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Viktor Maudr’s Trip of a Lifetime | Sabres Live Overtime | Buffalo Sabres

Viktor Maudr’s Trip of a Lifetime | Sabres Live Overtime | Buffalo Sabres

Sabers live is presented by senica Resorts and casinos nothing else comes close we are going to overtime welcome in Marty I hate saying this we went from a one Buffalo weekend to a nonone buffalo weekend uh when you incorporate all the teams of the Sabers the bills and the bandits so undoubtedly

If people see see some dips in energy and some sad emotions here on this uh Sabers live overtime podcast I think they’ll understand exactly why yeah it’s not a easy Monday morning to wake up from especially after the Sunday night bills Affair but we got to move on and

We’re going to try to bring the energy up with having a fantastic guest that uh kind of brought in so much energy over the last two weeks in the saber land and saber hood I should say as we were wearing our uh crew neck on on Saturday

But uh yeah Victor of the Czech and Slovak uh Buffalo Sabers fan club is going to join us but yeah you’ll bring the energy up because my energy level is a little down right now so the harsh reality is 46 games down for the Sabers 36 to go and based on our realistic

Projections for the last few weeks and what they’ve done which included wins on the home stand just not enough they ended up three and three you were hoping for one and one probably at a minimum um they obviously it was in the palm of their hand to do just that and it

Slipped through but with 36 to go you’re looking at realistically I think 26 and 10 is the minimum here that to get them into a spot that’s going to be real close but we don’t know obviously what that final number would be but I think

You have to shoot for 96 and uh and you know and we’ll see as we get closer but you can’t tackle all that at once you can only tackle the next one in front of you and for Buffalo they start this trip now through California where they go

Tuesday Wednesday Saturday in Anaheim LA and San Jose and based on the practice lines before they left for the trip we’re once again finding familiarity and a lack thereof right like if Skinner comes back in you’re going to see Skinner Thompson and Tuck the reality is they’ve only played 132 minutes together

This year at 5 on five which is significantly lower I mean it’s crazy and they’ve got seven goals for and seven goals against at 5 on five so it’s it’s not been that same Powerhouse Trio that we were able to witness last year another line has Benson playing with

Middl stad and PKA they have played limited action this year 34 minutes together decent results another one is Greenway with cousins and Quinn they played one minute together so that’s a new Trio yes and then of course you go to what I think some people would

Default to as the fourth line um but they’ve actually not played a lot together at five on five it’s Genson with Krebs and aoso they’ve played 82 minutes together they’re still looking for their first five on five goal together yeah so when I look at the line

Duffer I’m thinking okay so with Skinner possibly being back on Tuesday night in Anaheim feeling better said he was close to on Saturday to get back into the lineup but needed to go through a couple more practices um I would have thought okay let’s get back to the normal you

Know top nine where it would have been Skinner Thompson tuck would have been uh petka cousins Quinn and then Greenway Middle stad Benson but that’s not the case and I think a lot of it is that look we’ve talked about the Sabers being a top 10 uh five on five scoring team

All season long and the power play really leaving them kind of like behind right in the goal scoring overall and it’s still true the the power play is definitely a reason why the the reason why the Sabers are down goal scoring from this year to last year even though

In the second half last year the parle wasn’t great it was great in the first half not in the second half but at least it carried on right from the first half into the second half of the season with their numbers but right now if you look at cousins Quinn and petka weren’t

Really producing anything so they are F like yeah that’s a line in my mind but they weren’t producing anything Benson Greenway Middle stat yeah that could be a great line but they were more of a hey look at the role that greenway’s playing blocking shots at the end of pra at the

End of the game and it wasn’t oh look at the offense that that Line’s carrying through and it’s not like the Thompson Skinner tuck line was consistently every game on the ice for two goals for two goals for two goals for it’s not happening so I think Don Grado is

Looking at okay well I’m gonna put Skinner back on the top line to have that energy but I’m going to modify other things because right now if the power play is not going to carry you through through which it hasn’t all year you’re going to have to find even more

Scoring at five on five and that’s the way I think Don gonado and his staff is trying to get it done can the power play carry them the rest of the way well I mean if it had been like a couple of weeks where they have uh struggled I

Would say yeah absolutely you go back to your foundation but what is the foundation now that’s the problem but the foundation is still the same players who last year produced the fifth best power play in franchise history yeah so and it’s also the same coaching

Staff so that needs to be kept in mind here too it’s not like you know what I mean so they scored 63 Power Play Goals last year they have 19 so far this year so even if they get a goal per game on the power play they’re not going to hit last

Year’s number but that’s irrelevant at this time if they get a goal a game over the final 36 games you got a chance they have a chance so we’ve heard Delan say I’m a shooter we know what Thompson can do but it doesn’t seem like it’s falling

For him the same way so what would you do not to put it all on your shoulders there bud I know I I totally get what you’re saying my my kid my son was asking me why is the cers power play not working like it did last year and I was

Quick to remind him that you reminded me Duffer that hey from January 1 on last season it wasn’t what it was in the first half of the year the first half of the year they were like the parly was unbelievable but then they got pre-c scouted they realized Tage Thompson’s

Onetime there was a lot of that look at Chicago the other day got hurt too in in the second half too Tage got hurt it affected the numbers but look at Chicago on Thursday night Sabers got a power play and they have one guy that is

Within a stick link of Tage Thompson all the time teams are pre- scouted and have pr- scouted now the Sabers and also know because of the Sabers lack of success what actually works against them now the Sabers tried to do something different earlier in the year by putting t to the

Right side I don’t like that at all I think Tage is a left side type of guy one-time just but I think the play has to go from the right side of the formation onto the left side like oetkin when he was on fire on the power play

The puck was never on the left side of the formation it was always on the right side and it only got there when it was time for Obie to let go the one-time or if you wanted to have a decoy but I feel like the cers power play starts on the

Left side and comes back to to the left side to T for the one-time which doesn’t really move anybody right so I want to say find somebody on the right side that could be that guy that will control the power play is it Casey midle step well

We’ve seen him there but I don’t know that it really worked I think Jack Quinn has a good chance of being that guy I think he’s got great vision and as a right-handed shot he can attack the middle go down low come back for the

One-time go across to Tage we we can see that um you know is it Jeff Skinner we’ve seen Skinner in that spot I don’t love it so I think that’s where you have to get your answer and the Sabers for all the the talent they have and some of

The exciting Talent they have they’ve had a hard time battle through three Scouts if a team decides to play a 131 or 1 14 in the neutral zone five on five they have a hard time going through that like Tempa on Saturday they have a hard

Time finding a way around a good penalty kill unit that’s going to neutralize is your your your your number one play your number two play and that has been the the the the case now for a year so that to me is where the trouble is being able

To find an other way to create because they know they can do it one way but can you add a different layer um last year and through the course of the summer we talked a lot about uh you know trying to be on that uh plus side of five on five goals for

And against and how if you were in the top 16 in that you were almost guaranteed to be a playoff team well funny how it goes cuz that’s not as true League wide this year Buffalo is 16th in that regard but it seems like it’s been

More of a teams that are good on the power play this year have put themselves in a good position in fact New Jersey Arizona and Seattle are the only teams that are in the top 16 on PowerPlay that aren’t in the playoffs right now so 13 out of the 16 potential playoff bound

Teams good power plays right now right so it’s funny how that Dynamic works and somehow the Rangers won a game yesterday against Anaheim they Anaheim just folded but it has become very clear and we talked about it a ton the last time we were at Madison Square Garden was the fact that

This team is not nearly as good at five on five as they should be but their power play can save the day for them so the Rangers are going to they got two goals Thro Che got him back in the game at 21 and panan got him going and the

Rangers got two Power Play Goals they’re second in the league on the power play Tempa Tempa we just saw them right they didn’t score a power play goal against the Sabers uh but their power play is number one in the league the Oilers got themselves back to you know a good a

Good place after their power play is help now it’s not just the power play I think they’re playing a better game but the power play is the Catalyst sometimes to get your self-confidence offensively I would agree with that and we may have just witnessed one of the ultimate power

Plays Among our fan basee our International fan base and that story is Straight Ahead here on Sabers live overtime and when you’re serious about the game oh and are these folks serious about the game our friends from czechia and Slovakia but uh when you’re serious about the game bet on Buffalo with the

Only Sports books in Western New York senica Resorts and casinos beding counters are open daily self-service beding kiosks available 247 at all three locations whether you visit senica Niagara alagan or Buffalo Creek the Sports Lounge features the latest lines and multiple screens so you never miss a

Play the sports book at Sena Resorts and casinos where the Love of the Game meets The Thrill of the win well sometimes we use the phrase he needs no introduction I think in this case he probably needs an introduction Marty but he’s also made thousands of introductions in Western

New York over the last few weeks Victor mder is of course part of the Czech and Slovak Buffalo Sabers fan club and he just was on the Journey of a lifetime am I right about that Victor you’re absolutely right about it and thank you that you cly check and Slovakian group

Because we heard thousands of czechoslovakians are coming in town so it’s not Czechoslovakia it’s Czech and Slovakia and I’m glad you get it correct yeah it’s it’s amazing Marty I mean Marty when you look at what Victor and his group brought over the last couple

Of weeks how do you describe it well the energy right and I made it brought brought me back to the world championship when we went to lvia and when we went to Finland and all of a sudden we played Denmark and the fans are Channing throughout the whole game

And whatnot so the same thing the energy that your group Victor brought to the building to the stands to the the Jumbotron with the chance right was amazing so tell me like when you guys go to games in in czechia or in Slovakia and you go support your your local teams

Is that the way it is all the time like chance and chance and the energy is way up well usually it is like this there’s always a section of fans like for example in King Center it would be section 101 and 102 that would be the main heartbeating of of the whole Arena

So these these fans these sections would bring the drums they would you know cheer during the whole game and then the rest of the people are sitting there like in KeyBank Center as sometimes they join them sometimes they just you know don’t mind they have their own beer and

But this is how it is in in Europe there’s always the section of fans with the heartbeat and tries to get the whole Arena going how did this entire group come together previously and then how did this trip come together well I started a Facebook page

In 2010 it was so popular you know to make a new Facebook pages like f Club of this F Club of this and Facebook is the strongest social media in in Czech Republic still until this day so we are mostly working on on Facebook and on

2015 I decided hey we should you know like meet up I saw Avalanche which is the fan club of Colorado Avalanche in in Europe and they come together with all the fans from Czech and Slovakia Finland Sweden and they already have been on I don’t know nine or 10 trips uh to the

States and I saw hey we should meet and you know be a little bit like them you know you know cheer for the team together which is nice you know like I I don’t have anyone any of my friends doesn’t know who the Buffalo Sabers are

Like you know they know hashek was there but you know you can’t talk to anyone about the Sabers so I decided let’s meet and see where it goes and it was like a snowball it was it was getting bigger bigger and bigger and before Co in

2019 he said hey we would like to see Sabers and buffalo we saw them in on global Series game when where we went together it was like 12 people or something but decided hey we must see it in Buffalo in person like have the dream

And and yeah we were able to do that after Co wow so when you guys left to come on your trip um you brought the snow you brought the energy you brought everything but were you guys nervous was this like a little bit oh what is this

Going to be like we hope that it meets our expectation and did it meet expectation that you guys had set in mind well I think the other guys from the group didn’t had almost any expectation because you know uh I was the I was the main part of the

Group that was you know trying to keep the guys entertained and well talk to someone from Sab organization if they can do this for us and this for us but we met R who was sorry it’s a hard name for yeah so this man is one of a kind

You know he did all this all this beautiful stuff for us and I was responsible for this part and I didn’t wanted to let everyone know hey we could meet hashek on on 19 I knew that from brige but I was like I don’t want to you

Know make May guys High expectation and you know if it’s if it’s going to work everyone will you know have his life live his dream but I was trying to keep it for myself and well I you you just have no words you know how everything

Came out together step by step it was like the first day we were in Buffalo and we met L Playfair and we were in the arena I was like can this be even better and then the other day you know we were also doing you know the stuff we were

Meeting the players we were in a tunnel so you know every day was better than the than the day before which was amazing wow so what was it like when I mean had you met Dom before uh I’ve done with him to interviews in in Republic obviously I

Think he doesn’t remember me because he made so many interviews from one of the guys of our group that he already said in in your postgame show he’s playing hockey uh but he wasn’t here in in Buffalo he he stay in Europe but yeah I

Know him a little bit but it was great you know to see him in Buffalo you know you see him in Czech Republic you see in in TV Etc but see at a place where Dom became a Dom I know Nago night8 was was a big thing and but the Buffalo is what

Made Dum so special and to see him at this place and see the crowd going nuts when when he wasn’t there and begging the drum even not with a great Rhythm but still it was ding the drum it was great so when I I laugh because often I’ll I’ll meet some French

You know Sabers fans and then I speak French with them and there’s always a couple of people that turn around and are like oh like like they don’t expect it so when Dum came in did it became just this big cck language like regroup and everything yeah exactly we didn’t

Care about English at all because you know there there are like I and I would say four or five people could speak English in a in a I would say good way yeah but the the rest they just you know almost don’t understand English at all so they finally could speak with someone

In cheick who not from the group so they were just so happy to speak check with dom and I think I think he was happy too because you know I think he has also enough of English he wants to come back and speak cck so what was it like for

Those others in your group that you didn’t let on that this could happen like what was it like when they found out well they they stayed in shock like I said I was using the words like Alice in the Wonderland or kids in the toy store it was like they just wow we’re

Going to meet hasik oh wow you really and yeah like everyone was like speechless and I think we still don’t know exactly what happened in Buffalo we just I think right now we are still in some kind of big hangover from Buffalo and when the time will flies by we will

Just still be realizing what happened in Buffalo and how awesome this trip was and I don’t want to be bad and rough against the air lunch but I think this was much better than the air lunch did yes absolutely much better better than the the Avalanche fan club um so we

Know you guys went to the games you did a ton at the arena but what did you do in between the games like the off days like did you guys eat chicken wings every day did you take in all that is Buffalo well we were well the two days

That we that were off we were unluckily have to stayed around the hotel because there was a travel band but the only open place in the travel B was Gabriel’s gate which was just around the corner so we had like I ate like I would say 300 wings during I was in

Buffalo all kinds of wings all kinds of beers and yeah we enjoyed our time we loved the one small bowling bowling spot Town bowling Edge we were there like two times playing darts and I was jumping for a table there he was wrapping it up around 5:00 a.m. so yeah we were living

Our life we were just you know hanging well I say for me personally when I see Buffalo this city is having Sports is having great food and is having you know beers and drinks and that’s all I want from the city so we went out to and you

Got to you got to one Bills game right we were also on Bills game yeah yeah what was that experience like after all that weather it was it was great like you know the the fans were you know going nuts they were going crazy and I kind of

I’m kind of sad that this is not happening in key Center we were trying to bring this energy uh to the keeping Center too but you know the hockey is still much better sport for me personally to watch to entertain people it’s still more entertaining sport than

Than football but uh if you compare like the crowd wise it is you know more en enthusiastic and more fun on the Bills game yeah well I think that when you drink for five hours before going into the stadium that helps right so it’s a little bit of a different setup but uh

Okay so you guys met some of the players anybody that stood out that you’re like wow like I’m so like glad I got to meet and and shake hands with this player well I think also the first meeting that we had with L player was something

Special because you know he is the huge alumni he’s a big part of the Buffalo Sabers history and I think he was so lucky also and so glad to meet us because you know there are some bunch of people from heart of the Europe who recognize who L player is even if he’s

Not playing for such a long time and we were thanking him and chatting with him about you know what he did for the organization and when we were saying goodbye to each other you could see he got tear in his eye that you know he was

So so happy that some crazy guys from Czech Republic recognize who he is it was so nice and also you know meeting you two guys was was so awesome for us you know meeting all the guys in in the locker room like after the morning skate

I think Sam on Benson they were pretty excited pton creps he didn’t invite us at his party I’m still kind of you know set about it but yeah that’s right next time we still need something you know to come back you know Victor what you just said about

Larry Playfair reinforces the just the genuine validity of the passion that you and your group have if you don’t know the history you’re not going to feel it when you’re confronted with it right and and Larry to speak to your meeting with him is like that with us we see him

Before almost every home game because he and his wife are still so involved in raising money for the Sabers Foundation every night right and I just I love that that’s kind of like the launching point and the example that you’re always going to be able to share with people because

It’s it’s the originals if you will that that brought us all into this same Sabers world right exactly like knowing knowing the history and knowing you know these kind of you know things that are not as well known around I would say the world but they are pretty important for

For the people in 716 this is what why I made video it’s like 5 years ago I made a video about a game against San Jose Sharks after a flight from New York to to Buffalo and how important this this game was and uh this brought me together

With Dave petrovski who is a generous person from Buffalo and he did a lot of things also for us he paid us for the for the bus to transfers from the Sabers game to the Bills game wow so we can be there quickly so yeah it’s it’s like it’s Buffalo it’s it

Is yeah wow it’s in your heart yeah it is in your heart now um how many games do you get to watch and what times are those games when they are in in Czech Republic if we play a regular 7 o’clock game here well I will answer the first

Question first we started with Seattle game and ended up like nine of us ended up with a game against Chicago so it was five I believe we won three out of five and the other other group of six rested also for the kids takeover game against

Against dampa and they were able to be at a bandit game too so they enjoyed that pretty good yeah so they love to know like when we were doing like when some player was entering the Penalty Box we were doing like and it’s and and the

Bandit game it’s like you know the CH bux bux it’s so good we love that we need we need to do that too and regarding the second uh second question the game starts usually at 1: a.m. here okay so do you stay up and watch most of

Them when you’re back home yeah yeah yeah I do I do I ruin my heal with it but I do yeah always depends what the score is after two period you may go to sleep you may watch the third period you may he watches all of it I can tell I

Can tell all right there were games like if we are losing five to n I’m so I’m going to sleep yes but if it’s like three or four goals I still believe yes so Victor for people that don’t know what else is your life all about like from a hockey and broadcasting

Standpoint and you know give us a little more about about you the person here Beyond this incredible Sabers fan club well I think I’m not that interesting person but you know I’m I’m a play-by-play announcer in h in Czech Republic I work for the national O2 TV

With the national broadcaster of of a Czech top League which is you know you need to know that the the style of broadcasting is different than you have in the states every Club in States has its own TV and our crew here in Czech Republic because we are small country

There’s only one National broadcaster who broadcast these games to everyone like you know so good for you so there’s no one no one like separate separate TVs so yeah I’m I’m the play-by-play announcer I’m all of this because of RJ uh when I was like maybe 10 12 years old

I was listening listening to RG I couldn’t even you know understand what what he’s saying back in the days but I just love the voice how he’s working with the voice and I knew that I want to became a play-by-play announcer and here I am I’m living my dream I’m wearing

Suspenders to every game I I cover just because of RJ and it’s just just I’m living my dream it’s dream com through it doesn’t work I do not work I just you know having my dream and I’m getting paid for it and you got to your suspenders in the uh the booth upstairs

With Dan during the game which was a kind of a very nice homage to RJ to be able to to to do that you know how special was that to be able to go up in the uh in the Press Box and into the booth uh it it was just awesome you know

Like to be at a place where arj was doing playby place where Dan is doing a heck of a job to see it from from the point of view of your idol and of the person you know who led you in a way that you know you you became a person

You you far it was it was just awesome like to be there I I still you know when I when I’m thinking about it I still need to to kind of you know settle up with it and rethink about how what I really experienced over there because

You know it’s still so many things that I have experienced a death booth and so many emotions came through me it was like happiness sadness at at the same time uh yeah but it was it was a dream to to be standing there and see the game

From the perspective RJ RJ w and danis it it it’s for me it was the best experience from the whole trip when are you coming back uh we need to save some money well we we were we were saving for this trip for like four or five years and I think

It’s going to be it’s going to be same like we definitely want to came back but we still need to save money to to have it as good as as it was right now so I guess in four or five years you you got us back oh wow that’s going to be

Amazing yeah well we we can’t wait to have you guys back I’ll be honest with you it was a fun experience um it was probably challenging with all the the travel the group it’s a large group traveling with a large group is not easy coming in the the the the snow the

Weather the everything’s closing the travel ban but um you know our time just even after the game or going across the street to the uh to the brew house right you guys enjoy that it was good uh walked in and Duffer we walked in and all of a sudden we’re we’re being

Announced we’re being announced to the crowd from the Czech and Slovak fan clubs so that was great uh Victor did you I mean the memories are the greatest souvenirs but did you pick up something along the way that that is your like you took home that that you cherish the most

Uh I spent more than 2,500 bucks in Buffalo like just for Sabers merch and stuff so God that’s why I need to save for another five years it was just horrible like I I got I brought two jerseys one one uh St Martin Ryan Miller

One the goed one one one with the RJ in the back oh I bought this in Dave and Adams which is also you know pretty nice and it’s just so so many things did I B some stupid things to put on car and to everywhere like I going to have

Everything Buffalo right now amazing that’s that’s what we love to hear and and honestly I’m so glad you mentioned rich derill I Know Rich and the entire community relations team uh they were just they were clearly enjoying your presence as much as the other way around

So thank you for that these are gifts that give both ways right passion for a team so thank you Victor uh and thank you for taking the time we’re gonna have to do this a little more often all right well not a problem for me I can do some

European scouting research for you yes yes well we’ll have and Chris Baker on at the same time when we start getting closer yeah sounds good Victor thank you so much thank you very much for you guys Marty do you think the uh Czech and Slovak fan club will have left a lasting

Legacy I.E do you think we’ll still see some of their stuff on the video board moving forward 100% 100% we’ll see it on the video board we’ll see it on social media I want them to send us videos of when they’re watching the game and big

Save by Lucan or a big goal and they have a chance send it to us so we can put it on our social too and just spread the love because they were amazing well you know we often get asked uh or we just in general conversation you know

Once uh another season winds down you you often look back and I mean it’s going to be hard to look back and not think of this as one of the Highlight Windows of time that we experience this year just an incredibly passionate group of people um yeah and and you know what

Was great to is they got to uh move around the arena they sat right by the Zamboni one time one time was like closer to behind the bench one time they were in the suite they were a little bit everywhere so if you were maybe a season

Ticket holder and you could see them from out far they got closer to you at some point you got to to join in a little bit and some of the chance and some of the energy there but I love how they describe the way they watch the

Game the way they they feel the game um their whole experience their trips to the saber store and more so that was that was pretty cool some were on the Zamboni too during yeah so that was uh again they got they got as close to it as humanly possible and of course

They’re uh well I mean an unforgettable night when we talked to pton Krabs afterwards about just how oh yeah this is your chance to say electricity in check electricity electricity electricity I think that’s the way it is but and not only that I’ll tell you this

We all know that Buffalo people are very welcoming into our down into our city um when you go to we go to road crew right we’re going to have a road crew in Tampa and we know that there’s going to be Buffalo fans in Tampa they’re going to

Be welcoming if you’re ever in Prague or Bratislava or in czechia or Slovakia and you hit Victor on on social media hey I’m in czechia and I want to maybe know what to do they’ll help you they are the same way they are so welcoming of

Wanting to to to show you their part of the world world right so if you’re over there reach out on social media for sure well obviously as as you heard Victor say U for many of them meeting their hero in Buffalo was a huge highlight and of course Dominic hasek’s arch rival for

Much of his career was Patrick W Patrick now finds himself back in the NHL as the bench boss for the New York Islanders he’s 1 and0 after an overtime win last night um Islanders were two points out of the playoffs when they made this change what do you make of the the

Latest Lou type decision obviously Lou has done a lot of those type of coaching decision he fired was Larry Robinson a couple of games before the end of the season and took over as a coach one year they were in the playoffs um he’s done

The same with cl Julian and and you know uh in in New Jersey Pat Burns uh he’s he’s done a lot of coaching changes this one with the Islanders we had to see it coming you talk to sha goldan we talk to sha every week and she’s like the

Islanders are not a good team they should not be winning games uh and it you know after you know the coaching change in Long Allen uh after Barry trotz left and Lane Lambert came in I don’t think that the Islanders really continue to get better and now it’s time

To just say hey let’s make a change uh I was surprised that the change I wasn’t surprised about the change I thought Lou was looking for a new coach I was surprised it was Patrick W and not because Patrick is not a qualified coach we can look at it two way Patrick’s a

Coach that’s coached in the NHL with Colorado had a terrible exit in Colorado when he decided to quit basically weeks a few weeks before training camp and poor Jared bnar went in and had a miserable season uh but also Patrick actually he won a cup and made his way

Back that’s totally fine uh but Patrick is also a guy that has worked at the junior level like you know we always say like hey give some of these coaches that are at the junior level a chance now Patrick wi is are all of Famer and that’s different and he coached in the

NHL but he’s also done the the groundwork he’s done the the bus trips he’s done the developing of young players and the new way of talking to them and communicating with them so he still has that look in his eye like he’s an old school guy but I think he’s

Learned a new school thing to so I’m looking forward to see what he can do in Long Island not that I want them to have too much success because that’s a team that the Sabers have to try to get past as well in the standings and what do you

Make of the Oilers adding Corey Perry your free trade deadline um a little bit like they did with Evander Kane right the Oilers are tough against the cap they can’t make a lot of moves they have to really look around for something that may not be the best scenario but will

Fit in their system they always feel like they got a good room and good leadership that that will lead the right way now again Corey Perry look I hated playing against Cory Perry I think he’s got an edge and he’s been suspended and all that what happened in Chicago I don’t know the

Details of it just the fact that Chicago cut him said you’re out um and that’s it okay well I think Chicago had a reason to do it I don’t know the details of it so I can’t really go into saying well Cory Perry’s terrible person or he’s I

Don’t know I think the ERS had to have done their due diligence on it they did it with Evander Kane and it kind of worked in Edmonton Kane has not had any issues really with the Oilers with anything that way so for the rest of the

Year I I think hockey wise it’s going to help the Oilers I don’t know about the rest of the stuff off the ice but hockey wise I think it’s going to help the Oilers and what can or will the Sabres do on this three- game trip that by the

Way then takes them into an elongated break yes because then it’s the uh all by we right bye Allstar break yes so I am saying at minimum you got to go two and one um I would love I they can and what they will is two different things

They can go three and 0 they can definitely start the trip back to back Tuesday Wednesday win an an I’m win an LA and then you go to San Jose and you close it out three for three that’s my expectation for this road trip oh you left me hanging I thought

You were there was going to be like a little addendum to that or a little if they go 20 And1 I won’t hold it against them well you should though because they need six here I know but it’s better than two in one or one and two or one

One in one and so two and one like you come back with a zero in your L column yeah that’s fine with me well and here’s the thing I also need to recognize that we have you know four more days of Sabers Live this week so I can’t expect

You to empty the tank here just on the podcast so well I’ll tell you this um we won’t have a Sabers live Regular Show from noon to one next Monday because there’s a little bit of no we Pawn that off well in advance regardless of what the bills regardless of what was going

To happen there’s a couple of days off next week when it comes to Monday Tuesday but the week after that we’re going back to 5 days a week so yeah we’ll have a lot to talk about on a Sabers life for sure remind me to tell you on

Tuesday why my weekend was even worse than the sporting results that we talked about well I don’t know that I want to bring back bad memories of your weekend on a Tuesday afternoon but okay just a missed opportunity that’s all was beyond control but it was just I don’t know if

My heart’s ever going to recover from the one so that’s all you need to know and we’ll see you at noon I think I know what it’s it was I think I know on wgr at MSG

Duffer and Marty look at the state of the Sabres with 36 games remaining before their west coast road trip including a look at their practice lines from Monday’s practice and analyzing their power play. Then they are joined by Viktor Maudr, Leader of the Buffalo Sabres Czech & Slovakia Fanclub. Viktor described what its like to cheer and chant at games in Europe, how his group came together, and how their trip to Buffalo came together. What it was like for Viktor and his group to meet Sabres alumni, broadcasters, in addition to current players and coaches. Being in the same room with Dominik Hasek, where they went and what they ate on off days, and going to Bills & Bandits games. Also, what its like watching Sabres games back home, how Viktor got into broadcasting and being in the broadcast booth of his idol RJ. Duffer and Marty wrap up with some NHL news & notes, including the Islanders hiring Patrick Roy as coach, Oilers signing Corey Perry and previewing the Sabres road trip.

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  1. I believe I speak for every single one of us, who was on the trip, that this trip not only met our expectations, but it exceeded them by far. So I would like to thanks again to Rich Jureller and the whole Sabres organization. Everybody there was very nice to us, very welcoming and we appriciate it. Also I need to thank to people in Buffalo, they were absolutely great to us, taking photos with us, honking on us, when they saw us walking outside, which was absolutelly amazing. So thank you all for being so welcoming and hopefully we will be able to come again, that time it would be of course Stanley Cup winning team. But the biggest thanks goes to Viktor (Miller) Maudr!

    Thank you Viktor! Thank you Viktor! Thank you Viktor! Also, let's go Buffalo!

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