@Edmonton Oilers

Appreciate Darnell Nurse #shorts


  1. 9mil a year he better be your no.1. And cmon let's face it. Has he been worth it? Not one bit. But just about any other team in the league would slot him 3rd. Just saying. I'm not trying to diss him. I can't say much cause we have Tyler Meyers. Just Nurse is not a needle mover for that price.

  2. I’ve noticed Doc’s game is simpler and stronger. I’ve smack talked him plenty in the past…nothing but praise this year.

  3. No one likes an expensive player. If Nurse made league minimum then no one would ever talk shit on him. He’s a top 2 defencemen for any team

  4. Never once said he's a bad player bright boy…. BUT what I'm saying is, he's NOT a 9+ m player, therefore inhibiting Oiler management to get a good 3c.
    Not fussy about your biased show anyway. See ya, nothing more pitiful than a nerd trying to act cool.

  5. 25 really good games from Nurse does not make up for his bad play that went on for far too long. Come on Tyler…

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