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Nick Foligno joins the show to discuss his contract extension with the Blackhawks | CHGO Blackhawks

Nick Foligno joins the show to discuss his contract extension with the Blackhawks | CHGO Blackhawks

Welcome in to the chgo Blackhawk show powered by ComEd is getting easier for your business to switch to electric vehicles learn more at clean hope you’re having a good Monday it is cold but it is warming up here in the studio I’m Jay zasi Greg boyon Mario

Chasi and all the way to my left is newly ined Blackhawks forward Nick Felino Nick hey congrats and thanks for being here man thanks for having me I’m glad we can make this work so uh I’m pumped uh you guys will be sick of me in

Two years time if it if it go if you stick with us that long we’ll be very very pleased that would be awesome uh but congrats our in order of course um great to have you here and what what kind of went into your decision to say

Hey Chicago is where I want to be yeah you know it was it was pretty uh you know easy conversation to have with Kyle honestly at the time and just you know I think I’ve really believed in his vision from our conversation even from the summer before this season started and um

You know and I I know a lot of things have gone on on foreen this year um but the plan is still in place and and the you know the desire to move this team along and and you know so I think it just lined up with my Visions too and I

I talked about it like you come here and you’re invested you know like that’s just how I am I’m I jump in with two feet and I just couldn’t see myself really going anywhere else and having to start over when I’ve already really put the time in and really got to know the

Guys and and enjoy the group and the staff and and now we fall in love with the city too so it just kind of it all fell into place and um and now I’m really excited to kind of put Roots down and and and really get to work here on

On building this thing that I’ve talked about that I think our team can get to now the last couple of games um seems like this this the team has kind of turned a corner a little bit with their performance and you know it’s something that you’ve talked about that Luke

Richardson has talked about all year um is this kind of the timing of everything you know signing the the extension and then the team kind of playing this way does it kind of boost that excitement a little bit big time and I think unfortunately sometimes it does take a

Bit of a shock uh to the system to to Really Hammer home the point that we were trying to make earlier and and just how we need to compete and and the mindset you have to have in the NHL every single game and you know you lose

A lot of players and sometimes you realized man this is all we can control and I I saw that right from after even even in that New Jersey game I think we really had had that mindset and uh but afterwards when everyone’s kind of counting out the team they’re just like

Well we we have nothing to lose now at this point we can all we can control is how hard we compete and and you know and that’s pretty much it and and it’s it’s sad because we played some great games that we deserve better in you know and

And this league you do need success in order to kind of you know reiterate what you’re trying to do but I’m so proud of the guys and and and and the way they’ve competed and battled and I want for them so badly while I’m out especially to to

Get success because they’ve earned a lot of that even in these games and um but that’s how hard it is to to win in this league and the the compete and you know I don’t like losing and I think that was the message really on like there’s a but

There’s a way you lose sometimes where you’re like you know what we put everything we had into it and I can honestly say every guy in watching the games has put everything they had into these in these losses unfortunately but you know it’s going to turn that way as

We get healthier here and hopefully get some wins you got uh back on the ice when we were leaving um the room there a couple green jerseys waiting for zambon to go by and uh my two kids I said I was scar I was going to say so tell tell us

About the work e of of of samel a while you know but of course Conor Bard on the I mean this is not a surprise that we’re a week it’s crazy it should be a surprise but it isn’t that we’re a week from jaw surgery and he’s are you more

Surprised that it’s a week or are you more surprised that it wasn’t like four days ago yeah no I’m I’m surprised we kept him off that long but I was laughing cuz he was genuinely pissed off today that he couldn’t do more like he was you could see he’s like ready to

Shoot a puck and they’re and they like and I’m like hey you know like he and he just he has to realize that you can’t you don’t want to set back in a situation like it’s amazing that he’s on the ice right now and just speaks

Volumes about him as a kid and and what kind of mindset he has and how even on an injury like this he’s he’s you know it’s not even a thought of of you know how he’s like I feel great I’m ready to play tomorrow you know and you want guys

Like that they’re just itching to get back and make a difference and uh I’m so proud of how he’s handled it but you know he has to be smart and you know this is a big injury obviously and something that he has to deal with but

He’s uh it’s really unique to see how he’s handled this and you know I’m proud of him I’m happy for him that he’s on the ice you know that’s a place where you can almost get your own mental therapy too when you’re just out there stick hand with a puck so I’m sure

That’s even been great for him himself I mean obviously the fan base is super excited about him the talent the character but when you see that work ethic I mean that is something to be just as excited about I mean I we get people say oh he’s got

To get better defensively well first he’s 18 yeah second of all he’s got that work ethic where shouldn’t be worried about no no that’s something that as soon as he understands the league more and commits to that and and really understands why that’s so important he’s

He’ll he’ll make tons of strides in the defensive department and you know and luckily for him his offense negates a lot of that anyway so uh his work ethic is is outstanding though and just how bad he wants to be the best I talked about that and he’s still learning what

That means even at this level but you know he’s he takes care of his body tremendously well he you know he he’s wise are Beyond his years than an 18-year-old and uh but he’s not afraid to also admit when he doesn’t know something you know I think that’s also a

Nice thing like he’s he’s still looking to learn he’s not a guy that thinks he knows at all he just has this incredible work e that can drive to be the best and you know with with the the hunger to get better and learn I mean this guy’s a

Limit for him obviously and how are you feeling with the the finger and everything this is the stupidest injury I’ve ever had in my lifetime I I just driving me nuts person I think I’m handling it worse than Connor’s handling his just cuz you feel completely healthy

And you get this stupid finger that’s holding you out but I got to listen to The Docks and don’t want to turn it into something that could be longer term if it displaces so um I’m hopeful to you know we’re weak to week right now but

I’m I’m trying to push my way through to as as quickly as I can here and and try to get this bone to heal drinking lots of milk and it’s good yeah so it’s uh it’s unfortunate but Luke uh Luke was saying that you might have to have some

Sort of like modified glove where it’s all stitched together I call the Ninja Turtle glove right now I got three fingers so um yeah it’s I mean if it gets me on the ice sooner and playing I’ll wear whatever so it’s uh right now

I got this stupid cast I have to wear as well on the ice but um yeah hopefully I can shed that here quickly and uh come Wednesday I meet with the doc and then we’ll hopefully get some good news and you knew like when you delivered the

Punch did you know right away like I felt a burning like I threw it and I felt a burn and I thought I cut myself so many times you cut yourself on the helmet or the visor and uh I looked at my hand as we were fighting and I was

Like I don’t see any blood and then I went to grab the jersey and that’s when I kind of felt it twist and uh then I knew uh oh I think I messed up my finger and started throwing some open hand slaps at the end to see I that you have

Time in the fight to like that’s all right I’m sure it’s fine if that happens like and maybe not in this particular fight but you’ve been in many before if a guy’s hurt is there kind of a code to say hey take it easy something’s wrong

Or how does how does that whole exchange work between two guys who have just decided to try to kill each other it’s probably one of the funnier things in fights because you’re literally trying to kill each other but then as soon as the guy’s like hey stop my shoulder

You’re like oh okay I’ll stop you know like I just was trying to mash your face in two seconds ago um but there’s a Code because you know at the end of the day that’s not you’re not fighting a guy for that reason if he’s hurt he’s hurt and

That’s the last thing you want to do cuz there’s you know they got families they have they have lives and we’re fighting for something not not related to that so um I always try to have that respect and but in that fight to me it was more of a

Sending of a message so I didn’t want the fight to stop so I didn’t say you don’t say anything it’s just it’s a finger too I don’t even you know at the time the adrenaline’s pumping anyway and you get in the Box you worry about it

After but uh yeah it’s uh I definitely have been on both sides of it and I think it’s it’s the right thing to do if somebody’s injured but not in that one that’s well anytime there’s a big hit there’s a ton of discourse about was the

Hit clean should it have been a fight you on the ice don’t have a time to determine you’re not going to look up at the replay and then be like all right now I’m gonna fight you you know so what goes into that decision whether dropped

The gloves and I think Smith knew sooner or later all right that was Conor Bard did my job clean dirty however you want to say yeah but he he knows the yes answer for that right absolutely I just yeah I’m I’m never a guy that’s like oh

Was it clean was it it’s just it’s it’s the principle of the game that’s what I was talking about the game within the game earlier like the you’re fighting for every inch of the ice so when a player takes out one of your players whether it’s clean or dirty and and and

Honestly the hit was clean like it it was you could like he hits him in his shoulder to his face so I don’t love that but it’s you know we also have to be aware of our of as players also of putting yourself in those positions so I

Get that but he’s our best player and you’re targeting our best player in as and I know it’s everyone there’s no you know favors out there and that’s the way it goes but as a teammate you’re not going to let that team get an inch on one of your better players and likely

They wouldn’t do the same for us so to me that’s where it comes into the game within the game and you’re you’re not allowed now that team thinks oh if we can hit him we can hit anyone or now they’re playing bigger cuz we’re not answering so it’s to send a message too

Like no no we have our push back too and I I was so proud of Kev to be honest with you originally and when the hit happened he just didn’t even think went right up to him and started crosschecking him and that’s what I love

To see it’s not you don’t have to fight a guy it’s just what’s the message in the room what how much do we really care about each other if a guy goes down are you willing to do maybe you’re not a fighter but you’re willing to step in

There and put yourself In Harm’s Way and um and I think it just builds a real serious Bond and that’s usually what successful teams have so I’m really interested in this because I think of this from the other side of it right let’s say you’re on the ice and there

Comes Conor McDavid or Sydney Crosby you’re doing a calculation in your head I assume to of all right if I deliver this blow someone’s going to be in my face right away right and for the people that say like hockey doesn’t or fighting doesn’t work in hockey doesn’t deter

Anything you can’t quantify if a guy decided to lay a hit or not right and you thinking about it as a Defender you’re saying do I want to hit number 97 right now and get my face punched in or am I going to let him go that’s a real thing right 100% And

That’s that’s a thought that’s gone through my head and it’s it’s what makes the sport kind of beautiful in a weird way is that you know you have that policing in itself right if I do this there’s a there’s a response there’s a there’s a consequence sometimes and um

You know I think that’s that’s why I think the sport is so unique and um and one of the best ways of bonding your team a lot of nights so uh I’ve been on the side where you you go after one of their guys it’s a playoff game or it’s a

Game that mean and you know you set the tone and here comes their somebody else trying to do it to you or they go after one so it just it’s it’s amazing how and it brings everybody you know their their game almost everyone’s gamees elevates

Now because it’s just a it’s a war and that’s why playoff hockey is so different than regular season it’s just there’s no no friends out there not that there is even in the regular season but there’s a little bit more of a thought process sometimes is there a fight in

Your career you’ve been in a number of them that stands out as like maybe like you felt like the best coming out of it or or that it was just like good back and forth or you know someone you fought said something funny in the middle of it and you’re just like

Wait guard yeah I’m trying to think I I haven’t really every time I come out of a fight if I’m still standing I’m usually pretty happy so um I think you should always fight a little scared uh yeah I don’t know I fought there’s so many that there’s so many different

Reasons why and and things that there’s yeah there’s never really been one that I would say I know fighting Ryan Reeves I laughed because I I was like oh now I understand weight classes like when he punched me I was like holy [ __ ] like I don’t know if I can say that oh

Wonderful um I’ll probably say that a few times but I was like I was like wow that’s that’s a different weight behind that punch you know H cuz he hit me in the helmet and it felt like he hit me in the bare skull so those are like and

Then it’s kind of fun you’re like all right this is this is a little this is going to be a little more of a challenge you got to be a little more technical when you’re fighting to not open yourself up and um yeah so it’s just

Those are like that those are the ones you remember kind of and I mean I never fought Wayne Simmons I was his teammate in Toronto for a little bit and we joked about that when I played with him and then had a chance to fight him last year

Uh which was pretty funny for both of us and we had a good go and you know you realize what makes him such a good technical fighter and um so it’s kind of fun to have that we laughed that was one of those ones where we both like were

Proud of each other and kind of laughed about it after and got it out of our system and um so yeah there I don’t know I I enjoy it for I’m not a stage fighter I hate that stuff like I I never like that I always felt bad for enforcers

When I came in the league that had to do that I just never thought that I and I know why they did it and I appreciate it as a teammate but I’m a guy that like you fight for the reasons of like protecting your teammates and if

Somebody’s pissing you off or you need to fight for that inch then then then you do that but those ones I always I always thought were I felt more bad for our enforcers that they had to go and do that you know was that was a hard thing

To watch cuz I know what it you know sometimes you know you got to fight in a game and you work yourself up for it cuz you’re you know you know it’s coming was that was that I’m sorry uh was that Smith fight was that the longest fight

You’ve ever been in cuz we were watching it and we were like okay anytime I didn’t want to let it go break it time yeah I was like that was one I was even happy that he was good with it cuz sometimes guys like no no no I’m done

And I was like no no we’re not done we’re not done and uh so I give him a lot of credit he’s an honest player um that was one of the longer ones I think I’ve been the Worster when you’re the end of your shift and then like the

Other that was the the one in Nashville I can just remember like I was already gassed I dumped it in and then I saw curse get hit and I was like oh no it’s kind of my like you know you’re like I should have passed to him maybe he

Wouldn’t had to go get it so I went out of him and I was a little exhausted for that one but your adrenaline comes flying back pretty quick well you mentioned how tough enforcers had it and I’m I’m going to totally drop a name

Here but I for a few years I worked with Bob Probert when he was doing radio and he would say in his Heyday he couldn’t go out to a bar without some some dude like challenged him to a fight he’s I’m out to dinner with my family I’m not

Going to fight you with an Applebees dude like but he said that that was the life and those guys in that time had to build himself up every game and if you ever read his book he talks about the anxiety of being an enforcer I think

It’s probably good that that era is in your opinion probably over right of like the your job is to fight yeah and Probert was a Allstar good player but a lot of guys like that just that was their only job and it took a mental toll aside from just getting punched over and

Over yeah the having to prepare yourself mentally every day to fight it’s got to be tough well like also like that’s the one thing I’m glad you said it like a lot of the enforcers I played with a Brian mcgran and uh like a Matt karner

And the guys that and jod Shelly I played against him but I got to know them like they’re actually good players they probably in nny Chell like I always hated that too like they kind of got their skill taken away from them because it’s like oh they’re going to fight

Their five minutes they might play another six minutes in the game and but you almost get you you lose that part of like the appreciation for him like they they in junior wherever they scored 20 30 goals and were big Parts they just happened to be good Fighters and then

That was the role they took on in the NHL and to stay but um you know I always that’s what I didn’t like about that role other but I but I respect it like I it was so important at the time because every team had one you know every for

You get the boards and all those play like you had to have a guy to protect cuz that’s just the way the game was but now I do like that it’s just more of a if two guys are going out in the corner it’s that kind of fight it’s not like

It’s not the policing aspect of it now all right we’re going to take a break when we come back we’re going to ask Nick about the most important Captain role he’s ever had that’s a tease Mister but first we want to tell you about our friends at Circa Resort and Casino it is

Vegas’s first ever adults only Casino Resort the large world world’s largest Sportsbook three-story Stadium style it takes 10 people to operate that 78 million pixel screen they’ve got food from their Victory Burger that sounds good and wings that sounds good and and project barbecue that sounds good tons

Of VIP SE seeding The Dugout Club Legends Club Champions Club Circa Club upper circuit Club lower North and sou stands this place is huge it is awesome if you’ve never been there you need to check it out it is a 7,000 ft casino with two levels 1,322 slots 48 table games with dancing

Dealers that is distracting I will say but Stadium swim a 4,000 person pool 143x 40t LED screen open 365 days a year it sounds absolutely amazing make sure when you’re headed out to Vegas you go check out our friends at Circa Resort uh over 500 rooms with a variety of layouts

To fit your needs and art from local artists elevate your evening at the Legacy club or any of their fine restaurants again that is Circa Resort and Casino in Las Vegas 4,000 people in a pool that’s too many that’s a lot for me that’s way too many that’s yeah nope

Well you know where you can be in a in a pool with a proper capacity that is the Midtown Athletic Club they have four Chicago land locations in Palatine banb bur willbrook and right here in the city the Midtown Athletic Club and hotel and this month the month of January Midtown

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Have a lot of different options uh for joining and getting the most out of their amenities super luxurious locker rooms wet and dry saunas indoor and outdoor pools and hot tubs uh high quality gym equipment high intensity interval training courses yoga boxing you talk about fighting boxing a Midtown

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Professional quality so head over to chgo find out more about the Midtown location nearest to you and schedule your tour all right Nick in 2015 you had the honor of being the captain of the All-Star Game and you got to draft your All-Star team they’re bringing that back

This year that’s so awesome that was a lot of fun and fans loved it uh what was that like did you approach that whole thing and by the way for those that forgot it was team feno versus Team Taves yeah uh so a lot we had our eyes

On that for sure in Chicago that was the Heyday um but what was that like did you have any sort of strategy or did you just sit down and your buddies I think it was dowy Kane and I I think I had Kaner on my team right yeah

Um yeah it was it was awesome I I I had obviously no clue what to expect as my first All-Star Game and um to be Captain I was nervous as hell and then we get to that draft and we maybe enjoyed ourselves a little too much with some

Some drinks and but it made for great TV like they were loving it I remember the like the producers were like giving us the keep going you know we’re like I don’t think you want this to keep going but um I remembered it just being a

Blast I think we traded Taz and Sean cuz they had that like story or kessle and uh sorry Tas kessle and say game which was pretty funny uh so that was a fun little thing and then I remember Obie just dying to be drafted last like he

Was like drafted me last draft me last I want he wanted that Accord yeah and uh we didn’t let him get that so that was kind of funny he was pretty pissed off actually um but yeah it was it was it was honestly really fun I think all the

Guys genuinely enjoyed it too like it was we had a lot of good laughs I remember dowy and Kana and I were laughing pretty good with those guys so um yeah it was pretty special now what was that so the the All-Star experience I I I feel like sometimes uh for some guys

It feels like it kind of gets in the way of you know that actual break of the season does that does the honor of being an All-Star outweigh the actual like getting a week off in the middle of the season to kind of like get your body

Right get get away from the game for a little bit Yeah because I think you know to be recognized in that light is is pretty special right like you’re considered one of the best players in that season or you know multiple times throughout your career and I think it’s

Just a great honor to to you’re representing the league too right like I remember as a kid I remember I always watch the All-Star Game I watch the skills competition so you have that responsibility to the the kids that are watching to to marketing the league um

You know you’re considered one of the best of the best at the time and um I I don’t think that should ever be taken lightly I think it’s it’s an honor and you should be humbled by that and you know go and represent your team and

Yourself in the way you you should right and uh I think you get PL know now we have the byee too which helps I remember before the allstar was you didn’t get any break but now guys really have nothing to complain about you still get some time to go away with your families

If you want to and and enjoy a little break so um I never think that that should ever come into play where you know you’re you’re mad that you’re going to an All-Star game I do understand there’s guys that you know have gone 10 times and they maybe would like a little

Bit of time to rest an injury because they know the playoff push is coming and I understand that aspect so there’s always a give and take but you know it’s a privilege to be there and an honor and and like I said you’re representing your team your organization your own

Teammates right and um and it’s it’s a lot of fun as much as it’s yeah it’s it’s a pain and some of the things you have to do it’s it’s a blast you get to be in a real relaxed environment which we don’t get very often throughout the

Year with a lot of great players to kind of rub elbows with some of the greats in the game at the time and and have a lot of laughs and and unbelievable memories and I’ll cherish my time is that was one of the most special things to do and

Especially in Columbus putting our team on the map a little bit in our city and showcasing how big of a hockey town that that place was and uh it was it was pretty special to be a part of we’re a very Pro Phil Kastle podcast uh we’ve

Been we’ve been uh blowing that Trump for two years now to get him here so you tried your hand in recruiting the other day with the Jason Dickenson so you any thoughts of saying I’ve traded for you did draft him yeah I know like you know

I would take yeah I mean why not he’s a great player he’s right there I played with Phil when I was 16 we played on the US program together so I’ve known Phil a long time and I’ve always been an admirer of his game and I mean he’s

Played a lot of years and put a lot of miles on and you know the Iron Man streak and cups and you know so’s I’ve always admired him he’s he’s a he’s a different guy in a lot of ways but that’s what I love about him I think

That that’s what’s like awesome he he not a your prototypical Superstar but he’s he’s got you know he’s a great guy all guys love him and uh he yeah he’d definitely be welcome here if he wanted to come I don’t know what his plans are

I know what he’s up to these days kind of lost touch with him over the time but uh Phil if you’re listening we’ll take you man come on over there it is all right we’ve been saying that for a year and a half it hasn’t worked yeah me and

Greg look at him is the peak mail form that’s what we’re pushing towards it’d be nice to walk into the locker room and see a guy that looks just like me well everybody everybody’s got a real quick though Phil is really strong one thing like that a misconception I know

His body looks but his his legs that guy was squatting 400 lb at 16 years old like it was crazy how strong he was well the worst for him was that USA picture that came out that that team picture it was just such a whoever that photographer was everyone looked as bad

As possible and they caught him at the worst time but everybody’s got a great uh kessle story do you have any kessle stories that you’re willing to share able to share um I think I’ve told it already when it was at the US program we

Us to we used to have to box um we had a boxing coach that would come in and kind of try to teach us we’re 16 we had to play in this Junior League so it just like more to protect ourselves yeah and uh he would bring a gold one of his

Golden Glove boxers that was our age and Phil didn’t love that aspect of hockey obviously and he’d have to go in there his name was George the kid that we had to to fight or box and you had to last like a certain amount of time in there

With him so I just remember we’d die laughing cuz Phil would just run around the ring for as long as he could to not get hit and it ended up being a pretty genius idea we all started coping him but uh yeah he wasn’t he wasn’t going to

Go in there swinging that’s for sure but uh I kind admired that he he owned what he was and he’s like I’m a goal scorer I’m not doing this so that’s the type of mentality that’s got him you know almost 900 straight he’s not stupid obviously you

Got to be in some sort of athletic conditioning to do that like I we we poke fun at that stuff but but oh my God like he’s a he’s a one of a kind yeah I’d rather be I’d rather be punch repeatedly than [Laughter] run I’d rather stand in there and fight

You give me the head gear it’s it’s a it’s a flip of a not against this guy George guy oh my nightmares we’ all CR think it was on Wednesdays he’ be like oh it’s Wednesday and and you know he’s walking in just like yeah oh yeah he

Like how many how many hockey players I punch in the face yeah exactly come on tough guy let’s go well I want to get back uh to the current team a little bit and we are now officially halfway or maybe a game Beyond halfway Beyond halfway yeah so uh you know your

Leadership is talked about all the time I’m sure you’re tired of talking about your leadership um but one thing I want to ask you is through this half season and through this recent like coming together of the team who are some of the guys you’ve

Seen kind of emerge in terms of having a voice or even just kind of leading by example in the room yeah uh it’s been that’s been really fun actually for me to see uh cuz genuinely I didn’t know many guys outside of like Conor Murphy and and Seth Jones coming into the team

Uh which surprised me playing as long as I have like I was like oh but shows you how young our team is too um but I’ve been really impressed I know I vouch for him already in Dickinson um I’d heard lots of great things but I’ve just been so impressed with his professionalism

And the way he’s handled himself and uh how he how much he cares about our team um and wants to you know and wants this to get better fast too like like myself and a lot of others in the room um you know and like even just some of the

Young guys too like I’ve been really impressed with vasic I just find he is like very steady and like he’s a lead by example kind of guy no maintenance um but I I think we got a special one in him and just the way he kind of comes in

And prepares the way he is in the room with the guys he’s already like a a you know team favorite and just his his attitude and personality and he’s eaten a lot of minutes too and you know you know unfortunately in a lot of ways just because he’s already having to handle so

Much but he’s it’s unfair and but he’s handled it really well and and you know just kind of even asked for more sometimes so um you know and getting to know a guy like tenori too and uh it’s it’s funny like the list goes on Tyler Johnson I didn’t realize how how smart

Of a hockey player he was you know I I admired him he’s obviously got cups and playing against him but I didn’t know how how great of a student of the game he was and and how how he looks at the game I’ve really enjoyed talking to him

About the game uh I find he breaks it down really well as one of the players I played with so um yeah but there’s there’s guys different aspects but I just you know it’s it’s neat to see you know the guys that you don’t know much

About and and I’ve talked about it I can probably go around the room but what I’ve appreciated is every guy is genuinely here to try and move this forward you know and and that’s what’s important to me is you know you can have some guys who are just happy to have a

Job and and you know are just okay there’s majority of our group that is just really like how can I be part of this team and and and make myself better which will help the team get better and that’s all you can ask for yeah like

Last year’s team I know you weren’t on it but there were guys that were definitely here on I’m going to bet on myself contract so I can move on to into a better situation this year the guys like they’re sign longer term and you know like even like Taylor Hall yeah

They’re guys are going to be here for a while and I do think it does have a bit of a different feel where guys have a more feeling of permanence where at this point last year all we were talking about was who’s going who’s getting traded and aside from maybe a few times

This year we we’ve hardly talked about that at all on this show we do five shows a week you know you think it would come up and it’s it’s barely talked about because it does feel like this group is kind of more committed and more and more focused on being here I it’s

Actually something said in the room it’s like last year from what it sounds like everyone was like okay who’s leaving yeah and now it’s our my conversations and conversation with guys like who wants to be here you know like really let’s get down to it who wants to be

Here and help move this thing forward and you know I’ve been impressed with a lot of the guys that they they genuinely want to be here so now it’s about doing it and consistently doing it and showing and it’s one thing to say but what are

You doing to really show it right so um that’s where we got to get to next and it’s been a great step in the right direction a lot of guys I mean I’ve been really impressed with our play of of late I know we haven’t gotten the

Results but I I I see a different mindset in our team the past three four five games here it’s just been awesome to see you mentioned uh Seth Jones is he a little down about the Cowboys today yeah yeah he was there’s a few I know

Kevin Dean our coach was uh very happy about the pack winning he a he’s a Packer fan so there was some there was some chirping going on in the room and yeah he was pretty down he just he just said Cowboys did it to me again so sorry

That was a crazy game though I didn’t I didn’t honestly see that coming that’s how every Bears Packers game goes pretty much all of them I’m learning that too we got to get the Bears back to they’re going to we’re going to get better and they’re going to get better I can feel

It hope so oh you’re you just moved to town we can tell what that thought it’s not going to happen you got to have hope baby Ador you got to have hope you’re uh originally from Buffalo Bill’s played this after yeah it’s my childhood they had a my

Kids had a snow date this for like past no offense like Chicago grow up with that snow dat embarassing you didn’t get him growing up I never got a snow day here it was like not even an inch and it was like slush and my kids were just they

They had their underwear inside out a spoon underneath their uh their pillow to make sure they got a snow day the next day I’m like what is happening here and apparently that’s like all the rage now you got to do all sorts of crazy

Stuff to get a snow day it worked but I was pissed cuz snow days where like literally you could open the door and it’d be a wall of snow and they be like all probably not going to school today in Buffalo but yeah it’s easier for now

Cuz like my daughter has to do the virtual so they all had to log on there’s actually not a snow day anymore which kind of sucks I remember waking up in the morning and watching the TV like looking for my ti that was the best that

Was the best and you would see it and then either go back to bed or go outside but yeah now it’s all I feel bad for kids now it’s all virtual yeah they had an actual your kids had an actual snow day snow day on Friday

Friday yeah they’ve had a 4- day weekend they’re just they’re living my wife’s crying and they’re living the life that’s why you were so eager to come here you’re like I would help but they had a big hockey tournament actually Wisconsin Dells which U I’m hearing is only really nice in in the

Summertime not much going on there right now you can’t you can’t go down water slides in January so my wife is at a Great Wolf Lodge this weekend with the three kids and about a thousand other kids from the tournament screaming and yelling so she’s she’s going to need a

Glass of wine tonight yeah were you a Bills fan yeah have you jumped through a flaming table before no that’s going to be on The Bucket List when I retire yeah yeah I got to wait till I’m done playing at least two more years I suffered

Through four Super Bowls I yeah that was my childhood Jim Kelly Andre Reed um yeah that was man those were some hard times but yeah I’ve stuck with them and I’m I’m hoping for some good news tonight yeah uh speaking of your childhood and watching sports um was was

There one guy growing up I mean you grew up your dad was in the league so you you were exposed to it from day one but is there a guy in your childhood that you watched that that made you like fall in love with the game like for me it was

When like Jeremy ronic was on the Hawks I liked hockey at that point but like when Jr got here and was doing his thing with his Swagger I was like oh my God that’s the coolest thing ever was there a guy for you like that growing

Up like obviously it was my dad I give him a ton of credit cuzz like H the passion that he played with I think was passed down to me like I he genuinely loved the game and I would see it and then but I never I you know I was seven

When he retired so I don’t really remember him a ton um playing but I just I I remember always like he just the way he played and stories and things like that so the first player that really made me fall in love with it with the game was probably Peter forsberg which

Was I was like that guy is unbelievable and like I was obsessed with him I think I make a joke like my dad coached that team in ’97 no 98 99 and just right before 2000 and he was assistant coach and you know back then you could really

Go in the locker room a ton the kids were just I was allowed to go any day off I’d be in the room and just kind of in the room like it’d be they’d be meeting and I’d be sitting there and I just remember like kind of creeping out

Peter forsberg like I just be like wanting to like i’ just be staring at him you know and like and I’m like thinking of it as a player now i’ be like that’s got to be so weird if you got a 10-year-old kid like looking at

You day heyet like I’d be at some point like hey Mike get this kid out of this room please you know um but that’s how I remember just being like I would when I went to Colorado Avalanche games I would watch him I would do I noticed that he

Would always hop the boards and then always come in the door to when he got off a line change like he would never jump over the boards but to get off the IC so I would do that when I would play like just it’s little stupid things but

That’s what I think makes me a kid again with like when I play is like I I know maybe they’re not watching they’re all watching Bard now to be honest with you my kids are hilarious they they’re doing what I used to do to Peter to him now I

Feel bad they’re just falling around in the room like little stick to the trainer on the way off warm ups yeah but it is it’s it reminds you like that kids are watching people are watching and you know it’s it’s a cool feeling to know that like you have that impact and and

Can on somebody that maybe they fall in love the game because of you or one of your teammates and there’s a responsibility there so I think it’s uh as a kid that had that I think it’s it’s a pretty cool thing to remember it’s so cool you mentioned that cuz I thought of

Something the other night that ronic used to do this that I Loved Before The Anthem would would end he’d be lined up and at the last line he would take off and go behind the goal and come back McDavid did that the other night like before the anthem ended he sort of took

Off and I I would love to ask him someday like if that was inspired by Jeremy ronic probably not that’s why he wears 97 right but yeah yeah maybe why he wears 97 that lap was a little faster than J.R is probably though was over probably over in two seconds it’s cool

That you that you see I love that stuff cuz that’s the sort of stuff like yes goals are great and fights are great and all those things but those it’s those little quirks about the game it’s like baseball and batting stances right or or whatever the little thing might be that

Makes you fall in love with it but I’m with Y on forsberg he was the coolest and even now he’s with the glass he looks like a European like a like a adult film star for lack of better words he just like he’s just got this swag

About him in the eyes the wolf eyes I remember saying like the blue and then like just even the way he played though he was like the skilled physical guy like remember the r he would always do the reverse check in the guys and I just

Thought that was yeah like that I gra I was like this is that’s how I want to play you know are you glad you never had to fight him yeah that was my team though that like those Avalanche Cup teams late 90s early 2000s that was my playoff team because unfortunately as a

Blackhawk fan you weren’t getting playoff games then so I always had a playoff team once the playoffs started I I started rooting for those abs team because of guys like forsberg and Sack and all but also because of that rivalry they had with the Red Wings so it was

The friend you know the enemy of my enemy is now my friend so I’m going to root for the Avalanche cuz you know that was my first game my dad coached in Detroit and that was our my first game I got to watch him Coach the Avalanche was

In Detroit when they went back after that when Draper got hit by Lemieux and that’s when they had the line brawl and and I would just remember being in the stands and like I didn’t I luckily like hid my Avalanche shirt I was with my sister and my uncle and

We’re watching the game and oh man that was a war and I was like the NHL is awesome you know you got Patrick Wall it was just yeah that was electric that was a pretty cool memory for me remember that game like yesterday it’s just a team full of personalities and like you

Said we can see it at games I I can’t believe how many kids and people already have badar jerseys oh it’s Nast it’s even when Kane and and Taves got here it took it took a while to catch on because the Hawks were so kind of dead before

That the people had to slowly kind of build in and now with the three cups people are still around and now their kids are fans and like that they’ve got with d jerseys it’s it’s unreal and I’m sure he’s feeling the same thing from your kids just oh they driv he’s so good

With them thankfully but I just laugh cuz I remember being that kid so I’m trying to like hey guys give him some space he needs to go to the bathroom right now like let’s just not follow him in theal it was pretty funny though today when we skated he’s out there and

I just laughed I had to look up at one and like it must have got around that he was on the ice it did because the amount of people that just started showing up and just cameras and it’s amazing the world we live in now with the social

Media and yeah but you know what he’s he lives up to it man he lives up to the hype and and uh that’s probably the the most gratifying thing I think a lot of times you meet these people and they don’t quite live up to it unfortunately

He’s a guy that uh I’m proud of him he’s definitely done that well he he’s been through a ton I mean you mentioned the social media thing not going to get specific you know we’re talking about what was that like for him and was there anything you can kind of kind of offer

To him in a situation like that or or well honestly all of a sudden it’s a nightmare is happening around him you know my biggest thing I did I did talk to him about it cuz it was just so unfair but I said you know this is a a

Great lesson for you in that your whole life you’ve probably been built up built up built up right like not never really had any bad media what what could you say about him he was a Phenom from 12 years old or even before then and I

Think it was his first dose of how quickly things can turn on you just for no reason at all and how don’t put so much value into that stuff and don’t you know realize what it is sometimes and you stay true to who you are morally and

That’s all that matters right and and you your teammates love you your family loves you and all that other stuff is fleeting anyway right they’re going to love you one day they’re going to hate you next they’re going to build you up they’re going to want to tear you down

That’s the world we live in and that’s Sports in general so um I think when you kind of can get to that understanding sooner than later especially as a young kid you can kind of handle those pressures a lot better I mean he’s been doing it his whole life but that was the

First time where it was unsolicited un unfair and um it had nothing to do with hockey nothing to do with anything and it was all [ __ ] and so I’m I’m I’m proud of how he handled that and I’m I’m proud of how the group surrounded him

And uh and now we’re through it on the other side very cool yeah he he’s he’s he’s handled it with Grace and uh the first time we had you in we talked about just the level of attention he’s getting and I think it’s kind of unprecedented I

Can’t I guess I would assume McDavid had the same coverage in Canada when he came in but I gotta admit imagine I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know how he handles it I think if it was me I just would have run in to a cave somewhere

And gone away forever but how my rookie season was I remember it very very just lights everywhere figured out if he stays on the ring on the ice all day he can never talk that’s true yeah he wakes us out stupid he gets the signal that

We’re gone and then he jumps off the ice smart man you can see him though getting even when we have the scrums in the locker room he’s getting more comfortable you know and I think starting to trust a little bit from the local media at least and uh you know

He’s he’s loosening up and it’s good to see you um but I wanted to talk to you more about your your decision St in Chicago I’m sure now that you’ve you know you’re going to be here for a while have you found any uh spots you love any favorite restaurants any favorite things

To do with the family man we’re still going we’re still figuring all lot we just love our area right now we’ve enjoyed uh Wicker Park area that’s kind of where we settled and um um yeah I mean my kids went to the ice cream factory or the ice they really love that

Place I haven’t gone there yet um we are we really like the perch that’s been a nice family restaurant but good food have you guys been to that place at all I haven’t been to there on division it’s worth checking out we really like that spot Cafe Istanbul my wife and I tried

Out was unbelievable on division um and then obviously there’s always the Staples but yeah we’re we’re we’re enjoying like checking out the areas um I actually went to go visit a a former teammate of mine out in WIA did I say that right my neighborhood is that

Where he lives you guys are rich I don’t I don’t I live I next the other side of the highway where am I they when I drive through there cut through there to go someplace in my Toyota Camry the police shag out you don’t belong here what are you doing

Well I found out vlast is from up there so I was giving him the gears today he’s from wilmet I live in wilmet right I live in the PO side of well wi’s pretty nice I I drove through it it’s pretty nice it was cool to be up there cuz you

Know you don’t get to get out to the suburbs very often and I’ve heard another place is hensdale a lot of the guys settled in that’s a yeah that’s where a lot of the coaches I know you got to have some cash there too but yeah I was just like wow it’s like

Chicago is we’re we’ve really enjoyed it it’s beautiful beautiful city if you stay for the summer now that you’re committed I’m I may be biased cuz I’ve lived during my whole life little biased nothing be Chicago in a summertime oh we got here in August I was like this is

Unbelievable the patios the just so many like Wicker Park they’ll have little Street Fest all summer like so much to do awesome it’s it’s the best so we’re we’re happy you’re here for a couple more years thank you we’re pumped yeah you’re going to you’re going to enjoy it

And there’s no shortage of good food around here oh my any any kind of Cuisine any kind of culture you’re looking for can I ask you guys you know you have you sure the heard the show The Bear where is that place they’re talking about so it’s not real yeah but what is

Like it’s based off of well there’s a I mean there’s kind of beef on Orleans is is a really I want to check it out I want to know what uh L’s beef the original L’s is right on Taylor between what is it Ashland and is like Taylor

And Lumis yeah I think so you can’t really miss it just go down Ashland hang a left if you’re coming from United Center and the original L design right go check I just want to try you can’t miss it and then in the summer across

The street is Mario a tell ice which is just a little a little wood cheack that’s unbelievable I like those kind of gems like that’s I got to check that that’s Little Italy that whole that whole stretch of Tor Street I haven’t just s that the original owl is like kind of

Argued like that’s the originator of the Italian beef so that’s that’s that’s where you start and then uh but a lot of those restaurant a lot of the chefs say talk to on that show those are legitimate Chicago like kasama is a you can’t even get in even on a day like

Today there’ be a line out the door but they use real Chicago places that was cool yeah yeah that’s but yeah ‘s and uh there you can’t go wrong even if you went to Portillos you get sham as a tourist but it’s it’s a pretty good beef

Experience it’s still very good me again just me and Greg got you on all this stuff we we’re happy to take care of it whatever you need we’ll go have a lunch we’ll do a podcast over there she won’t be able to skate for a week that’s fine yeah should postseason hopefully

Postseason uh should we take a break before we uh do a quick one before we continue yeah yeah all righty well let’s give you a moment here to talk about our Pals over at game time you shouldn’t have to worry about buying tickets for your next big event game time is the

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Planet good for all of us go to was that uh clean you got it CLE go there now and see how going electric connects us to a better way of doing business and a better future for generations to come all right conversation natural organic conversation really was organic perfect

Conversation it really was I love it uh now our producer Stephen had an idea before the show today and we’re going to play a little game here with Nick are we ready to go with this oh no producer Stephen we are ready he says all right

This is called uh the faces of Felino and here’s the game oh God uh we have a image service that we use for all of our posts and uh we found that on when we search Nick Felino there are always interesting facial gestures made so we’re going to show your face on the

Screen and you have to guess exactly what you’re doing in this moment oh boy all right so let’s see the first slide here it looks like I’m trying not to get punched in the face is that is that possible that uh I believe that would be

Correct looking like I’m there it is I think this might be the moment that your finger broke oh yeah it is probably you got like a half open hand slap could could be it this is really good by the way for the YouTube audience the audience go back to YouTube and check it

Out so you can see actually the pictures we’re talking about um all right that’s it’s one for one that’s pretty good all right picture number two oh man this is a closeup this is what it looks like do your peephole and Nick’s at your door yeah exactly the

Ring doorbell yeah looks like I’m looking down at one of my kids in disappointment but I don’t maybe you’ve never seen this photo I’ve never seen this photo this was a recent this was a recent game it was uh yeah this was a trip along the

Boards uh for for you those are the worst angle shots ever no one’s ever looked good the fishe lens oh it’s bad yeah that could have been a lot worse actually that’s not bad I’ll take it all right next one we got here a smile that’s somebody scored had

To have scored I don’t know who it was but that’s usually the face I make in it’s black helmet so it’s a it’s a home game it’s a home game home game uh I don’t know but that’s I’m if I’m smiling it’s cuz one of my teammates scored or I scored

Yeah Conor vard guessing that’s uh the Winnipeg was that the overtime one that was the Winnipeg win I actually loved to S there kind of went like that was pretty sweet I don’t have those he he he acts humble he’s a o Shu you know just little gives you the

Sword and the soon’s going do want though you act tumble and you slit them I love it yeah it’s in there it’s definitely in there it’s when when he is most in his element is when he’s playing hockey and it’s it’s a completely different personality you can you can

Clearly see that even from a uh an outside perspective how many more we got one more you need an Al two more two more I like this one oh I was uh this one I was explaining how to get to uh the airport I remember this one how to

Get go straight and then you hang it right um I don’t know what this one is but that looks exactly how I give directions to my wife usually believe this was a still needs nav to get to pre-season game cuz I believe you’re giving directions to Martin Mesa oh yeah

Don’t listen to me kid you’re doing it you’re doing fine don’t listen the net is that way score it there I did my my daughter at a volleyball game and she served and it didn’t go over the net I I go Eddie it’s got to go over the net you

Got to break the tension you got to all right last one here last one all right let’s see this Is I didn’t see it I didn’t see it there we go there’s another smile oh yeah I a smile it’s a goal though if I smile it’s a goal so uh yeah this was did I score this one though yeah I believe this was your goal against it’s a I get way more

Excited when my teammates score so I could tell it was one of mine it’s a good one it’s a good one it’s always always good to score against that’s Gus nist pulling it out of the net my former teammate so screw you Gus now was that

Gustav or Thomas tar cuz we get the two we we don’t think that they’ve ever been in the same place time that’s like me and the Philadelphia up on this though they’re like the same player yeah yeah I don’t know even if you statistically are they they’re they’re almost identical in every

Category yeah yeah it’s I never noticed that I just I play with Gus he’s a good player really good player he’s having a hell of a year too in uh Nashville right now but well he can do that yeah enjoy screw you Gus there we go all right that’s awesome

I like that that was a fun first visit thanks for doing it we love having you here uh we’ll figure out when the next one is we haven’t gotten that far yet we had to get you here first hopefully the weather is a little bit better next time

We wait till it’s about freezing we could do without this right now definitely but look for Nick at ‘s Beef uh in about a half hour it’ll be there why did Nick come back 20 lbs overweight I have no idea yeah uh yeah thanks for doing it Nick we appreciate it and we

Are back back tomorrow we’ve got a postgame show Hawks and sharks now all right LED myself to this we look at the schedule we pencil in wins and it feels like sometimes when we pencil in the winds they become disastrous you don’t like Columbus was bad and the Phoenix

Game was bad and Montreal game was bad how can we prevent another bad San Jose game well I think the mindset right like that’s what I’ve seen shifted so I don’t think we’re in any position where we feel like we’re going to take anyone for granted and I talked about that we we

Need to earn respect and the guys are really understanding of where that that line is right now so I think the hunger of of playing well and not getting result should drive us to having our best game and hopefully getting the result tomorrow against a team that’s

Also looking to to right their ship so it’s going to be a hard game you can’t I always say doesn’t matter what your record is every game you know the better team’s going to win so whoever comes out with that mindset and and hopefully it’s us and the seeing practice stay the way

The guys practice I think they’re they’re feeling good after day off and ready to go get back at it all right hopefully we’ll be celebrating to win uh tomorrow post game make sure you join us there and we want to remind you the chdl Blackhawks show is powered by comed it’s

Getting easier for your business to switch to electric vehicles learn more at clean for Greg and Mario and Nick I’m Jay we’ll talk to you tomorrow on the chgo Blackhawks Podcast we all sitting like the mayor

Today on CHGO Blackhawks, we welcome Nick Foligno to the show. We’ll discuss his contract extension, what made him want to stay in Chicago, how Connor Bedard is coping with his injury and much more. Join Jay Zawaski, Greg Boysen and Mario Tirabassi as they sit down with the recently-extended forward on the CHGO Blackhawks Live Podcast.

An ALLCITY Network Production






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