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Nick Foligno talks contract extension with Chicago Blackhawks | CHGO Blackhawks Podcast

Nick Foligno talks contract extension with Chicago Blackhawks | CHGO Blackhawks Podcast

And uh just just how nice is it to to get that and uh know where you’re going to be here for a little bit yeah I mean it’s it’s thrilling for my family and I obviously um you know I think we’re really appreciative to the Ws family and

Kyle and and their commitment and and you know what I bring and uh and what we’re trying to do here and I think that’s the biggest thing when I signed even in the summer uh you know and trying to turn this into a team that is respected and and understands what it

Means to play Chicago black HW hockey and um now I get to really you know put some Roots down and dig in here and and and put that investment into it so uh you know it’s been a great group of guys to work with I know it’s you know it’s

Been a frustrating year in a lot of ways but you know there’s also a path forward and I think that’s been talking to Kyle and and having this cart go by right now has been really um but uh but that’s been that’s been really you know a great thing the

Open lines of communication that we’ve had um you know has been really a motivator and why I wanted to sign here and and see this through how’s the hand doing that’s good yeah I mean it’s always nice to break it on the face as opposed to something else but everyone

Knows the timetable here I mean you could have gone cup chasing and a lot of teams would be happy to have you contenders how do you make that decision at this stage of your career I think that yeah I mean my biggest thing is is who’s to say you can’t win anywhere I

Always you know I’ve been on teams that were supposed to win it last year and and we didn’t and I’ve been on teams that no one expects anything and you go on a little bit of a run so I just I have a hard time with that one and I get

It trust me I understand position certain teams are in and but I I just never really have ever played in my career that way when the odds are stacked against you I think that’s when you dig in the most right so I I have a

Hard time and I I think if we’re really trying to build what we’re trying to build in that room then then that has to get thrown out the window anyway right and and there should be a belief that we have a chance to win every single night

And who cares what they say about us it’s what we believe in the room and that’s to me the the mindset and the attitude that we need to start believing in in this room and have and and that’s what I want to bring so I think that’s

The commitment I’ve made by signing here is showing that it doesn’t matter where you play it’s it’s the group of guys the guys that go to war and what we’re trying to attain and um and you know and what all the all the the experts say

It’s it’s what we believe and and I think that’s the the biggest thing you have to believe in yourself first and and hopefully I can I can do that along with a lot of guys in that room and starting to build that here how quickly into this season did you feel like okay

I want to be here for you know the next couple years cuz I think you eligible toci until January 1st so the deal came together pretty quickly yeah I mean there was a lot of craziness at the start of the year that uh you know you’re just trying to work your way

Through but I think when I when I signed in the summer you know in my eyes I was looking at this as an opportunity to really you know see it through and I I had no expectations I think that’s Sometimes the best thing to have is just

Come in here with a clean slate and and just be who you are genuinely and and really get to know the harder guys and and what’s you know who who’s in it who’s in it for the right reasons and and honestly everybody is you know there’s there’s not there’s a lot of

Guys that that want to see us turn the corner here that want to get better that you know genuinely want to see the success happen and you know we got a great player in Conor Mard that kind of leads the way in that he wants to be a

Winner and you know it trickles into the room that way and there’s some great young Talent there’s some great you know you’ve seen the emergence of Jason Dickinson who’s been outstanding and is a big big part of this and a guy that I

Want to go to war with a lot more and uh and hopefully we’ll be able to and um so it’s been neat for me to see the p that are already in here and we just got to you know bring that out of more out of

Guys more and so that’s where I get excited about um you know seeing uh that and and making sure that we have that mindset and and you know and continue to push in that way for your career I mean like last year with Boston you down to

12 minutes on a loaded team you’re up to like 16 or 17 this year and you actually you were exactly I mean you still got it one game you played 23 yeah uh when you need to protect the lead uh you know and that’s where he’s going to use you uh

You got a lot of gas left on T I do and and you know like listen that’s I think where I’ve seen my career you there’s roles you need to play on certain teams right and you have to be accepting of that role listen I went to Boston they

Had a good thing going you’re just trying to fit in and hey we’re going to go and try and win this thing and so you’re you’re happy to help in that that’s where I’m needed right so you play there and yeah there’s maybe more you feel that you can give but that’s

That’s the sacrifice and the commitment you make to that group and there’s other things you can do off the ice or on it as well that within those 12 minutes I mean that’s you got to give everything you have and that’s the mindset here is all right who’s what roles are guys

Going to fall into what what is it that you’re going to do to help the Chicago Blackhawks become an elite team and not every guy gets to play 20 minutes a night it’s a privilege to play that it’s a responsibility to play that you know there’s the great players they make it

Look easy because they have the understanding that they they make a difference every time they step on the ice and and but if you’re a 10-minute guy what is that 10 minutes going to do for our club if you’re a 15-minute Guy what’s that going to do if you’re a

Backup goalie if you’re a seventh defenseman so when you have guys understanding and believing in their roles and why you’re doing and the success you’re having then you start to get on a role and and really you know no pun intended but that’s really what it is it’s it’s that that mindset that

Attitude and um you know for me I I think I’ve seen a lot of different roles and played in a lot of different roles and appreciate what those mean and wherever you’re needed you slot in and I think if you have that from your veteran guys or your your leaders it trickles on

Down the lineup and you know our group is learning and is going to understand you know where they slot in and either you’re going to be a part of it or you’re not and that’s kind of the the the way we have to get going here right is is we we’re building towards

Something and that’s you know guys are going to either grab a hold of it or another guy’s going to come in and do your job how do you see your how do you see your role evolving would you want to be captain Oh no I mean obviously it’s a

Great honor but I never I i’ I’ve worn that letter and I am who I am and I’ve always been that way for as long as I can remember so I don’t really get too caught up in that it’s it’s a tremendous honor and and Captain’s come before me

Is I think he’s worn it better than anyone in a lot of ways so uh you know and and and Jonathan Taz or any guy that would ever put this the sea on is is such a storied franchise and um you know I think any guy would be honored to wear

It but that’s not why you know you’re coming here you’re coming here just to make a difference and if if it’s organically put on you or whoever Rises the occasion that’s great that’s the guy you want to lead and go with but um you know for us I think we’re still trying

To find our leadership group and who’s going to make that push and um but yeah it’s uh it’s something that you know I take a lot of pride in and and being a voice in that room but so do a lot of other guys in there and there’s a lot of

Guys where de your reference in your first your first s in your first answer you said that this allows you to kind of think more long term I guess in terms of what you’re doing here and has your mindset or does this kind of allow you to change

And and think more like that well I think it just know it gives me the understanding and the and the you know the mindset that I I can you know it’s going to take a a process here right and I think you know you want things to jump

Right from one month or one day to the next and improve but it’s it’s it’s ups and downs and as you’ve seen it right this year and so I think for me it just lets me know that my voice and my impact will hopefully be around for long enough

That it can really you know sustain and dig in and grab hold here so uh that’s what I get excited about and and and also having the opportunity to play on a great team you know it’s not just my voice it’s the I still feel like I have

A lot to give on the ice as well and um can only help that way cuz as much as you want to talk and say off the ice you got to go out and do it and you know i’ I’ve enjoyed that part where i’ I’ve

Really been able to to kind of do both and um and I expect that of myself so uh that’s that’s been enjoyable and and a big reason why that the two years is has felt like the right number and and uh you know I’m looking forward to to

Seeing where we can get to at the end of it Charli Char respected that sorry go ahead he so respected that I feel like one of the things you could do is almost play recruiter or is that something you would consider like hey come here we’re going to we’re going to build something

Here yeah guys are ready for my dad jokes and hopefully I enough Bridges there but no it’s you know what i’ I’ve yeah it’s funny when you play on a lot of teams and and you know you start telling guys what it is cuz from the outside maybe you don’t you don’t know

Right and and so yeah that’s that’s an important part of it it happens right I know heard Patrice berson doesn’t call me I don’t go to Boston um so there’s a lot of things like that that happen and and they can see okay why is it that you

Believe in so strongly in your team or what is it and then you know you can maybe get some guys to really Buy in So at the end of the day though what really speaks is is our our play on guys right teams play against you they know how

Hard you play what you’re what you’re trying to build and they want to be a part of that so that’s where I go to and um if you can talk to some guys along the way and and and help in that regard that’s great but um you know I think

Always the play speaks for itself and I want us to become a real hard team to play against and uh and you’re starting to see that even now I mean it’s amazing but even the guys out look at the mindset shift um almost and and how hard

We’ve been able to play and and tenacious and even with maybe not the lineup you’d expect but you know there’s a lot of great players in there that take a lot of Pride and and know that there’s some guys missing and and the mindset shift that that happened in uh

Every game we’ve been in it Charlie as you about when you thought about staying longer was there a point in time that your family was like yeah you know we could hang around Chicago for a little bit longer and how nice is it to not have the moving Company’s phone number

On the yeah yeah no that’s uh you know I I was like behind every hockey player especially if you’re married is a great woman and my wife I I’m very lucky I could be in this game this long without having her and what she’s meant to my

Family and my kids and the stability she provides for us so um you know I made sure the first she was okay with it and uh she’s falling in love with Chicago and and you know and I think that that really does help right when you’re when

You’re a family man and you know your family’s looked after and taken care of and enjoying the city you’re in it just lets you go and play for a lot more free and um and I appreciate that from that from them I you know I’ve kind of B I

Said I’ve screwed up the stability part usually you want that at the end when the kids are older but had it all at the beginning of the year of my career um so I bounced around a little bit here but it’s it’s felt like home from day one I

Think it’s the Midwest people it’s the Chicago people and um we’ve absolutely fallen in love with this city and uh you know look forward to becoming more ingrained in the community than we already are you got a lot of young guys from at roster obviously like Bor and

Michel is there a particular moment or conversation where you felt like I’m I’m making a difference here here like I’m I’m going to remember this moment uh it’s hard to say I think just you know you you start to see is is just the how comfortably already to come up to you

You know at first you you kind of everyone’s trying to feel each other out at the start of the year and now you know they come up and crack a joke or you know initiate the conversation and that goes a long way in in showing that there’s a relationship being built and

It’s not just one way right A lot of times you can come up to how’s your day going they just get good and then you you know walk away but now they’re coming up and asking how my son’s games are or how day is so they’re starting to

Really invest in in what you’re investing in in them as well so I’m we’re very lucky we got a lot of really good young guys and a lot of good pieces in there that that care and and that’s always the hardest part is to find right

Like when you’re a young player a lot of times it’s just like ah it’s fun it’s good to be here but there’s a lot of guys that that really want to be better than they are now and and want to help improve this team and want to get it to

A team that that was the the gold standard in the league for a long time here so um that’s fun to see and and hopefully help along the way and and we get more pieces and more guys buying in and uh it’s going to be hopefully a lot

Of fun for a few years you mentioned as Dickson it sounds like a pretty clear pitch that you would like them I I you know what I just I never played with him and and played against him and uh but I’ve just seen how respected he is in our room you know you

Talk about another guy’s respected he is really well respected in our room and a guy that carries a lot of weight with his words but also his play he doesn’t speak a ton but the way he plays the game and what he’s meant to our club the stability’s provided when all the

Injuries are out he’s still out there you know eating ton of minutes and hard minutes and playing against team’s best and I’ve just been really impressed with him and uh you know he’s a guy that I’ve gravitated to a lot already to start the year and um you know he’s delivered on

Every aspect you mention that playing with a couple original six teams towards the end of your career you feel like you’ve been able to embrace that a little bit more was that thought process was that thought going on a lot yeah yeah it’s funny I yeah everyone someone

Was like are you going to knock down all the original six in here um but you know what as a I was telling this to Pang the other day like when you play long enough you you become especially even for me kind of growing up in it you become a

Historian of the game a little bit and you love the game and and the the reasons why and the original six teams they just carry a little bit more weight so you know the you take it a little bit more serious when you play for one

Because you know how the fan base really gets behind them the players that have come before to build that team you’re not talking 20 years you’re talking 50 60 70 years of of history of players that have really helped build and some of the the biggest names in our league

You know names that guys that are trophies are named after are playing on these teams so you know you realize the magnitude and the and the importance and the responsibility you have to to wear this jersey with a ton of Pride and and so that’s what I feel when I when I put

That on you know you wear this logo and you you remember all the players that come before you and and and made it what it is today and the fan base and um so yeah that’s that’s you know I I I really enjoy playing that I think just because

I grew up in it too and remembered the the teams of old and the stories my dad would tell and his idols and a lot of them were on these teams so it’s been pretty special Nick the statement you made that with your left-hander uh it’s

2024 your guy goes down off a a dramatic hit and is is it that’s still one of those things that just has to get done in the game to make yeah and you know what you can argue it’s a clean hit it’s our best player so he’s he’s going after our best

Player right and and I think he’s an honest player Smith I I do I I I have a ton of respect for him and I think he playss the game the right way but he targeted one of our players who was in a vulnerable spot at that time and and I’m

Watching it so I can see him sliding over to to make a hit and you know I wonder what their reaction would be if we did that to to Hughes or anything right like that’s that’s the game within the game I was talking about and no ill

Will towards Smith he’s doing his job for his team but we’re going to do the job for ours as well and back up our own and especially a young kid who’s finding his way in the league and and our star player you got to you got to make sure

He knows he feels protected and looked after and so that’s that’s all that is and it happened to be me it could have been any one of the guys who was chomping at the bit to get at him and uh but what I was most impressed with is we

Just kept playing you know and after you could see the physicality pickup guys were hitting we were we were hitting their Guys Legally obviously and not to say that but that’s just that’s the game that’s that’s the beauty of the game right it’s it’s a physical hard game and

And I don’t I don’t know why it’s it’s so um talked about now I think there’s still such an importance to that because that’s that’s really what playoff hockey is and um you know you you fight for every inch on that ice and that was a

Game that felt like that you don’t think the star should be like held up on though do you like you know what I mean like no but that that’s just that’s what I’m saying so if you’re going to hit one of our stars that’s the response you’re

Going to get right and if we’re going to hit one of yours that’s the response we’re probably going to get so I don’t know why it’s any different it’s not to say you need to fight but it’s that’s those are your brothers those are the PE

Like that’s that’s the inch so now if you don’t get a response it’s like oh nice just got a little bit bigger for us now we got a lot more room we feel like we’ve you know taking the momentum away from your team so it’s just the game

Within the game and some people will never understand it some people will and um I think in order to play hockey the right way that has to be the response have you been checking in with Connor and is he already lobbing to skate oh yeah he’s dying it’s pretty funny they

Actually trainers are like hey you you kind of got to help us like he’s not going to listen to us so you got to help us like keep him at behang here a little bit so it’s been pretty funny he’s like I feel fine like I I want I’m like man

Just pump the brakes a little bit here so he’s that’s who he is that’s why you love him and um you know I’m sure he’ll come back a better even better version of himself which is a scary thought kind of a silly question but did you know the

Moment that that your finger broke and like yeah still had to keep punching why I was doing the old open hand punches at the end um yeah it’s it is what it is it just felt a little different than all the other punches and um yeah it’s too

Bad but that’s uh part of part of the game got timeline no I a couple like week to week is what they’re telling me kind of just based on how I can bend it in paint so I’m trying to play tonight thank not you’re not tying your

Own shoes no yeah it’s been a little the skates a little tough but I’m still trying to play that Thanks we all like the May

After signing a two-year contract extension with the Chicago Blackhawks, Nick Foligno spoke about his decision to stay with the club for the next two years and what he sees in the young players in Chicago and much more.

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  1. I'm so happy about this signing! Honestly one of the best things KD could have done this season. Such a great voice to have in the locker room for the development of our rookies!

  2. It’s good that he extended, but man, these veteran contracts are setting a concerning negotiation precedent for the younger players that will be signing contracts for 3-8 years rather than just 1-2 years.

  3. Well deserved. Plays hard, still has gas left in the tank, great lockerroom presence, sticks up for his teammates.

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