@Boston Bruins

Canadiens @ Bruins Game #46 Hangout Live 01/20/24

Canadiens @ Bruins Game #46 Hangout Live 01/20/24

Hey everybody it’s game number 46 Montreal at Boston uh third meeting of the Season they’re tied at one win each hey everybody I’m Rick welcome to talking Habs where you get your daily fix some blue blond Rouge all right so like I said it is a third meeting of the

Season between Montreal and Boston um um oh I’m talking to myself it’s always good um what do I want to say about it Trap game another Trap game this time for Boston this time a real Trap game because Boston at the top of the standings and Montreal at the bottom of

The standings and I think there’s a lot of signs here for this to be a trap game to make it so Montreal has to win uh very very uh important there’s big news today former Hab and one of the greatest goalies ever Patrick W has been

Named the head coach of the New York Islanders so kind of for me that was just that a left field actually today is um is Canada hockey day in hockey Day in Canada yeah so I I have the CBC on here put my TV up and I got that right so I’m

Just I’m actually on the phone and I’m looking and I see the headlight pop up Patrick name oh that’s something so I I caught it pretty early um did not have a chance to make a video really anyways so I don’t know if I will I might do

Something on the um on the second channel on don’t uh Puck with me with media excuse me so there’s that we can talk about that we got about 10 minutes till they drop the puck here excuse me I have a bit of a cold so

And my signal might go kind of in and out it’s been kind of crappy so uh I apologize for that but it’s cold out people are home and I think on the internet a lot so it’s going to affect that all right Bruins Bruins are 81 and three since the Christmas

Break uh six of those wins have come by three or more goals excuse me their power play since the 27th so since a after the break is 34.2% uh let’s see well there’s a couple of other things in their last 12 games the there’s five Bruins that have

Double- digigit points with um Pastak Leading The Way with 20 points uh let’s see Josh Anderson is back um Anin is going to be sitting out yeah sorry I like I said I have a cold so it’s not my usual cough secondary scoring is going to be kind of key for

Montreal why one’s going to have their hands full you know handling their best players um yeah I mean I’m glad and Andy’s back and let’s hope he has a good game and he can contribute there too uh so secondary scoring is going to be big what else I

Got um that’s it I’m going to try to do some play byplay like I said I’ve got it on CBC tonight so I’m going to get this game like early uh it’s not on cable it’s directly over the air so uh I’m going to get it early so

All you people that spoil it for me let’s see who’s here and we’ll go from there HS Guru how’s it going baddy baddy he’s a baddy man I got a cold I’m telling you wonderfill is here hey wonderfill hey mad career good to see you email me when you got a chance email

In the description just email me because I don’t have your email I I got some news for you Roba Dario how’s it going man Joe from the future Hey Joe how’s it going all the goons are starting on the ice for the Rocket game on both sides

Yeah it’s probably going to be pretty you know what though when you know when you’re really expecting that kind of a game it’s probably not going to be that kind of a game it’s gonna be mild uh it’s true in the NHL in the AHL I don’t know svka how’s it going

Svka um God this will be a blood bath maybe maybe not usually when I’m telling you usually when it looks like that’s kind of game that’s not the kind of game Stan man Stan I I apologize I think did you come in the room uh earlier the the

The ear earlier uh stream just as I was clicking I clicked off I noticed you so if that was you I apologize this could be a good game for the Habs they seem to play better with good teams yeah this is why I’m calling

This is a real Trap game this is like a this is a real Trap game I mean I hope right for for Boston I wanted to ask if uh talking ABS has some membership yes talking ABS does have memberships um what you would asked me I haven’t had a chance today to check

That out um I I know that they can be gifted um but I don’t I don’t know how that works to be honest with you and I got to check into it so I got your email about it so no worries I will check into that but yes there is membership if you

I mean if you’re able to you click on the if you want to do it you click on there should be a dollar sign underneath the window there somewhere it depends where you’re watching it from uh what device you click on that it’ll give you all the information about memberships

And you can do that just to learn about it and then you don’t have to buy anything it’ll tell you what it’s all about uh may you oh may you fighting first shift imama hitting Jacky from far what does that say far from the puck uncalled

Okay well we’ll see I have no proof of this because I’m not watching it Joe is teasing us it’s almost 35 C Celsius there here it’s uh minus I don’t know 14 I don’t know what it is it’s cold here and windy um Zer dupers flavored ice blocks in tubes

Stocked in the freezer yeah they help though I know that that we call them basically that’s a freezy uh here for in Canada anyway or Quebec and uh yeah I buy those in the in the summer well sounds like you’re prepared for the heat hey

Luca may you yeah I heard that uh Luca I heard that um I’m not sure um I’m not it’s nothing against you or anything I’m I’m not feeling well and I I’ve got things going on I’m kind of not going to be a great host would you mind if we

Don’t did we have plans to uh i’ I’d kind of prefer to be out here by myself tonight no knock on you it’s just that’s just me tonight um oh well maybe in your country suffa they don’t allow it it’s possible so I may

Not be able to gift you Al but I think maybe gifting you might be able to uh but it’s possible every country is different with what their agreement are oh wait a second Luca I’m sorry I just remembered what was going on Luca’s at the game with the rocket he

Wants to check in absolutely luuka I’m my apologies I forgot what we had worked out and absolutely it’s not a problem despite what I just said no worries because uh Luca is going to join us in the intermission I think in the intermission or his intermission and

Give us an update and maybe even a look at what’s going on there so I’m an idiot Luca that’s that’s on me so just give me a second I’m going to send you a link I’m an idiot I totally forgot what was going on okay let me just uh let me let me

Just get this set up so that it gets done and I don’t make a mistake is really the main thing I don’t want to send this to someone else yes got it oh you know what I didn’t do though I need to get the link that always helps almost done guys almost

Done there you go luuka it’s sent and again my apologies I totally forgot that what we had on I just didn’t I’m not up to hosting someone I’ll show that’s all that’s all it was about uh but for what we what we planned absolutely I’m such a I can’t I

I’m forgetful and that’s my ADHD it’s an excuse but it’s true actually I’ve discovered um so I can be forgetful on those things and I probably had it written down and didn’t I didn’t even write it down because I’m an idiot all right enough self-deprecation Rick

Hey Andre so I guess I was wrong hu it seems like a hell of a barn burner of a of a of a game my bad I just I what can I do hot lady on TVR everybody go to TV oh it’s it’s true uh it’s lunchtime

Man it’s Sunday Sunday all should would you be in church just joking my email’s in the description anyways it’s talking Habs very simple it’s somewhere there it’s a bit of a long description but it’s in there jeez I hope I hope I didn’t chase

Luka off and he didn’t hear what I said I I hope he’s not mad at me yeah Luca’s at the game at the Rocket game because he lives really near well he’s he’s right now with everything he does with school and all that he’s living right near there and so he’s gone

To the game and he said he’d pop in and give us an update and I totally forgot oh yeah I got to remember game’s over here tonight so I might be looking a lot like that tonight but I got my 32in TV I

Never use I dug it out and I set it up with the antenna and I’ve got CBC going and hopefully I could set on the lowest setting I can hear it a little bit hopefully you guys C all right if you are here keep talking to me I appreciate that we’re going to

Have a puck drop like um I would think any minute it’s already a little bit late but they’re doing something here okay a film history of Montreal versus say Boston didn’t realize it why is it like Boston like why do Boston look better than Montreal in this I don’t like

This it’s not really reflective of the true history tree it’s not showing us beating them wish cam was here so I can give him a [ __ ] about this but as you notice none of my uh none of my parcking around co-hosts managed to join me tonight Matt’s

Out Joe I I know it was a joke you know that right J who goes to church anymore does anybody uh who’s you think when you if you want to like uh um U what’s the word um [ __ ] I can’t think of the word I guess chirping at you know uh

Mama do you say hey your mama no that Dad joke stupid one uh actually there’s a lot of weekends uh Saturday games were they’re either on CBC or City TV I would have had it on City TV if it wasn’t on CBC I can get both of those with the

Antenna just the placement is different oh no do we have to see all these old Bruins come out if Cam is watching this yeah he’s got a boner without a doubt Cam’s Got a Boner watching these old players come out your phone was way back earlier how did you do

That oh yeah yeah okay you you you yeah well you’re already in the future so does it matter oh my God would you let a breu kiss your baby I don’t think I would l absolutely unrecognizable I don’t remember that like I don’t remember them by number necessarily you

Know so and like their faces are I saw Ray Bor on something last week on on one of the broadcasts and I until they said his name I didn’t know who that was and then they said his name I was like oh I see it but like he put on lot of

Wait so I guess this is a really late start I’ll definitely have to put that um post game back making me hungry there Joe the captain who was the captain back then Bor that’s Bor see I recognize him now but you see what I mean he’s really

Gained some weight there but who’s the other guy the older Captain 16 16 why do I know that I know who that is M M M something that’s it we’re not winning tonight nope last time that they played them in Boston this season they raised the banner and the next day or whatever

Uh Marsh said there was no way they were losing that game not for these guys and they’re back again so we Ain winning tonight so cancel that 32 it’s 32 them it’s going to be worse Middleton Rick Middleton that’s who that was 16 and a former Captain

Middleton was the captain okay I don’t know I didn’t think it was in broke the Jinx what against the Habs broke what Jinx what the hell do that mean anybody know what that means don’t the Habs look like oh man we’re cooked they’re going to kick our

Asses tonight don’t they look like that on the bench my God yeah we’re losing tonight that’s too bad we’ll get him back when they come back to Montreal I think it’s March 14th they’re back in Montreal for the fourth game and final of the Season unless we meet him in the

Playoffs we’re not meeting them in the playoffs I hated these guys except Cam Neely honestly I kind of had a lot of respect for neie but I just I hated these guys Phil I mean you you’re a dreamer that’s all you’re doing is dreaming that Boston team’s going to come out and

They’re going to be brutal watch and see unless it’s just they’re due for a loss and there’s nothing they can do about it I don’t know but if they lose in front of those guys now the Habs have done that they’ve had one of these kind of things and they

Lost Boston didn’t last time I expect the same kind of game I’m glad Monty’s in Nets and on top of that we got a suffer with Gary G well I’m not hearing it much so I don’t care but Gary gy doing the color rub it in all right nobody talking to me now

What’s going on starting next week I’m going to get a ro a bot that kicks people out um if they don’t talk hey Lou how you doing you’re freezing that’s not good it’s cold tonight it’s Cold I’m I’m I’m doing okay Show Must Go On I’m a trooper I’m a professional I just hope I didn’t piss off Luca so they finally getting to the national anthems it’s going to be like a 24 minute they’re going to be about 15 minutes late

Start uh BC I’m just G to say call you BC welcome to the channel because I haven’t seen you out there before it’s just because we’re haves fans and just we hate those guys right so yeah I I I I tend to agree with you but I mean if we

Were Bruins fans we’d love it one of my co-hosts on H the the podcast uh is a Boston fan I said he’d be having a boner tonight watching this he probably does wherever he is Cam is enjoying this but this is not I mean this is not

Motivating for the for our team they showed a highlights package was that all them kicking off ass and then these guys show up and now the Bruins are going to be super motivated man so much for the Trap game they trapped us thinking that we’re going to

Have a chance here and then they pulled this [ __ ] oh well yeah well that you know that’s not going to happen but I still hope it’s going to be I call it 32 Montreal and possibly in overtime I still hope I’m right that would be awesome if they can

If they can pull it off on a night like this Mt I only hope you guys are right I mean I want nothing more than Disney Montreal beat Boston but the last game we played uh I don’t remember what was the date November 18th something like that um they had that flag raising

Ceremony and Boston came out and kicked our ass after we beat them the week before so I’m just saying I just see a repeat here I hope I’m wrong I really do but they’re also on a pretty good streak right now so either they’re due

For a loss which you know um it’s a 12 game streak so uh not a 12 game winning winning streak but they got a really good record like it’s 81 and three and you know they’re due they’re due for a loss doesn’t mean they’re going to lose but they’re

Due and I hope Montreal is the one that gives it to them I’m surprised Uris the very few people in the chat here on the Patrick raah being hired by the Islanders um did anybody hear that I had it at the very beginning so maybe not

Not a lot of people were here uh Patrick a is the new head coach of the New York Islanders as of this afternoon so everybody that wanted him as the coach in Montreal he’s not coming here like I said and a lot of other people said glad to see Monty’s getting the start

Oh it’s going to be El mark look at that I have them both on the on one team in in fantasy and I decided not to play all mark because I thought okay I’m going to help Montreal win I’m not playing all Mark to sort of you know

I’ll get one win at least and um I also thought maybe Swan would play and nope it’s all Mark’s night to play we’re underway ABS win the draw it’s a nice big screen and I still can’t see their names really I can see them but I I can almost read them

Matt Greer I don’t I don’t think you’re G to see Patrick W come back to the organization I really don’t and I think he maybe he realizes it and he took a he took a job somewhere else good for him I wish him well there we’re 30 seconds in so

Far it was Marshall with a chance there at the net Boston with a little pressure here shot Monty makes a save big rebound he kicks to the side though big rebound Boston with it behind in Montreal’s goal line behind the net that’s pasta sends it up along the

Boards it’s Marsh picked up to the point sent in behind the net man the boards the the stupid [ __ ] they have on the boards tonight is really pissing me off ABS get it cleared out slafkovsky over the line sends it into the corner weird angle you get to see the side of

My head a lot tonight my ears are clean working down to the first two minutes of this period boss with two shots Montreal with not no score HS in the zone nope Puck comes out stribble backs up into Zone and he sends it to the other side cross ice to Mahan

Monahan sends it in and a pass right through the crease um all Mark covers up who might this be that was just Matt updating me on his his boyfriend Lane just got an assist that’s where Matt is he’s at the game he’s at the Boston University

Game looks like a retro for yeah that kind of does eh well it would be in honor of the old guys there tonight so yeah they’re wearing the old that’s their third Jersey that’s their yeah that’s what they’re doing yeah hob along don’t scream at me okay no worries buddy

When who who are marinero and parmesan I would imagine it’s line number one that’s going to be up against pasta’s line most of the night you know it just hit me it I don’t know why but it just hit me Montreal’s in red on the road right okay that’s how

I’m used to seeing them on the road CU I was about to say something about them home I went oh wait a second they’re not at home I get there eventually you know I’m a little slow but I get there eventually I can hear yall laughing I get it

Montreal has a shot now look at that three shots to one we’re three minutes in well almost and he picks up a puck almost makes a move around a guy but he he didn’t the other guy sends it in as after crossed the line Montreal picking it up in the

Corner yep up along the boards to Gallagher Gallagher sends it up to Anderson gets away from him though but it’s behind the net now boson coming back cross cross ice attempt that got a told I don’t know where he was sending that mreal with it beyond their own net

Uh ghouly waiting for guys to change up and we’re four minutes in well just over three and a half minutes in shot by mat as he kind of walks in and save all Mark we’ll have a face off there 22 people in the chat number 22 Cole’s getting a

Goal actually you know with my guess uh for the guest to score I had I was thinking de Brusque which probably is going to be now uh but I also had Josh ra and then Patrick ra got hired and I’m looking I wrote it down I hey ra and Ra Ra’s getting the

Goal and no there’s no relationship relation but name’s the same oh I didn’t think that got through shot from the point Monty with the save oh SLA just missed that right off the face off I didn’t see that look at that oh m has got a penalty for

What want to show that yeah oh he cross checked um I think Marshon in the head but it shouldn’t count it’s Marshon it shouldn’t count come on don’t they know better one of the refs is from Boston by the way we’ll see if that has anything to do with the outcome

Tonight 27.2 that’s their percent that’s their power play for Boston but they’re 34.2% uh in their last 12 games or since the 12th I wonder what do I have here yeah no since this the 27th of December they’re uh 34 and two 3 Jesus Christ 34.2% they killed off the first

Minute um the farther this goes into the period and they don’t score the Bruins the more encouraged I am that maybe Montreal has a chance tonight after what I Said hey Alex we hope so too so far so good although uh Boston’s in our Zone a lot oh yeah well it’s a power play so that would explain it right now but they have been work hard boys work hard all I can say nice steel away sent down the ice

Six seconds left in their power play they killed this off good job PK Here Comes Nick over the line sends it lightly to the corner Cole goes after it he doesn’t get it but he comes back up to the point down to the half wall Cole

To to gly gouie shot I it was a save or hit the post it was a save boson with it um then now they get it out and they dump it in Monty stops it G’s got it as uhy they both change up so but up to Baron Baron up along the

Boards to Gallagher looked like cross ice to Anderson he gets a backhander a kind of a weak one Mark makes the stop Boston coming back the other way can you guys hear me prop I touched the wire where you not supposed to uh one of those days 1235 left in the

First shots are four to two for Boston no score I think Harris flipped that into armia here comes van re like into the corner he uh he rims it around to the other side comes up to the point to the other side shot oh like off like that looked like

Went off a couple of sticks but it stayed out it’s in the corner right now Boston comes up with it up to the point shot hits the body oh another nice shot like a little quick one good save Monty with his Pad good quick reaction

Save armia no Arma why did it say Arma Monahan there’s a penalty coming up monan with a shot save Al Mark and there’s a penalty too I don’t know who I’m gonna say Boston hey Boozer how’s it going good to see you bunch of times lately it had been a while and I’m

Looking at going is that Boozer or is there someone else named Elliot now I know it’s it’s you again but I’m not getting old my brain works just fine so far so good this has been um I thought it was like a bit of a slow start first five minutes since then it’s

Been really good agree or disagree like Hello is my mic working or is it I’m so funny tonight that you’re all just sitting there in stunned silence watching me be funny no I don’t think that’s what it was okay I just wasn’t sure cuz when I get no comments

I get my you know I get worried that it’s me I get worried and I’m no I’m fine don’t worry I’m fine um Monahan or was it armia I thought it was armia joking yeah I don’t know why I knew it was Monahan armia came out of my mouth one of those

Nights we’re saving energy and going to strike well I don’t saving energy not a good thing against Boston in Boston on a night like tonight with the ceremony and everything wouldn’t be a good thing they need to uh exchange just as much energy as they’re as Boston’s putting out maybe

A little more we’re on the power play I don’t know what the penalty is slashing shaton Kirk now if you’re his friend you probably call him shat hey shat that’s not like that’s not really a great name they’ve got a really good PK so this is going to be tough for

Montreal because it’s not like we have a great power play it’s it’s decent but that’s that’s all it is it’s like only okay to decent how’s that but if they have a good night it can be really good shot from the point save if that went off somebody or was a save but

Anyway didn’t go in the net that was almost a giveaway and a breakaway there who was that shoot score Cole Cofield opens the scoring am I right yeah and there’s some I well there’s always a Cole Coffield so somebody’s got is in the running air if you are if it’s

One of somebody here let me know cof opens it up let’s see SLA to okay who SLA to S went to Coffield so SLA with an assist and I don’t know who the other guy was I couldn’t see the number enough that who was the the uh second the first assist was it

Mathon oh Alex we’ve had lots of thoughts about the goalies yeah it’s not the best thing to do especially when you got a young one that needs starts and you got a young number one starter now uh that needs starts it’s not [Applause] great 10 1010 left in the first by the way

We’re almost halfway through the period shots are 5 to three now but Montreal’s up by one good defensive play there by strubel I think or the guy just lost the puck I don’t know or both right right Ray they didn’t score I should train to bark when they score that’s a dog she

Likes okay Ray it’s enough they can’t hear you anyway well it’s her friend Luna barking that’s what I just Heard was Monahan with the assist who got the assist on the goal am bu I guess it was monad he knows I can’t do this of all people he should know not to text me while I’m on good sa there by Monty they changing up here they come the Habs

Gie stretch pass missed whoever it was no icing call have keep the puck in hey Luka I don’t if you know if you heard me I totally had forgotten what we had I I apologize I sent you the link but I apologize I forgot about it so I’m

Not sure if because I came back in I was all apologetic but I didn’t see you you didn’t answer so uh not much to report on yet I’m sure it’ll be uh you know a they score damn it I didn’t see it it’s 1-1 Carlo let’s see

Now a little def uh redirect by Carlo or a tip in how you can call it either more of a redirect if you ask me yep you know what Monty probably should have had that one Coffield from Shanahan and slavkovsky that’s really interesting just that’s what it says on the NHL

Website they’re idiots over there what do you expect from the NHL oh what happened there I didn’t see Monty made have saved there or not but that was a hell of a chance some pressure here by Boston broken up by G gets it out but he gives it away there

And then it’s sent back out again SLA stripping the puck at Blue Line and they do the same thing to the other guy it’s just back and forth It’s almost like pinball out there oh bad giveaway good save Monty after a bad giveaway I don’t know who it was good Pace

Now again I should say Cofield at the red line backs off sends it to the defenseman strub Bal with it waiting for a guys changeing up behind his net here he comes stops and turns he has somebody all over him there same guy came back

Pass it up to gouie gly off the boards and out here comes raah over the Blue Line oh Beauty 21 Montreal what a beautiful pass by raah to I don’t know who that was that scored but he just put it right on his stick and just guy just

Had to make sure the stick was in the right direction armia armia scores what a beauty by um by ro beautiful yes Joshua looking like he’s starting to get it e okay ray stop oh you you wrote it wrong okay I wouldn’t put it past the NHL to have written that

Wrong why they’re challenging this no no they’re not 21 Montreal yes so armia his eighth of the season from ra geez where’s Paul Paul you must be really happy about that oh yeah that’s you that put that comment okay yeah Ro seems to be getting it now definitely playing

Better well I’m not saying he shouldn’t be here now I just didn’t think he should have been in here before and it took him a couple of games but he’s definitely getting it you know um and that was a that was a beautiful pass you never know he may

Stick you see you see a play like that and you go like even if they have to send him back down for whatever reason right he’s going to be here next season for sure after breaks camp with Montreal he’s going to be ready 100% by then especially with this kind of experience right

Now four and a half minutes left in the first shots are 9-6 favor of Boston score is two to one favor of Montreal think the puck went out here Ray can you stop it Ray see what I got to put up with all day long she does that so

Um just a really good game so far by Montreal I mean uh Boston should be kicking our ass tonight Montreal said yeah you’re not going to and I just hope they I I hope they play this game all all the way through another 60-minute performance against a good team love

It hu you can do backflips I can’t uh oh Harry rice is gonna fall in love with armia now drewan has gone so he’s gonna next it’s armia hey harry how’s it going What’s My Line with everybody health healthy um well what’s my line that was

A really good show it was called uh Whose Line is it um I don’t even remember now Jesus don’t ask me that not a good night for that Paul I’ll dare say we’re both right I think I was right that they needed to

Keep him in Laval for a while I I did at some point say about how he could come up at the halfway point and you were definitely right that once he gets here uh he’s going to do something and I I didn’t think so the first two games were

But the last two so and this you know so far anyway in this one um yeah he’s been good you know he’s getting it and you know two games to get adjusted it’s not so bad as long as he gets there that’s what matters right but it’s it’s another offensive

Weapon another probably top six forward in the future you know that’s uh starting to to do something hopefully continues OH Anderson almost oh again almost caught a puck both times in the slot Jesus and we’re getting to the end 335 left in the first considering the late start that’s not

Too bad been a quick period overall you know what the first line our first line is is they’re not giving them fits but man they’re countering them quite well shot from the high slot hit Monty high he might have been hurt a little bit there

He’s got a smile on his face seems like he’s okay it him really high though that got to hurt though he’s going to have a welth there after the game for sure commercial break well so far this is a good game If he if he stops skating well then he’s

Not playing hockey he’ll he’ll keep skating I don’t think he’s the fastest skater but he’s very smart and he is a good 200 foot player too so if he keep he just has to keep playing well there might be a point where they have to send him down numbers and he

Gets he has waivers uh exemptions so but other than that now I think next year he’s he breaks camp with Montreal I mean he’ll have to have a really good you know good camp which I don’t see why you know you can’t think that he would uh jlen you know you could be

Right and you’re probably right for a good portion of that but there’s still spots where how do you know we’re too far away from that so what are they going to do with Evans then I don’t think I I doubt the trade Evans but I mean they could I guess but

I I don’t see it right now it’s but it’s early for to worry about that Leaf’s losing three nothing to Vancouver go Canucks go go Canucks go knock Matthews around who is that gu armia right in there save uh all Mark let’s see it again how do you get

In there there oh I see I think he tried to go five hole if he could get it in oh they score how do they put that in De Brusque de brasque Walks from the corner right to the net and puts it in from like behind the net not behind the net

But the side how’d that go in he must have hit the he must have hit Monty’s side and went in I have no idea other than that who’s that fault here well you don’t see it from there here barely it went off of uh armia it went off of a

Hab I think it went off of uh someone’s either skate or shinpad whoever that is in front I think armia and in so we got a tie game no one said this was going to be easy I don’t like that it was in the last two minutes of the game of the period

Oh was that Evans somebody met whiffed ghouly whiffed on a uh no it was Evans on a one timer could work actually by gy there under minutes too in the first shot from the point no way they score what the hell was that two really bad luck goals just went just

Happen so the first that was a bad luck that their second goal and this one I I don’t know what happened but it wasn’t good and it was I don’t know fluke bounce what happened here uh it HD Hind and skate and went in yep es skate or a stick I think a

Skate yep right off his skate I mean there’s nothing you can do there you can’t blame Monty on that one you can’t blame Monty on that one Paul come on me you can’t that’s just a fluke uh that’s a fluke freak goal two goals in the last two minutes

Of the period I mean that’s just sucks it just sucks unle throw it in there they going to run out of time here oh my God Nick he had a wide open net and two shots at it and it couldn’t put it in God damn

It hit the side of the net took two swipes at it to get the side of the net just missed God damn it hey Luka no worries man don’t worry and if you can’t you can’t but I appreciate that you’re trying uh Jason the second goal probably

I said that you can probably fault him on the second one no not the second one no the second one went in off a skate right in or a leg right in front I don’t think you can is the first one I’m not sure I’m not faulting him on two of the

Goals so far oh Cedar that’s that new kid we picked up right yeah I don’t know anything about him kid from Buffalo bad luck the last two minutes it was in the last two minutes they got these two goals so we got an intermission now on a downer because

They lost uh they gave up two goals I mean so but we can talk about it in here uh I don’t know he’s made some good saves too so far tonight so I don’t know I just think it’s just bad luck here but that bad luck could really uh

You know that could be it we got two goals it’s not I mean if Montreal is playing to their normal they’re you know they give a they they score just over two and a half goals on average right so maybe they’ll get another one maybe they won’t maybe

They’ll get more than that but I don’t know we’ll see is Monte injured I don’t think he’s injured no mean after the shot to to the up high there I mean that could I guess that could be I don’t know he looked like he was okay

Was it to the mask or was up here I thought it hit him up here yeah I mean it’s just kind of too too bad luck goals I mean I don’t know what you say Puck not that’s when you say the Puck’s not bouncing their way that’s partially what they mean right Puck

Bouncing badly for them that’s what happened there was the third goal legit yes because the you could see in the uh replay he did not change the his foot to redirect it it went off the skate that was already was already there that way because of whatever he was doing and it

Went off a skating in just bad luck that’s my opinion did not look like he redirected that hey GSM how’s it it going so yeah I think it’s legit unfortunately besides anyways if it wasn’t I’d think they’d have challenged it and they didn’t challenge so should be look

Good all right so we got like I said intermission what you guys want to talk about let’s do that give me your opinions of uh how this first period went I’m good there G I’m going to just call you g it’s easier I’m good G thanks I I’d rather it if we weren’t

Down by one but I not oh God rod mlan in this it doesn’t look good on him whatever sweater and hat combo that is he’s wearing I don’t know he looks like a goof more than ever uh Josh has potential I think he’s got potential to be a top six forward I

Don’t know about like right away right away uh but I think he’s got potential there and he is coming around it took him a couple of days a couple of games to get his uh I guess the feel he’s getting his legs now it is an adjustment I mean it’s an

Adjustment coming from the AHL to the uh NHL especially you know in his first pro season and if he adjusted that quickly in two games that’s not bad at all I take that one I don’t think Jennifer bodell really would like that shot it showed all her gray hair

Uh Alex yeah they didn’t uh I don’t think they skated yesterday I think that’s not just not practice they didn’t they weren’t required to go to the arena at all to get rested and be ready so they do look rested Pace has been pretty good in the first uh period

So he looks like yeah I don’t know how to describe him with that uh he it looks ridiculous someone should have told him you know you isn’t it doesn’t work on you dude doesn’t work hang on a sec who scored first uh who was it that scored first uh

Coffield Coffield with the first goal I know somebody’s got Coffield probably more than one so I’ll have to go back and check all right nobody wants to talk about anything H how about talking about Patrick gu I’m surprised no more people don’t want to talk about

That you just got back oh you didn’t you were okay I get it that’s why you sent me that um but yeah let’s talk about padri Gua uh being the new head coach and U of the New York Islanders and we play the Islanders um I want to say like next Thursday at

Home yes sir we play the Islanders next Thursday at home so he’ll be in town pretty early on in his uh coaching uh career with the coaching stint with the Islanders um it’d be interesting it’s going to be interesting that game uh Harry says he’ll lead the Isles

To a firstr exit this year uh yeah I don’t I don’t know we’ll have to see how he does I have mixed uh thoughts about it as well like you know that team started all Built For What ra wants in a team so why would he take the job then he probably figures

He’ll just he’ll make it the team he wants so guys are probably going to move in the off season from there and that hiring was out of nowhere Guru I was watching this cuz see I’m on I’m watching CBC right so they have the hockey all day right it’s hockey Day in

Canada I’m I’m walking I’m talking on the phone and I’m looking at it and I just see the thing Kyon on the bottom that he was hired as the coach I was like what like I never even heard that was going to happen okay I got to take this hang on

Sorry about that but that was um it was it was about my dad and the problem reason my brain was all over the place is just something that with my dad it’s all good it’s all good so I can be it’s like a weight off my shoulders actually right now so I’m glad

I took that all right where I leaving off nowhere uh G that’s a good question sometimes that works though right cuz your coach like when you’re bad right when the team is struggling or whatever then the coach takes a lot of of the attention away and it can work

But yeah we’ll have to see if he can keep his temper that kind of stuff um let’s see what he’s like as a coach I’m just glad i’ I’d rather see it on another team and not have been here uh they’ll hope they hope a will invest some heart on that

Team it depends right he could lose the room too if he’s if he’s a hotthead as a coach if he hasn’t calmed that down and I don’t know but I didn’t didn’t want to find out here I’m I like um Harry says personally love ra same I

Mean as a player love him as a coach I’m not sure as a GM I’m not no uh Harry well he’ll have to get them to make some changes I imagine I mean there’d probably be a shake up there I didn’t think the Islanders were doing that bad I I didn’t

Think that like was this like was the coach in trouble I I didn’t think so I don’t know why I didn’t think so but I didn’t think so so it was like really that’s not you know next coach I expect to hear is fired is Toronto Sheldon Keefe

Anyway you know what though all the best to Patrick gr like I don’t wish him bad it’s it sounds like I might I don’t wish him bad I hope he’s you know got some of those things worked out and he is successful I’m just surprised l larell

Does that seem like a good combo L amarello and Patrick ra I don’t know does he have a history of that G I can’t I can’t speak to that so I don’t really know you know what they say coaches hired to be fired but like what’s their record are they

Were they that bad I’m going to take a look and see what there is to see oh yeah I mean they’re they’re like Montreal very yeah very similar okay so I I get it not a great record so I I understand the coaching change I don’t understand why Patrick

W oh yeah g i remember that um fic was uh was fired by the devils and they put Robinson in and Robinson won the cup didn’t he as the coach and fic had a um um he had a winning record still it wasn’t it’s you wouldn’t have thought he was going to

Get canned if I remember because I remember that one isn’t that the year Robinson won the cup with the as the interim coach anyway we’ll see how it works out we’re going to get a an early look at it next Thursday so you know it’s not so

Bad what else is going on in hockey world was anybody that’s in here now besides Harry cuz was with me did anybody catch our show last night on the other channel no we got we got like 27 views or something weren’t a lot of people there

But it was fun we had a lot of fun and we’re going to be doing that regularly well it’s not going to be every Friday but like once or twice a month Harry and I are going to do that on a Friday night uh have a Q&A live stream on don’t Puck with

Media we like working with each other so much we came up with a way to do it right Harry uh Aken yeah they have more o OT losses there Harry’s in agreement but I mean he has to I’m his boss over there I’m just joking actually I’m not his

Boss on that really sort of but not really where he’s my co-host when we do that so it’s our own show I don’t know we haven’t got a name for it but maybe just um we’re gonna blank out the Tom Dick and Harry’s Q&A we’re looking for a

Tom did I change my mind on line a should I have I’m curious as to why you’ve asked me that I mean I haven’t yeah if you do want to check it out by the way after the game uh there’s a link in the description for the new

Channel and for the two podcasts we’re doing uh of which also Harry’s a co-host on the Habs one um there’s a link there for all those things check them out go to the new channel there is now four videos up there and there’s a live stream happening on Monday a big one too

If you head over there yeah if you are sub a subscriber and you’re in the audience could win a $50 ecard one of three were giv away apparently so that’s Monday night at 9: by the way at 8 at 8 on Monday so I was looking for the song One

Of Us oh that’s what it’s called a one of us from the album relish from Joan Osborne thank you appreciate that good song yes we were not looking for it but somebody said something and it made me think of that song and that’s what I

Said to them and then we tried to figure out who it was and we couldn’t figure it out and then I did I remembered who it was uh what trade L trade you want to get L here no not get no nope I don’t want Ling nope change of scenery not buying that

One yeah well if he’s not a good locker room guy doesn’t matter if the talent is there don’t want him oh we’re in the second already why’ nobody say oh because I’m ahead of everybody it’s a minute into the second nobody said anything I’m not a minute ahead of everybody am

I I’d be weird so it’s still 3-2 Boston let’s see if it it’s if it’s affected Montreal’s play at all for so we are uh two minutes into this second period man rayark put some weight on hey Jesus I’d like to see him try to play like that

Now one goal every three shots is that what going yes I see it oh well it’s done two look two fluky goals we’re going to do not much it’s really hard to defend those fluky Goals Face Off is to the right of uh allmark Boston wins the drop uh guy tried to flip it out to but it hit a body and it’s back behind the net here they come off to the uh right side over the Blue Line shot went wide back up to the point shot

Off something it just sort of rolled in there Boston still with it up to the point shot comes in save Monte gives up a rebound and Mont is going to clear it carrying over the Blue Line Evans to uh Andy Andy tried to get back to Evans

It’s in the corner Boston with it they come out I can’t see their names so don’t ask me if I recognize their number y I’m good this is I think Frederick up to the point oh good save Monty he did whoever that was dish it off to number 11 there

He went in on Monty and uh Monty sort of I think made a couple of little saves there pizetta with a shot I went off something and out was lyol to oh that was Frederick I thought it was 11 it was 51 we are H 3 and a half minutes into to the

Second shots are 16-9 for them 3-2 Boston has on the draw in the Boston Zone shot I think it was a save there a stick that just went into the net Boston clears The Zone with a flip into the neutral zone Cofield though picks it

Up comes over the line now not that way he he went over the line it’s in the corner Boston comes up with it zaka over the red line drops it for somebody behind the net to the other side up to to the point shot wide very wide HS come up with it ghouly

Now with it over the Blue Line you he just sends it at the goal SLA gets in there knocks the guy off the puck a little bit and then come up with it no they flip it up to the line so they don’t get it out was that Monahan sends it to the

Other side rims it around to the other guy on the point down to the half wall shot off a skate where’s the puck strubel has in his own zone now to his partner Baron and Baron’s pass up to whoever will miss the Mark will have a face off

Because back in mreal zone because it’s an icing call how old was I in in 1867 no 1967 do you remember a Toronto that did not suck nope I was only four years old so no and they would have want I was like just over three let me see 67 they

Would have want to cup in like March April April of 67 yeah I was just over four years old little over four so no I didn’t even know what I don’t think I even knew what hockey well I sort of I guess I sort of knew what

Hockey was no wait a second I was no I was still in Florida so no I was in Florida at the time for we lived there for like four months my parents split up for a little while and then uh we moved back to Montreal so we got back in Montreal in

67 July 2nd July 2nd 1967 is when we as a family came back to Montreal and I’ve been here ever Since oh Mon’s got a power plate broken stick though matthison to I don’t know who that was back there back to Bon up to the point that’s who’s that Suzuki down to Coffield back up to Suzuki to Coffield he’s behind the net to Suzuki he’s in the corner back to

Coffield Coffield over handles it and manahan gives Mah hand gets up to the point but stolen and here comes Boston marshan spins at the half wall and his pass is in intercepted 120 left in the power play minute down in the power of Lake yes Monahan to math Slap Shot top shelf

33 power play goal Montreal good movement so Suzuki to Monahan to maon no doubt about it nice three3 tie je were only about halfway just a a little more a little less no a little more than halfway through left in the game and it’s 33 how many goals does Montreal have in

Them tonight that’s the problem are meia scored H what game is he watching oh something happened in the corner there here come the Bruins Around the Net up to the point to the other side got away from the guy kept it in though it’s behind the net to the

Corner what the hell is going on over there oh here’s a fight Andy and Frederick okay Jesus a wrestling match that turn into a fight yeah Paul definitely saw a lot more games than I did back then Anderson what a boy what does he mean by

That 22 after two in bellev rocket just scored twice in 48 seconds to come back back in it uh what’s the score here it is 33 hav mat just scored to tied up Monahan’s got three assists Monahan’s hot tonight you don’t know you’re just hyped stop with the red bull man

Stop did I suspect that they would never win a cut back in 66 no cuz I didn’t know anything about that stuff uh when I started to suspect that and hate the Leafs like that was when I was probably around 12 from then on I remember I don’t know what year but

In the 70s I we played them in the playoffs uh and beat them I just I just don’t remember what year and yeah I hated them back then so and I and it was in the 70s so yeah I was I was 12 13 something like that Anderson ptra Evans and Frederick

All with miners is that what’s going on out of that one fight that Anderson and Frederick how the other two get it no Montreal’s got the penalty how do we get the penalty what he uh um what Andy get extra two really makes no sense to

Me uh Paul no never thought they I’d see that either but from the 70 even in the 80s um started to wonder about it by the time they wed 93 and then yeah 30 years though no minute gone in power play oh good save by Monty there off of

Um de Brusque no I don’t know who that is Coy van reik Five for Fighting is that what it was but it says two minutes they got five for fighting but Addy took a instigator an investigator’s penalty is is there such a thing as that an instigators penalty uh that’s what it

Was shot from pasta sa Monty that’s what you know what investigators penalty that’s what they should call the penal that they give to the coach if he is wrong about a challenge should be an investigator’s penalty I like that 10 seconds left in the power play Puck is cleared

Out ah we’re going to get a penalty for delay game Harvey pinard’s arguing that it hit some somebody let’s see it went off of uh what’s um somebody stick there oh maybe not delay game Lucas’s trying to get in he really is having computer um internet weak internet signal he can’t get

In well that sucks [ __ ] I can’t tell oh okay it hit somebody good power play their power play is over halfway through the game for H 43 Boston Heyman his second of night I dare say this the one Monty should have yeah that’s one Monty should have no screen nobody

Around I think he misjudged that going you thought it was coming to the inside and it went to the outside or vice versa anyway 4-3 Boston jeez Montreal just 10 shots that’s crazy they got to get more pucks on net man they got to get more pucks on net

Luuka I saw you almost made it in there almost yeah that it that nothing we can do but if you want to keep trying don’t worry just keep trying it’s not a problem 2 two after two hiam men and Cedar Quist doing a good job of driving plate awesome

We’re underway in the well we’re um little over halfway through the second over here a [ __ ] off that’s not Monty’s fault that one La who is it that scored just got a stick in there the last second and knocked it in that’s just that who’s defending

Him Nick ah God damn it I don’t want to get mad at Nick may you is the real deal says Luca very physical crisp first passes yeah I mean that’s all he is he’s the real deal sounds like an off night for Trudeau who’s it that got the goal number 13 who is

That any it’s five free Boston God damn it not over yet it’s not over yet there’s still uh a lot of time left but I don’t know that’s a whole I don’t think they’re going to get out of that hole that’s what she said last night [Applause]

Too lookas it been like like a crazy um like a dirty kind of game so far very physical and lot of hitting where is what Canadian politeness Brandy who said we’re polite Charlie Coyle’s number 13 yeah so Coyle got that fifth goal ABS better not give up another goal

Yeah I’m not surprised about that Luka ottawa’s a dirty organization that way their players are dirty Kate Bretton beat what’s SJ 52 Monty having a rough night no two really fluky goals like you can’t do anything about it I to me he gave up one

Maybe two of those that may but one he should have probably had the last one there no not the last one the one before that definitely three of them he had no chance on yeah dirty yellow son of a [ __ ] how’s that oh and look so are the so are the

Bruins they’re actually not that dirty anymore oh come on go yes yes Montreal scores 54 gley gy gley good work maybe this game ain’t over oh B St John okay that makes sense yeah oh how do he get that in at the end I think Omar knocked it through his

Legs oh no Gally got it in there he banked it off a knee and and through the legs nice good work G and everyone oh G’s useless he’s useless really not useless Monty sa on pasta good steal by uh Coffield to Suzuki pass the SLA shot where’d it

Go I don’t know got through to the goalie or what but then it bounced up somehow and out of plate it’s uh 54 Boston yeah who’s that’s what it is no sign of Pete the oh yeah they’re in Victoria yeah I was looking in the background to see if any buses were

Going by he drives a bus and I didn’t see any I wanted to be able to say hey Pete I saw you on typical gley goal yeah work hard give it all you got that’s gley six minutes left in the second 54 Boston shots are 25-13 so you know 13

Shots four goals for Montreal it’s pretty good night but they need more what they don’t need though is to give up more they better not give up anymore working down to 5 minutes left in the second see who on where what are you talking about still talk about Pete no Pete’s not on

Tonight Pete works tonight he’s off he told me he’s off now Wednesdays and Thursdays and that’s why he should be on the podcast this week on where we record Wednesday this week mean that should have been tripping I don’t care still should have been tripping 340 left in the second

Good save Monty one time I thought Harris was a little laad days on that play he made a mistake there G breaking out stops gets a pass to I don’t know who that was didn’t hit him cleanly Evans Bruin steal it back behind the net raw going to no I don’t think

They’re trading raw why would they trade raw commercial break Boston D wanted to protect the puck under the goalie pad but it slipped under into the the goal is that what happened uh Alex this game ain’t over nope uh Patrick W um what thoughts it was a it kind of happened suddenly and

Out of the blue um I don’t know it doesn’t seem like to me larell and Patrick rad don’t seem like the right combo man I don’t know just doesn’t seem like I something it’s going to work other people saying there you know it’s not the right kind of team for him

Um so he’ll try to change it to the team he wants I would think um I don’t know we’ll wait and see we’re going to see them next Thursday Islanders are in town next Thursday so we get to see them uh we’ll see what they look like like in their first week with

Him Luca says heinan Wicked onetime on power play 3-2 Laval oh is that what you’re talking about ah sorry I didn’t put that those two together why would n want to go to Ottawa anyway it’s a tire fire there Patrick has to get you know that’s true right larell doesn’t like beards I

Wonder if he’s um relaxed on that at all we’ll see if Patrick shaves we have to be deers now for sure 222 left in the second lot of twos 2614 that’s the shot on goal but it is 54 Boston Montreal doing good four four goals 14 shots I’d take that

Anytime kind of makes me glad I took all my off my fantasy uh roster cuz the sa perent is going to be horrible Cofield shot save these [ __ ] strings get in the way all the time close the call offside or a penalty Boston penalty debrus I think is it de brasque slashing

No oh the guy’s name I can’t pronounce Gil gilic Grizzle Chi the the guy that that crazy name that guy two Power Play Goals for Montreal so far tonight can we make it three can we make it three a minute four left in the period so if they don’t score they’ll have 56

Seconds of power play time in the third agressive penalty Kill by Boston so far yeah he never passes this lovsky it’s true I never really watched for it SLA passes it him though oh you’ve passed one this laugh maybe that’s like for surprise of

It he goes one way one way one then over that way maybe that’s what it is period’s over it is 54 Boston after two crazy game tonight good to see that Montreal’s not out of it though uh you know going into to the third anyway it’s nine while we’re talking I

Better do this in advance and go push um I gotta push my uh post game show back because of the start took so long at the beginning uh where I gotta go where I gotta go where I gotta go uh this is the wrong one nope hang on I gotta do

This all right take your time take your time there YouTube um that one what should I put it to I’ll put it here and we’ll go with that and there we go I’m back sorry had to do that uh they had a um like a film it was

Oh yeah U the old players they came back for some stupid [ __ ] I don’t know and they had this film and it was all Montreal and Habs uh Montreal Boston highlights but where Boston was kicking our ass so yeah from the you know the old players that they they did the um

Flag raising ceremony last time we played them in Boston those guys just let’s hope there’s still time for a power play goal in third Jesus what the refs have no control of that game there Luka sounds like no control oh I think I did see that Guru

He says uh it says something somebody tweeted a couple weeks ago uh um if SLA had a newborn baby and passed it over to mat mat wouldn’t pass it back they gave the guy a five minute major still I mean doesn’t sound like the refs have that game under

Control new uh boy band The BG the bgs Belleville Goons Squad yeah the Senators organization is got a lot of players like that I don’t know why that is but it is so what you guys think of that second period is Montreal going to come back in the

Third and if they do is boss going to then go you know it seems like it’s one one one one one one we just keep coming back and tying it up and they go ahead and we tie it up and they go ahead uh Luca should I mean the guy

Should have been tossed from the game sounds like if he did that charged and body checked the goalie he should be th thrown from the game and suspended Vancouver 43 over the Leafs after two go Vancouver go go Canucks go go Canucks go any team that beats the Leafs are great for the

Night the Ottawa game today I saw a little bit of it I saw a little bit of it unfortunately they’ll probably come back but it is Vancouver I mean at least this is they’re playing a really quality team now so yeah Vancouver keep it going

I saw I saw the OT goal I so what I saw was of that game I think all of the third a little bit of the second all of the third and I saw the overtime and uh with 44 seconds or something left in overtime eers and you

Can see that play happening how you know he comes down over the Blue Line actually over the red line and you see he’s going in and a backhander I believe beats the goalie I was happy I was happy Ottawa beat us [ __ ] them jets are doing

Fine what did I see they they haven’t given up more than two goals in a game 34 games in a row now so they’re chasing a record I 50 odd games I don’t know who holds it I think uh I don’t know who holds the record um but that’s that’s

Awesome I mean for your defense 34 games they haven’t given up three goals in a game SLA has a terrible one timer okay apparently Canadians turning down offers for Jacky so everyone who thinks he’s going to get traded uh they’re just rejecting all offers for

Jagy how do he put it though on there deflecting the offers they’re not they’re not willing to talk for J about Jacky uh Alexis Joseph from Quebec we got to remember that kid’s name in reference to hockey was he in the game tonight that you saw is that

Why is that uh related to Matthew Joseph at all is it Curtis no Curtis Joseph’s kid died actually in that bus crash Ottawa getting better is a too little too late for them this year um you know they’re in a really big hole right 32 points they I don’t know if

They’ve got some games in hand or not but still they’re in a hole I don’t know how they get out of that how are they going you know in the last 30 what 30 odd games how are they going to Leap Frog over all those teams to get into a playoff spot they’re

Not so yeah too little too late also pick the wrong coach you’re gonna fire DJ Smith pick somebody that can coach their defense since jacqu marttin what did I see um going into last night’s uh the last game uh they were giving up 4.46 goals per game under Martin

Ottawa trouble to me not a head scratcher at all they got the wrong coach they should have hired a better Coach they should have let DJ Smith go way earlier hired a better Coach and what do you expect when one of your best players is an [ __ ] like Tim stla who

Dives I bet his teammates don’t even like him only one thing I like about the Ottawa sanitors is their new um um Player Development vice president of Player Development or whatever uh Dave pant I like pant I liked him on the TSN as an analyst I like him but he’s there I

Don’t know why he’d want to be but that’s the only thing I like about them plus I like the fact that when we played them the this last time uh the owner an laau who was a former minority owner here uh said he doesn’t like these something to the fact that he doesn’t

Like these games he doesn’t like to go against his his Canadians he doesn’t like to uh to root against his Canadians so your owner is a Habs fan kind of weird and he should never have said that that’s like you don’t say that and let your players hear

That guy owns the freaking team now that should be his favorite team now but you know what they say e once you go Habs you never get crabs uh he is only 14 years old who’s only 14 oh the kid you’re talking about might be only the second kid to be oh

That I heard about him this I heard about it might have been from you somebody said that in the chat one day or I read about it on Twitter so I’m not sure where but I heard something about about this kid already Tim stla for Trevor zis would I do it if I’m

Ottawa not if I’m Anaheim I I don’t want to cancer like St in the locker room guy that dives that you can’t respect you know they guys that dive but there’s then there’s Tim stutler what else we got to talk about I’m working on a video actually I

Hope it’ll come to fruition I I just started it I think last night I started writing this um predictions for the second half of the season for the halves yeah I think it’s predictions I’m looking them over yeah predictions for a second half I’ve got uh two four 68 seven

I want to have at least 10 oh not underway oh yeah it was Monahan how did I not see that was Monahan that was the first assist there jeez anybody may have some news on t-shirts soon so that might be good news next week may have some kind of initial news on some

T-shirts that are available for purchase going to start actively working on that next week and I’m not just saying it this time in the end I hope we’ll have I hope we’ll have pucking around podcast have normal podcast talking Habs and and don’t uh Puck with media t-shirts available that’s the goal

631 185 at 14 years old Jesus Christ he plays with college Esther blonde in the Quebec [ __ ] League League okay see at 14 at 14 so I was in I was in high school grade seven I guess I’m trying to think because we had a kid in grade seven his name was Donnie

I can’t remember his goddamn last name he was he had to be 63 um at 14 so I know what it’s like uh see a kid like that ah [ __ ] I can’t remember his last name but yeah Donnie can’t remember his last name um yeah tallest kid in grade

Seven also he was a ginger you know what they say about Ginger’s they got yeah that’s what they say but I wasn’t in gym class with him so I don’t know Lucas good to hear that good to hear and I apologize that it’s taken me five years to get t-shirts like really

Started but it’s thanks to Habs Guru to get the ball rolling with these beautiful t-shirts that he had made up that now there’s no choice because they’re so beautiful I mean if I I would want one and I don’t say that lightly I would want one I mean I do have them but

I would want one if I didn’t have you know I remember I me I’m wearing the other one today so that’s I don’t know uh who was here in the last one oh was was Matt or can’t control I was telling that about but yeah that’s the other one with the

White inside that’s the only difference and it’s blue and I don’t think these designs would be good on anything other than blue and black so they’ll be available in that but we’ll have other designs and uh yeah we’re we’re going to work on that so and again thanks to Guru for getting us

Started on that and there’ll be an announcement after about that so all right grade seven at 14 trouble somewhere along the way oh so I don’t I don’t know how old I was in grade seven so I guess it was grade eight does that sound better grade

Eight I was just trying to think where I what grade I was in when I had my bar mitzah that’s all it was about I thought was in grade seven no I never I didn’t fail or anything I get no I would say thank you m well I can

Say that because it is my design I’m the one who came up with this design uh but but it’s the guru who had the idea to uh as a present for us so barisa was 13 yeah I’m just TR well I was saying I was just trying to think where what grade I

Was when I had my bar mitzvah so yeah I I guess it wasn’t thinking right I I guess it was grade eight that kind of makes more sense that this kid was in grade eight that I knew him did I get on the short bus

No no I’m old you know how long ago that was you want me to remember it exactly come on was a long freaking time ago man like five lives ago feels like we’re underway in the third say by the Bell have still on the power plate 35 seconds left of power play

Time would be great if they could get one it doesn’t look like it though for if you ask me but I could be wrong now they keep giving the puck away so they can get set up and they keep getting the puck away and now it’s in

Their own end with 7 seconds left it’s essentially over and now it is opportunity lost icing against Boston I was just watching I don’t know who the hab was to go back and retrieve that and I don’t know this thought went wouldn’t it be funny if he’s skating

Like that to go back and get it and his his pants just come down somebody you know somebody pranked him I don’t know why that would be funny but it would be I’m childish what can I say for an old Guy have need some shots they still only have 14 shots that’s ridiculous now pasta alone how did that go in Monty 64 I don’t know how that went in I thought he had that struble just said [ __ ] this that that’s probably going to seal the deal man wait what

I didn’t even see the second guy there was there another player that knocked it in oh no pasta got a second shot at it son of a [ __ ] he got the rebound ah son of a [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] 18 and a half minutes left I don’t know

Doesn’t feel like that’s enough time that helps there be 64 Vancouver uh 64 Vancouver over Toronto it’s a little bit helps a little bit two minutes into the third by the way away come on boys you got to play hard hard hard ABS win the draw do something with it shot from Coffield

Save excuse me Slap Shot High High glove save om mark Miller Pon and besser best line I mean Vancouver just having a great year are they going win the cup but I don’t think so having a hell of a time just getting the puck mat does have it right now as HS change

Up almost five minutes in guys don’t wait till like the last five minutes to make a push intercepted pass coil Around the Net yeah there you go 74 it’s over coil Around the Net pass up into the slot and right pass Monty 74 and from the look at the guys right now

That one drove the nail in the coffin the last one they ain’t coming back oh SLA was mad broke his stick on the on the pole on the post so who got it marshan I like Co got it yeah Marshon [ __ ] you Marshon oh yeah right it was coil to Marshon I

Didn’t realize though it was MarShon son of a [ __ ] M looks like he has had enough yeah yeah I don’t blame him on some of these goals come on defense is letting them down here tonight everyone’s changing up not much positive here they desperately need a goal and they need it soon

Bruin’s looking to add more Matt what’s up with that thank you buddy appreciate that uh so he’s gonna get you’re gonna get another uh entry into the draw and uh leg did you send me an email I hope you did thanks buddy appreciate it commercial

Break I it’s a it’s a trying end to this freaking game it’s too bad was great first two periods McKinnon had who who was uh Colorado playing four points for McKinnon Philly oh Alex going to love that one obviously they beat the Flyers let’s see if they can at least get

Something to keep us excited it kind of look like it’s done they looked like they’re done body language I see against Montreal yeah but Matt I mean the injury bugs not as bad this year I mean some big ones but I mean not overall as bad so but yeah hopefully they stay healthy

If not you got to start well I mean for doc I mean if he gets hurt again like that and you got to really wonder about [Applause] them seven minutes into the third 74 Boston also Montreal’s not getting nearly enough shots see the rocket win rocket win at least

Uh B yeah Jersey has issues with go ending for sure plus Jack qes is out come on guys get the puck good block but he’s it look like that hurt Harvey pinard yeah that looked like that hurt oh off the ankle ouch that does hurt man oh that

Hurts you’d think by now they they’d make a skate that you know is padded there somehow a Jesus Christ man eight to four Jesus Christ this is a long night long third period this is a long third period you want to leave Guys open like that I mean what do you expect

That’ss on Jake Evans pull the goalie oh yeah you’re right here comes Primo I’m just saying it’s not on Monty here it’s a it’s a bad defense tonight Prim is going oh no why me he doesn’t even get to be warmed up that sucks which I mean I know he doesn’t get

To be warmed up hak I don’t know what the individual stats are uh who’s yeah without a doubt the the script will flip uh Paul very possible that that has a lot to do with it but it’s the def defense is not helping him tonight yeah BL I don’t think so that’s

A good one B wrote he just walked over and told Papa Smurf I have played my last game for the Canadians that be that wouldn’t be funny but it is funny I just wish this one was over now it’s enough 84 it’s enough end this game what a stupid commercial this is

Oh [ __ ] with that stat Jesus Christ Suzuki in the Box for what what was that for slashing when but after the whistle nine4 do I hear 104 going once going twice hatrick for whoever that is because they’re throwing the hats hining that’s it it’s winter outside everybody throw your hats come

On somebody threw a wig is that a wig on the ice the hell is that [ __ ] man who the hell would throw why would you throw your hat like that I would never do that they really gave them the power play at 84 yep yeah Alex you’re that’s the problem

Tonight defense are just not there tonight hey Bellic yeah 94 you Boston did not get the out uh you Pro Madre you might be right tonight yeah the defense has been really uh they’re just Spectators tonight Marty’s definitely not happy plus no shots I mean 19 shots not enough It’s almost not worth watching it that’s for sure Primo makes a save it’s not 10 all right maybe we’re going to come back no we’re not oh B not right now anyway you can’t say never they’re all young how many power how many Power Play Goals did they get with their native Boston

Ref tonight none two actually for getting down there under eight minutes to go have a good one huzu uh yeah our defensive coach is uh what’s his name robida Stefan robida be nice if they could speed that clock up now they’re saved by Primo Myers just popped Riley then tarez oh

Yeah the Vancouver game for yeah Hales are kind of I don’t know they’re not working hard like they were before they’re doing the wave at in BOS idiots I can’t hear much what the announcers are saying George so what do you expect Sportsnet hey what you expect from Sportsnet

Almost down to five minutes left it’s what a horrible horrible horrible third period for Montreal man we’re in the game up until then conect beat the leaves nice at least something good happen four and a half minutes left ABS kind of look like they just don’t want to get scored on

Again Lea are kind of I think the lease are starting to let up a little bit I don’t want that important they don’t give up double figures well i’ prefer they didn’t but five minutes left they could that’s gross now the hell is that what a stupid

Commercial these on C they were no good in their defensive Zone tonight not at least not after a second another that stupid commercial all right what we going to talk about for the next five minutes because this game not worth it Bruns look well coached they are I mean Montgomery is a good

Coach but looks like they still play stumble bum hockey I don’t see that cutting it in the playoffs it didn’t last year that’s for sure Monty not very happy with himself I think and it’s not his fault he doesn’t look happy Boston could be on a mission this

Year to do better in the playoffs I think they are uh hako yeah D [ __ ] the bad tonight they really did it’s not on Monty I don’t think it’s the defenseman pitching in it’s the play in their own Zone especially right around the net wasn’t very

Good well that’s why I said going into the game with those guys that the old the old BRS that are there they weren’t going to lose tonight and they almost got caught and in the third period they came out and said nope we’re not losing this one

Uh BL aren’t they all Mark and swming aren’t they one game one game one game they’re they’re it’s um they they rotate game to game under three finally b i I would love to see the miss the playoffs I know there’s a video there where I think I said that they

They might miss the playoffs or would would because I was bold maybe I’m going to be right and with the leaf opposite of the Habs the leaf mostly punch down and when they play good teams they can’t Montreal plays better against like okay most of the game tonight they were good uh but

In general play they punch up and not down um be I see what you’re saying in the playoffs they might I get what you’re saying I don’t think in all seven didn’t all Mark uh San came in for one of those games if I remember I think that last game san came

In uh H along I’ve I’ve heard that in the last few days they’re talking about well over the last week because they had a bad week people finally starting to say well they could miss the playoffs and they could I know neander is giving up the

Ghost he’s got the money now what does he have to score for he doesn’t have to start scoring for another eight years all we’re almost done 35 seconds yeah I stayed till the last second Primo would actually a good save there 19 seconds left uh BL I don’t know at this point you’re

Right why should they because they’re out when the first line their top line is out but you’re right play the fourth line game’s over Boston could be a contender this year they’re not going to win I don’t think they’re going to win the president’s trophy are they if they win

The president’s trophy forget it if they don’t game Over Montreal loses 9 to four that really sucked all right we’ll break this down over in the postgame show I’ll be back in uh I’ll back at 10 after 10 with the postgame show I don’t think anybody’s going to join me not gonna be a lot of us there

But I’ll I’ll be back uh at 10 after 10: so till then thanks for joining or uh staying with me through all this garbage hockey that we had in the third period and uh yeah hopefully you’ll come back for the postgame show if not stay safe till next time peace

Out ciao unless you back I’ll see you in a bit that’s it CIA everybody keep your stick on the ice go ABS go hopefully a better one next time ciao

Canadiens @ Bruins Game #46 Hangout Live 01/20/24
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