@Calgary Flames

Morning Embers: Hose Job Edition

Flames got hosed by the refs and lose to the Leafs 4-3, ending their four game win streak

They had a good first and bad second, however two terrible calls late in the game sealed their fate. Since when can teams use a timeout to look for a potential challenge?

[Condensed Game Here](

Next Game: January 20 vs Edmonton @ 8:00 PM MDT

by 1-800-Waffles


  1. I really wish someone would just take the fine to call out these obviously biased refs, how are you supposed to have a competitive game when the ice is tilted towards the leafs in every game.

  2. Mikel_Dup

    Ref is trash, there are time when Ref is against specific team (Wideman effect) but for the most part, NHL Ref is just bad at their job of inconsistent of period after period or sometimes even during the same period, let alone game after game. The video review is suppose to ‘help’ correct what the Refs missed, and yet NHL love to pick and choose which rules can be overturn, when you can challenge and hey ‘if you make us look bad, we’ll make you pay’… Plus now gambling is in full effect, Refs are human too, so… it is what it is. What a beautiful game of hockey ruin by a league that doesn’t seems to know what they are doing.

  3. thickestdolphin

    I actually have no problem with the way the review was called with the timeout. I think the hand pass rule CLEARLY needs to change, but the way it’s written is the way it was called last night.

    The screw job was the slashing call at the end. The exact same (teams reversed) non-slashing call that lead to the Leafs 4th goal. As well as the phantom “tripping” call that lead to Matthews’ 6 on 5 delayed penalty goal.

  4. FinkBass420

    It was 7 on 5 all night. Let’s just look forward to Saturday.

  5. My primary issue with the disallowed goal is that the Leafs leveraged the Timeout to get more time to determine if there was merit challenging the play or not.

    Doing so only slows down the game even further, and it was on such a granular play too. Sometimes you have to take a Hail Mary on a challenge if you don’t have enough time to verify if the goal shouldn’t have counted. You shouldn’t be able to give your video team an extra thirty seconds to make a decision for you.

    My other issue is the call itself. I would get it if Coleman deliberately palmed the puck, but the contact was so incidental in real time that it was anything but a handpass.

    The problem is once you slow any replay down, any forward motion made by the player immediately looks more and more deliberate.

    A hand pass should be called as a hand pass. No more, no less. If it happens to bounce off a hand by chance and it leads to a goal, tough shit, pucks bounce off a lot of things before going into the net. But if the guy is swatting at it or gloving it into the net, you can call that.

    The only time I can justify calls involving incidental contact is stuff that can directly impact player safety, namely goaltender interference and highsticking/slashing calls.

  6. backchecklund

    This was so wildly infuriating game that I’m just gonna pretend it didn’t happen. Bring on the BoA

  7. FatLouieXVI

    Despite the consistent refs inconsistency, there were some bright spots in the game. Dan had some great saves to keep us in the game, Marner breakaway save amongst others. We effectively played most of the game with 9 forwards and still managed to tie it up. Dube got sat, hopefully scratched for Klapka next game. Zary is beautiful, huby with a two point night. Weegs had a great defensive play on Nylander, dude was bewildered after it happened. Trading continues of Gio scoring on his own net in the barn. Mangi can play the puck better from his knees than he can from his feet.

    All in all we can’t win them all, Arizona and St. Louis both lost last night, unfortunately Nashville won. Hoping Pospisil wasn’t as injured as he seemed, shitty way to get injured. Still no news on the Gilbert front?

  8. Hockonlube

    I mean guys. Seriously. What do you want Gary to do? Have the Leafs lose two games in a row? We all know that can’t hasten. He did what he had to do. For the good of the league.

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