@Buffalo Sabres

Chicago Blackhawks vs Florida Panthers April 29th & May 1st

Chicago Blackhawks vs Florida Panthers April 29th & May 1st

All right everybody welcome back to the tomahawk happy may day which is today the day of this recording we’re going to talk about the Hawks last two games versus Florida two games they should have won they did not um they are a better team than they let on but they

Cannot close the door and they cannot stop making bad mistakes defensively I got Matt and Justin with me on the podcast co-host I may even say my lovely co-host wow thank you but anyways Hawks lost uh bright side of this to Brink kit was uh was great he was amazing zarov completely um

Blew a blew a tire on a on a goal tonight which could have been completely preventable Anthony duclair played out of his mind uh the past two games to be honest with you and by playing out of his mind he scored two goals I believe which is um I would probably say the

Ceiling for him I think that he’s a really talented guy I just for some reason he just has a hard time putting it together uh on the ice and it kind of goes to show you guys who you know like what is the line of a guy when you give

Up on that Talent OR you you continue to try to uh season him uh I want to bring up another guy Jonathan druin in Montreal he was someone who was a highly lauded uh Prospect when he came in with Tampa and they had issues with him there he’s

In Montreal and uh they got more issues uh with him there I think he’s got a leave of absence from the team anyways uh what do you guys think yeah I mean du clear has been on what like 17 teams in the last three years pretty much I mean between the

Hawks the Panthers the Senators the coyotes I’m drawing a blank I know there’s got to be more but um umus yeah I think he was for for at least a couple games right um I don’t know I feel like that’s typical at this point in the season they’re they’re

Getting beat by guys I don’t want to say single-handedly because it’s a team sport but I mean he had a good effort tonight and it’s like what do the Hawks have to show for it but another loss in the L column and uh you know just the

The playoff hopes dwindling it cracks me up I think it was de Bret or Murphy it was somebody from the last game the press conference afterwards he’s like well you know our we got to keep fighting you know get in the playoffs and I’m like dude it’s it’s over man you

I appreciate you telling the company line but uh if you think if you think you still got a shot I got some uh some land in Arizona to sell you but uh you know I don’t know it’s I mean it’s it’s I don’t know it it just really is um I

Mean we’ve talked about this at nauseum it’s like uh they they’re better than I thought they would be which is great still got a long ways to go and um yeah you know we’ll see what happens s because there there’s not much left and I mean lincolin coming back played okay

I mean heck he faced 42 Shots tonight so I mean to give up what did he give up five I mean four um I yeah I don’t know I’m kind of speechless at this point I don’t know about you Matt what do you think I thought the first game they

Fought hard to come back good to get a point off of them but even OT I don’t know if you guys noticed we had the puck the whole time we did yeah yeah and and it seems like they got the puck they went the other way and scored yeah so I

Was just like ah come on you know sometimes you you need a save but tonight um yeah I I guess duclair made the Hawks look pretty bad he made lincolin look really bad yeah yeah yeah I think I think lincolin at this point needs like a uh he needs to just go jump

In the hot tub and have a martini or something to be honest with you you know ever since Nashville it seems like they just they did something to him I don’t know what well what happened was he was probably taking a piss and then b or he

Was probably in the in the bathroom dropping a deuce and uh Bowman walks in and he heard Bowman’s plans and after ever since then he uh he just can’t get his head right because he knows that they’re uh they’re playing for nothing yeah pretty much I mean uh it’s just uh

I was I was very curious to see it was cool to see the uh the Panthers other goalie the other night was it is it Spencer Knight is that his name Spencer Knight he I mean Pi I could see him taking the Reigns from uh babski at some point I mean granted bab’s

B s s we’ll call him Sergey uh has that you know Serge we’ll just call him Serge sergy 72 he’s got that Albatross of a contract now I mean he ain’t going anywhere how do you get rid of it who would take it you don’t so you got

They’re gonna regret that so you’re gonna have that that toe and that line of okay you got the guy that’s making a ton of money and is still decent but then you got this other kid waiting in the wings that’s a franchise goalie from everything I’ve read about him so it’s

Like so what do you do and yeah it’s it’s almost like a leango um uh oh shoot Cory Schneider Cory Schneider who man talk about a well even L Longo they just got rid of that funny as soon as you said that it popped right in my head

Yeah yeah what about goalie just dger was it his name dger I think I think he’s he’s good too he’s having a great season so I mean yeah three goalies they got to pick from we got a half we got a half I I’ll give him three quarters he’s

Got a little ways to go but yeah um godet looked good I mean he’s got two assists for you know some limited playing time I thought it was kind of interesting just to see him on the score sheet um defensively Ian Mitchell looked okay had a couple blocks

Um yeah I mean there wasn’t anything that really jumps off the page that is like oh man for me there is Conor Murphy did not lose his helmet tonight he scored a goal too so that’s yes he did yeah strapped it on a little tighter tonight little I called it on

The last one yeah that’s true that’s true yeah so he probably listened I hope so yeah I hope suban listened too hopefully it’ll motivate him to sign somewhere else oh yeah it’s all right all right so uh so going forward guys uh what do you think is a plus uh for this

Team uh are you talking like the season or the last couple games or what yeah heading into you know let’s just say that the you know the season mathematically I don’t believe they’re out of it yet but let’s just say you know we go into the offseason we don’t

Make the playoffs you know from here going going to the rest of the season what is a plus that we can get you know do we watching these young guys to me I think that’s a plus because um godette looked looked really good today man I thought that he had really good

Awareness uh his passing ability seems to be pretty good obviously he’s got a good hands and he he looked good playing out there uh I I honestly believe that VIN estrosa deserves to um to to to to be back uh playing next year on this

Team I think he looks good I think that Ian Mitchell uh we’ll see how his summer goes uh and and and Bowden I’d like to see them make the team next year and most importantly man I think W kuk deserves a longer look and should get an

Opportunity to crack the to crack the team next year what do you guys think yeah I mean uh yeah completely agree on Wyatt uh I’m curious to see what Mitchell can do next season with more time uh having Steelman having a potential decent stay-at-home defenseman is nice because I feel like you never

Know what you’re going to get with zadorov right or or zov like like tonight man did you see how we blew a wheel and and then we got a goal if he didn’t do that the game probably would have been four to four yeah so and I

Mean you kind of got a rough idea maybe lencol in is something although like we were just saying I feel like the last couple last week and a half two weeks he’s kind of I don’t know it could be exhaustion I mean he’s he’s he hasn’t played this before he’s young you know

He it’s he’s still fresh uh you know I don’t know I mean it’s it’s been good to see some of the new guys come in and kind of stake a claim you know maybe Bowman’s not completely off his rocker uh with some of these guys but you know

It gives me hope you know if they’re reloading as opposed to rebuilding I’m cool with that I really don’t want to sit through a whole rebuild but uh I I think there’s hope especially if Taves comes back and Kane and debret keep impr well Kane’s not gonna keep improving

He’s where he’s at but if der Brink keeps improving kubal keeps improving um there’s pieces so that’s a that’s a good thing what about you Matt yeah I think that’s well said uh there’s good pieces to build off and we got uh I think Bowman did okay with the the trading I

Think we we got faster we got bigger on the back end uh we just you know we need a you know we need a a healthy full team now to see what we can do like a healthy knee Lander I mean I’m not sold on that

Guy but I think we should still give him a shot he’s got some skill and a healthy Taves would be great too how about we uh have a package of neander and boquist for I don’t know maybe a first round pick top five pick I say boquist neander first round pick for Seth

Jones that’s interesting I would do it I don’t think that GM’s that dumb think y Mo caline it yeah can we we’d have to clone Bowman and then uh find him a GM job in the NHL and then trade a bunch of crap to him I think he’d be the he’d be

He’d be the only one that would be dumb enough to take it I feel like it times two years later trade for the same guy yeah yeah bring him back yeah bring him back or maybe get three players that he’s already had and say hey we got

These three guys we know that you like we got Andrew ladb again yeah for the third time yeah okay awesome so let’s move off onto the NHL with some NHL news you got us got anything us got I’m sorry got anything for us with a five minute

Major I do uh the Kraken are officially in the NHL go I’m actually I I was in South Dakota yesterday and a guy from Seattle was in front of us at the um we were at this wind tunnel thing it was really cool and he saw my hat he goes oh you’re

A hockey fan I said yeah I am I live in Chicago and we’re getting a hockey team next year I said good luck with that good luck with that uh he goes I don’t know what they’re called though I’m like oh boy boy oh there we go yeah he was a

Young guy uh but you know I said uh well I think you guys can officially sign and trade players as of today I don’t know who you’re going to sign or trade for but you guys are in and congratulations he’s he’s like what does that what does that

Mean I man I’m already giving that I’m already giving that uh that se language Seattle fan base I’m already giving it to I’m already I like the name I I no I would have been cool was it the sck eyes after the salmon right wasn’t that one

Yeah that sounded better that would have been cool you know I do like Ron Francis though I think he uh know we’re playing the sck eyes tonight yeah yeah be sure to get your Omega-3s before the game what what were you talking about a couple weeks ago Mike you’re like what’s

There to do there oh yeah other than drink coffee and kill yourself go to the Space Needle I got the Seattle space needles go see go see where they filmed uh sleeping in Seattle or Sleepless in Seattle you know yeah Tom Hanks is wandering around docks I don’t know I

Don’t think he’s gonna have as you know as much luck as uh Vegas did the I think MC is the GM right he he nailed it that was he did he studied he did his homework and Ron Francis knows what he’s doing he was he pretty much built this

Uh Carolina Squad yes and Don wadell guy kind of just grabbed the shotgun and kind of oh yeah look what I did yeah but uh who knows who knows what they’ll they’ll do yeah I don’t know Matt if you saw this online the other thing I saw

That it made me laugh was uh T TNT got the secondary rights to the NHL games next season did you guys see that right so I I thought it was funny so they were you know making a big thing which would be cool like if they do a studio show

Like their NBA show it could be more fun because I’m so sick of watching the NBC Studio show they have yeah if if they hire Keith Jones and I have to sit and listen to him talk talk yeah it’s just a different uniform or guys it’s a reskin

Yeah or if they bring in Pierre Maguire do not do not please for the love of God do not put him on the actual broadcast let him do the studio show but and I I’ll R I’ll harp on this again I don’t care where these guys went to high school

I don’t care college or junior or Junior yeah you know sh St Mary har Jonathan Jonathan man I watched him when he was 15 years old I have pictures of him okay you know that’s that’s a whole another issue right there it’s like wait a minute you have pictures of

Jonathan TS when he was 15 he know about this what I don’t get is okay so like that that kind of stuff is supposed to appeal to like us as a fan base cuz we’re like in in it we’re checking you know Twitter and we’re looking on

Websites hell we we’ve made you’ve made a podcast about this that’s how into hockey we are the people that you’re trying to get that are are new to the sport they don’t care where these guys went to high school or went to uh junior or or played in college I mean I

Whatever I get it he’s trying to they don’t understand the significance of it no no because I mean if like I love baseball too and you know the minor league system but like even on the broadcast in baseball you don’t hear these guys oh well he played for you

Know the South Ben Cubs or the Myrtle Beach Pelicans or you know and they just go you know it’s like who wait what he play pow yeah so but the the reason I bring this up is because it made me laugh so much and I get it somebody at

ESPN probably just Googled Oilers Captain but one of their first promos and I can’t remember if it was for ESPN or TNT I think it was ESPN their first promo they put a picture of an Oiler captain and it wasn’t Conor McDavid do you want to take a guess which Oilers

Captain they put in their promo oh Smith Andrew ference really oh man I forgot he was on theam and I’m like oh someone someone just Googled Oilers Captain took the clip art and slid it into you know the Photoshop and and and made a made a

A not a gift but like an image and it’s like you know okay I was listening to another podcast today and someone or not today this week and someone brought up you know would most people know what Conor M McDavid looks like if he just had his helmet on would you notice now

Like I feel like we would know because we’re into this but the common person they’re gonna say oh cool Conor McDavid and they wouldn’t even bad an ey they wouldn’t even know dud they would say they say they would say look it’s Justin Bieber he looks just like him yeah face

Wise face wise so I thought that was funny I mean I think there’s there’s definitely going to be some learning curves and hiccups with and I I I’m guilty of this like when there’s someone who doesn’t understand hockey and it’s like all right don’t please don’t let’s

Not talk about it cuz you’re just going to end up upsetting me you know but it’s like if you want to if you want to grow the game like I feel like I I I you have to reain it in and be like oh no you know that’s not correct let me explain

What’s happening and and and stuff like that because hopefully ESPN will do this right where NBC couldn’t really bring in a bigger fan base and I mean hockey is amazing so if you can get people interested in and watching and and they’re talking about it on Sports

Center and and stuff like that hopefully it’ll grow the game we’ll see but fingers crossed yeah yeah they got to get that right though yeah I’m I’m I’m really ex well I want to say I’m really excited for it but I really hope they don’t do something like uh Stephen A

Smith and Max Kellerman show uh because uh you know that stuff is yeah I’m sure that it brings in ratings you know but yeah you know like I don’t think hockey hockey fans are are really looking for that type of stuff they want something that’s funny you know and yeah and um

You know like there’s some kind of antics with it like I think it’s the one of the Canadian broadcasts has like is it bexa and yeah Hockey Night in Canada yeah they they havea and they have Kesler right like you could find I I want to say they do like you could find

Two guys that were former teammates stick them on a panel like um NBA and TNT has Barkley and Shaq and like I’m not even a huge basketball fan but when I see that pre-show on like those guys are pretty funny like when you want Charles Barkley’s hilarious I love

Charles Barkley right so like if if you could find some find two guys that used to play teammates and the other big thing is they have to not be afraid to say you know these guys these guys are good and be truthful and and it doesn’t

Have to be oh well back in my day things were 10 times better which I mean granted nostal that’s what I hate about the Chicago Sports media it’s just kissing Bears 85 Bears 85 Bears kissing ass yeah like NBC guys call out Duncan Keith when he sucks because sometimes he

Does we love the guy sometimes he’s bad you got to say it sorry I’ll get off my high horse that was my uh that was my thing I wanted to add add to the broadcast here those are I think those are really those are really big points

Um and you know this is no nothing on Jamal Mayers or any of the guys personally but I think that they’re they’re a bit handicapped with what they can do by the by the people that are that are running the show because in in all honesty more than likely they they

They just want to keep their jobs you know I can’t blame that and you can’t you can’t call out your paychecks you yeah especially if they’re if they tell you okay don’t say this about Cory Crawford or don’t say this don’t make fun of our coach for not pulling the

Goalie NBC Sports Chicago don’t the Hawks own part of it like don’t the Hawks the white socks and the Bulls own part of NBC Sports Chicago like wasn’t that the deal when they started but I I I know that they they have a they they all have a deal yeah I

Like burish did you guys like burish when he was on I thought he was great I thought that he brought a lot of natural Charisma and flare to to this show you know like like when you like when he talks I see that guy I’m like you know

What man you look he looks like a cool dude he looks like he looks like a dude that you could have a beer with and he wouldn’t take himself too personally you know like if if Steve Conroy wanted to sit down and he’s too robotic and have a

Beer with me I I would feel like he would please now Mike you lifted that beer so good and you didn’t get any foam on your lips that was great you’re a pro did did you go to shad St Mary’s because Maguire I think that you and Duncan

Keith should have beers together you’d be a good Duo yeah I mean I I think that I honestly man I think Jamal Mayers has has done a great job he’s done a good job I like Jamal may I think that he’s grown as an analyst since he first

Started he seems more confident with himself doesn’t it seem like the third line fourth line guys make good like analysts they well probably because don’t take themselves to seriously well well they they they watch the game like you know they’re not going to get the big minutes and they’re like watching

These guys front row and even backup goalies they’re actually good too they like know the game like uh who’s on NHL that Marty Marty Bon I like I like Kevin weeks is pretty good too I like Kevin I love him too Kevin weeks is great yeah

So I mean I would gladly take those guys sorry to interrupt though Mike I agree with you Jamal Meers is he’s I I think he’s great and he should have is his name in the Hat if they are going to uh have a panel like that I think he’s him

And Sharpie if the Hawks don’t NAB them first well and that’s I think Matt or Mike I think we were texting this week like I want to know what the Hawks are going to do for the for the um the the regional broadcast for Chicago like so

Does NBC Sports Chicago stick around but NBC they don’t have the rights anymore as a whole so is it more of a is it like a regional Network that pops up can we bring Sports channel back uh or Hawks Vision uh from when we were kids you

Know I’d like to see that but we’ll see and and all I got to say is um uh what’s his name if uh Matt helped me out ESPN Not Bill Clement um Gary Thorne if Gary Thorne is not in that broadcast booth for at least one game next season I am

Going to Riot dude yeah he he’s awesome all day I can listen to his calls all day you’ll have to send me more uh fedotenko goal uh calls from the 2003 for Stanley Cup I hope they learn though from the past play other teams we don’t want to see Detroit Dallas New

Jersey and Philly over and over again because Gary Thorne probably I mean it’s like oh God I’m always saying lros Dominic Kik you know I get it got spread spread it they’re trying to tap into those markets but like I would love to see more Canadian teams too even if

They’re playing American teams like you know but again I don’t know how the rights how that would sit with uh CBC and TSN and all that but oh I’m sure there’s a big rights issue yeah probably they’re like oh if you want to see those

Games and we have a product for you it’s called NHL Center Ice and you could pay $180 a year for that well like and that’s well that’s the other thing too is that’s going away and so I was looking into it because we already subscribed to Hulu like just for normal

T not not not live streaming TV but just like the app itself but you can get Hulu Disney and ESPN plus which is going to have a bunch of hockey games that’s going to be like the new game center it’s like 12 13 bucks a month so I’m like

That’s huge if you can get people and you’re you’re uh you’re accounting for these streaming rights I know they said HBO Max will get some of the games too which is cool yeah so um I I I was awesome I mean because that I love HBO

Max man I think I think it’s great I do too I gotta watch that Godzilla movie still though yeah I haven’t seen that have you watched the uh have you watched the uh Justice League uh yes watch that watch Mortal Kombat I like both those so

I love them finish him yeah man it was so Matthew scored his 38th goal tonight yeah yeah I am I’m gonna make a prediction uh oh that Matthews Canadians in seven is gonna go cold in the playf playoffs I yeah you’re probably right well that’s

Why Nick Felino is there the I will say this I think that Mitch Marner May step up his game someone’s gonna have to if of those guys don’t score that I mean that’s that’s been the thing is like they all go cold at once and then no one

Does anything so um well what’s up with Anderson just anything on him I haven’t heard anything about him coming back so that means they’re going to roll with Campbell and ridic and uh you know Campbell has a good game then yeah he was playing great and you know I totally

Get it but um I think there was somebody somebody on one of our YouTube videos posted about like yeah but he’s not really the you know as a backup he’s not not the best like if he was if he was really this good he wouldn’t just be

Sitting as a backup for all these teams so I yeah they’re going to have to outscore all their opponents if that’s the case so uh we’ll see and if like like Mike said if somebody goes cold and I could totally see that happening because I’m a pessimist uh it’s gonna get bad real

Quick so out of all of the NH out of the all of the Canadian teams which one do you hate the most me personally no no Justin as a as a as a Leafs fan which one do you hate the most I’ll be honest like I know I’m

Supposed to hate the Habs but I never really minded them just growing up I don’t care I’m not too big of a deal uh wasn’t much of a deal breaker I guess I’d go Ottawa just because I don’t like their was it Melnick he just seems like

A tool um not a fan of them didn’t like um oh I was never a big yashan fan growing up Alex asash Danny heatley’s a dick yeah I did yeah I really really don’t like Danny Heatley either he shouldn’t even be allowed to play no so I don’t know like Vancouver I’ve come

Around on like I like watching a few of their games now that they’re not really a rival anymore with the Hawks like seeing there some of their young guys is pretty cool yeah uh Edmonton I could take or leave they’re I I don’t know I mean they’re they’re fine I guess

Calgary’s always kind of been just I don’t know unique I guess yeah I’d say Ottawa Ottawa just doesn’t they’re boring they don’t do anything they’re just kind of they’re they’re there and it’s like what you know go away no one no one wants you here that’s probably

Why they drafted Brady kachuck to bring some life back to the team to be honest with you it seems like Brady kachuck is they’re looking to be the new uh Jerome Mna there yeah yeah I think you’re right like they need something to get people

To watch gr I mean granted I know it’s Canada but like realistically and actually they’re in sixth place now oh they they’re only ahead of Vancouver but um yeah like besides that like what else do you have to watch there like I I didn’t even realize um Anton forsberg

Was their goalie this season like I remember he was a hawk for what one season and then he he got banished to Ottawa so um yeah I don’t know that’s forgot I completely forgot about that guy yeah he went Carolina he’s been all over he was another guy that we were

Told was going to be a really good starter uh once he grew into the brawl and then didn’t so it’s got to be hard man Justin I mean I mean uh Matt like as a as a goalie you know it seems like goalies get better with time what is it

About the development process that you think that is missed out on on on professional level goalies well I think it’s timing I think like look at Spencer Knight he’s he just got signed and he’s behind a guy with nine years left in his deal like hopefully that works out for

Him I mean we’re Lincoln’s lucky because who else do we have you know I think it’s timing and just uh falling into the right system and and you gotta get on and stay on it if you have a bad game you’re you’re probably not gonna you’re

Not going to last long if you’re a young guy you gotta just kind of take the job over seems like yeah yeah yeah it seems it it just seems like you have some guys who develop quickly you have some guys who like like I think uh Leonard is a

Really good example because he was good but wasn’t so good in Buffalo then he moved on to the Islanders and then he looked more he looked better I think he was with Ottawa or St Louis he started with right I don’t remember him with St Louis Bish I’m thinking of Ben Bishop

You’re right okay yeah Ben Bishop started with that St Louis Blues too that’s what’s crazy to me too he’s been all over and he’s a solid goalie yeah and then uh Leonard came to the Hawks and he was solid man and now that he’s now he’s in Vegas I mean he’s just

Hitting his stride like what is it about maybe moving to a different location to change of scenery like what is it about guys that they have such a hard time uh becoming a force at the goalie position in the NHL well it seems like Leonard

Wanted to be the man and he wanted to get paid he wanted to get paid like the man and you know he wanted the job and honestly Bowman he messed that one up I think we could have had a future goalie they just didn’t want to pay him and I

Think he wanted the spotlight Vegas is an upand cominging team he kind of stole flurry’s JW but then flurry kind of got it back so we’ll see you know flurry is not going to last forever he’s getting up there so but there’s a lot of issue though too look at Carter Hart and

Philly they he I’ve had to hear oh carry price this is the next carry price that’s a good point they’ve been staying for him a long time terrible yeah long they’ve had trouble with goalie since brcal off remember they signed him he’s going to be he’s going to be the guy

That carries us and he it was like what a 9-year deal it just did not work out what was the thing they interviewed him and he was talking about like space space is so big it’s just weird he started you know what the spotlight and the media got to him you could totally

Tell like it just he just like you know what I’m just going to talk about weird [ __ ] and he’ stopped playing hockey and then I think he jumped around a little bit and he was really really good on the ducks like he he helped that team won

The cup he played the first round or two rounds when jir was hurt remember it was that 08 yeah might have been 08 or 07 or something with the Ducks I think that was 07 Matt 07 yeah he he was good and they knew he was he was gonna get traded

And he was gonna sign a big deal somewhere and um I he went to Phoenix Phoenix yeah he he beat the Hawks that Series yeah he did 2012 then after that he did Mike Smith yeah I was going to say I thought that was Mike Smith he signed his big

Deal after his Phoenix years and then he went to and then he went to Calgary Philly Philly no I was talking about Mike Smith I’m sorry oh Smith yeah I’m never been a fan me either it was cool he scored a goal and stuff but I’m you

Know he beat the Hawks that year that’s I think dead to me after that Crawford was just terrible that series he let some terrible OT goals and the Hawks just looked they looked like they just had to Coast through and Phoenix didn’t let that happen and I props to Phoenix

For that they all right here’s here’s a here’s a goalie trivia question going back to Robin leoner in 2011 when Robin Leonard was one of the goalies for the Ottawa Senators who was the other goalie in that tandem it wasn’t Craig Anderson at that time wow I was just gonna say that too

Gosh dang it was it Hammond just or was he a surprise uh no not Hammond Hammond was a little bit later Ray Emy uh not according to this no no ah I’ll give you another hint this guy is still playing in the league starting uh no actually no uh he might

Be depending on the night because the the starter is not doing so hot this year what division uh I believe I believe it would be the East if I’m thinking correctly what city uh I believe Philadelphia Brian Elliott yes Brian Elliot my gosh wow yeah I saw that I was

Just looking up blun stats should have said he was a former blue former BL oh yeah that would that would have nailed it so yeah Elliot’s kind of back and forth with heart that guy’s been around forever holy he’s good on the blues though he was man he had a really solid

Run on the blues and I had him on my fantasy hockey team because he uh he was pretty solid oh gez they also had pass remember Pascal lir oh yeah another bust uh he was in Columbus I think too for a while all right anyway

So so anyways um how is the Matt how is the playoffs shaping up well it looks like Nashville uh is going to get this fourth spot I think uh I think Dallas lost tonight or they are losing right now I I know I picked up what’s his name uh who’s the Dallas

Goalie uh K kobin yeah they lost an OT one nothing against Nashville wow wow that was a big game what a barn burner that was that was a big game uh I’d rather see a game three to three than a one to nothing game anytime there’s been a lot this year I I

Uh I think the recently one of my goalies lost in a shootout it was a one- nothing win and he still got the shut out which I thought was cool because I just climbed up in the standings because of of it but he still lost and got a shut out I

Thought that’s pretty cool yeah totally it might have been it might have been dubnick but uh Colorado’s getting hot again they got their goalie back McKinnon got into a fight how did he how did he do it was kind of a shoving Fest a little bit but

He was upset with uh how one of his defenseman was taken down going in for a shot and he went to stick up with the guy stick up form then the gloves came off they got some punches in and um he kind of ragd alled this guy a little bit

To be honest with you I forgot who he fought he’s a big dude man I mean he’s a strong guy I should say um he’s an imposing he he seems like a really imposing player man he’s like a uh I’m a fan he’s like a how do you say he’s like a stronger

Sydney Crosby in a way yeah he’s like a stronger faster CNE Crosby yeah that makes sense that’s a good comparison well in the west it looks like uh St Louis is kind of pulling away from the coyotes uh they’re up uh they got 53 points and the coyotes

Have 49 and the coyotes have 51 games played and St Louis only has 49 so it looks like it looks like St Louis might be that fourth team which was gonna suck for Vegas or Colorado because St Louis is they battle tested yeah and I think

If they can get in there they can surprise some people yeah especially with Tera senko back yeah yeah I wouldn’t sleep on them that’s for sure I’m not a fan of tereno I almost didn’t buy that year he was on the cover of NHL because I didn’t like him then

Again I don’t like it any year because uh unless the Hawks are on there I’m like yeah I don’t want to buy this one you know I bought uh I usually try to buy the Stanley Cup Edition that way I can get the game nice yeah it’s fun me and just

Always play uh three on three three yep that was e e probably since 09 just we’ve been oh God on there were the two idiots that uh are you guys still like the bazzers B brazers bangers or whatever that was I I just want I want to go on

The record that was all uh your cousin uh what was our best team just we were oh God are you talking about name or just in general no our last we played last year the Austin Matthews cover was that 2020 we played ton of that one yeah

We we got some championships we were good we finally got over the hill and we we uh I think we got two banners so we it was a big deal for us it was like our first one in five years yeah cuz we sucked for quite a while no you know

What I don’t think we sucked we just didn’t play it as much because we’re adults and have jobs and the other people uh played it it’s tough like I I I waited till that game hit 20 bucks like two weeks ago and then I bought it

And it came with um they redid NHL 94 but put all the current teams yeah so I I play that more like that was worth the 20 bucks just to play that because it’s got like you know Kane and Taves and everybody in the game in the NHL 94 mode

So that’s that’s what I play and don’t they have OB on there with like the yeah he’s got like his gold chain and his tooth and missing and everything yeah and his Miss and the the reflective uh reflective visor yeah yeah yeah that was

Cool when he had that yeah yeah I like I like the old style Sports arcade arcadey games more than the the real deal I’m not I don’t have the patience anymore so I like the be I’m always a fan of the Bei player mode yeah yeah that’s fun

That is fun I agree I’m like I made it again all right my wife my wife 36y old she’s like what are you doing I’m getting ready to score the the gamewinner Stanley Cup hattick right now I’m signing this this fouryear extension for 50 million well you you got to write

In your name and your your age you put in I was born in 86 I’m like wow I’m I’m gonna be an old rookie I I don’t even I don’t put my U my real age in it anymore because I’m freaking retired yeah it got really depressing really quickly there uh I

Know you know you’re old when you have to scroll for your age and it just keeps going and going yeah dude I not to not to sidebar but the other day I was having the kids work on a project and I’m like oh you know what I’ll put

Spotify on you guys are being good we’ll listen to music and I put some like I have like a ’90s alternative playlist saved with like the edited stuff so no there’s no swearing or anything oh okay and the kids are like Mr Mack what is

This this music is so old this is what my parents listen to I’m like this is the Foo Fighters This isn’t old you know or Nirvana you know stuff like that my middle son loves Grunge music it’s hilarious he’s like hey Dad let’s put on some aliceon chains I’m like you got it

Bud and then my older son’s like what is this you know someone said that that is that is considered the classic rock now gr yeah if the loop was still around that’d be on the loop I’m sure right yeah yeah it not fine with that I I love that music it peaked it

Peaked in the 90s and it’s been downhill ever since well everything’s just weird now everything all this new music’s weird I cannot listen to it like q101 or whatever it’s called now yeah bad it’s so bad I don’t even listen to the radio no I can’t anymore well you know what’s good

To listen to is XM so oh yeah yep y especially XM uh was it NHL Network that’s a good radio station isn’t it agreed dropping Easter eggs huh yeah yeah dropping dropping a few Easter eggs uh yeah that Boomer and uh Rick or not Jake Jake J sorry I’m thinking of white

Sock I’m thinking of rickon that Boomer and J con show is a good show great show well okay guys we’re going to wrap it up um Hawks have Carolina coming up don’t they three game set right three games set we’re g to come out with another another show this week maybe around

Tuesday drop it on Wednesday possibly and then uh we’ll take it from there but um it’s not looking too good hopefully we could see more of the younger guys in they playing let’s get deia a shot yeah give d a shot I don’t see why not three

Games three go love see him love to see how he’s um if he’s progressed at all and and give him some NHL experience you know especially against Some solid competition so uh yeah yeah but anyways do us a favor give us a review on the on

The interwebs on uh was it Apple podcast you can give reviews on there yep and um and let us know what you think catch us on Twitter and you could find the link to our Twitter account in the in the comment section not the comments the the

Notes section in the podcast apps so this is Mike and the tomahawk Justin and Matt and we’re out of here

The Chicago Blackhawks dropped both games against Florida. 2 games that should have been won but deficiencies on defense and some soft goals essentially doomed the team.

Alex Debrincat played very well and so did a lot of the young guys. Adam Gaudette has played well since he has been playing with the team and seems to be pushing to stay on the roster. I think there is going to be a lot of competition next year for roster spots amongst the youth on the team.

Going forward we’d like to see if Colin Delia can get an oppurtunity to play. We already know what we have with Kevin Lankinen and Malcolm Subban. He had one start at the beginning of the year and that was it.

We finish this podcast off with some NHL News.

Let’s talk hockey in the comments and if you haven’t subscribed to our audio only podcast the link is below. We have a much longer conversation on everything above.

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