@Montreal Canadiens

On The Habs Rebuild…

Nhl montreal canadiens rebuild has been in effect for over 2 years now, of course centered around cole caufield nick suzuki juraj slafkovsky but with the trade deadline fast approaching, things will get very interesting in terms of habs news and trade rumors. For recaps plus reactions to nhl highlights today , hockey news, funny moments usually mic’d up or on-ice mishaps and coverage mostly on the toronto maple leafs edmonton oilers and vancouver canucks but also covering all 32 teams this season including montreal canadiens game highlights of course. I also want to make a martin st louis and kent hughes habs culture specific video, so keep an eye out for that. Nhl hockey 2024

#nhl #hockey #montrealcanadiens


  1. Lol how long are the Habs gonna be in “rebuild” mode? How long are their fans gonna be in denial? I guess it’s easier to deflect and claim “rEbUiLd” instead of facing the facts that your favourite team isn’t good and has no direction.

  2. Well done on the Hockey Canada video. It’s refreshing to see a content creator be objective and take their time as opposed to rushing a video out for views (cough cough eck cough).

  3. Everyones so quick to take out their pitchforks and torches. Just because someone takes a leave of absence doesn't mean they are guilty. WAIT FOR THE CHARGES TO BE DROPPED before assuming shit. It's so frustrating how no one these days understands innocent until proven guilty.

  4. It's so sad people are so sensitive about that. It's the whole, "Don't talk about what I'm talking about" syndrome again.

  5. Yes, thank you. It's fully this. Martin Saint-Louis has been amazing so far in what was the number one requisite of his position from Gorton and Hugues : Developping the young core and turn the extended young core into either true potential keepers or valuable enough trade assets.

  6. Playing a large bulk of the year with half of your top 9 out of the line up and a very young D core is a recipe for any team to struggle. With so many injuries the last couple years we really don’t know what this current team even looks like.

  7. Theres no reason why Caufield and Suzuki have a bad culture to me. Caufield played last year 46 games when realistically he should've only played 20 with his injury. But because they were battling for the playoffs Caufield stayed. To me, this is a team that's very competitive without injury. We seen it in the last two seasons. Even without Dach they were 5-2-2 in their 1st 9 top 5 in the league and last year were around-above .500 for 30ish games.

  8. Available to the public, bah hum bug. You get information directly from the NHL players and administration.the throbbing and your assistance to you tomorrow at 16 00 is from the NHL that they are wicked and then golddigger girlfriend, but I have to do it again and again and again

  9. St Louis jumps from minor league teams to the NHL, wow Joel bouche hard is available, 6 on 3 genius, montant beau travail a domicile et suivi personnalisé de scolarisation des enfants.

  10. The message in this video is so relevant that I support it 100%.
    If the Habs were to ascend north, the experience of the series would be valuable for the young players, but if the southern trajectory continues and the team remains united and positive, the quality of the reconstruction will be increased.
    1- trade of two or three veterans for picks or young prospects
    2- a better position in the draft.
    PS: let's imagine Cayden Lindstrom in the Habs holy flannel 😮Wow!

  11. Once Gally and Anderson's contract expire. that's gonna be 12M of cap space free. With that, we can either get more depth or finally get that guy to put with Suzuki & Caufield. No offence to Slaf but I think he's more of a 2nd line than 1st.

  12. Sorry to bust your bubble @johnnyhawkey but the bell center has lester and not lafleur hot-dogs :/

  13. habs rebuild is a joke, like you're gonna win in the playoffs with caufield, suzuki, hutson and all these soft players, hughes' drafting is terrible as well lol

  14. I applaud your sensibility in taking down the video. Great judgement and truly refreshing in a culture of views and subs.

  15. Marty St. Louis is a friend of mine . I was a Zamboni driver when he was teaching Stick handling lessons with Some UVM players at the Turrcotte Hockey Camp in Burlington VT before he signed with CALGARY .
    Nobody has the demeanor and work ethic that he has .
    He's got a knack for telling you what you did right and or wrong that reaches an even keel and puts you at ease .
    If Marty decided to stop Coaching and be a REF , he'd probably wind up in the HHOF as a REF too .

  16. Edmonton doesnt want a goalie from montreal … Habs fans keep pushing the thought of a trade when we already have 2 solid goalies with a 3rd getting his game back in the minors. campbell has rebounded to a .925% anc will be back in net for the playoffs. Stu has been a .950% for the past 30 games. Pickard has a .906 sv%. Allen in his career has been .910 its just not worth it for us. Were better off with stu, campbell and pickard.

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