@Buffalo Sabres

Gameday : Sabres @ Kings – Pregame Thoughts & Rant

Gameday : Sabres @ Kings – Pregame Thoughts & Rant

Hi good evening all the boys are in Los Angeles tonight to try and get their self-respect back coming Up I’m not going to start breaking things down guys or going over numbers or anything in this video I’ll give you a bit of a rundown to last game they just don’t look like they care under this coach anymore they just don’t and um for those of you that want to keep

Granado around you’re probably like you probably want him because he’s a nice guy it’s not it’s sure as hell isn’t because of the results cuz we’re not getting them with this coach anymore there’s nothing happening this is a nothing happening team and uh this is a game that again guys you seen yesterday

I’m going to talk about the kings in a sec but I’m talking to Ducks game cuz I didn’t do a post game and I could have done one earlier today what’s the point I might as well just throw two in one here and and talk briefly with you guys

About both of these situations I guess you could call them it’s you know I it was so frustrating yesterday that I I just didn’t care I didn’t care because I know that we have a general manager who knows what he’s doing but he’s too much of an ass kiss when it comes

To people he works around and and and and and people that work for him he’s not going to have the guts to get rid of Granado he’s just not going to do it we don’t have he doesn’t have that killer instinct Adams he’s too much of a buck

Kiss and he’s just going to say that you know that that whatever the team’s growing or whatever excuse he’ll make I I watched this game yesterday and it was like it’s disgusting what I’m watching I’m watching a team that for two and a half periods didn’t

Give a damn at all didn’t give a damn really the newer guys that have joined this team care more that’s what it feels like and now what what happens the kids have cashed in and what they’re going to leave us with this like come on now they

Got to get a coaching here guys that’s going to wake up this team and and Granado’s not it so as long as grenado is our coach I don’t think we’ll ever see playoff hockey ever ever really uh I’m I’m at that point now with Granado

I’m I’m done with him I I just am I I always had his back I did you know regardless of the fact that he’s kind of a whuss coach when it comes to teaching a team to play all of hockey you know he just wanted to teach them the transition

And I bitched about it for years with you guys on this channel I bitched about it for years this is the end result right now right here yesterday and what we’re going to get tonight this is what you call a non-physical team what it becomes eventually there you go for those of you

That think hitting wasn’t important enjoy because it’s not going to be a fun ride from this point on it’s only going to get worse it’s how I feel guys anyway let’s talk about the Kings they’re in Los Angeles tonight could they win yeah everybody’s beating the Kings right now that you

Know but the Kings have caught us at the right time it’s not that we just caught them at the right time they’ve caught us at the right time it seems this Sabers team just they don’t have the guts guys they don’t have the guts to play hard they

Try to play talented and in this league there’s a lot of talent in this league overall every team in this era yes it’s a soft League now but yes it’s a talented League now too you don’t have a league like back years ago where there

Was three or four or five teams in the league pretty much guaranteed to win every time you run into them unless you really have an off night in this game that we play now take a look at yesterday even the worst of the worst can get you if you’re not on your game

And the Sabers didn’t find their game to what 5 minutes left and then what we’re going to we’re going to put a barrage of shots and chances then are you kidding me I I I didn’t care they lost yesterday and they got my hopes up they were going

To tie but shame on me really I I shouldn’t have cared I should have shut the game when it was 3 to2 and not even watched that’s what I should have done that’s how frustrated I am with this team right now I can’t even watch

Granado in pre or post games I will not watch this man no more I won’t okay I’m up to here with with Don Granado I’m up to here I I’m done I’m done with them I don’t care if the team gets on a five-game winning streak I’m done with Granado I’m

Done we need to get rid of him them and I don’t think they’re going to I don’t think the Sabers are even going to come close to getting rid of them and this is where maybe Pula has to step in and fire everybody again I don’t care how

Unhealthy it is I don’t care how unstable it is fire everybody again getting guy get in the right GM and get in the right coach that is not going to have any Mercy on these guys and be hard as rock on these guys and expect 100%

Out of these guys night in night out no matter what and if we can’t I I mean what are we going to do cradle these guys oh we don’t want to hurt their feelings I mean give me a break guys no no they’ve got to do something

And they got to do it now and if they if if if we believe that Granado’s the answer behind the bench a guy that doesn’t teach a team how to hit or play with any grit then you had never played hockey you’re just a fan you never played

Competitive hockey if you believe that’s the right way to go cuz it’s not it’s not you’re in a war when you put on your skates you’re not in a game you’re in a war and you got to go out there and defeat your opponent by any means possible any means possible

Whether it be intimidation Mind Games whatever it is you’ve got to get into their heads and rip it apart get into them and rip your opponent apart just do it and this team isn’t close to that guys they’re not close to it I knew this was coming like I I

Didn’t know it was coming this year but I knew like this this whole nonphysical team thing was going to backfire eventually I knew it and now they can’t sneak their way out of it anymore now they can’t you know do their little Dilly dle on the ice and get their nice pretty

Little goals and convince the fans anymore they can’t they’re confronted with the issue which is the way it should be you want to become a team let’s say like the Bruins one day a franchise like that imitate what they do the Bruins don’t have a ton of hits

This year but they’re capable of knocking any team on their ass on any given night if they’re in the mood we’re not Sabers don’t have the guts guys they just don’t have the guts this year and and the talent’s there the rebuild is going smoothly it is regardless of the

Record this year it’s going smoothly but the attention to detail by our general manager and our coach sucks it sucks okay I don’t know what happened Kevin Adams played in the NHL did he not remember there used to be a thing called body checks like there there’s too much

Of this team that there’s no grit there’s no sandpaper this is the end result this is it and a soft organization becomes a losing organization and last year yeah sure we caught the league off guard sure we’re talented team We’re Young talented team but maybe we were hiding behind our

Power play a little too much last year if you think about it Tage looks uninterested like he we need and it’s it’s weird cuz T looked like he was snapping out of it and now he looks li dah you got to get a coach in there guys

That’s going to get into these guys heads I want to get a coach on this team that the players don’t like when I hear players like a coach like Granado that worries a a guy like me cuz don’t you remember how much all the players like Krueger do you guys remember that yeah

Remember Jack EO was talking like oh my God he’s amazing come on he’s amazing then you hear torella all the hate he gets from players and everything well look at his teams how hard they work okay I want a team like that I want a team like the Philadelphia Flyers

Guys we’re better than them but do we work as hard as them not even close we need to get a coach guys behind this bench soon are we’re going to be bottom 16 for the next 5 years I again I think this is just it’s too much for me at

This point guys it just is you know in my head it’s too much it’s too much losing so like they’ve got to do something and the organization needs to wake up now right now and I’m not just talking in this game tonight big deal if they win big deal the team’s not capable

Of a winning streak under this coach and you know what I can’t stand is when I go to the saber’s website guys okay when I go to their website oh well this is what you need to know before the game and this guy well oh he’s coming back he’s

Out till Tuesday and like who gives a [ __ ] about this stuff do you guys really care about that do you really is this the age we’re in like honestly because I don’t I care about wins and losses I don’t care about all that crap it just drives me nuts how how how

We duck we duck the real issues this organization we duck the real issues like are we going to pretend it’s okay to be a bottom six team again and not fire these guys CU I’ll tell you what if Granado doesn’t get fired then we got to get rid of Adams

Too we got to get rid of both of them both of them out thanks for your work you help stabilize things to a degree out you go and bring in a Gala and somebody that has general manager experience you know we I we can talk about that another time but we need to

Make a coaching change now and if we don’t make a coaching change now guys we don’t have much of a GM that’s where I stand with all this I’m going to leave it there I’m ranting sorry about that we’ll see what the boys do today I’ll be watching I’ll be rooting

Them on they’re my team I love my team no matter what I’ve got my uh football to worry about this weekend but right now the Sabers are my they’re they’re my number one sports team even over the 49ers I I I’m blue and gold the way I

Bleed guys I I do I bleed red and gold too but for me blue and gold come before red and gold it’s just the way it is with me my hockey team has always been my favorite team all my life so and to watch this organization become what

It’s become is killing the inside guys it just is it’s it’s heartbreaking to watch this team accept losing again they’re accepting it and that’s on Adams and Gren get them out of here that’s where I stand right now see you guys Soon

In this video thoughts as the boys looked terrible last night and where they are headed now?? ..thanks for watching 🦬
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‘Khatchaturian Sabre Dance’ was licensed and purchased from Audio Micro (License #U269T3409)


  1. They all got their contracts, why should they care? A GM paid players that didnt prove themselves and now we see the real players.

  2. They're playing like they can't wait to golf all summer. Listless, emotionless, leaderless, nothing close to desperation. Just a bunch of overpaid individuals floating around collecting a paycheck. It's embarrassing being a Sabres fan these days. Replacing Granato would be a start but the problems go way deeper than just him.

  3. Good one Wayne. Sabres have amassed young talented players who have learned how to float and lose. Too many bunny rabbits not enough tigers on this club. Coaching change aside, the Sabres need real leadership and grit. This club hasn't had REAL leadership since Miller and Ott were traded. They need some tigers. Aggressive on the puck, high motor players who hate to lose and will call their team mates out. The answer is to fire the coach and ship the bunny rabbits out. Compete, skill AND physical play: That's Buffalo Sabres hockey! Kevyn Adams the ball is in your hands.

  4. Management is a bunch of @#$$%ies !!!!!! From the top-down. What kind of organization just sits back this like ? This is the NHL . GMKA DO SOMETHING MAJOR !!!!! WE CAP , WE HAVE PIPELINE , WE HAVE A GOOD YOUNG TALENT CORE.🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 DONNIE ASAP. HE ISN'T THE GUY . HE LOST THE ROOM. AND CULTURE IS IN Jeopardy. I'm wondering who wants out next ? Who else is going to lose their love for hockey ???????

  5. Just hope that if Adams cans Granato, that they can immediately bring in a guy with experience. Not some boob, lame duck interim coach

  6. Wayne, I was there. I live in So Cal and watch the Sabres every year they come out here, and they are more pathetic than the tank years.

    Lethargic, disinterested, no hitting no trying to get open … I isolated on Cozens and was disgusted by his lack of interest.

    BUT! I have a new favorite Sabre …Mattias Samuelsson….that $#@#%^ dove and blocked two slap shots during the 3-0 deficit and they HURT. He was the only Sabre out there that really seemed to care.

    And Wayne, Granato MUST go! These wimps have no fear of him, no grit, no sandpaper, no effort … I would love a coach who is 49% butt hole, instead of the nicest coach in the history of the NHL.

    The Duck fans near me were laughing at the Sabres tripping and falling and losing pucks.

    UPL kept it from 7-0. He was outstanding.

  7. The interviews with Granato on the bench and Tage between periods last night said it all,they looked lost almost shell-shocked

  8. There’s no FIRE in them!! You look at their faces during the game and NONE of them have an angry or determined look on their faces. And that starts with the coach. If he can’t get these guys to play mad and desperate, he lost them!

    That goes for all of them, except maybe Benson. That kid plays like a Honey Badger most nights!

  9. Love the Rant! Im with you Wayne FIRE Granato and D coach Marty Wilford asap and hire Gallant and DJ Smith as D coach but, I have a bad feeling that Pegulas-Adams will stick with Granato and his coaching staff all season and into next season because Adams will say the team regressed which young teams do , just like Colorado did a few years ago!
    Last nights game was a JOKE! It was an embarassment! Zero passion , no heart , no urgency and no effort until the last 5 mins!

  10. The season isn't over, but this team has taken the elevator that leads to the basement, not the penthouse. I'm going to say, once again, that the hate for Okposo and Girgensons is unwarranted. Game in and game out, these two are putting in the effort.

  11. I think Adams has been ineffective as well in doing deals. Only 14 trades since the Jack Eichel deal, the only noteable addition being Jordan Greenway, the rest is half us shipping players for nothing at all or us taking on millions in dead cap space for 5th 6th 7th rounders. Example, Jonhney boychuck 6 million, Ben Bishop 4 million for NOTHING. Why do favors for GMs when the likely hood of them being around to cash in the favor is slim to none.

  12. Thanks for making these videos. Don’t plan on watching the games anymore this year. I’ll get my Sabres fix here

  13. I saw the first goal last night and told my son I was going to bed. I said they are going to lose they look like crap. I was right. I've seen enough hockey in my 54 years. We aren't doing anything to improve this team. Adams is a pansy and Pegula should sell the team.

  14. The HC isn't supposed to be their friend. I gave the boys the 1st frame, when they give up the 1st goal.. I'm out bc it's over. Overpaid cream puffs. The szn is effectively over. How disappointing 😞

  15. Peterka had a sweet goal in the game and draws another penalty but wasn’t on the PP, Okposo was out lol. This team is a joke. Fire the coach…Peterka has drawn 18 penalties this year MOST on the team.

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