@Washington Capitals

Maxim Lapierre Faces


  1. your 35 y/o minor leaguer had 26 pts in 59 games last year! but hey, you can take Lapierre!

  2. @Jeemdify darche plays what? 15 mins a game ? lappy plays 5-7 and is more then 2 times effective then darche.

    lappy = 4th line centre and 2nd unit PK, brought in for size speed faceoffs and grit.

    THE only reason darche, a career ahler is in the NHL is because he is french, so it automatically makes him " better" in francophones eyes.

    darche is afraid of his own shadow, seriously this isnt even a discussion.

  3. @MacGyverinSpace And like the LOSER he is and always will be; LOST and made an ass out of himself ( as usual ) in front of a world wide audience. Some things NEVER change…….

    Have a nice day

  4. @stephen2767 It's pretty much the most appropriate comment when discussing this gutless turd……

    But thank you for feeling the need to respond to me in my inbox.
    You have a nice day now……..

  5. @LOKISlog7 there are plenty of gutless players in the league, you hate playing against them, but your team loves them and they help you win. Hate him or love him, he helps the team and is a great centre

  6. @izzybizzyliz you're into cowards with no guts and no shame who wear dress clothes and don't know how to wipe their ass!

  7. @nkmcfrln Geez, I wonder? Because I hate cowards with no guts and no shame who wear dress clothes and don't know how to wipe their ass like Maxim Lapierre. Character and guts ended up winning the Stanley Cup last season and I'm not a Bruins fan. The guy you love is a piece of shit that hides behind people. This is the sort of person I hate the most and the exact opposite of myself and the people that I love. Anybody who finds him even appealing can go to hell. He's not even a good pest.

  8. It's amazing how fickle sports fans can be, including myself. I used to hate this guy, but now that he plays for the Canucks, I love him.

  9. I know he wasn't the best player in Montreal but honestly i miss him , because he made it so funny , but still hes with my second fav team Canucks ,

  10. So many faces…would love to punch every one of them to a bloody pulp. Wow…I feel better…I'm going to plant some flowers.

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