@National Hockey League

And that’s 5…

And that’s 5…

by EhhhhhBud97


  1. Murky-Perceptions

    Can someone please explain what might be going on there, I know it’s New jersey but dang…

    Seriously, them Jersey girls are crazy and here I thought us Military guys were the only ones, lol….

  2. VinPickles

    The way the Devils, Flyers, and Flames handled this is abysmal. The league and hockey canada are a disgrace. Heads SHOULD roll but in reality tomorrow will be a typical Thursday.

  3. LoanedWolf75

    McLeod, Foote, Hart, and who are the other two?

  4. Anishinabeg

    What’s curious to me is that the accuser stated that there were 8 who entered the room, not just 5. It makes me wonder who the other 3 are, and why they haven’t also been asked to surrender. Lack of evidence? Perhaps they were present, but didn’t participate?

    The whole story is gonna come out eventually, and I’m very curious to hear it.

  5. Skyrim1982

    You guys are so dramatic haha just drooling at thr though of all this drama. There are already professionals dealing with this,
    What are YOU going to do about it??

    I don’t give a crap about this. Why should I?

  6. BetterAd1611

    Cale Makar was on that team, hopefully he wasn’t anywhere near this thing. What a massive disaster and coverup

  7. Pucks_N_Fucks

    Pathetic bunch of spoiled hockey players. Whoever was involved and didn’t get summoned I hope the worst for their careers

  8. PagingDrTobaggan

    I’ve been concerned about McCleod’s involvement since this story broke. Wanted the Devils to send him packing immediately. Then, of course, the story quieted down, I forgot about it, and he started to be an extremely important member of the Devils lineup. Now it’s back, goddamnit.

    I have learned to love McLeod the hockey player. That said, if he’s guilty of the behavior at issue here, fuck him and send his ass packing. This is bigger than hockey.

  9. gh0stfac3killah007

    Whoa whoa what happened here that we know?

  10. zingding212

    What about Carter Hart? He is on an indefinite leave from the Flyers as well. This could be the end of their NHL careers if they are indeed the 5. Possibly prison time as well.

  11. Does anyone have a general idea of the 2 sides here? Like has anyone been keeping track of all the evidence, claims (both ways), and payouts. It would be neat to see what we actually know for sure so that there’s a bit more clarity to the situation. If anyone does have more insight, please post it!

  12. I hate that I have to ask this, but wasn’t there another investigation ongoing with other older NHL players and sexual assault? And people were worried Fleury was involved?

    What ever happened with that?

  13. Blind_Owl_Speaks

    Are people insinuating this has to do with the Team Canada scandal?

  14. CaptainSaladbarGuy

    Wait what happened? People talking about involvement? No internet under my rock apparently

  15. *Leaves of absence. Idk why social media marketing people don’t know proper grammar…

  16. Frigid_Despot

    I’m sick. I met Carter Hart and shook his hand at a mall in Philly 4 years ago. Ughhhh

  17. Only-Highlights

    How did you possibly find such a low resolution picture??

  18. Cottagewknds

    Well what do we think? If I’m being honest with all the stuff around the league hiding stuff, I think these guys careers are over if convicted. I also think there will be jail time. If they get off Scott free, the public outcry would be huge. I also think if what is alleged did happen. They should be treated as such. An example must be made.

  19. So far, Dube is the only player removed from his respective team’s roster.

  20. avlambo21

    This is almost word for word what the flyers put out. They’re definitely all involved

  21. LabApprehensive5666

    So what’s the new speculation Reddit users are conjuring up? Sexual assault allegations? Mental health issue cover ups? Obviously shit will be hitting the fan something fishy is going on

  22. mingomcgoo

    I’m sure their agents and lawyers got a heads up a day or 2 ago , probably from the Police.

  23. sportsywebe

    When Rick Westhead is calling, you got a big time problem. I hope the female involved can heal and recover so she can enjoy her life again.

  24. average_legend

    I just don’t understand how a man can do this to a woman.

  25. WolfOfPort

    Good they should be charged heavy. Many cases of sexual assault from hockey players this needs to be a reminder poor actions have consequences

  26. DoLessBro

    I mean what the hell are we doing here? Seriously? Unless there is some real evidence, this is BOLOGNA. Do we honestly believe that an incident that ALLEGEDLY happened 6 years is anything more than a money grab now they’re rich? Did those young studs need to force anything to hook up with girls? Look at Matt Araiza, his name and career RUINED over lies. Odds are this is no different at this stage. Sad.

  27. Acceptable_Major4350

    More and more of this stuff has surfaced over the years, you have to wonder how good the NHL and teams have been at brushing it under the rug.

    I do believe in second chances, but first step is to take responsibility and this is 5 years after the fact.

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