@Vancouver Canucks

PSA: How you look commenting on other subs’ game threads

Please stop, keep it on the r/hockey game thread if you feel the need to vent

by Se406


  1. thesunsetflip

    Almost as bad as “CaNuCkS FAn cOmIng iN PeaCe” then proceeding to suck off another team in their subs. I understand why we are voted as the most insufferable fanbase.

  2. pickle_milf

    As long as you’re respectful there shouldn’t be a problem though. Brigading is the issue.

  3. JerbearCuddles

    Canucks fan coming in peace 😀

    On the real though, who cares. Interacting with other fans is fun. Keep it friendly.

  4. Talinn_Makaren

    I don’t post here very often because I’m worried about being that clown. 🙁 I’m a bandwagon clown.

  5. CaNuCkS fAn CoMiNg In PeAcE – WhAt a GrEaT gAmE yOu GuYs PlAyEd ToNiGhT. lOoK fOwArD tO a ReMaTcH iN tHe PoSt SeAsOn!1

  6. jackfrench9

    Plot twist – the person posting this is a Jets fan

  7. I lurk opposing team subs after we win. I NEVER post there. Lurking is good enough for me lmao 😂

  8. International_Pen478

    CaNuCKS fAN CoMiNGi N PeACEe..

    We ArE bACk tO BeINg mOSt hAtEd fANszZ lOolZz SoRrY

    These, and hijacking other discussions are annoying as hell.

  9. Griswaldthebeaver

    I’m obviously in the minority here but I post in other teams subs sometimes.

    I find it a really good way to get their perspectives, which can be really interesting sometimes.

    Only really had a bad experience on the Leafs sub lol

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