@Buffalo Sabres

Episode 36 Craig Anderson

Episode 36 Craig Anderson

Created by David Hutcherson and Kevin Woodley the founders of ingol magazine this is inol Radio the podcast a presentation of the Hockey Shop Source for Sports Sur the hockey on episode 36 we connect with a guy strolling up the front sidewalk towards the 300 wind Clubhouse Craig Anderson is

Just 22 WS from hitting the magical milestone for NHL victories our conversation details how stubbornness landed Anderson his first full-time roster spot as a goalie and how the veteran balances the evolving world of technique hello everyone I’m Darren lard happy to report that Woody Corner cam

From the hockey shop for a gear segment on goalie bags I requested this of course after discovering that my current version was too beat up to make the trip to Vegas and was going to leave equipment strewn from Toronto down to Nevada I asked for available options and

The boys delivered Hutch I’m going to let you know right now I opted for wheels and I refuse absolutely refuse to feel less about myself is that okay it’s 100% okay I think I said last time it drives me bonkers when I hear everybody saying if a kid is going to play he

Better be able to pack the gear in technology is there for a reason we don’t need to throw our shoulders out espe especially us old farts um but even the little kids so come on glad you’re doing it glad you’re not as Vain about your vehicle as Woody is about his

Problem is Woody’s trunk is just so tiny he couldn’t fit a large bag in there anyway Woody I feel like you you do look down on me now I don’t uh like I said uh I can make all the jokes I want about if your bag has wheels you don’t I’m 46

Years old I don’t have wheels anymore it’s the stupidest thing in the world the only reason my bag doesn’t is because wheel bags are brutal on hatchbacks and sedans that’s all there is to to it I I had one trunk it’s those plastic ribs on the bottom you always

End up marking it marking it up and uh I have plenty of room in my trunk on my car Hutch I can get my full bag and my pads in the back no problem close it easy thanks to the folks at Audi Open Road in Vancouver for the great fast

Ride that still packs all my gear screw you Hutch and your little your little your little electric version whatever that thing is with the hamsters behind the wheels but uh yes yeah no it’s all good there’s no I have no problem with uh bags that have wheels uh it’s all

Good by me and yeah cam gets into that I mean I was a little worried like if I ever piss cam off the size of the bags that they’ve got at the Hockey Shop like there there are a couple there I’m worried he’s just going to dummy me

Throw me in a bag and pull me out with the trash at the end of the night you could fit bodies in a couple of those things they’re like it’s either for the goalies or the mob I’m not sure which one so but that’s why we go to the

Hockey shop right boys cuz they’ve got everything every size every Vari creation of every brand that you can imagine plus you know a few special items that are specific to goldendumps um uh the onic I finally said it right the onic um leggings uh gloves to wear under

Your gloves or the latest from CCM Bower Brian’s vaugh Warrior uh colors sizes and a staff that knows how to answer all your questions to make sure you get what you need to play your best uh custom orders check them out if you can’t do it

In person at the Hockey Shop Source for Sports just outside of Vancouver in beautiful Siri British Columbia make sure you check them on out online atth hockey and all their social media feeds as well Instagram Twitter uh THS goal have you guys uh it sounds like I’m

The only one that’s ever bought a vehicle just for lugging my goal equipment around a vehicle just for your goal equipment yeah like I I I switched to a truck a number of years ago just because it was so much easier for lugging my my my gear and you drive a a little

Electric vehicle and it’s not a little electric vehicle it’s a prsv I fit a family of four and all our gear all the way to Edmonton and back a couple of summers in a row it’s not a little electric hamster dri thing Woody yes it is Woody Accel Woody accelerates to pass

Somebody on the highway and uses more gash than I do for an entire trip so whatever bud so but but the point is you didn’t you guys don’t buy anything just to make it easier uh for you where for lugging around the the equipment I’d love I I’d

Get a truck at some point maybe if I wasn’t commuting in and out of Vancouver for work and uh but I and I I would like I would and my bag would have wheels if I had a truck I absolutely my bag would have

Wheels if I had a truck and I would have no problem with that I don’t I like to go a little faster I like to get there a little quicker and yes that means the occasional stop at the gas station but I just grab a coffee while I’m there so

It’s all good don’t worry about it Hutch I’m good and Hutch just drives by waving uh let us know through uh through social or through the email uh have you ever bought a vehicle just to make life easier for lugging your gear around i’ love to know uh Woody I will tell you

This I won’t put the pads on the bag uh that’s that’s just too much I I can’t go that far maybe for shipping it uh I’ll I’ll do that but the the guys that strap everything to the bag sticks and included I can’t do that well there’s

That’s the beauty of the Hockey Shop you can go get a bag that the pads actually fit inside now that’s not my style I like to pull you know haul them in as well but you can get a bag big enough to also fit your pads and here’s whether

That’s for travel if you’re a guy that flies to different tournaments for beer league that’s where it’s a real benefit to to have everything like you Darren moving to have everything in one bag something like that can really help or if you happen to manage and play for the

World’s most absurd beer league team raise his hand um where the goalie also runs the roster and coordinates the beer and hauls in the cooler and the team bag every day as well as his own gear sticks and pads then that might come in handy

Haven’t done you do all that I I do I do all that every time I get out of my car with a cooler full of beer a pretty good size team bag all our spare jerseys pucks and water bottles and then all my gear like everyone else is just like

What kind of a team makes the goalie Hall all that crap well listen to the Gear listen to the Gear segment today and you’ll find out exactly why Woody does that yes yes it’s very enlightening uh less than a week to opening night in the NHL which means Final Cuts salary cap

Considerations and waivers will lead to some crease movement a couple of years ago Vegas claimed Malcolm suban last year Curtis maaney was picked up by Carolina both turn in performances that elevated their NHL status who will it be in 2019 a few teams do have decisions uh Pittsburgh and Winnipeg have three right

Now waivers required there and tet dced around their delicate situation uh Woody uh Pittsburgh and Winnipeg and then Tampa yeah U Pittsburgh has talked openly about uh a fear of losing Tristan gy and a willingness to trade him uh both jar and Casey to Smith require waivers obviously Matt Murray’s there

For good and there seems to be an openness to trading him and of course if you’re another team that actually wants him you just wait for them to put one on waivers I saw Jim Rutherford talk even about maybe holding on to three goalies to start the season maybe to encourage a

Trade versus a team just waiting on them to wave a guy when pegs in the same boat with Eric comry uh his first year requiring waivers having a pretty good preseason and there are some people around the NHL that believe he’s an NHL goalie uh if you’re one of those teams

And this is the caveat right if you’re if you’re going to claim a guy it’s not like you can’t just claim Eric cry because you like him as a prospect and then bury him if you claim them you got to keep them you got to keep them in the

NHL so you either have to believe in his upside immediately or be a team that’s rebuilding to the point where it’s okay to just sort of have him on your team and and and let him grow into the role um Tampa I mean they got all the goalies

Right all the goalies but they put Lou D Ming and Mike Conan on waivers as soon as they could I think it was September 21st without letting them on the ice in training camp uh for a very particular reason they couldn’t afford either one of those guys to get hurt in training

Camp because then they would have had to carry them on their NHL roster you can’t demote a guy to the AHL if he gets hurt in the NHL and they don’t have the cap space so they waited until that first day you could put a guy to the minor

Leagues and threw waiver they did it with the Ming they did it with Conan Conan’s obviously a rehab project we’ve talked to him um you know he’s going to get some time down there to sort of ReDiscover his game and maybe become a trade chip for them down the road

Domingue is on the market you can have him uh they’ve been very clear about wanting to find him a new home uh little surprised there haven’t been any takers given the season he had last year I mean 11 straight wins at one point even with

A 908 uh and so he’s in the miners but still available that’s sort of the two-edged sword for the lightning they couldn’t keep him in Camp and risk an injury and they and yet if you send a guy down early that’s when you’re least likely to lose him on waivers like if

You want to keep a guy and keep him in the miners send him down as early as possible for other teams run into injury problems let’s say like the Leafs did with their PTO with Michael newor uh or like last year where the Leafs tried to

Get two guys down really late in the preseason and lost them both because other teams had run into injuries to me that was total mismanagement if they had decided Sparks was their guy they should have sent sent Mel heny Andor picker down way sooner than they did all you do

Is increase the odds of a team having a need by waiting and and now Toronto is in uh the exact opposite position where it’s Craig Anderson or uh Frederick Anderson and Michael Hutcherson and noer that did just didn’t work out and it’s it’s what starting to swirl around whether Toronto

Has to take a look at picking somebody up off waivers instead of worrying about losing somebody on waivers yeah and to to to do that they basically have to come to the determination probably that they can get Hutcheson through waivers and down to the minor leagues because

You still need three um and that whoever you’re going to pick up is better and I’m not sure where they at on that obviously he had a good night the other night it’s just preseason but a nice performance I think 38 saves uh so I’m

Not sure where they are on that do they see a Tristan jar as an upgrade only they can answer that and my guess is though there there are that Rutherford at the very least seems to think there are some teams that do see him as an

Upgrade and would claim him and you know hence the little dance with the media boat we’d rather trade him and we might just keep three to try and dissuade team from just waiting on them well you never really know what you can trust when somebody’s talking at this time of year

Do you no you’re just trying to stoke the market you are just purely uh thinking everybody’s out to get us aren’t you no but everybody we do have Casmir Casmir is in the Toronto system your buddy Hutch my buddy C well yeah but how about Hutch I mean

Really yes yes that’s true yeah namesake although it’s spelled different right he can’t he can’t spell but we’d still like to see him stick in the NHL uh Toronto and anybody else with needs I mean Florida lost their number one goenda Columbus lost their number one goal Florida yeah I think Columbus

Is just loaded with prospects I I I’m not sure that they have an immediate need I think I think Unis Corpus sty is going to surprise some people in Columbus um and behind that right there’s a lot of inexperience so maybe they upgrade the backup position and just let the

Kids mlin go to the minor leagues uh and play a whole bunch but obviously they like the upside in Elvis’s game as well so I wouldn’t be surprised if they roll with a corpus Salo murlin tandem the the one that has a need to me is is maybe

Florida to be honest with you yes they got bosski yes we had the article outlining how he has had no growing issues you know in the past three years since sort of switching to the two finish trainers after being plagued by them the three years previous um and all

The weight he lost that summer 17 PBS of muscle change sort of changed his physique but they don’t have much but like Sam monmo is is their their backup right now and even if you believe in him for that role it’s a tough role to transition into if Bob’s going to be a

Workhorse because he’s not going to play that much and he doesn’t require waivers so get him playing time and to do that you have to have a number three option and you know I’m not sure that they have one they’re comfortable with in the NHL

Right now I there is a team where I would get a guy with a little more experience to be my backup and I would do like like the Predators did with Soros like the Rangers did with gorv and like Tampa did with vasileski early in his career until he requires waivers use

The minor leagues as a place to get him starts have him with the team have him learning what it’s like to be a backup have him training with your NHL goalie coach on a regular basis week in week out but when he starts get 10 days between starts and you know your number

One’s going to roll through say a Saturday start on the weekend you swap them with the guy in the minor leagues for a weekend the guy in the minor leagues comes up sits on the bench and your kid goes down and plays two or three games over a three or four game

Stretch you keep him fresh but you still make him a part of the NHL team in a big party feature like to me that’s the that’s the new model you take advantage as long as a guy doesn’t require waivers and last time I checked monteno doesn’t they have another year where they could

Do that get him playing time and make him a part of of the team right now though it looks like they’re just going to keep him around and that could mean keeping him in mothballs depending on bov’s workload and depending how monteno plays because he had moments last year

But at the end of the day he actually finished with I believe a lower save percentage in both Lang Longo and ryr who were kind of you know widely critiqued for the way they played Hutch when was the last time you used mothballs never never really never but heard the

Other thing you’ve talked about many times before Kevin is having that veteran pre presence that can sit on the bench for weeks at a time before coming in for a start and if Florida tries that with montmo is uh is he going to be able to handle that because he’s probably

Never been in that position before it’s not ideal at least they’ve got a really good go tending coach and Robbie Talis who you know I mean there are guys that do a good job of keeping people fresh when they’re not playing much Robbie’s one of those guys so they’ve got that

Going for him but just you know again to me this is the new model we’ve seen several teams do it it’s not a secret anymore and uh um it it just doesn’t make a ton of sense not to take advantage of it and I shouldn’t criticize them early because there’s

Still time for them to grab one of these guys off waivers and and do the same well and it’s the best of both worlds you get some playing time and you’re also exposed to the National Hockey League the paycheck and the National Hockey League in some cases is is

Different uh if you’re on a two-way deal and uh and you get the goalie coach yeah and you you get you’re still part of the team like you’re still the backup you’re just the backup with playing time in the miners and the other part of this that

People sort of um sometimes miss out on is is that it’s an insurance policy like this is this is also it’s good to have more very few teams seven out of 31 last year made it through an entire season without using all three Goenda little more experience in that two3 role is never a bad idea montmo if Bob gets hurt monteo would still be the guy even if he’s in that transition more like if he has the higher upside he’d still be the guy that probably comes in and plays for

Two weeks straight you just don’t want him being the guy to play every two weeks Hut a question for you uh as our voice of reason if you’re just popping down to the American Hockey League getting a couple of starts and then going right back up and you’re you’re

That guy all year do the guys in the American Hockey League who are stuck there start to dislike you a little bit I don’t know it’s an excellent question haven’t been in that position before but I think everybody realizes he’s a prospect that they’re looking towards so

I think you have to there have to be situations where there’s guys on the team that are recognized as being groomed for the big leagues and uh and I I wouldn’t think that would be an issue it might be a little harder for the veteran that’s brought in to be that number

Two3 yeah can can he handle that and what role has he been in before in his career how’s that going to go down in the locker room at the end L level that’s why I lean on you voice of reason dad on the Engle radio of the podcast

The Ottawa Senators are in the throws of a youth movement more bluntly I’d call it a total rebuild in the last year the team has traded away Mark Stone Eric Carlson Mike Hoffman and Matt duchaine and more uh Craig Anderson however is still there 38-year-old is in the final

Year of a contract that could very well be his last in the NHL if that’s the Case Anderson will leave the way he entered the league scratching and clawing for each tiny morsel of success as tough as it is to hold the forward in ottawa’s current stage of this rebuild

Anderson faced equal or perhaps more significant challenges cutting his teeth in the NHL with Chicago during the lows of the Blackhawks graduation out of G the Ontario Hockey League Anderson won just 13 of 61 appearances those 13 wins were scattered over his first four years he didn’t exactly burst on the scene

However here is Anderson the second winningest American Goenda script game to game or year to year something that you will quickly understand as you listen to a conversation involving the Ottawa centers goal tender and Kevin Woodley on inle radio the podcast presented by the hockey I want to start Craig with where it

Started we we talked to guys about where the passion for the position started where did you play hockey first and then got into a goalie how did you Craig Anderson become a goenda tagged along with my brother and you know he started playing hockey with my neighbor and they needed a guy to

Stand in front of the garage door and take tennis balls so uh we definitely put a couple holes in the garage door from time to time but um that’s kind of where it started the passion for for just hanging out with the family hanging out with the brother and the neighbor

Just being the guy that was too small you know I was four and a half years younger so just being the guy that was too small to to play um I found the position just to kind of hang out but started skating as a young boy and didn’t really uh have the

Speed um you know so that was kind of part of it um you know I think my first intro to hockey was was we rotated three goalies you know you did play defense and then every third game you kind of played played Nets and uh I just

Remember one game you know I was playing defense and I uh refused to go on the ice unless I could play goalie so we were down maybe six nothing after the first period and um you know my dad had the gear in the car uh the coach came

Over after the period he’s like hey your son won’t play unless he plays goalie and um that’s kind of been ever ever since that’s kind of been been the deal do you remember what age it was uh I know the rank I know where we’re at um

The age had to be around six or seven years old um it was might at the level so um we’re going back a few years few years here but do you remember why like do you remember what it was about the position that Drew you to it way back

When Difference Maker I knew I could do it better than the other guy that was that was playing and I mean like I said it was fun it was like we were rotating three goalies through so you had all your forward stuff on and you just kind

Of slap the pads on and grabbed the goalie glove and block her and you didn’t change you know chess protector anything it was just kind of like go stand there and you know eventually you did get real goalie gear but for the first uh year or so it was just pretty

Much uh almost like street hockey stuff you just kind of clipped it on and and went and played nice now it’s funny because today the game has changed obviously right up to the level you’re playing goalie coaches video sessions we see that increasingly at at a young age

Do you what was it like for you growing up was just all instinctual and selftaught do you remember when you had your first goalie coach cuz it’s kind of changed it has changed and I think I was probably on the good side of of the goalie coach we had a good goalie camp

In town that we went to did two three weeks every summer um we you know my dad made sure that there was a goalie goalie coach or you know we had Wednesday night goalie coach uh events with with certain organizations that I was with so there

Was always that um you know help there available when you needed it I think uh little ahead of the curve like I think so I think like I said the one the one organization I was at um and this is in Chicago Chicago where I grew up the you

Know the one where I started playing goal there wasn’t really a goalie coach but you know there was always a goalie camp that came to our rank that was really good like I said I did two three weeks I chase the goalie Camp around the local ranks of Chicago to follow it

Around and get as much time as I could and then I think when I was a squirt um we had a full-time goal the coach as the assistant coach so the coach would work on stuff at the other end or run through drills and I’d beat the other end doing

Goalie coach stuff so it was it was really from a young age where we did have that that expertise and I think it helped okay so you go from there you play in the nahl and then off to the OHL for a few years what was what was Craig

Anderson the goalie like back then compared to now like how has your game evolved over all these years as as the game itself has evolved uh I think the the biggest change is is the way we play uh on the post over the years I think that’s the biggest thing I think I’ve

I’ve gone from pucks behind the net stay on your feet to guys are on their knees at all times to um you know a guy like Steve passar who literally stood on his feet let the guy wrap it around and he just stood there with a wall of pads uh

There was no going down whatsoever for him and that’s kind of how we started you know even when I got into the NHL level is don’t go down for anything from behind the net stay on your feet so you can get out quick now everything’s how

Quickly can you get from skate on post to the top of the crease and guys are flying around much better the guys have been doing it for a lot of years are doing it a lot better than I am but it’s a work in progress you know we work on

It every day to try to to smooth out that part of my game it’s funny I watched you and Pierre grew obviously the goalie coach for the Ottawa centers today working on a little post-play stuff and he said it arise just from a certain situation that happened the

Other day in a preseason game so here you are after all these years in the league and a situation presents itself in a game that’s a little different or that you maybe didn’t have a comfort level with and now you’re out there I mean I was gassed I was tired just

Watching the work you guys were doing on the post here you are a couple days later repping it out to get comfortable is that what the process is like at this level like finding little details and little situations and just making sure you have a sort of an idea or a system

Or a comfort level with how to play that one it it comes down the Comfort level I think I watch um you know I it started a few years back when when Andrew Hammond came through and he did a lot the skate on post play and you know you

Start to try to incorporate it but it’s not natural to me I haven’t been doing it since I’ve been 10 years old I don’t I don’t feel comfortable just popping into it um it’s one of those things where I got to work on and there’s so

Much video nowadays in the game that you know someone can exploit you almost instantaneously just by watching a couple games you know they can go okay he’s weak here he’s weak there what you know so as a as a player you’re always trying to to get better and try to

Figure out what are my weaknesses where can I get better why do I get beat these same spots um you know eventually you have to take a look inside and say do I want to put in the work or do I not and as long as I have

That passion to continue to do the work and get better and and have that drive um you know we’re out there learning new things and seeing what works and what doesn’t I still play um bad angle shots differently than a lot of the young guys and I’ll

Continue to do that but there’s certain situations where I feel more comfortable being up versus being down on that uh on that post is it still fun going through that process like do you do you because it can be grinding like it there’s a lot

Of work like I said I was Gass just watching you guys rep that out um do you still enjoy it like is I think the company that is telling you what to do makes it easier to do it if if if it wasn’t for PG uh his personality the way

We we Jael together the way he kind of understands the way I operate I think um I wouldn’t enjoy it as much and I think that would kind of take away from the passion I mean I’ve tried uh numerous things that don’t work and PG’s like all right it doesn’t work for you

Let’s find something else that works for you where you get other goalie coaches that no it’s got to be this way and eventually you can’t do it their way they just quit on you and it’s like do whatever you want and that’s just not you know conducive to to getting better

I think it’s you know the relationship that we have has been outstanding and and we’re going to continue to to find things that work better for us a lot of back and forth there I mean is that that relationship how important is that for a

Tener cuz we you know you’ve been in one place for a while PG’s been there for a while we see guys bounce around and there were times earlier in your career where you moved around and talking to different guys they can go through that process and and at each stop somebody

Wants to change them or somebody wants to do something different and that could be tough as a golender how did you get to the point where you knew what your foundation was and yeah I’m willing to try things but this is still me and I’m sticking with it was that a process that

It take a while I think you have to have an open mind I think going into certain goalie coaches or certain kind of stations of your career um you know early on treak was my first goalie coach wasn’t around much came in didn’t speak

A whole lot of English um it was more of a hey just just stop the puck there was no technical side of things um you know if we walk through the career of of Stefan we right he had a certain way of doing things um you know he obviously

Changed my thought process and you know I didn’t quite adapt as quickly as as maybe he would like to have but you know at the end of the day um you know he he did bring a lot to my game that that you know is the foundation of where I am

Today is of some of the thoughts that he’s I still carry around a sheet of paper he wrote out of uh when I was playing in the minors for playoffs that these are things that you need to do well to to have success and I I still

Have have that still yeah Trent Yani actually laminated it and I’ve got it in my little carry case you can share like that something because it it seems to me that like I mean for something to stand the test of time it’s got to be more

Than just good for your game like it there’s probably some Universal stuff in there for a goalie I think that’s a few things that um that are Basics right the foundation like you say is is is the key and the key is is positioning patience positioning um you know being set and

Square to the puck like those are foundations that if you don’t have them doesn’t a matter what you do if you don’t have those foundations that’s that’s kind of where everything starts and I think that’s you know if I try to think back of what’s on that paper and

There was a lot with positioning getting your feet set be square to the shooter don’t cheat you know stuff like that where you know when you’re on a a team where you get a lot of back door plays your natural instinct is to to start cheat for back door plays but

Technically they’re not your fault right from a from a coach’s standpoint right if you make that save great but if you let in the shop CU you’re cheating that’s on the goalie so it’s just simple reminders to kind of keep that Foundation um skating when you talk about your foundations like your

Movement on your skates is is funny how you talk about everybody plays behind the net plays on on their knees now but your skating is exceptional like I would call that a staple of your game where where did that come from where did you become such a good skater so balanced on

Your skates and in your movements what’s what’s the would there be recommendations to kids that things you did Young in your career that that allowed you to be that good I think a lot of it has to do with just time on the ice I think you know

Being at the rank being on the ice whenever you could I think you know we I remember going from rank to rank with skate guards on you know my dad carried me out of one rank to go play at another rank just because you’re playing on two

Teams or you had a goalie lesson at one rank and showed up late for actually showed up late for a this a squirt playing for a guy named Steve Richmond who uh had a cup of tea in the in the National League and and he was the coach

And I showed up late for a game I was still there before the game but I was not there 30 minutes before the game because I was at a goalie lesson at some other ring so I get there 15 10 15 minutes you know zambon is on the ice

But I’m already fully dressed right wheel in like thinking I’m going to play he’s like no we’re going to play six guys for the first period because you were late and we were like okay we end up winning that game 9-1 but uh they didn’t need a goal but it’s just it was

It was just one of those things where you you go get the ice you you got 15 minutes ice somewhere you go get on there and you you work on things and I think a part of the skating was too was having the goalie coach you know you did

Three weeks at goalie Camp of Summer maybe it was too much maybe not who who knows but um if you love The if you if you love the game that much it’s it’s you know there’s always a skating session at goalie schools and most of

The kids don’t want to do it we didn’t want to do it as kids either but that is the foundation of of of playing you can’t if you can’t move you can’t play can say increasingly so as the game has become like fair to say even I mean as

Fast as it’s ever been East West and the speed of it you just got to be able to move now you got to move and you got to be able to read and react and anticipate well if you watch most of the goalies in the league now they all anticipate the

Game really really well how that fine line between anticipation and as you used the word cheating earlier like that I guess that it’s probably easier for me to like where is that fine line how do you find it because you’re a guy who again reads the game really well how

Much of that is experience are you watching video are you picking up Tendencies or is it just sort of a n after all these years the more you see it an individual or a player the more you can get a read on them so like the

First week of training camp you’ve got a bunch of guys and 50 guys coming in and you know guy gets a shot from the slot you have no idea where he’s going by the fourth week of hockey and you’ve got your team kind of narrowed down everything’s kind of you seen your

Guys every day you get a pretty good idea of where everybody likes to shoot and you pick up what their releases are and what’s their Tendencies and and what they look like on on on an everyday basis and it’s easier now to pick up what they like to

Do and um and that’s when they have time right in the game they don’t have time anytime a guy has time in the slot he’s going to score every time unless he misses his shot there’s no ifan butts about it sticks are too good players are

Too good now you put a little bit of pressure on them you know a little defensive stick on their hands whatnot um the positioning of your defenseman the positioning of where the Puck’s at that can all kind of give you the little tell Tales of of where they want to

Shoot or or what’s available I think Jonathan Quick had an article not not too long maybe a couple years ago about the anticipation of a goalie and what the D is doing gives him a read of what he’s supposed to be doing and and that’s it’s no different everybody has to kind

Of learn uh what works for them and and how they anticipate but I think that’s one of the main things is is reading off the pressure of of what’s available from from your defensive what they’re giving up so you’re reading you’re reading other players other Tendencies but also

How your defensemen are going to force those Tendencies and there’s a I guess a trust element involved in that too 100% you have to you guys have to be on the same page as far as goalie defenseman and I think that’s one thing that comes with time you know the longer you play

With guys the more you know their Tendencies I think um you know a few years back when we we had a really good uh you know all three of us were it was I think it was a shorten season and we had three goalies and we all had good

Numbers that year um but it was it was easy to anticipate we had we had D that pressured hard and pressured early which allowed the goalies to to read and react easily and and and make uh make their own reads I don’t know if you can give

It away what goes into reading a shot though like what for Craig Anderson is it how much of is it experience how much of it is are you looking at blade angle how much of it is just watching the puck um I’m going to go back in names here

Again with Steve Passmore uh you know I was in Norfolk he came down we were bouncing back and forth with M Michael Leighton and myself going up and down and passar was kind of like the you know the guy that fell on the sword and you know while we got yo-yoed up and

Down but he was the guy that said at the end of practice beginning practice stand in your goal line don’t even watch the puck watch the body and just see what the body’s doing if you don’t stop any doesn’t matter you’re not trying to stop the puck you’re trying to

See if he shoots glov Side High you you you you obviously know that cuz it just went by you high love but you weren’t watching the fck you were watching their body watching their eyes watching their hands and that that kind of stuck with me since I was 20 20 21 years old

And that is how you learn that’s that’s how you understand so now when you’re watching the puck you’re picking up the q’s in the background as opposed to the foreground so your foreground is now in the puck but the background is now picking up is it back and Es skates

Forward and a skates it’s a little bit more difficult now cuz the sticks are so good guys can shoot from anywhere close to their feet further away front back foot doesn’t matter now where 15 18 years ago the sticks weren’t that great much easier to read that ability just be

Does all the extra stuff all the the the little cues to a read is it that just becomes an eight like you said that’s just kind of all sitting there you’re no longer thinking about it is that when you’ve got it when you’re watching the puck but all the other things are

Subliminal like you’re not is it conscious is it it’s a kind of a tough question but I don’t think anyone sits there and goes I’m going to watch this gu’s hands instead of the puck right I think it’s just but if you don’t ever because since you’re two years old

You’re always like watch the puck watch the puck watch the puck right so you never are told or taught to to watch for the cues right so there’s a cause and effect so the effect is he shoots Buck High glove or super hard why did he

Shoot super hard or why did he shoot High glove so you got to get to the car of it and if you can figure out the cause it helps you stop the effect that could be like hand placement blade angle shoulders feet all those things all some sometimes it’s just their eyes too

That’s why we got rid of the mirr advisors yes for the goalies yes yeah because we we got to do something for the go everything else is against them um who do you like to watch you who did you grow up watching who was who was on

Your bedroom wall if there was a poster I had a few um Grant fear I grew up I grew up wearing 31 whenever I had a chance to pick a number um so I got to seg way quickly now why 41 now 31 was taken by Peter budai okay

In Colorado and was not GNA walk on anyone’s toes there and um so yeah so grew up watching Grand fur and then next two favorite would have been Patty W and Felix Poppin okay what about now do you watch other go do you watch other games

At this after all these years in the league do you still watch other people uh I think we watch enough film that we don’t have to actually sit down and watch watch a game but um you know there’s certain guys that are more fun to watch than others the guys that

Aren’t afraid to to roll around two pad stack and you know those are the guys that uh are exciting to watch because you just don’t know what they’re going to do and you know I’d like to think that I’m Still A Guy that stands up on

Bad angle shots and you just don’t see that anymore so maybe guys like watching me who knows do when you have young Shooters come in in a camp or I mean this day these day and ages like there are so many young players and your team

Has a lot of them when you throw at a two pad stack that like they’ve grown up expecting goalies to do certain things you catch these guys off guards yeah sometimes I think that the main one is just you give them half the net and they think that they’re going to score and

Then they hit you in the chest because they put their head down right at the last second he like oh I got this and then it frustrates a lot of guys and I I try not to do that too much with some of the veteran guys but uh you know it’s

Just might might be one of those days where I feel like being a jerk I’ll do that to them can you still do that is there still any of that in a game or is everything just sort of is the game too fast to show something and then take it

Away uh I tried it the other day in training camp during a like a three on three down low drill and uh it was Alex formenton and uh hope I got his name right um I think so I covered him in World Juniors I think that was we call

Him for me anyways so for me you know head down not even looking at the net saw that I was kind of cheating so to say for this for the for the pass and three on three Dr and he fired one at the net and it hit hit the post

Completely caught me off guard but that’s how good the sticks are like he’s not even looking like he’s in a shooting position all of a sudden bam it’s off his stick you can’t even react yeah okay is that the the biggest difference in the game I talked about

The speed of the game is it you’ve talked about it a couple times the releases and the sticks and yeah the stick technology from 10 years ago is to now is is night and day I think again it’s you know when first Synergy came out back in what 2001 it was like wow

This thing’s amazing then you went to two-piece guys were using two pieces pretty much my first four five years pro and then finally the one pieces have really taken over but a one piece from 2007 compared to 2019 is not even comparable now goalie gears evolved unfortunately at the NHL level it’s

Usually smaller smaller smaller you’ve seen some of those Evolutions over your career um like if if I were to put you in a pair of pads from when you first started what would what would your reaction be um they’d be real soft and real flexible

They’d be all over the place I think I actually dug out a pair of tps’s from Florida which would have been 0708 kind of time frame and I don’t know how I wore those I have no idea Tre jaak you mentioned him what did

You I mean did did did you do any crazy barrel roll type off I drills or was he very just in and out a little bit uh he’d be in for training camp he took he took uh you know my I remember when we were at uh the edge in Bensonville for

Our training camp and he take us out and me and Michael Leighton were running laps around the building and doing this that wasn’t crazy but it was just an abnormal warmup with with treak and um the old like knee downs and barrel rolls and some of that video emerged recently

This was 18 years ago so hard to really pinpoint exactly what all we did but it was definitely unorthodox um but again it was one of those things where that’s what he knew and worked for him you know his biggest message I think was just be mentally determined to beat the other

Guy just you’re one-on-one with the shooter beat him that was his that was his message beat beat the other guy last one I’ll let you go on this one Cars the passion for it um racing simulations involved in a race team are there any takeaways like between that Hobby and

Your life as an NHL goal or any synergies between the two where time in a simulation I guess we call it is a cockpit the right term when you’re doing a simulation race yeah or or out on a track that ties into the Visions or the

Reads or the speed of a game and any is there any positive correlation there is it just a really good way to get your mind off it uh it’s good for the mind to get away it’s what I like to do to to kind of free my mind get away from the

Game it’s kind of like a safe place um go to the track hang out with those guys somebody away from the game that doesn’t care about hockey right like I want to talk about cars they’re there talk about cars they’re not like hey what happened the other night you know like there’s

None of that when you get into that it’s it’s purely fun enjoyment um mind away from the game as far as driving uh simulation car doesn’t matter it’s more of a mental um focus mental focus mental training you’re not going to get every corner perfect right you

You’re driving a 15 Corner track 20 Corner track you’re not going to get every corner perfect but it’s okay I screwed up that corner how how can I make it better next time or if I don’t Focus here now I got another Corner coming up and it’s it’s always look

Ahead look ahead and anticipate um so much like a one Puck at a time next Puck if I’m thinking about the last goal I can’t make the next save the mentality is similar very similar I think that’s that’s probably the best way to explain it is it’s it’s a good mental exercise

To to look ahead and put things behind you because you can worry about that corner let’s say you screw up Corner three right you’ve got now Corner four five 6 7even 8 nine so if you worry about corner three you just screwed up the next one and the next one worry

About Corner a three the next time you come around the next lap so at the end of the game go back okay why’ goal number two Go in okay let’s work at that as opposed to thinking about it in the moment you can kind of use that as a tool to to look

Ahead yeah because if you’re thinking about goal number two while the play’s still going on chances are number three is coming next yeah so the main probably the one main physical difference is that when you’re tracking a pocket’s out the in when you’re racing or or driving on a

Track always looking ahead so you’re you’re focusing on the exit or the next corner like you’re always your eyes are always ahead and you’re never tracking the corner to the car coming at you right so like if you track it to the the the corner to your eyes to the car if you

Bring it all the way back you won’t be ready for the exit or for the next you won’t put the car where you wanted to put it at the end of the Cur turn whereas in hockey if you don’t watch the Park all the way in you ain’t going to stop

It so it’s you got to train the eyes differently that’s that’s probably the main difference physically but so I’m so used to tracking everything so my biggest problem when I get on track is that I turn in you know I’m looking at the corner head but then when I get to

The corner I’m still staring at the corner instead of staring at the exit point and that’s hockey creeping into your driving correct so again it’s one of those things where you know the corner when you talk to a race instructor or a driving instructor he’s like you already know the car is there

Like don’t worry about it and you have to in order to understand speed for your body to understand speed you have to have your focal point focused on and having both sides going at the same time or speed I don’t know if I explain that right no I tell

You like you have to be in the middle of it so so if you focus on a cone that’s out way out front you can see everything going by on both sides at the same speed as soon as you turn and focus now like to the right where that cone is and now

It’s now different speeds coming across and everything is off and everything’s off so you actually won’t put it in a better you put in a better spot if you continue to look ahead wow yeah like again I don’t know a whole lot about driving because is there something you

Want to do when when when hockey’s done like will you make that shift and and do more of it I know you’re invol you’re involved with teams as well like on a ownership or so we’ve got uh not so much an ownership but a partnership with a

Group out out of Calabogie uh Tooth Auto Sport and we you know have vehicles that I own a couple there’s other guys in town that have a couple and we um they they either rent them out or the the owners drive them and they’re support they’re coaching they’re crewing the car

They’re making sure it’s ready anytime they need it um you know it’s just you have to have a team again it’s going back if you don’t have a team you can’t do it same thing in hockey can’t do it by yourself um you know every once in a

While there’ll be a guy that shows up one man show but he’s not going to be very competitive right right right okay Hey listen Craig this has been way longer than I planned I appreciate your patience with me and all your insights I know our listeners are really going to

Enjoy this so thank you very much awesome appreciate it thank you he is one of those guys that I always stop and listen to because he’s opinionated he’s been around long enough to cover the eras that that I have uh been exposed to in the National Hockey

League Craig Anderson is uh is worth paying attention to and his comment Woody as I throw it back to you about staying true to some of his save techniques uh because he’s just used to it and and it doesn’t come as natural as as other techniques I I I enjoyed that I

Like that he’s not trying to force everything into that package well no and and there’s you know we talked a lot about reverse as well that that morning and we’re going to actually have some video um at inol as well as everybody wants to know about the bower

Switch here’s a little teaser uh we did talk about a switch to B gear and rather than include that in the podcast we’re going to make you go to the website because I’ve got some video of them in the gear and some of the features of the

Models he chose and him talking about why and the process of getting into it so make sure you check out inag goldm this week um but they repped out a certain reverse VH play where it was like a a puck banged off the side of the

Net and then got passed out and it was him and Pierre guu PG just walking through it getting comfortable different situations one of the reasons like he goes boot inside post for his rvh there’s just a physical limitation like he didn’t start doing reverse V at at a

Very young age he can’t go skate on post and get a good seal like that there’s just not that range of motion and this is a guy who like I really wish some of our conversations after the record button stop could also have been captured like he talked about neutral

Pelvis and how he has been working on obtaining a neutral pelvis and using a neutral pelvis through his stance since 2004 what does that mean and having hip surgery sort of we see a lot of it uh we’ve seen a lot of it it’s become more

Of a theory in terms of biomechanics and training uh it’s sort of tucking your pelvis the swedes call it belly in balls out in in terms of setting setting your pelvis because it it gets rid of that anterior tilt through the back and that bending in the lower back which which

Can cause problems in the hip shuts down the front of the hips causes kind of problems anyway so just physically he’s not able to get into the reverse that a lot of people might see as an ideal reverse and so he has to adapt around

That and so like I said um we were going to do riding and Kevin in cars with goalies again uh he ended up coming back they had a practice at UBC and we drove back to Vancouver but Craig was so gracious with his time on a game on a

Day where game day where he wasn’t going to play we ended up riding and talking in the car going for lunch and then doing the interview so hear the beeping in the back room we’re we’re back in his hotel in a hallway in the conference center and the beeping is the elevator

Going up and down and landing at our floor and that half hour conversation was just a tiny window into the overall conversation so there are elements that we’re going to bring out at inol I’m with you guys I could listen to it and and there are takeaways Galore in

That interview uh and even more to come in inm and we can’t thank him enough that’s the kind of guy he is just talks goal tending right just loves to talk goal tending and has a real diverse and broad experience with the position a lot of people have criticized his post

Playay over the years he’s not ignorant to it he just there are some things that he wants to or things that he can’t do and so some some different techniques he used he needs to use to adjust to it one other piece that you know to tease that

In goal piece again Kevin I I believe uh it was in that bow segment where he actually talks about how he wears his gear and how that enables him to get into the rvh a little bit better um so there’s a bit of a gear tip uh for folks

There as well I I thought this was one of the most interesting interviews we’ve had because he’s an incredibly wellth thought guy who comes at some things from different angles than we’ve heard before uh I mentioned Offline that we uh the fact that he could name a specific

Model of player stick and how it affected the evolution of the technology uh I thought was fascinating I mean we we all talk about how sticks have influenced the games but I think his his take on it was uh different than anything I’ve heard before that it’s not

Just about shot veloc but it’s how you’re able to get shots off now in a more deceptive way uh two things though really stood out for me that I think are worth um taking away one I just want to look at a little bit more uh maybe it’s

Just me it’s new too but he talked about uh the blocker position on the hand and how that affects That Elbow hole um something I’ve been thinking about recently I’m not sure it’s enough to make a huge difference but uh we’ll experiment around with that a little bit

Um the other one that that I would love to try uh that little tip about standing in the net in practice and not looking looking at the puck and only learning how to read a Shooter’s body language I thought was fascinating uh I would not suggest that all the minor hockey goal

Tenders out there just decide to step in the net and not look at the puck without letting your coach know what’s going on uh or talking to your coach about it but it’s a fascinating piece that I’d love to try we will continue to follow that as

Well as the idea of a neutral pelvis uh when when he explained that would explain that it it actually made sense about the the belly in and the balls out never never thought of but going that way but it’s the it’s about as x-rated as we get here on ingol radio a gear

Segment brought to you by the great people at the Hockey Shop Source for Sports Sur the hockey the theme this week packing it in as in loading up the bag Woody welcome back to the Hockey Shop Source for Sports out here in beautiful Siri British Columbia suburbs of

Vancouver if you ever have a chance to catch the in person if not make sure you check them out at the hockey we’re down in what I call goalie heavan the basement an entire floor dedicated to goal tending with the guy running it cam mat wive uh we have walked through

So many different elements of gear we’re now in our 35th episode uh we’ve talked about everything but I realize the one thing we haven’t talked about is how you get all that gear to the rink so bags um something I think we forget about quite often

Until we have one that doesn’t suit our needs as odd as this may seem a topic what are some of the options uh Beyond wheels or no wheels and you know what they say if your bag has wheels cam so so that’s the first question here Cam

That with do you carry or do you wheel I carry my bag I carry my bag my poor shoulders but I carry my bag okay so here’s going to be a confession I carry my bag too and I’d like to pretend all this stupid Macho stuff actually matters

But the truth is I used to have a wheelbag and the only reason I don’t now especially as a guy who’s had back surgery and has a bad shoulder the only reason I don’t have a wheelbag now is I found because I was in a hatchback uh

Sedan situation uh that the wheels and the the hard plastic base were just murder on the trunk and the back paint especially when you’re bagged after a long skate and you’re just too lazy to fit it in there properly and you’re sliding those plastic rails over the

Tends to do a little damage so as much as I’d like to pretend it’s the whole Macho thing the truth is if I had a truck my bag would have wheels too so let let’s that aside um let’s talk about the options wheels non- wheels sizes

Custom team colors um you’ve got it all out there on the floor I don’t even know where to start I’m going to leave it to you I’m going to put all the onus on you where do we start the bag conversation so unlike last week I think I’m back in

The driver’s seat here um starting like bags are one of those interesting ones and it’s really based on what the consumer kind of need so um some of the quick questions that I answer is hey yeah do you want to carry your gear do you need to wheel your gear are you

Traveling Lots how big’s your car how big is the boot of your car you know those are all really important questions when deciding you know what bag should I get um in terms of for carry bags we do have quite a few different options and yes custom bags are available um in

Terms of uh minimums and depending on what you’re wanting to do I’ll deflect to our team sales department which you can give us a call at 64589 8299 and just ask for team sales and team sales I should say like this is another topic and maybe we’ll bring somebody in from

Team sales in the future not just custom bags um with your team logo on it uh but all kinds of options on the full custom jerseys jerseys socks pant covers anything you need and you got to have a logo on it these are the guys to talk to

I manage my beer league team it’s frankly it’s the easiest way to make sure they never kick me off as if I’m in charge of the finances and take care of uh you know getting new jerseys and the job that you guys did with lagga on our

Sort of Seahawks esque uh jerseys Second To None we’ll post some pictures on social media but that’s a topic for another day so custom goes through team sales I just need a bag off the rack I’m coming in first question you ask me so once again yeah do you want to wheel or

Carry and then again with in terms of the carry bags I think we got about four or five different options um they all kind of hover around that 110 price point um is uh varying degrees of materials depending on which bag you go to got true warrior CCM we got a bow

Option as well um and even a grit carry bag as well something new that we just uh picked up but uh what the biggest thing about uh those carry bags is is obviously to do with space inside the bag usually with a carry bag you know in most cases you can

Fit everything in it takes a little bit of funu but most guys are still carrying their pads and everything else is kind of going in the bag with those guys um so that’s a big question whether you want to put your pads in the bag or carry them separately um and again that

Your the size of the bag and your needs is going to depend on that and if you’re going for one of the monsters you can fit pads into chances are you’re not getting that in a sedan trunk no so that’s when you start to look at a the

Wheel bags and and B yeah they do tend to start to take up quite a bit more room now will say like the biggest bag that we carry that will fit everything in um is uh we have a CCM Pro wheel bag it’s called um it’s it’s massive like I

Don’t think it gets much bigger I think if we go through the Instagram on our old feed there’s a picture of me actually sitting in the bag zipped up with just my head poking out see if we can find that for the uh for the good

Old insta post so not only can you get all your gear to the rink pads included wheel it in there no problems less stress just easy peasy but if some guy happens to hit you in the face with a Clapper from close range and leave you bleeding you could probably fit his body

In the bag on the way out and wheel it out without know anyone being the wiser I I’m not going to condone the use of our wheel bags in that way shape or form but hey you do you with it after you’re done but that said there’s there still

Is a couple more options beyond that CCM we do have a nice big Brian’s one also comes in an intermediate version which is quite nice for the kid that needs a wheelbag and needs a lot of extra space but doesn’t quite need a full senior bag because they are a bit ridiculous for

Anyone who’s under you know 12 13 um that said uh one of the more questions we get kind of asked a lot we do carry the grit Sumo Tower bag um that is a bag where you can basically organize your gear and have it set up in front of you

Almost like a locker um your bags do or your pads do strap to the outside but the thing is the bag does weigh about 50 pounds unloaded sort of thing so you uh it’s it really is like a portable Locker yeah yeah and weit and all yeah so just

Be prepared that you got to kind of do a little bit of heavy lifting here and there wouldn’t wouldn’t fit in the back of a Civic put it that way okay so your vehicle matters in terms of size uh whether you want to get your pads in I

Guess basically the size of you as a goalie and how much equipment you’re wearing like you said young kids probably don’t need a senior bag to get everything inside um do we have any do we have any specials going on are We I believe we still have some uh bow

Premium wheel bags left and I think they are on sale for 109 I’d have to dou check and see how many we have left I know we’re getting pretty lean on those but uh that’s kind of our big sale bag right now other than that everything is

Kind of regular price for now okay and is that is this a time of year when guys are looking for BS is is this a when’s when when is there’s bag where you get back to the rink and you realize yours is falling apart and oh crap I got to

Get one that’s kind of more how the cycle goes yeah they’re unfortunately the way bags are is that you’ll see zippers blow and this that and the other and usually it’s time for a new bag but uh um yeah it every other day there’s somebody asking for a bag one say

There’s a hotter time than others for that for sure okay perfect cam thanks for your time we uh we we I enjoyed talking about bags with you bag away thank you that was a request by me that you uh embraced Woody and I appreciate that because it was uh it was timely and

I needed it done and you’re probably not the only one so it makes a it’s it’s a good thing I think most people have most of their gear ready to go maybe buying a few things here and there as the season starts and they find out something else

Is worn out and I think bags kind of fit that right you don’t until all it’s like one of those things you don’t think about and all a sudden you’re like you go to throw your stuff in you’re like ah there’s a little hole or

You need a new one it’s just worn out and Now’s the Time to buy it and make sure you check out our friends at the hockey shop and the hockey for all your goalie bag needs and the team Services idea is is great too because uh that that comes in

Handy with all the specialized team bags and and team colors and everybody looking the same and going down that path yeah I know and uh they do have a great team Services Department I promise I will post on social media our jerseys for example out here in Vancouver my beer league team

Uh when I joined them they were 20 years in I’ve been with them now for 12 ever since I started playing I guess so they are the Hawks and you can be the Hawks in Vancouver but after the rivalries between the Canucks and the Blackhawks

It’s kind of like yeah do we we don’t want to be those Hawks we don’t want to be you know headdress Blackhawks and yet most people here in manouver are also Seahawks fans so we created a jersey that is basically the Seahawks logo with a jofa on top and like everything else

Matches like the Seahawks the 12 12-man feathers down the side the Seahawks collar Seahawks lettering Seahawks numbers and they created those jerseys for us so we basically and the amount of comments we get on those jerseys when we go play we basically have Seahawks jerseys a hockey equivalent and matching

Socks so we got a few guys on our team that think it’s a little too try hardish of us like that we’re a bunch of try hards and they refuse to wear the matching socks certain guys just don’t want to look like they’re trying too hard but

They do a great job if you want to look stylish if you want to look like like a like like Pro level team they’ve got people that can take care of you in team sales and team Services I would think that we’re not going to post a picture

Of that Jersey on social I think we’re going to post a picture of Kevin attempting a tu pad stack while wearing that Jersey and we’ve got him and the mask is good too can you actually see the Jersey on that one cuz I’m all twisted and contorted guys Well you certainly can’t

See the logo cuz it’s face down on the ice but yeah I’m not uh I am a modern golender I do not I will admit this I do not know how to do a two pad stack It’s usually the question is how are you going to look like a a tryhard goenda

This year when you’re matching CCM e x4s are now in the Ontario Hockey League yeah this is the life of in goal um chances are I have something else that matches good enough in the garage still do you uh do you wear socks uh Woody Hutch do you guys wear matching

Socks to your uniform that that you’re playing no never have it’s hard enough to get dress do I really need to add a layer yeah good good solid although my gear my gear tip of the day Junior Hutch wears socks because you put the socks over the

Knee pads you put a strip of SC sock tape just underneath and now those knee pads won’t slide down yeah it’s a there’s a really really practical uh part of it I always thought Marty Brer was way ahead of the game when he just used the sweats that uh that look like

Socks and and and he and he sort of killed two birds with one stone there I used to do that when I first started I just wore sweatpants when I first learned how to play all I just had sweatpants and stuff now I would suggest it’s funny because this goes back to

Another conversation we had on the gear segment with the Hockey Shop a couple weeks ago when they brought in um the onic brand of of leggings with the built-in sort of uh skate cut proof material from the ankle sort of up to midcalf and there’s a lesson here and

I’ve got some NHL guys now that are double layering this where they will have cut proof socks and also on top of that an extra layer of cut proof whether it’s on or CCM makes an undergarment that has a built-in cut proof over the back of the heel and the reason at least

For one case is uh I talked to him last week Richard Bachman of the Vancouver canx who had his Achilles severed by escate Midway through last season well wearing cut resistance socks he now double layers that one layer is often not enough as sharp as these things are

They’re like razor blades on feet guy stepped down came across the back of his leg went right through the sock and severed his Achilles right down to a couple strands I’m surprised it doesn’t happen in beer leagues uh men’s league more often with everybody crashing into

Each other and uh and stepping and I mean that’s that’s the most dangerous part of the game uh we and I agree with that whole double layering including wearing danglers which you two have yet to jump on board right we’re not the wisest no no no but you are the goalie

Gurus and that’s why we listen to you and uh go to ingul as well because you know where it’s at next week we welcome in the start of the National Hockey League season St Louis will raise the stand like a banner on opening night which will offer another reminder of

Just how far Jordan Bennington has traveled in less than a year Bennington and Craig Anderson are great examples of athletes who took a while to find their stride but stayed true to their belief in themselves and it’s that lesson that we leave you with today thanks for Craig

And Cam and their contributions to episode 36 on behalf of Dave Hutchinson and Kevin Woodley I’m Darren alard reminding you there is no such thing as a bad rebound it’s proof you made a stop and it sets you up to pad that save total goodbye for Now

In this Episode of the InGoal Radio Podcast presented by The Hockey Shop Source for Sports, Kevin sits down with Ottawa Senators goaltender Craig Anderson for an insightful cht. You’ll be impressed by his thoughtful approach to the development of the position and how he approaches his personal game.

Back at the Hockey Shop with Cam for the gear segment, we look at options for goalie bags. Not the flashiest piece of equipment but the way you carry your gear is definitely an important consideration and we’ll give you the lowdown on some of your options. Of course our friends at the Hockey Shop have you covered, whether you like your bags with wheels or prefer to tough it out and carry without wheels….

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