@National Hockey League

NHL Fights per game

NHL Fights per game

by GameofCHAT


  1. IceCubeIsAHypocrite

    Idk what to make of this information other than 1988 is the same year that NWA dropped Straight outta compton and had everybody on edge

  2. AvatarSteed

    Hear me out, forget the shootout. Have 3 rounds of fights. Best of 3. Whoever wins two rounds gets the extra point.

  3. JustWannaChill82

    80s to 2000 was the Real Man’s hockey LOL but honestly it was a fun era for the NHL with Gretzky’s run mixed in with Mario, some Dynasties great goaltending in the 90s and good tough hockey mixed in with some fire wagon hockey from the 80s

  4. funkypony69

    Coming next season there are new penalties being installed;

    2 min for hurt feelings

    5 min major for name calling

  5. rickyspanish895

    Is there a chart that tracks hits per game throughout the years?

  6. someguyfromsk

    Fighting peaked the year Gretzky won his last cup,

    I am sure those two are related somehow.

  7. r3almaplesyrup

    We need more hatred in the league. Not necessarily with fights, but just makes the games so much more entertaining

  8. kngnxthng

    I feel like this season has been notably more violent than recent seasons, I’d like to see this chart after we’re done this year.

  9. red_langford

    TIL: Old timey hockey had very little fighting.

  10. Fuzzycream19

    Maybe guys decided they didn’t want to get punched in the face every game? Maybe they wanted a night off.

  11. Strong_Bumblebee5495

    Hockey in the 80s was essentially a different sport, way more UFC, way less stickhandling through entire teams

  12. SobchakSecurity17

    That spike around 2010 is from the PENISLANDERS game

  13. canadachris44

    Wish their were more today. One of the greatest parts of the game!

    Sad to see its dropped the lowest in 60 years but at least their is a small up tick there

  14. spaceporter

    I’d love to see some other leagues overlaid. I feel like the OHL peaked around 5x this and now it’s essentially zero. I can remember games where there were back to back line brawls in the mid-90s.

  15. LoveEffective1349

    I grew up in the golden age of hockey.

  16. Monkeydad1234

    Hmmmm, peaked right in the middle of Probert’s career.

  17. liquidpig

    From what I recall it wasn’t that more games had fights, but there were all sorts of all out brawls and bench clearing fights back then.

  18. saggywitchtits

    Growing up it seemed like my minor league team fought at least once per game, now it’s a rarity even in the minors.

  19. Coincidentally my interest in watching NHL is the exact same graph.

  20. Lmao you can see when the broad st bullies were a thing

  21. 1ebeholder

    What exactly happened in 1988? Why is both an outlier and the time fights started going down?

  22. monumentvalley170

    Do those bench clearing brawls in the 70’s count as one or 20? Cuz I have a really hard time believing the 80’s beat the 70’s. First man off the bench used to only get a 10 minute misconduct back then. Changed in the early 70’s to an automatic game misconduct I believe. Seemed like bench clearing brawls were almost every night. Then it became more and more severe in its consequences. 1988 was the first year the coach was also penalized. Seems like that made the bigger impact.

  23. capsrock02

    Now do “knowledge of what concussions do to people”

  24. Boring_Pace5158

    The rise in fighting was a response to the Flyers’ Broad Street Bully teams winning the Cup-let’s forget they had a lot of talented players. Teams went out and got goons, a guy who’s only on the roster because he can fight. We’re now going back to the way it was before the 1970’s, where it’s great if a guy can fight, but it’s more important they can play. Guys who can fight are fighting less, because there are better ways for them to contribute than dropping the gloves.

  25. detroiter1987

    I think we are due for a resurgence of the enforcer. Some of these high skill players are getting targeted in todays game. In the 80s, you hit my star and the enforcer would pound you, no questions, no apologies.

  26. Greendaydude22

    So your telling me we’re heading towards a 20 year upward trend of fighting?

  27. moderngamer6

    The league has evolved to be more skill based. That’s why you get kids like bedard with broken jaws after a little contact. It’s faster paced and very entertaining, arguably the best version of hockey but it’s hard to have a bunch of skinny fast kids like mcdavid drop the mits every game without injury. They would rather bury goals and lets shit slide. I don’t blame them.

  28. SorryiLikePlants

    I am sure many disagree, but for me personally hockey was a hell of a lot more fun to watch in the 90s-2010s. I still love watching hockey, and i think its great how skilled the league has become, but goddamn if i dont miss heated rivalries, gloves dropping at the opening draw, huge hits.

    Again, hockey is still the most entertaining pro sport in my opinion, but it feels like a little something has been lose the last 10 years or so.

  29. GrumpGrease

    I think the level of fights is great now. They still happen regularly but they don’t dominate the sport.

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