@Vancouver Canucks

The Vancouver Canucks CANNOT be stopped now….

the Vancouver Canucks beat the Chicago Blackhawks 2-0 today. Andrei Kuzmenko, Quinn hughes linked up for a nice goal, Pettersson couldn’t score but still played good. Things are looking good for the boys.



  1. Hey Deaner, I have a suggestion for a video idea. Im personally a casual and only folllowing this NHL season because canucks are doing well, which means I am unfamilar with the current canucks roster. Is there any chance you can make a tier list of their current roster in Canucks/Compared to the whole league?

  2. This was clearly a rest game. Second line had more ice time than lotto line. Tochet is doing coaching and experimenting on the easier teams

  3. Screw the jinx. I’m calling a cup run or win this year. Year 35 fan. Best season that I have ever seen with systems and teamwork

  4. i was really happy that the 2nd line had such a good game. kuz was confidant and effective. suter is a good player but he was brought in as a bottom 6 centre and a top 6 centre would really get that line going. i thought the last 40 minutes they played down to this team.

  5. This entire game frustrated me knowing we could have easily won 10-0 at the very least, taking pity on a team full of grown men that are paid millions baffles me

  6. Demko must of got his confidence back, happy to see him get a shutout, was hoping for more goals but will take the 2-0 W!

  7. Omg canucks are gonna win the cup 😂😂😂 stop it they said the same thing to Boston last year 😂😂😂 canucks won’t do anything on the playoffs or win a cup ever 😂 stop this garbage season means nothing 😂😂😂

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