@New York Rangers

Solid Video about the analysis of the boys, wanted to share


by Alchemiist7


  1. LocalBowl6075

    I appreciate his fairly optimistic view but it’s hard for me to agree that it’s a “rough patch” or however he framed it. Fact is we are a .500 team over the last 22(?) games.

    Granted, there were key guys missing for a chunk of that. I’ll go along with his semi-optimism for now but we need to get back to winning better than half the time if we’re serious about being a real contender.

  2. Typical-Ad-6730

    The rough patch is over. They broke it with that 2nd period pp goal. They are going back to the top.

  3. Main_Paramedic_2822

    you listen to this video twice and you realize it’s recorded by someone who has maybe watched 5-7 Ranger games ever and certainly hasn’t followed the team for more than three months (which he admits to, at least).

    Kakko one of our best scorers? I love Kakko but he scored 2 goals in 24 games before getting injured, 18 goals last year and 7 goals the year before. No one who follows this team describes Kakko’s kit as ‘a goal scorer’.

    He claims Mika/Kreider are simply ‘adjusting to them losing their normal right wing’…. They have been through 15 RWs since Buch left – failure to launch on all of them (except maybe Vatrano).

    These examples go on and on. I am all for team optimism. But this guy doesn’t know his butt from his elbows when talking about the Rangers.

  4. James_Kreider_Jr

    Kakko could be a good goal scorer, he finally unleashed that 100mph shot we saw in practice in a game which was nice.

  5. InternationalHunt738

    This is a brand new fan who because he plays hockey at a competitive level think he knows something. Which any of us who been fans for a long time know he doesn’t have a clue.

    It is why this sub sometimes is so hard to have a simple conversation because the spectrum of knowledge about this team is just so vast. You have your idiot newbies, your foreigners who catch most games on highlights and really only follow the team because of a certain player, you have your russian trolls who know a ton about hockey but absolutely nothing about the nhl. You have your lifers who have seen this team lose in every possible way and just have no real hope for the future. You have your optimus primers who the team could be in self destruct mode and they would still make a comment that well Igor looked solid and dust off the fact the team is 0-30. And my personal favorite …you have the guys who spit out fancy metric stats even though on a average night the official score keeper can’t even get the +/- right for the game. The easiest stat to get right. Yet they act as if xGoals% means something by itself.

    And because of the internet every one of them has a voice. People don’t like what I have to say because it is not what they want to hear, and I make it less fun to watch the team and root for them.

    Laviolette is just another retread coach. We are a soft team who crumbles under physical pressure. Our defense isn’t as good as we think they are. And all our offense comes from the perimeter from 2 lines when the team is going good. When it is not the team is a 1 trick pony. And our goaltending isn’t as consistent as most of us are used to. But the funny thing about hockey is all it takes is for a team to unite under the same cause. And if they truly unite…you get what Florida did last year.

    That takes a leader.

    Leaders are not just the voices in a room. They consistently and when you need them most are providing the momentum swing to win a game. And it can come in all forms…like a great pass or a well timed hit or a clutch game tying goal or a fight against a player who is creating havoc on the ice. We had that we Reevo. The team rallied behind him till the level of talent became too loopsided for him to compensate for it.

    This team as of today doesn’t have that. They don’t believe in each other. They don’t stand up for each other. It is just Panarin rippin through the league and the rest are just along for the ride. If Panarin isn’t the best player on the ice we lose. But that can change. And that is what it means to have hope. Knowing all the reasons not to follow the team yet you still have hope. That is what I consider a true fan. The rest will be gone long before this team is ever a true cup contender again. Writing a blog, or opening your own website where you have a 1 way conversation with fans, or making youtube videos on the team ….doesn’t make you special. You are just another idiot in the sea of morons. I can respect the commitment it takes to put out daily videos or posts or articles. But everyone has an opinion and no one really has found their voice out there in the world wide web for this team.

    My advice for anyone like the OP video ….do yourself a favor and look up this team’s history. Look up all the years of misery before you decide to voice your opinion to the Rangers community. All the years of we are definitely going to win this year and then the team finds a way to let it slip away. The 2 times this franchise has gotten the 1st overall pick …it selected a LW. And both selections have been less then a generational talent. 1 never played a game for the team or in the NHL. And well the other …you guys can all judge for yourself in comparison to Bedard. To my knowledge the last time this franchise finished dead last in the league was back when there were only 6 teams in the league. And 1 key component I think alot of fans don’t realize is no canadian market likes us. Ever notice how no one and I mean no one talks about our franchise? You go to any canadian site and we could be in the finals and there won’t be a piece on the Rangers? It is almost comical. So for whatever reason the Canadian market hates us.

    And for a very long time the league has been dominated by Canadian players. So that matters more then you realize. Our best players in the history of this franchise have been mostly American born. Obviously there have been a few exceptions. But the home grow talent has always been American or European. Very rarely have we drafted and properly developed a Canadian prospect. That is the history of this team. Buying our wins because the American field of talent just never could compete on the level of the Canadians. Now that is changing and now an American born player is leading scorer for a top Canadian team. 20 years ago that would have been unheard and a nightmare for most Canadians.

    Anyway this has gone on long enough.

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