@Boston Bruins

LQR Game 46: Oops 1st again :Jets @ Bruins

LQR Game 46: Oops 1st again :Jets @ Bruins

Bro good game yeah it was two best teams in the league going at it going to be one hell of a Stanley Cup Final ooh the confidence there’s a few teams looking to screw that up though the West is no joke oh please who do I need to be

Afraid of the knights for one yeah defending champs guess I got to give them credit how about the Avalanche freaking McKinnon bro exactly McKinnon and Ma just nuts but I like my odds I feel like there’s a team I’m forgetting oh the Oilers oh yeah they are good again

Anybody else that you would mention uh nope think that’s it yeah that’s probably it low quality F of a high quality brins team that is a d I don’t think we’ve seen this Bruins team this engaged like comment subscribe nailed it what are we talking about right now this

Team didn’t want this win they needed it I couldn’t believe even the third period where obviously the Jets are making a push you’d expect it they’re a great team it didn’t matter they bent they bent and then they pushed right back I am so impressed by this team and

You can make a thousand excuses you can write off this win a hundred different ways and that’s fine that’s your right to do as a fan it was the ice the injuries the Jets are suffering with the travel for the Jets whatever you want to

Say you’re right but all I know is the Boston Bruins walk into that Arena and absolutely throttled them they throttled them that was a tremendous win against a team that you could consider at very least the cream of the crop right the the top tier of the top tiers right now

Like that’s bare minimum what you would consider that team is very very very good that’s a great win that’s a great win and you know I thought before this game that I was going to be full of piss and vinegar because of the way they beat

The breaks off of us not too long ago exactly a month ago I think just about that but now I mean they’re fun they’re fun to watch and they’re fun to root for they lead the league actually now we do but by points percentage they were leading the league before this game the

Team is fun as hell to watch nothing good has ever happened in Winnipeg in the entire existence of Winnipeg uh I don’t know anything about the place but I’m damn sure that’s a fact so they’re fun to root for they’ve got poopy special teams just terrible they are decent offensively ranking 12th

And then of course they have Connor heluk who looks poised to take home the vzna this year I mean obviously there’s a conversation about a couple different guys but his personal stats a 927 save percentage a 2.15 goals allow average going into this one and his team League leading defense are outperforming really

Anyone else by a margin they have the number one defense and not tonight though there’s a couple crazy things about it uh first of all the injuries they’ve had the injury bug just like everyone else they just got Kyle Connor back right in time to

Put shle on the IR and vardi I believe is still at least dayto day I thought there was a chance he could play today but turns out that didn’t work out so they’re missing 2third of their Top Line that’ll sting not to mention through these injuries they had gone 14 straight

Games allowing two or fewer goals and also they’ gone 34 straight games of allowing three or fewer goals that’s nuts and also over that’s done we can stop talking about that streak why what happened I’ll tell you what happened the Boston Bruins the lineups are as such

Martian coil pasta jvr zaka debrusk laco gigy Freddy Heinen Bist ptra not a lot of change there but there is one Grizz McAvoy Lindon Carlo forbort water spoon swimming gets a start water spoon takes over for shaton Kirk for this one he was solid once again ptra as

A Winger was not good he picked up his game a little bit when he had a few shifts at Center boquist is doing a solid job I’m not even like mad at boquist Patra fourth line right wing that’s not that’s not great I don’t he it doesn’t make sense style-wise if you

Want to bench him if you whatever you want to do fine but like that just doesn’t make sense it just doesn’t make sense we’re going to move on though because I’m not going to be nitpicking about dumb stuff this game is for first in the league as I already mentioned

They are number they were number one in point percentage we were number two and then we swapped but let’s talk about this game shall we puck drops why is this team suddenly gotten so good at scoring early on in games what has changed 220 in it all starts

With geeki who had a really good game I’ve been all over his case the different times of the Season had a really good game really nice play in in the defensive Zone to get the puck moving back the other way it’s going to continue into the offensive zone and

That third line just gets to work the pressure they’re putting together they continue to retrieve pucks everybody on the team really was good about this but the speed at which we’ve been attacking loose Pucks in the offensive zone past couple of games so refreshing regardless

This whole play is going to come to its peak as a scrum in the slot bodies everywhere geeky is going to retrieve a puck and just fling this High glove heluk makes the save cuz of course he does but it goes in and out of his glove

Freddy is right there to collect helu’s already on top of him quick pass across the crease to lco Mr grapes buries that it’s one Zer you can feel good about that and then less than two minutes later demello’s first in 43 games I know every fan base feels like they’re the

Fan base that the guy gets the first goal to break the streak against and all that kind of stuff but it does feel like it’s the Bruins the most and I’m biased it is a brutal Martian turnover though that makes this happen as the puck is getting wrapped around the boards and he

Deflects it to the slot to a Jets player they’re going to continue The Possession move the puck to Dello on the right point Who’s going to hammer this but it’s actually not Dell’s first because even though we were all confused it was naskov who got the lightest of tips on

It allowing it to beat Swan I was surprised it went in everyone was surprised it went in naskov did get a piece of this they changed it to his goal it is 1-1 I pointed out like that cuz dallo had a few things robbed from

Him this game not a good one for him 950 left lindol is going to go for crosschecking we’re going to the Penalty kill we kill it and then with 130 left another great four checking shift by the Top Line it’s about 30 seconds in their Zone but the Catalyst for this

Goal might be something that would have been really infuriating had the rols been switched pasta slashes Dello now Dello does spend the next 45 5 Seconds going like this and oh oh oh a oh so there’s a little bit of like okay dude we get it you got slashed and they miss

We get it we get it paa slashes him it causes him to boot the puck towards the crease it goes right through the crease but Carlo on the right wall recovers he Chucks this up to I want to say it was Lind Hol who hammers this on net and

Coil gets the tip to beat heluk low blocker so Dello so far has gotten his first goal in 40 something games taken away got slashed in the hand to create the turnover that then goes in the back of the net giving him a big old minus one not a great not

A great sequence for the lad it’s 2-1 and with 5.4 seconds left makoy is going to go for slashing we’re going to go on the penalty kill which we’ll really have to kill the start the second which we do and then 228 into the second Freddy’s

Pulled down by neita ryer we’re going to power play no dice and then 703 left Boston spends over a minute straight in the offensive zone I believe was a minute 24 seconds if I remember incorrectly it ends with Dello crosschecking coil and us going to the power play and it was a horribly

Disappointing power play because you had worked so hard just to create that opportunity and you really didn’t do anything with the power play at all and so we sit at 2-1 going into the third the first period was all Bruins the second per was mostly Bruins but not a

Lot of action happening and it’s still just awesome hockey the shots are low at this point neither team has hit 20 shots through two periods but it’s just fundamentally tight checking zero space intense it’s a great hockey game and the third period doesn’t even like blow It

Wide Open the Jets just start pushing right back 54 seconds into the third swayan beans a ref with a puck he’s trying to fling it around the boards just Nails The Ref I’m bringing it up for one reason and one reason only the ref’s okay I think that was funny

That was really funny to me that’s is that mean 100% but is it funny yeah it’s kind of funny 732 left Loco tripped up by Neer Rider Neer Rider back to the Box we’re going to the power play and with 26 23 seconds left of that

Power play lindol I know some people are saying hey that’s kind of a soft call P is skating but past lindome there’s a penalty killer coming to and lindome makes contact with him if he’s that close to the guy with the puck that’s going to get called like every time

Either way he’s going to go for interference it’s 23 seconds 4v4 and then we’re killing a penalty during the 4v4 though early on we get possession and we start pushing the puck up ice and it’s a geeky hustle play that even allows it to get out of our Zone in the

First place again great game by him and so he’s going to Dish this to debrusk who’s going to take the offensive zone and then geeki is going to wrap around to the left wall debrus is going to fling it over to him and geeki goes hey

I got a lane to the net might as well take it goes right in on huk the save is made the puck is punched back out towards that left Circle but de Brusque followed the play and he hard low glove he hard low glove what is that a

Sentence sometimes I’m so dumb either way it goes in the back of the net so who cares about the smarts that’s a goal it’s 3-1 jakey’s on fire 14 points 14 games absolutely going nuclear right now when we needed him to and that’s going

To be part of a point I’m going to make it a bit it’s also considered a short-handed goal as the penalty had just expired it also breaks the 14 game streak of allowing two or fewer goals and with two minutes left huk is going to get pulled and sway attempts a goalie

Goal but it gets to fled so we all get sad and then shortly after that Marian gets the empty net after both coil and pasta were very self selfless trying to get to Marsh and it’s 4-1 the Jets hadn’t allowed four goals in 34 stet so um that’s another streak broken you love

To see it and that’s your final score that’s a big dub and you know what the first game note is the first game note is we’re 101 and three since the Christmas break that’s not bad I’ll take that this team remember when we lost five of six going into the Christmas break I’m

Pretty sure it was five of six it was four or five or five of six and we didn’t feel all that great and we’re like okay the team’s kind of showing its colors we kind of been a 500 team for like a month and a half there

And then we come out 10 one and3 cents this team’s good man it might not be it not it might not be like the best team in the league I still think No One Believes that yes we are number one in the league but it’s just it’s A Hard

Sell and maybe we’re just bitter from last year I don’t know but we’re a good team in a year where we were supposed to be retooling H you love to see it it’s another really good game by W spoon that’s another game note so just keep

Him around is kind of the point there and the biggest game note though is I’m starting to really figure out why this offense is working I still think we need another forward I’m going to be very honest about that I think we need another forward for defensive reasons as

As well but that’s a whole different conversation we’ll get into that in a different video but the reason this offense is working so well is because it’s like two really really great players in pasta and marshand and then just a just 10 dudes that belong in the

NHL that like naturally not Fringe NHL like these guys belong in the NHL and every time someone goes cold someone gets hot if geeky stops scoring de de brus starts scoring when Frederick started scoring oh man jvr went cold it doesn’t matter because some dude has a

Six game goal or point streak while one other guy went oh yeah I haven’t I haven’t had anything in the last five games yeah but earlier two weeks ago you were on fire and this guy couldn’t buy one so when pasta really hasn’t been crushing it lately it doesn’t matter

Because we’ve got four other guys that are just hitting their stride and guess what they’re going to fall off at some if the whole team goes cold it’s a whole different conversation but it really does feel like you just keep trading and debrus is on fire well jvr stops scoring

Frederick looks great hin and stopped finding the back of the net now obviously Hing just out of Hatty but you know what I mean it’s working it’s working anyway guys that feels like a kind of easy quick video but this game was just low event not super low event but

Kind of low vsh and really good hockey really fun to watch this team’s doing so well and we have the freaking Hurricanes next oh boy that’s going to be a doozy go bees go bees thank you for watching but of course we’ve got to give a shout out to the

Lowquality YouTube channel members need a real name for for that one of these days starting with a Topline tier the atomic lizard Bradley Johnson Brock nope Aaron Adams coach D just Aaron Han slmo Darren Woodbury micro sausage Brett Arie pinent Justin Barnard and Nick Zulo you guys are

Studs and then we have our stallions aaion Hy E coyote Joel Jacob Pratt Jason Azie bruan Connelly tupton daachi Jonathan Harvey D Kingery the only NES a tasty snack dutes 42 Bruin Smash and Jeremy absolute Legends thank you guys so much for your support and go bees

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  1. I really hope Monty leaves this lineup alone now. (Except maybe forbort). Every line was productive, got scoring chances, just an all around great game.

  2. Bruins fan from Manitoba,

    when i watched the B's get slaughtered by the Jets live in December a group of Jets Fans in front of me said "don't worry, you'll get us next time". I'm glad they were right

  3. Given it’s my home city team? against MY Team. There was a bunch of banter between some Jets fans and I leading into this game.

    Jets fan talking about how it will be the first shutout of the Bruins season, me talking about how we will be scoring 4 to break their streak.

    If there’s any team that can do it, it’s the Spoked B!

  4. Winnipeg has been always a hopeful since they returned back in 2011. This is the first time the Jets have been dominant since they were in the WHL back in the 60s and 70s. The Bruins since the Christmas break are 10-1-3, they have finally found their full identity, and the chemistry has really started to click.

    Team notes:

    Coyle has completely taken over Bergeron's role in that first line, he has really solidified his two way game, his faceoffs are usually really good, and he can score from nearly anywhere in the offensive zone, I am so proud of this man. Forbort had a solid game as well, he still isn't back to his November form but he has definitely shaken off a good chunk of that rust he built up during his LTIR stint. With Carlo back it seems as if our PK has started to turn around as well which just shows how important he is. Poitras is being done dirty by Monty right now but at the same time where do you put him on the lineup with everything going the way it is? Wish he could be sent down to the AHL but that just isn't possible and benching him for an extended time would do more harm than good.

    That is about it, I wanna shout out that I posted my mid season review of the team on last video just in case anyone didn't see it. Would love to hear all my fellow B's fans opinions as well. Go B's? GO B'SSSSSSSSSS!!!!!

  5. Best 4 game stretch of the season. Shutting out the Devils, clutch 3rd period against the Avalanche, driving the entirety of Montreal to drink, and now dominating tonight. Really liking the identity of this team right now

  6. It’s great to see everyone clicking on all cylinders. These are the Bs that we all know and love.

  7. Jets fan here been, watching your videos since the florida (my eastern team) series. Jets are definitely missing scheifele, offensively the team is night and day without him. Bruins played great especially swayman, well earned w for the Bruins.

    Your videos are great! I wish i could kidnap and clone you so you could cover all 32 teams.

  8. That lauko, Freddy, geekie, forbort, and wotherspoon line is awesome, bunch of guys who have something to prove and play the most physical

  9. Hilarious intro! I’d love for it to keep going, but the Canucks aren’t really a threat! Lol😅

  10. No doubt in my mind that was a weighty win yesterday, but eventually it has popped out in my mind Bruins need to dump Lindholm as soon as possible, preferably into Toronto or another ass-pooped roster. Either this, or he gonna screw the team. Greetings from southern Brazil!

  11. No but seriously though I would give anything to see these two teams play in a Stanley Cup Final. That would easily be decided in 7 or at the very least 6 and would be up there as one of the best Stanley Cup Finals in recent history

  12. You're right, we don't think that we are really #1, but it's so nice seeing us so far up there after the midway point, when all the "experts" had us as barely making the playoffs, if that! And of course, great skit as usual…making fun of Vancouver is almost up there with making fun of Toronto!

  13. Locks 3 pts 3 games since being elevated. just saying.. debrusk is a must sign. he has become a complete player. people want bertuzzi back which would be cool but at the cost of keeping JD then that cant happen.

  14. I’d love to see Bergie back… at the warrior center…. Teaching how to win face offs…. Dust off Shawn Thornton and I think we’d be a lock…. Just don’t peak too soon!

  15. Living in Ontario the frustration of the bruins were supposed to fall off to leaf fans is hilarious. Nothing better then the leafs battling for a wild card with the “big 4” and the bruins retooling in first. God I hate the leafs

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