@Buffalo Sabres

The Sabres are run like a mom and pop shop

The Sabres are run like a mom and pop shop

We’re all pretty frustrated about the Sabers and losing to the Ducks certainly didn’t help might have a rant coming up here in the lockdown Sabers Podcast your locked on Sabers your daily podcast on the Buffalo Sabers part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day and thanks for making lock on Sabers your first listen every day we are free and available wherever you get your podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day today’s episode is brought to you by sleeper download the sleeper app use the promo

Code locked on NHL to get up to a $100 match on your first deposit terms and conditions apply see sleepers terms of use for Details four to two ducks over the Sabers unbelievably the Sabers find a way to lose and and get thoroughly dominated at

The hands of the third worst team in the National Hockey League the Ducks win just their 16th Game of the Year just their seventh game at home they have 33 points they are only above the 30o point Chicago Blackhawks and the 30o San Jose Sharks and again they trounced

The Buffalo Sabers on Tuesday night God bless to anybody that stayed up for that game into the we hours of the morning to watch the Sabers get hammered they almost came back at the end they woke up with six minutes to go they made it a after being down three to nothing they

Made it a 3-2 hockey game and they were not able to finish the comeback the empty Netter for Anaheim made it 4 to2 the stats in this game show Anaheim way ahead 36 for Anaheim 30 for Buffalo there was one point in the game where it

Was 2 6-10 in favor of Anaheim as I mentioned the Sabres really got going very late in this game when they were already down three nothing Jordan Greenway with a tip on a power play Kyle aoso with a nice shot from the slot for his ninth of the season and then Adam

Hanen reek buried it with the empty Netter and the Sabers now fall to 2023 and four they are Tampa I mentioned over the weekend if the Sabers win on Saturday and they beat the lightning had to had in regulation they Five Points back with one to play uh one in hand and

Fast forward four days and the Sabers are now 11 points back of the Tampa Bay Lightning they’re nine points back of Detroit for a final playoff spot I got a ramp Bruin we’ll get to some other stuff the Sabers and Kings matchup coming your way on Wednesday night there’s some

Around the league stuff big around the League news in fact um pertaining to expansion and arrests that we might see for some NHL players coming your way in the next couple of days so we’ll get to all that I got thoughts on that but I

Just gotta get this out of my oh by the way before we get get going here join sub lockdowns saers if you want to jump in on our text line check us out there the text line is always fun even when they’re losing because we are all

You know it’s therapeutic we’re all going through it together we’re complaining I asked on the text line today we were debating back and forth who is more to blame Kevin Adams or Don Granado and I heard some cases that were strong in both directions uh for you

Know who’s to blame more and here we are again year 13 this is legitimately now I don’t even think it’s debatable it’s the worst stretch of hockey any organization has ever had ever in the National Hockey League no team has ever gone this long between playoff births no team has had

This few playoff races in a dozen year stretch like this my droughty of the day for uh the last time the Sabers made the playoffs today’s droughty is that the Sabers have actually more days have passed between no goal and the last saber playoff game then the last saer

Playoff game and today no goal is closer in the amount of days to the last saer playoff game than today is that is bewildering Dominic hashek on the team is closer to their last playoff birth it’s been insanely long and they don’t look any closer fans are losing interest

And that’s where it gets really scary not when you got people chanting to have guys fired in the crowd it’s when you don’t hear anything in the crowd because fans have given up and they started to bring a few people back like my brother last year year and as quickly as they

Brought everybody back they lost them all again with the season that they’re having right now and there is blame to go around I compare this organization right now to a m and Pop shop that’s how it feels to me it’s how I felt with the bills Midway through their playoff

Drought which was they’re not even really in the league the bills 10 years into their playoff drought we’re so dysfunctional we’re so irrelevant that when it was time to hire a head coach in 2010 the bills looked around and couldn’t find anybody qualified to do it

Nobody wanted the job so who’ they hire Chan gayy I ended up liking Chan gayy but if you remember Chan gayy if you’re a bill xanta Sabers fan Chan gayy was not qualified to be a head coach in the National Football League he had been a coach with the Dallas Cowboys for two

Years a decade earlier he had been an offensive coordinator right before being with the bills but was fired the SE season before a fired offensive coordinator that was not that young by the way got hired to be the Bill’s head coach why because they couldn’t find anybody else to take

The job they couldn’t find anybody to take the job and at that point in time it felt like the bills just don’t exist nobody else in the world is doing this but the bills are because they don’t really exist and that’s how I feel right now about the

Sabes they’re not a real team in that same way that the bills were not a real team this is where I I say the bill the Sabers feel like a mom and pop shop it feels like it’s just Kevin Adams and Don Granado the only two over there that are

Doing anything and well not even doing anything but the only two that are running things and I know it’s not true I know Jason caros is in the organization I know they have an analytics Department that Sam Ventura spearheads um I know they have some people in the business department I

Guess John Roth is one of them uh in the in the the business side um but it feels like it’s just Granado and Adams you know I I just it’s those two and it feels kind of deflating that you don’t really want to believe that they’re going to do

Anything anytime soon they’re not going to react to the season that they’re having and you know what a real team like what would a real team do they move on from guys they’re not afraid to move on from guys they make moves they make train they fire coaches they hire

Coaches the New York Islanders who are what eight points 10 points above the Sabers right now they fired their head coach last week and lane lane be and brought in Patrick W just because the Rangers was this last year that the New York Rangers fired their coach with like

Two weeks to go in the season and the as they were about to make the playoffs and they brought in Gerard Galant Galant uh um actually scratch that Gant might have been there the whole time that I think I have that wrong um yeah I do have that

Wrong but anyways you know the Rangers had missed the play made the playoffs with David Quinn before goant and then they brought him in teams make moves and aren’t afraid to do it teams make moves at GM teams make moves at coach and now

You look at a coach that I like I love got Don Grado I really do I like his style but how many teams would have hired him as their head coach any would any if Don Granado got fired today would he ever be an NHL head coach

Again because my guess is he wouldn’t be if Kevin Adams got fired today would he ever be a GM again Adams I feel like you’re you know no way Granado at least has a long background coaching on some level Adams had never been in a hockey Department um

In a management role before becoming the general manager so that’s when I say it feels like a mom and pop shop a mom and pop shop fighting with big business and the other NHL teams are big business and the Sabers are you know M and pop shopping it trying to compete and

There’s no wonder that it looks like it’s going the way it is and that it inspires no confidence Jeremy white my co-host in wgr tweeted out this morning I I asked that question as I mentioned on our text line you know who’s more to blame Adams or Granado and I’m really

Looking at Adams recently and it’s because of the constant inaction of the GM to make a trade to make a move that will allow the Savers to get better instead of just sitting on our hands waiting for the first round picks and the prospects to come save me because

That could take forever and sometimes it won’t work at all how are you going to hit the fast forward button how are you going to get better and Jeremy put a list together the Sabers acquired Assets in trades since they traded Jack eel which was November

Of 2020 21 we are about two and a half years uh two two and a quarter years removed from the Jack eel trade since they traded Jack eel here’s what Kevin Adams has acquired to get better the rights to Johnny Boychuk cap dump the rights to Ben

Bishop cap uh cap dump uh for the other teams Malcolm suban Jordan Greenway that you’re going to find out that’s the biggest name they’ve acquired Riley Stillman Joseph Sone Eric Robinson third fourth sixth seventh round picks future considerations twice the free agent signings that they’ve made in that

Amount of time since the eel trade Devin Dustin tarski Connor Clifton and Eric Johnson Michael Hower Riley Sheen Lawrence pilot kale kle Jeremy Davies Chase prisy Ilia lushin Eric comry Michael Hower and Mark Janowski that’s the list I’ve got what two dozen names that I just read off and

The most the biggest names of consequence that he’s brought in are Conor Clifton and Jordan Greenway that’s the moves that have been made to get better while the Sabres have had stock piles of Draft Picks and Prospects they have more money to spend in the trade market than any team in the National

Hockey League but they don’t happen and why don’t they happen I think a big chunk of it is the general manager and he doesn’t want to make a move like that he missed the timing on when to make a move like that the time to make that

Trade was the middle of last year when there were multiple great players available headlined by team Omer and Jacob chran and there were others that got moved as well the Sabres missed the playoff by one measley point and you know what this isn’t a big point that I

Like to make a lot but when it comes to confidence and team confidence look how they’ve gone this year where Dylan cousins has lost all confidence Ras dalen has lost his confidence I mean he’s he’s you know at least fiery on the bench breaking sticks all the time

Because he can’t take it anymore uh Tage Thompson looks like he’s lost his confidence at least on the power play all these players that have regressed this year you know what might have helped them if they had the confirmation that they knew they were good enough to

To pull it off to make the playoffs if they had got one more point they traded for Jacob Chon they would have made the playoffs they would have got one more point if they traded for a goenda got one more point they would have made the playoffs and then the

Whole group that has dealt with all this adversity this year that is Young and is first the first time dealing with expectations would have had that Assurance of knowing hey guys we’re good good enough to do this we’ve already done it before but they don’t have that confirmation because they did make the

Move last year they didn’t make the playoffs and now this is happening now they’re not even close and everybody looks shattered nobody looks like they have any emotion playing in that Ducks game last night nobody had any fire whatsoever and you could blame that on Granado I would want to blame that on

They missed an opportunity last year to make the playoffs and they should have done it and they didn’t and still this trade that they need to make hasn’t been made because as we’ve mentioned a million times all these Picks and Prospects they can’t all make the team they cannot all make the team

But what I mean where’s the move they have to make a trade eventually they have to make a two for one deal a three for one deal eventually or or what what else you going to do you’re going to just trade him for younger prospects

What what I don’t I don’t get it it’s it’s blows me away that they have got to this point Kevin Adams who signed Taylor Hall as his first move what is that four years ago since that day really has not made a legitimate win now move has not

Made an acquisition of real consequence and you know what last year you might have been able to have a you might might have been easier to pull off that move because you had built some Goodwill in your fan base but more so around the league it was out there being reported

Or at least rumored to be out there that the Sabers were starting to come off of some no trade lists because they were showing signs of Life they were showing signs of a team on the way up and in one year they’ve undone all that so that now

If I see if I want to talk trade on this show and I go look at cap friendly and there’s a NTC or an nmc no trade clause or no movement Clause next to that player’s name even if it’s NTC 8 which is like an

Eight team no trade list or a five team no trade list or a 15 team no trade list whatever it is if I see those initials next to a player I don’t bother talking about them I don’t bu they’re talking about them for the most part because if

I were a player that wasn’t from Buffalo playing in the National Hockey League why on Earth would I want to become a buffalo saber and they missed the boat on it they had a chance last year maybe to do something and they didn’t and now I don’t know

What you do you go ahead trade for a guy right now and I’d get excited about it but I don’t think it’s going to make a difference for the season it’s too late they’re 11 points out nine points out I should say all right timeout here enough

Ranting for today I’ll have more of that I’m sure as the season progresses here if they lose to the Sharks on Saturday another terrible team I’m sure I’ll get fired back up again but for tonight Wednesday night it’s Sabres and Kings I want to get into that match up a little

Bit we’ll get to uh the Utah NHL expansion story as well as the sexual assault story with Hockey Canada happening right now north of the border which is a huge story in the NHL oh I got some thoughts on both of those stories coming up on the lockdown Savers

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Hire you need indeed sney Joe debiasi back here on the locked on Sabers podcast the lock on Mom and Pop uh shop podcast uh we are encouraging you to uh check out lockdown sports today if you’re uh looking for some football coverage they’ve launched the first ever National Sports 247

Streaming Channel on YouTube check them out top Sports stories of the day with the local Experts of lock on plus our national shows covering every league so it’s not just football it could be uh Joel embi scoring 70 points the other night uh lots of NBA stuff happening uh

The Tre Blazers for instance are uh protesting a victory last night in a really interesting story a loss I should say uh check lock on sports today on YouTube out and subscribe to the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel sabes and Kings coming your way

Okay so this game if you thought the Ducks game was late last night for a 10 o’clock puck drop this game I mean especially for me someone that gets up super early in the morning no chance I’m even making it to puck drop I will definitely watch this game tomorrow morning not tonight

10:40 puck drop it says 10:30 on the schedule there is some sort of ceremony going on for the Kings so you’re looking at a 1040 even maybe 10:45 puck drop for Sabers and Kings which means if you are one of those die hards that’s watching every minute of every game you’re

Staying up through past 1 1:00 a.m. tonight so God bless again if you’re uh if you’re doing that and I hope that it goes better for you tonight than it did for the Ducks game but hey the way the Sabres have operated this year they’re

The type of team that loses to the Ducks and then beats the Kings the next night the kings are not a bad team but the kings are going through a very bad stretch the Kings have lost eight of their last 10 however four of those eight losses have been in overtime they

Are 2213 and n on the season very strong team they’ve always had good fiveon five stats even when they haven’t been winning playoff series in the past couple of years this year no different they’re a very good possession team they’re always a team that is great at again Puck possession but they don’t

Have the the highest quality of goal scorer they don’t have the elite offensive talent and that really holds them back from being a dominant team in the league they’re a solid team you know what you’re going to get out of the Kings for the most part every night I

Know again this stretch would say otherwise uh in the last couple of weeks weeks but the kings are a team that you know they probably make the playoffs and nobody in the world would expect them to go on a deep playoff run Kevin fiala their leading scorer by the way 41

Points in 44 games Adrien Kee an kopar those are the top three scorers all good players but copar this point at 36 and then kempe and fiala like that’s fine they’re good players but they don’t have that Elite forward um and they don’t have that Elite defenseman anymore

Either because Drew Dow’s taking a step back so they lack the Elite Talent that the true contenders really need so can the Sabers win this game of course they can however the kings are favored in a big way minus 192 on the money line for

This game the Sabers are at plus 158 we don’t have uh line rushes at this point in time for the Sabers game at time of recording but what I can tell you is that Devon Levi is fully expected to get back between the pipes for the Sabres as

Uka peka Lucan and started last night so Levi in goal for the sabes it is not known yet who will start for the king the Kings as I mentioned they’re top six filled with good players but no Elite Talent Top Line an kopar Adrian Kee Pierre Luke Dubois solid players Puck

Possession players physical players second line Philip Doo Kevin fiala Trevor Moore that’s a good top six that you shouldn’t be terrified of them though but they are the type of team that can really smother the Sabers last year if you remember the Kings and Sabres played I think it was two

Scoreless periods and the Sabers were having a really tough time breaking through it this was at home in the about the middle of the year and then the third period happened the Sabers scored a goal to go up one- nothing and then the Kings had to kind of break out of

Their shell defensively and play an up and down style and they got boat raced Sabers won the game six to nothing if I remember right and that’s what’s got to happen in this game for the Sabres to win you got to score right away pull them out of that defensive shell that

They love to to retreat into uh in net you’re looking at Cam talbet and David ridic not the best goalie Cambo uh combo for what they have uh going right now that is healthy um Phoenix Copley actually has played a few games for them this year also but he will definitely

Not start tonight he’s been dealing with an injury uh Victor arson by the way also out with an injury for La my sneaky parlay of the day comes with a Sabers plus one and a half against the spread again I’m gonna go Sabers plus one and a half because I don’t feel confident

Enough to pick them to win but because they’re weird and because they do sometimes win games immediately after they Lo lost the game that they should have won uh I’m going to go with the Sabers on the puck line and the Kings struggles as of late is another reason

Why I feel a little more confident saying the Sabers won’t lose by two or more goals they’ll at least keep it close to a one-goal game I’m going to go under six and a half in this game uh the Sabres have been playing better defensively as of late they’re still not

Scoring themselves I don’t trust the Sabers to score enough to go over six and a half and I don’t like the Kings offensively enough to go over six and a half so to me two teams that aren’t scoring a lot of goals lately um I’m

Going to go with under six and a half and then I’m gonna go Rasmus dalen to score a goal at plus 500 all these lines by the way available to you at FanDuel Sportsbook dalen plus 500 D’s been scoring a lot lately and he’s always out there in empty net situations so you

Could always get that cheap goal as well he’s shooting the puck more he’s shooting the puck well this year and I’m going to go Dalene plus 500 to wrap up a three leg same game parlay at plus 1423 10 to win 142 uh 100 to win 1,423 uh if you are interested another

Timeout here when we come back to wrap things up a couple of round the league uh stories that I want to get into including NHL expansion and a pretty high-profile sexual assault case that pertains to the National Hockey League and Hockey Canada um and there’s news on

That too so stay tuned here on the lock on Sabers podcast we are presented here on the show by sleeper it is past the halfway point of the year it’s not going well for our Buffalo Sabers but regardless of that want to remind you you could win big by playing daily

Fantasy hockey and sleeper the official daily fantasy app of the locked on NHL Network sleeper are number one choice for daily fantasy sports especially daily fantasy hockey because with sleeper you can win 100 times your cash in Daily fantasy hockey contests check out players that are you know look Jeff

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Details and locational availability final segment here on the lock on Sabers podcast thanks for making us your first listen every day all right two big news stories in the NHL and we’re going to start um with the more serious of the two and it’s one that the

News dropped on first and then weirdly coincidentally and I hope not on purpose because it would be disgusting if it was on purpose we had Utah NHL expansion news that was dropped immediately after this almost to you know you I hope again not to distract us from the the serious

News here which is that Hockey Canada is facing a scandal five members of the 2018 Canadian junior hockey team are facing ing sexual assault charges uh players who have not been charged yet and we do not know the identity of yet officially have been given according to

London Ontario Police a set period of time to present themselves at London Police Headquarters uh a couple of sources had that Rick westad TSN um The Globe and Mail up in Canada had this story as well this is a very it’s a gross story because of some of the

Details of this young woman involved and the 2018 uh Canadian World Junior Team and what we know so far is that this is going to happen in the next couple of days and we don’t know for sure but there are some players around the league that coincidentally were on that

Team and are taking leave of absences it’s hard not to tie two and two together it feels like pretty easy to do it so yesterday Flyers goenda did this the Flyers announced an extended leave of absence for their starting goal tender Carter har he was on that 2018 Canadian

World Junior Team today the Devils announced that Michael McLoud and Cal foot have also taken leave of absences no other details provided but Michael McLoud and Cal foot were on that Canadian World Junior Team so again hard to not put two and two together that those three players could very well be

Three of the five that whole team for the most part is filled with NHL players so this is big story in the NHL and if there is enough evidence to show that these allegations are true then I really hope that not just the authorities up in Canada take action because of course

They will um I hope the NHL takes action as well they have not gotten it right on situations like this that you know this is even more serious but seian VAR LOF former Islanders goenda valan go tender believe he was on Colorado at the time had been found to have committed

Domestic violence or was accused of committing death domestic violence a few years ago and the NHL did nothing about it pretty much nothing about it now in other instances they have Slava voof for instance um I believe is one example where he I don’t think has played in the

NHL since he also had a domestic violence incident this is sexual assault so I’m not comparing the two but it’s off I issues that are grotesque disgusting and I think should bar players from playing in the National Hockey League for if not the rest of their lives at least at least a very

Long extended period of time so if these three and two more are found to have done this then they shouldn’t play in the National Hockey League anymore they should definitely not play in the National Hockey League anymore so we’ll see what comes of it we’ll see if they’re officially named here and who

The other two players might be as well but it’s a big story that everybody should keep an eye on for sure and then on a less serious note but on a big business news front for the NHL the league sent a statement out today talking about Utah and Salt Lake City

Becoming a new Target for expansion or maybe replacing another team the NHL said they appreciate the interest expressed by Smith Entertainment Group to bring NHL hockey to Utah they’ve had conversations they’re impressed um and not only Utah is a hockey Market but a sports market and there was also

Statement made from Smith Entertainment Group again this this is the group trying to bring NHL team to Salt Lake City there’s an arena being built there to get ready for the Winter Olympics that are coming in about 10 years so they’re going to have the arena for it

That’s a growing market so Market wise you know they’re comparable to other small town NHL teams and maybe are even growing faster so it makes sense there they’re a good sports town we only have one example of that but they support the Utah Jazz in a big way and do a great

Job of it so in all those areas feels like it would work and I’m not surprised the NHL would be going for this the NHL Revenue wise does not isn’t growing the same way that other sports are so what’s one big way that those owners make money expansion

Fees massive hundreds of million of dollars expansion fees and if they can get another owner to give them $300 500 million they split between the 30 owners of course I’m not going to anticipate they’re going to do anything different it is interesting to ponder though

What’s the Line in the Sand on how many teams they would want or is there no Line in the Sand because this would be 33 and what what what is again what would they stop at is 34 okay is 35 okay in 35 years am I going to be looking at

A 35 Team league a 40 Team league does it ever end I don’t know if there is A Line in the Sand maybe there isn’t I’ve always thrown out there that my idea for a 40 team NHL where you split the two 20 and 20 an NHL and NHL B and that’s how

We get a relegation in North American Sports I know that’s never going to happen by the way just in case you’re wondering um but we could start talking Utah uh team names um the bees I saw was thrown out there The Hive because they’re really big on that the Mustangs

Was another one so you know we can have some fun with that I think probably a few years away the other thing to keep an eye on because of the statement from Smith Entertainment Group that basically said they already have an arena ready to go while the new arena is being built in

Case and I believe it’s the Utah Jazz’s Arena that they have ready right now they can take on a team right now if need be it’s the sentiment that they possess they didn’t name names but we all know that was a message to the Arizona Coyotes Utah and their ownership

Group that wants to bring a team there basically called out the Arizona Coyotes to say if you don’t get your bleep together and find an arena deal as you’re still playing in Arizona States facilities and don’t have a deal ink with in any ink on it yet then we’re

Gonna step up we’re g to take your team and the longer the coyotes go without grabbing an arena deal I think the NHL becomes more and more likely to say you know yotes we gave you 15 years to figure out a stable ownership group and a stable Arena deal you couldn’t do

It we’re going to end this for now forever and we’re just going to Salt Lake City where we have an owner and an arena that’s on the way and we have a a good arena for now a better Arena than you have for now and a new one on the

Way I really wonder if the NHL pushes for that if they finally say enough’s enough coyotes you’re going to Salt Lake City could see that I don’t know are coyotes native to Salt Lake City maybe you could keep the team even all right it’s it for us joy Sabers and Kings if

You’re the man if you’re staying up for it I will not be awake on the text line join sub lockdowns saers if you want to sign up but I’ll be reading through them uh the next morning and I’ll read some of them on the show as

You guys react to uh whatever happens tonight so thanks for listening here in the lockdown Sabers podcast making us your first listen every day make sure you go make your next listen if you’re interested in the NFL playoffs coming up or what’s going on in hockey or basketball locked on sports today the

First ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel on YouTube subscribe to him on YouTube and wherever you get your podcast we’ll talk to you tomorrow after Sabers and kings and please please after a Sav

The Sabres dropped a bad loss to a bad team in the Anaheim Ducks, which has Sneaky Joe ranting about the state of the Sabres. Inaction that stretches back years by General Manager Kevyn Adams leads today’s show, including an amazing list of the Sabres acquisitions since the Jack Eichel trade. Are the Sabres run like a mom and pop shop?

Plus, a preview of Sabres-Kings, and Sneaky Joe’s takes on the Hockey Canada sexual assault story and NHL expansion in Utah.

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  1. Fairly easy for a woman to make a false allegation and no one will question it. The judiciary and the law favors women and punishes men both in the family courts and in the criminal courts. Innocent until proven guilty.

  2. I watched the entire game , what an embarassment! 55 mins no passion, no emotion no heart and no effort! Team is SOFT and a joke! Fire Granato & D coach Marty Wilford asap , but we all know Adams will bring back Granato and his coaching staff next oct as Adams will say the team regressed which is common for young teams to do! If this happens i wont be going to any games !
    Pegulas needs to open his wallet and hire some experienced coaches . Adams IMO is safe for now .

  3. Sabres saved my parlay at the end though. I needed over 5.5 goals and skinner, thompson, and dalhin to have 2 shots on net. Skinner didn't even get a shot till like 8 minutes left hahaha

  4. I feel sorry for you Joe. You have to keep paying attention to this team. As for me, I am out. I am 65 and have watched the Sabres from the beginning but this is the worst year ever. Part of that is due to the expectations we had at the beginning of the year.

    I've watched the Sabres in Buffalo, Pittsburg, Columbus, Dallas, and Chicago. For years I have lived away from Buffalo but I always get the NHL package so I can see the games.

    I don't even know if I'll be back if they turn things around.

    This will probably be my last time watching your show too. Sorry about that.

  5. I don't know how people are still spending money on this team or spending their time going to games. They don't deserve it, the entire organization is a laughing stock, ask any hockey fan out there, the Sabres are a joke.

    Would rather the team not exist over what it is now, a laughing stock.

    Sell the team Pegula.

  6. Remember when we all thought that cap room was to make a move during the season… nope it's staying in Terry's pocket. They're keep all those pucker and prospects cuz they don't ever plan on spending money.

  7. Timo Meier sucks lol, he was a NO show in the playoffs and this year can’t score at all. Jacob Chick-Run can’t play D, lol. Glad we got neither of those clowns

  8. LoL.. gave the boys the 1st, when they're down after that, its game over. What a disappointing squad of overpaid cream puffs.

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