@Pittsburgh Penguins

DK’s Daily Shot of Penguins: Time for a change?

Is it time for a change? As in, a really, really big change? As in, right now?

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  1. Hahaha! Swallow some pride and just play better? lol That's the fix? If that was going to ever happen on a consistent basis, it would have happened by now. I think they have a better chance of getting Malkin to stand in front of the net on PP's, or trading Carter for Ovechkin than they do in climbing inside these player heads and hearts and doing a character and mindset transplant.

  2. If what you are essentially saying is there is no fix Dubas or Sullivan can offer, and this is as good as it gets, then you have to be conscience enough to realize that after this season, they'll have to start gutting the team of pieces that aren't getting them the results needed to win a cup with Crosby, have no benefit to it's future, and start building towards it. Of course they'll have to do it in a way that won't make Sid simply quit on the team now and after his contract expires to finish it career somewhere else, but aside from that, there's no reason to keep pushing this stone up the hill with a big figurative fork in their backs. They're done.

  3. At this point, I’d try as many WBS pens as possible. Need to try some different guys out. Nylander leads the WBS in points bring him back

  4. Well your right about jake but chances are he will sign elswhere in the o ff season so basically don't trade him now because maybe we will make the playoffs

  5. The coach keeps saying "Not good enough, we need to do this better, we need to stop doing this and that." But nothing changes.

  6. I think this is a Dubus problem. How many of his acquisitions have worked out great? The team player composition is just wrong, and it's been wrong for years now. Dubus acquired the kinds of players the Pens already had, rather than the kinds of players they actually need..

  7. Nah they need to start fresh with a new coaching staff. Sullivan the last 4-5 years will never hold any of the stars accountable and will never sit them if they make game altering mistakes. Wake up the team with a coaching change, trade Jake for a similar deal for PLD that brings in roster players and prospects/picks, basically a rebuild on the fly that gives us a roster player or two. Gives us a fresh start and a roster shake up to set us up for the rest of the season and the next few seasons

  8. Thanks DK. Just me, but I think they need two good defensemen that have speed and good endurance. Third period comes around and the win walks out the door. Go to W.B. bring in some good players to challenge the starters. How is Braden Yager coming along DK ? Just wanting to know. Great show DK

  9. Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

    Dubas turned over half the roster. Karlsson looks uncharacteristically mediocre. Smith looks uncharacteristically mediocre (when he's healthy). Acciari has turned into a pacifist. The powerplay would be outclassed by a peewee dek hockey team at a YMCA. Yet, Sullivan is God's gift to hockey.

    I don't know that a coaching change would cure all that ails the Pens. But for that to be completely off the table is lunacy. I wish I had a job where I could get these kind of results, and still have people worship the ground I walked on.

  10. I fear that, at this point, even if someone created hybrid of Scotty Bowman and Herb Brooks in a lab and hired it to coach the Penguins nobody on the team would listen to him.

  11. With their top end collective hockey talent and experience you'd think it would be easy for them to adjust. But maybe they are like thoroughbreds or a breed of dog that you can only slightly alter what they instinctually can do. What got them to this position in their careers is about all they can do.

  12. I've watched almost all the Penguins games this year and I haven't seen the stats but it looks to me that Malkin turns the puck over as much or more than anyone. Maybe put him on the third line to shake things up. If the Pens miss the playoffs and maybe even if they do make it, I think Malkin might have to go next year, or trade him now. And Crosby needs to shoot more especially on the power play.

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