@Buffalo Sabres

Jiu Jitsu Fundamentals | Reversing Weak Shapes

Jiu Jitsu Fundamentals | Reversing Weak Shapes

Well let’s focus on the bottom just the Tad okay because some of you guys are looking like total Victims now there’s a lot a lot of options now I know I’m telling you guys play the guard just play the guard play the guard well on this next one you get the bottom guy gets to improve his position before we start free rolling okay so we’re going to go to the half

Guard because this is where a lot of we’re ending up okay smash me with whatever you got okay all right anybody want to tell me what they see the leg yes yes my friend okay I’m still in a relatively strong shape okay I’m a little bit vulnerable over here

Cuz she has it on but halfway isolated but with her base she’s giving me that and she’s a little bit strong here but if I can come out to here she’s she’s weaker if I got her leg locked out I can take her in either direction for a sweep

Okay all right now she’s playing a little bit tighter okay it’s yeah the you feel it yep okay now even if she decides to put me on my back that’s okay if I can clear that that I still have a lot of options now for me the best one especially if

I’m in a half guard if I can’t scoop this other leg then one I’m going to start doing is kind of shiming my way down and trying to just hug on to the leg that I’m attached to okay thank you okay because from here okay now when you

Hear the term deep half this is technically deep half not when you’re holding the other leg and actually this isn’t even the full deep half yet I’m trying to be mindful cuz’s got a little busted legs but this would be the Deep half guard this is still like a variation of it

Though okay this is where I like to play from okay but if I can get to here okay now I can really trick her into going either direction but probably the the easiest one would be to get her to post forward a couple times and then just roll back into her

Base from the D- path now if we got this half guard scenario and she’s not putting a lot of pressure then we all know come up hug the body throw the arm over and expose the back okay that’s that’s 101 okay also if she’s here and let’s say was

Able to get this shield in okay but I don’t want to play that Shield I’m I could try to Pummel that leg back in and look for my butterfly or at least fake the butterfly start looking for my sweep

Black Flag Submission Co. head coach Gilbert Olivas shows some useful drills to help you capitalize on your opponent’s weak shape.

Filmed/edited by: Sean A. Malone –

Black Flag Submission Co. –

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