all alternate for when they had the goat heads I mean I miss that Jersey too I mean I’m all for just going back to the goat heads and that jersey for another five 10 years and then obviously everyone will get sick of that and switch over again so

You you gotta have some of the variety you know but otherwise I do think I do think that the uh New Jersey is kind of fun um I think that it would have been cool if they decided to um make the swords lightning bolts yeah that would have been a nice

Touch but it is what it is it’s a it’s a good-looking Jersey I saw a lot of people kind of giving it a lot of hate online I’m not sure that that’s warranted but people are GNA hate everything so whatever yeah no one’s ever G not going to be in the middle [Laughter]

So and we got Mike saying Hell no to my bet for him come on Mike Go The Waffle House come on you you could be you guys could go to Waffle House together wouldn’t that be so cute you Mike you could join us for a Sabers Edge I could

Join you in Waffle or in the waffle house as well we could do a full Waffle House stream that would be super cute yeah 24-hour stream minus one hour for every waffle we eat I’m fine with that will do it all for charity too like I

Said the more the more money added the more waffles I eat there we go it’s the oneeyed Willie with extra steps I am not familiar with the oneeyed Willie unless that’s the one that we just talked about in which case I’m uh then I’m just embarrassed um time time to do some

Research oh okay yep y just the yep I I can see that it’s it’s the one I really with extra steps the Jersey the lightning Jersey okay uh who has the best chance to win a championship the bills the sabes or the bandits backto back I don’t think the bandits are

Having that great of a season I know they won it last year and last time I looked at the power rankings they ranked like I’m not a big I’m I’ll be totally honest with you I’m just a window Watcher when it comes to the bandits um

I kind of like watch them from afar I’m glad that they won a championship last year um lacrosse really isn’t my sport to be totally honest with you but from what I looked um they I don’t think they were too far they were pretty low on the standings

Right now so they’re not having a hot start like they did last season I think we have an obvious answer it’s the Buffalo Bills I’m assuming you you agree with that Sam I would love it to be the Buffalo Bills but if history has taught me anything it’s it’s that it’s the

Bandits the bandits are going to win I’m gonna keep on saying the bills bills are gonna be my thought none of us are choosing the Sabers right now you can also pick the bis can’t forget about the Bison I still pick the bandits though yeah I mean I don’t even remember last time

Like the bandits were competitive I mean remember a long time ago they were in the playoffs and I went to one of their games so the the bandits no oh sorry the Bison sorry yeah I don’t remember the last time the Bison were competitive um I’m gonna go with the bills Josh Allen

All day you have a super Star right there he’s going to win us the Super Bowl the Super Bowl is actually going to be this year I’m telling you right now I’m not making this a bills podcast but bills are winning it all this year guarantee lock it right now put in your

Bets you’re gonna be making money guarantee do it and it looks like Mike’s gotten back to us and I think he’s kind of uh on board with the idea of joining us for that uh Waffle House podcast so it’s the every every time we talk about

This it it seems like it’s more and more likely to actually happens so yeah I mean I just have to make sure that I go for a run before and after so I have a calorie deficit going into that because that’s going to be a lot of carbs so

Yeah I’m down for it whatever if you can set up the charity this man could eat [Laughter] waffles and closing out the chat the one i’ Willie like from The Goonies love that movie great movie I need to watch it again because I have not seen it in

Far too long and then Mike thinks that it’s the bills as well so Mike’s joining you bills bills bills yeah I mean sabes are second I’m just gonna say that right now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah three more years three more years um so yeah uh besides that we kind of saw Benson

Playing in the Top Line in the last game switching out with middle stat um kind of saw that commented it in the a lot of the news too um he hasn’t really been productive offensively for the team at all of recent but he’s still even though

He’s put on the top line and he’s a rookie he still looks like a natural out there and listening to the comments of um tuck and Tage they say the same thing like they don’t feel like they’re playing with an 18-year old player uh how’ you feel he looked looked out

There I thought that Benson looked really good honestly he does this thing every once in a while where he just has like a terrible turnover and it seems like it’s from uh like lack of just like muscle on the like like if you watch some of the passes where he’s had terrible like

Inzone turnovers he just doesn’t get enough of the puck to like get it out and I I do wonder about that if it’s like I think you like technically you’re gonna gain more muscle but you should have a grasp on like your own ability at your current state like that feels like

Like that’s not him getting beat out in the corner by another guy it’s just him like not putting enough on the puck to properly get it out that those feel weird but looking past that I think uh he kind of does the defensive style of Jeff Skinner but

Better than Jeff Skinner so he kind of he kind of slots into that uh that line I think pretty well naturally he’s a great playmaker he’s got great eyes for the ice and obviously he’s not producing points at the moment but you can like the path for to how he ends up producing

Those points feels so clear if you just watch him play I’m not worried about the lack of production but I’m sure it would be nice for him like I’m sure he would like to see some more of those go in but you know obviously not everything’s always

Gonna go your way so you kind of have to just play it by ear a little bit yeah but I mean he’s a young rookie I know last year we had both petka and Quinn up there and they kind of of you know I would say they almost like

Outperformed what I expected out of them for a rookie obviously they’re older rookies too in their 20s this is an 18-year-old player so I mean I didn’t expect too much I expected him to be a contributor on this team to score a lot of goals and get a lot of

Offensive points I really wasn’t expecting that too much this season so um but see that he’s a fit that on that Top Line and the guys feel comfortable with him out there that’s that’s all that really matters at this point and it’s just proof that he’s only going to

Get better too so um that’s always good to see um let’s see Mike’s responding back uh we are for our Pace currently one big run the Sabres could get into this race since Timmy is making a lot of guarantees I guarantee the Sabers will have a playoff shot oh okay not a

Playoff spot though how about we change that H into a p uh Savers with five games to go will be making a run for the final playoff spot I mean they’re still in it the East is NHL overall is kind of down right now um I think that helps out too that the

Bruins aren’t going on this incredible run of winnings just every single game possible um so yeah I mean they’re still sticking in there they just got to put string games together like we’ve been saying and they could be back in the race I mean by the end of this week we

Could be positive again we could be above NHL 500 which is I don’t think we’ve done that this year so the fact that we’ve stayed at least kind a level to that and we’re like still have that possibility is is pretty like hopeful you know it’s it does feel like because we’ve

Done that if we do hit a big Run Like Mike said there’s still that possibility that maybe playoffs are still attainable but again one you’d have to hit that big run and then two you’d have to maintain like pretty good playing throughout the rest of the year

And we’ve been a little questionable at best maybe so you don’t you never know and we still haven’t hit a win streak longer than two so you know a little questionable but we could get we could still do it and then Tom says I think we have a five to eight

Percent chance of playoffs per the last stats that came out and yeah I believe that figure is about right that stat trick Natural stat trick yeah but St stats are for nerds they put a wet blanket on everything just kidding who who needs stats when I believe that’s right

Um but either way me if I could read but either way I mean like we said just be competitive for the rest of the season that’s all we’re expecting on this team right now but if that gets him into a playoff shot then hey what the

Heck that’s always good too I’m sick of seeing them them at the top of the drafts let’s go ahead let’s just win some games and then you know see what goes after that um yeah and then really besides like I said there really wasn’t anything too much much to talk about did

You hear anything more about uh Matias Samson his injury I saw that Kell K CL clay I always want to call him clog like a Sho he he got called up and then he was sent back today um have you heard anything about Matias at all uh I

Believe that it was technically it’s an upper body injury is like their initial report but I believe it was later released that it was a concussion I could be wrong about that but upper body injury I believe he was maybe week to week so I don’t know the kale clay thing I don’t

Know why that was why that happened obviously big roster moves bringing up kale sending him right back down after the game but yeah I don’t I don’t know that I don’t know why they would bring up kale feels kind of just a weird did we even put samuelon on IR no

I don’t think so so I don’t know who who would be on who what was the open roster spot at that time probably Jeff skinners okay so they bring is on IR but they didn’t bring they didn’t call anyone up after Jeff we still have uh Victor Olson

Standing on the sidelines but yeah we still have an open roster spot um yeah I mean it was an interesting move um I don’t think they want to subject hold on does Bryson get subjected to the waivers after being W can be single yeah every time okay um so

That’s probably why they didn’t call him up um but it’s just also an interesting thing because I mean they’re playing so well right now the pairings between you know power Johnson Clifton Ryan Johnson have been a great pairing together too and then Yoki Haru darene it’s just been

Pretty stable right now I mean we really don’t need to throw anything into the mix is what I think so um I don’t know I mean let’s let that play out for a while let’s not try to and see what we got there and let’s have Ryan Johnson play

More ice time as well so yeah those are really all the things that we had to talk about for the week so uh Mike brings up so when is the trade deadline I think I heard you got say the Sabers might be sellers but could we be buyers

So the trade deadline to answer the first question is March 8th so you got you got a couple months got a couple of months before that comes up we did talk about the Sabers potentially being sellers we talked about people like Johnson and middlest being potential pieces to

Move how what does our record need to look like by the time we hit March 8th for us to be buyers in your opinion it’s interesting because you I still think they could still have a losing record and still be buyers at the trade deadline but the

Buyers in the terms of you’re going to be giving up prospects and what or giving up prospects or whoever for bottom like power forward third line fourth line players not like high-end type players that they’re gonna be buyers for so they’re probably looking for like veteran guys at that point like Josh

Bloom for Stillman exactly so that’s where I can see them being buyers I mean high-end buyers and like like one-year contract type of guys they’re gonna have to have a significantly um over 500 record like they’re gonna have to be probably in the top wild card spot for

Them to be buyers I think that’s where they’re going to be have to be in the standings um as we all know Kevin Adams is not all in for giving up prospects at this point nor should he be uh um I just I I I can’t really imagine them

Being buyers at this point in the season if they do make the playoffs or in their wild card spot I think they’re just going to stick with the roster that they have and figure out something during the off season um to be totally honest with you

What about what do you think yeah I think that they’re mostly gonna just be content with uh what they have as far as if we’re in like a playoff spot by the time uh the trade deadline rolls around I don’t think that we’re trying to really move people off our roster so

You’d have to make space and like maybe you could say like hey uh like a we found an upgrade for like someone like geens Sons or Eric Robinson but I don’t think you really if you find an upgrade over someone like Benson which I’m sure you could find um like you’re not trying

To push him off the roster right now so it doesn’t being a buyer right now is kind of again like you said like you’d be looking for a better fourth line option than like a gon’s or a or something although he’s our captain so you’re probably not even doing that if

You’re a sell I think that we’re considering buying if we’re like one of the Wild Card spots or the like 17th team in the league or like ninth in our division or conference or whatever but and at this point you don’t want them to be buyus because they’re not a

Stanley Cup team yeah yeah again if we make the playoffs it’ll be great for experience but we do not have the team for a very deep run and we we talked about it earlier right you still have a bunch of the prospects developing this is a team that’s looking to make their

Runs a few years down the line from now and the playoffs would be great experience as I just said but like yeah you’re not trying just mortgage a future to try and win now with the team that you currently have it doesn’t really doesn’t really make sense to do that um

And otherwise if we’re kind of like a little bit below the line I think that we’re sellers I think you try and move like a Genson see if you can get anything for him I’m curious to see what they do with for with middle stat because maybe they could still sign him

I think to do that you’d have to find a uh partner for Skinner’s contract but you know that’s still possible can in the NHL I don’t I don’t I know in like baseball you can do it I believe is where a team can pay for like half the contract and the other team

Takes the other half can you do that so you can do that you can do that in the NHL you can retain up to 50% of a contract I believe so some some lucky team could have Jeff Skinner for four and a half million dollars and honestly

That’s not a bad deal for them like that’s market price for him to be honest that’s probably below market price we would probably get an asset back I’d assume actually yeah Jeff Skinner is a like 65 point guy 30 gold guy 4 and a half million for that he’s not going to

Be the best at defense defense but yeah and if and like I think that’s worth it if you can retain middle stat in the long run yeah for sure yeah so maybe maybe we see them attempt to keep middle stat in exchange for Jeff Skinner would you be able to do that at

The deadline I don’t know maybe that’s something that happens after the season you might see Eric Johnson leave that’s a probably big one that other teams could want but other than that we honest don’t even have that many guys that would be coveted around the league

I could see some team making an offer for Greenway although I would be upset to see him go because honestly he’s one of our better defensive forwards and he’s great on the penalty kill so yeah there’s an article that came out right before the Vancouver game that they were

Interested in Greenway back in the trade deadline last year so um they’re definitely a team that has their eyes on him at this well little it cost them was like a second and they didn’t do that so I hope the price has gone up since then

But he having a better season so he’s certainly having a good season MH but yeah I think that uh we’re only a buyer if we’re really in the race or we’re already in a spot I think by the next question hypothetical Sabres make the playoffs then the Stanley Cup

Which team are they playing in the cup so the west Western Conference Team yeah so let’s think it’s a Avalanche or Knights are the two teams I’m thinking right now I mean if I want the Revenge that everyone wants to have I want them to face the knights and then beat

Michael um some gonna go with the Vegas Knights I mean they’re still playing at a top high level right now I think they’re the best team in the league so yeah Vegas Knights what are you thinking I’m thinking the best team in the league for the Vegas Knights is a is

A High Praise that is maybe not deserved but they’re good they’re certainly good I’m not trying to take that away from you I think that the Jets they are playing I’ve watched some of their games this year because they’re like they weren’t great at the beginning but they’ve really like

Started shooting up I think they had like a 10 game win streak recently that just recently broke yeah maybe but they they were playing during that win streak just such an elite level of hockey and it’s like systematic it’s not one player taking the Reigns and being like this is

My team I’m going to take over games and dominate the way that you sometimes see with like our team where sometimes a player will step up because we don’t have a great system in place or you’ll see like a group of players no they’re it is up and down through the lineup

They are just playing at a high level together they’re following a system and it’s working out for them the way that they for check aggressively leaves team team with no time to make plays in their own Zone it’s great hockey and if they need to fall back on it they have Conor

Heluk so yeah I really like what the Jets are doing and it’s not just because they’re at the top of their division right now I do think that the way that they’re playing is sustainable and like a good uh brand of even playoff hockey I like it I like

What I see out there Buffalo native Alex Alou is on that team and that was a team that basically everyone wanted jump ship on the off season then like a month into the season H book signs and who is um who’s the other guy that they have on

The team that also signed too it starts with an E I think elers yeah they both signed long-term contracts with the team so I don’t know what happened within that first month where the team just decided or the players decided oh yeah I’m sticking with this team but good for

Them it’s nice to see uh what a p small Market team competing right now and if that works out for them that’s awesome too so yeah yeah and then Mike so asking about Patrick Kane um he is 19 games seven goals nine assists for 16 points and a minus three

So doing Patrick Kane things it’s it’s about on par at this point in his career he’s kind of like a Skinner player where he can put up great points and by God is his defense Gonna Let You Down is is LIN back for them I know he

Was injured for a while I forgot what the hit was that was uh um a hit from an Ottawa player and it was kind of the awkward like double hit where he kind of gets pushed from behind and then falls into one of the players kind of butt ends of their

Stick and I he did get concussed there Lin has a history of concussion so that’s kind of scary he was out for a few games and I do believe he ended up back I don’t know if he got injured after that but that was a while ago yeah I know he did

Return I know that literally that happened the game before Patrick came back Kane came back and then Kane kind of like everyone’s like well you got to carry the offense now on the team so and he actually play pretty well for his first couple of games back so right um

Like you said he’s doing Patrick Kane thing so um yeah I really haven’t paid too much to the Red Wings to be totally honest with you from all like the fan noise I’ve heard it’s kind of what you’d expect he’s doing well offensively he’s just subb like Point per game with the

16 and 19 and he’s not good at defense and he’s never going to be no it’s not one of those players where as he ages his defensive game matures no you got him for what he is right now and he not gonna change at all

So right he M it makes him the what people say the best USA born hockey hockey player history so I mean keep doing what you got to do um anyways let’s move on to our uh three stars so Sam who you have your for three stars of

The week for our first star obviously we got Uka Lucan in yeah he’s played great no complaints at all even in the game that we lost he let in one goal that’s not on him the team in front of you is expected to score and they didn’t do that

So you know ukap lukanin you did great you get the first star of the week for second star of the week this is kind of where I gets tied because honestly I don’t think too many people had a stand out week especially with us uh getting

Shut out one game yeah no video our defense getting bailed out by lukanin so it’s not like I can point to them and be like look they also did very good I think um I’m gonna go with Henry okaru he drew into some games after or he drew

Into the most recent game after Samuelson gets hurt and he had missed the privious two games and I thought he played really well obviously LC ends up getting a shut out the game he’s in I saw Yoki Haru contributing to the offense and I’ve been a vocal supporter

Of like keep him in the lineup because he’s one of your best six defenseman and I think during this game it showed he played great um yeah I love love seeing him out there and then for my third star I’m gonna give it to those European fans

Because they made the atmosphere of that game so fun in a way that I haven’t experience the Sabers game this year because it’s been so Bleak so shout out to those guys they were having a great time they forced everyone else in that building to have a great time even the

Steelers fans that were there doing the same tailgate that uh the Bills fans were everyone was having a good time good hockey good chance in the arena and it was kids day so shout out to those guys you really brought a good mood into the arena sa should just hire

Them and just have them be like our cheer section like the bills have the drum line maybe the Sabers should have like this is our European fan section they’re gonna bring like the European soccer chance and all that we’re going to pay you you’re going to stay here for

The season then you can go back during the offseason I would greatly support that because honestly that was such a fun game and they were a major reason as to why no now I’m kind of upset I missed out on that so yeah I I can send you I

Can send you the chat into or the uh actually I can probably just stream it I can pull up well you’re telling your three stars I’ll go get this so Sam you said basically at the second part there wasn’t really any continuity for any player on this team besides

UPL um I mean you had middle who had in the Sharks game three points um Thompson versus AWA had two goals but no one really kept the same throughout so my three stars go to UPL UPL UPL I just decided to give him the three stars

That’s one for each game yeah works out yeah so I mean that’s all I want to do 95 save percentage like we said at the beginning of the uh our shows our first show we just needed a 900 goal tender to win games and he’s giving us a 95 right

Now so I mean and the one game that we lost he had a 95 save percentage that was on the offense so I’m just gonna give the three stars to him there’s really it no one else that’s deserving of it we need more guys to play continuously well so follow in UPL steps

That’s all I’m gonna say right there um so yeah those are my three that’s my three stars I have that uh video for you this is uh this is the UPL chant so okay all right looking this already oh I think we’re on streamyard oh can you not hear it there’s something

That goes on there’s something goes on where they I see that they wereing the goat heads jerseys underneath those I mean the Sabers made them change into like the old alumni jerseys what’s going on here yeah I don’t know I mean I love that though they got the uh the fun hats I

Like those hats can can you not hear the video though no I can’t hear the video sadly but is that one guy wearing a m gilney Jersey 89 right there it could be tuck could be Tu it looks older though might be M gilney I don’t know I love

Him I love it though I mean either way if you guys want to watch this video it’s on Rachel hop Meers um okay uh Twitter so go go check her out give give her love anyway because I did steal that video from her but they’re they’re basically chanting LC in L

Ineka peka LC in and it’s great it was fun it was awesome love those guys and yeah Tom saying yes Euro fans love to see the uh the the spread of hockey internationally that’s great so yeah um before before we close out the show I just wanted to go over one thing that

Happened with our prospects and it happened two weeks ago I’m sorry that we bring back bring it back earlier but it is a trade that I’m kind of Blown Away by what basically what the value was so Matt seavoy our 200222 uh first round pick got traded from wanas or

WTI um to musaw W yeah whatever um essentially what he got traded for was a 2024 first third sixth round pick 2025 eighth round pick 2026 sixth round pick 2027 first and second round pick I mean that’s a lot to give up for a guy that you’re gonna be having for the end

Of the season he’s gonna be in in the NHL next year I think that the way that the like WHL works is a little differently though you’re trying to just always kind of win a uh w win the like like if you’re one of the top teams you’re just trying to win

The like whatever Championship is down there and I think getting matoy has worked out well so far for them he’s played one game and has five points two goals three assists so it’s working out I mean those picks in the future probably aren’t even worth that much that’s a guy who’s you you

Traded Matt seavoy for a bunch of 14y olds based on like the year that a lot of those draft picks are in like it’s it is what it is obviously you’re giving up a lot of draft picks but the system works differently down there and again you

Know one goal two or or one game two goals three assists if he continues at that point I’m sure uh Moosejaw will be incredibly happy with that uh trade I think he’s at a I think last time I checked he’s like way over paced for points right now like it’s insane I

Think he’s had the most points for a non Bedard player um I forgot what the exact stat was because B played last year anyways he’s doing it freaking amazing down in uh the WHL right now so that’s cool to see um and yeah it was just a quick

Little Prospect update and then um Mike he wants us to finish off so you have to finish off have to finish off with the food question I know Mike loves talking about Buffalo food and makes me hungry every single time because now I live in Portland and I don’t get good buffalo

Food and he’s specifically picking up pizza so Sam what’s your go-to pizza place listen this is just gonna this is just gonna show my bias to like my uh local restaurants but I grew up eating a lot of delorios love delorios it’s honestly nothing too special but it’s

It’s like Comfort Pizza to me I love it so I’m gonna pick that I’ve never been to delorio where is that is that in Amherst it’s East Aurora oh okay where is that in East Aurora uh do you know where like the oak wood Plaza is yeah yeah yeah it’s in

There yeah yeah okay by the pharmacy yeah yeah I know what you’re talking about because I grew up in Orchard Park so I know where that is uh cool so my place is Imperial Pizza in South Buffalo I I mean I dream about that

Pizza I mean I’m I’m G to tell you guys right now there’s nothing like Buffalo Pizza Portland sucks Portland has terrible Pizza it has no flavor barely any sauce barely any dough barely any cheese it’s thin it’s gross it’s disgusting so I just think of Buffalo Pizza all the

Time I’ve tried recreating my own Buffalo Pizza I actually bought a buffalo and right here we drop something Buffalo cookbook awesome it has a recipe for buffalo Pizza in here so I am going to be trying to recreate Buffalo pizza here in Maine because I am homesick without my Buffalo pizza and my

Buffalo wings and I just refuse to eat pizza here I haven’t had pizza here in forever so Imperial Pizza thanks Mike I’ll be dreaming a pizza tonight and he confirms Kelly Pizza is terrible Buffalo Pizza it’s a thing it’s good if you guys are ever in Buffalo if

You haven’t had it before it is it’s it’s like a thicker it’s it’s kind of like homelier you know it’s like thicker you got more sauce like more cheese it’s not like a New York thin slice but it’s it’s got its own charm so it’s great for

The winter it’s great for the winter it’s a great winter Pizza yeah Mike would like to see you eating that homemade pizza on the next show uh we’re be trying we’ll do trial and air I’m actually going to be in the process of moving soon too oh that’s fun

Yeah so I’m we’re basically gonna move on from being a Savers podcast we’re just a food podcast coming next week we’re talking about pizza the week after that we’ll be eating waffles I mean yeah whatever I mean I’m down for that I mean do we make a pizza waffle that

Sounds actually disgusting that sounds terrible great thought though let’s not do that but yeah I’m I’m down to talk about Buffalo Food I just know I’m G to have sto stomach pains for the rest of the night thinking about this food so thanks Mike I appreciate you for watching and

Obviously appreciate everyone that’s been watching um Tom Mike uh we have NFL playoffs has been on the show too that’s been popping up too keep on coming on keep on bringing on questions um especially on a week like this where um not too much to talk about surprisingly

Even though we have three games so thank is uh there is still one more thing to talk about I I can sense you wrapping up kind of abruptly here yeah go for we have three games this upcoming week yeah yeah I mean I feel like it’s important

To talk about you know the upcoming just kind of G give a shout to that so people know what to expect unless in case they aren’t uh watching too closely but we got uh we got Blackhawks tomorrow 7:30 they’re they’re in our Arena and then on Saturday we’ve got the lightning 12:30

P.m. early start be aware of that if you intend on watching and then we are making our way out west we’ve got the Ducks and it’s one of those late starts we get 10 pm that’s on a Tuesday we will have done our show before that game happens

Because of that so we we will be we’ll be the pregame show to that Ducks game yeah I’m com for that that’s come hang out you know it’s we finally won’t have to like narrate through the game we’ll be able to talk be like okay now this is

What’s going to happen we get to watch a game afterwards it’ll be a nice break for us for the normal like Tuesday game but it is still late I cannot stand those late games they’re kind of the worst yeah I mean I’m not I’m not a late

Night guy so I’m gonna be tired boy for the next couple of weeks so and um sadly no Bedard when it comes yeah we will not get to see Bard which I do like as for our chances of winning that greatly helps for me wanting to see

Good hockey that does not help so you you’ll be missed Bard but anyway what would you like to see out of the team during the next I guess two games because the Ducks game happens afterwards so the next two games are Chicago and Tampa Bay yep closing out the home

Stand went out went out I want you to win out I mean Chicago doesn’t have badar who do they really have on that team besides that I mean that should be a win I mean they’re just they’re they’re a step below you play above them like you’ve played

Against the Sharks continue that going Tampa Bay coming in I believe they they beat Tampa Bay at the beginning of the Season without vasileski uh we may have I think they did it was a while ago either way yeah it I that that game was quite long ago

What I’m trying to say is you’re going to beat Tampa Bay too I mean that’s the old dog and we beat Tampa Bay it was the second or third game of the season and it was in overtime three to two all right and that’s fine even if it’s an

Overtime win this time around too I mean Tampa Bay isn’t the same Tampa Bay you shouldn’t be afraid of them but play play playoff hockey against them that’s where you’re going to learn your playoff hockey so I’m expecting two wins leading into a three-game win streak that’s going to

Lead into a four game win streak when when we Face Anaheim next week Sam what are your thoughts you know what I love it close out the home stand with wins give us a three- game win streak we can do it I Believe in Us it’s possible we

Already saw we got another win streak to start the year that was great I’m so proud of you guys do better now get three it’s you got this it’s a homeand the fans they’re with you so yeah and you’re not facing great teams it’s very doable bring some more European fans yeah bring

The European fans back make sure they stay around send Flights every we every game just home games just send them in it’s fine we’re good with it so yeah I’m think I’m good to close out the show now Sam I think that’s everything

You can you can wrap up for us give us a great outro so yes like I said let’s win out the rest of the week everyone I appreciate you all for joining us like I said NFL playoffs you’ve been new to us lately so thank you for joining in

Asking a ton of questions Mike same with you Tom same with you we are so appreciative you all coming on here and like I said on slow nights like this you guys keep the show driving so we appreciate all your help and asking all these questions so thank you make sure

You like subscribe and comment on our Channel and we do have a bunch of Buffalo Bills content going on too as well so definitely check out their show they have a show going on tomorrow I think it’s going to recap the yesterday’s game and then um the next

Game coming up so definitely check us out set up notifications and we’ll see you next week Tuesday have a good night everyone

The Buffalo Sabres have been getting great play from UPL and Tage Thompson. Join the Sabres Edge guys to discuss the week in review and whats ahead for the Sabres.

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