@Vancouver Canucks



by Se406


  1. ClassicChrisstopher

    Leafs finally got to see a good Canadian team tonight

  2. wrenchin115

    Leafs fans probably only care about scoring three in the second and that their lazy love child nylander got some points, W don’t matter

  3. UNKWxNightfall

    They got 5 powerplays and didn’t score on a single one. Reffing did not cost them the game

  4. _CoconutsGo

    Let’s take this one outside r/canucks. I’m ready.

  5. tailkinman

    It’s a shame this game didn’t happen last weekend – we could have used the salt to keep the roads clear

  6. Squat-Lobster-33

    Great to see Canada’s team win tonight

  7. carry-on_replacement

    “Canucks are goons” is almost a compliment considering how little backbone we had prior to this year

  8. Seth_Jarvis_fanboy

    the announcers really huffing that copium tonight

  9. julesieee

    “*I doN’t tHiNk they’Re a CuP cOnTeNdiNg teAm! I’m NoT ThAt iMprEsSeD!*”

    “*Have you seen the Canucks this year? They’re number one this year.*”

    “*No. JuSt ThIs oNe. They’Re juSt LUCKY!!!*”

    – from the Leafs PGT, paraphrased.

  10. How badly after seeing Myers get “tangled up” did I want to see him land that punch on Tavares face. Guy would have been lights out! And not because it’s Tavares or anything but just because he’s wearing a leafs jersey.

  11. Don’t forget “PDO bender” spoken by someone who doesn’t understand PDO or why there’s no such thing as a 47 game PDO bender.

  12. DaikonEffective1105

    Leaf fans were not happy last night 🤣 it’s funny that a team which had more PP chances are playing against the refs according to its fan base.

  13. Alien_Diceroller

    Is there a lot of butthurt coming from the Leafs?

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