@Calgary Flames

Most of the league right now.

Most of the league right now.

by Comfortable-Ad-7158


  1. Aelivs_xv_

    Office space never gets enough love. Someone give this man an award!

  2. padma_Iakshmi

    Yes I’ve especially noticed a lot of Oilers flared users who seem particularly excited about the prospect of Dube being involved in this horrible incident. Just sad all around

  3. PrarieDogma

    Yeah it’s pretty crazy the amount of people just saying that he’s a part of it without letting it all play out.

  4. Scary_Importance_196

    The only conclusion I’m jumping to is that the Oilers have 5 new players in a few months.

  5. Geoffers84

    Wow Flames fans will do anything to protect their team and the POS owner.

    It’s a hell of a coincidence if it’s true. But using “mental health” as a shield is disgusting.

    Yes I believe the Flames are capable of something that low.

  6. JRAS-3010

    Personally I will reserve my judgements until due process is carried out. That being said, there have been several posts and comments on this sub attacking Evander Kane for allegations that were proven false in an American court which is notoriously bias against men. We have all seen them. There is no moral high ground here

  7. Bob-Loblaw-Blah-

    Dube is either a witness or he’s getting charged.

    If he wasn’t, we would certainly know by now. The silence is deafening in cases such as this where they can only make a statement if there is no wrong doing, versus something that hasn’t officially been released and is confidential until the charges are made.

  8. UniqueBar7069

    All we know is that Edmonton is salivating at the thought of signing these guys.

  9. habulous74

    There’s not many conclusions to jump to after a lengthy investigation and formal criminal charges.

  10. DistributionSilly597

    CHARgED Only on D. Dube not others in the team???

  11. GuestUser1982

    I love how quickly this sub attacked the oilers for signing Perry, but are now praying to god that the Flames were trying to soften the blow when Dube gets arrested for a gang rape.

  12. _6siXty6_

    I believe victims, but I also believe in innocent until proven guilty. We don’t know all the facts.

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