@Vancouver Canucks

Boeser graphic I made for practice using Photoshop

I know Matthews is dominating the goal scoring race but I am slowly learning photoshop and wanted to create a graphic for a Canucks player

by Frozen_Gorilla91


  1. marcosbowser

    Wow skills! If I were to offer constructive criticism (not of the technical aspects of using photoshop, of which you are clearly good at, but just of the design) I would say the grey trophy graphic distracts from the overall design. Without it the whole thing would feel simpler and more complete. A smaller distraction, to my eye, is his stick blocking the very end of the orca mouth. I feel like it would work better without the stick or if the stick moved a bit into the white. You’d have to try it and see. Keep up the great practice!

  2. EliteMultitasker99

    Nice graphic but there’s no way he’s winning it now, he’s 10 goals behind Matthews and is pointless in his last 6 games…

  3. Conor_man11

    The stats will be way off after Boeser gets a hatty next game and that 27 goals is 30.

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