@Vancouver Canucks

[Jeff Paterson] asked #Canucks Tocchet about Mikheyev’s play of late. What the coach is seeing and what more he needs to see. Apparently wants Mikheyev to play more like Höglander

[Original tweet](

by truestlife


  1. dachshundie

    Mikheyev aside, glad to see that the coach is starting to really sing Hoggy’s praises. The guy works hard, and has made so many positive changes to his game this season. Can’t help but feel Tocchet is responsible for a lot of those.

    Was worried for a while he was going to be another prospect that couldn’t make that next step, but he is seemingly solidifying into a solid middle-6 guy.

    Would love for Podz to eventually get a chance to walk that same path.

  2. Loui Eriksson should have played more like Höglander.

  3. PaperMoonShine

    If he wanted Mik to be like Hoggy why is Mik on PP2 and Hoggy isnt?

  4. metrichustle

    Yeah, if Mik becomes a puckhound, whoever is on his line would greatly benefit. He needs to track down pucks with tenacity and just constantly use his speed to disrupt play. I thought the whole point of signing him was to be the Burrows of the line. First guy to the boards, puck retrieval and pass to the guy in the high slot. There’s no surprise Kuz and Petey aren’t doing great with him right now. He’s not replicating what made him successful last year.

  5. We’d never lose a game if most of the team hustled like Hög

  6. DisplacedNovaScotian

    In fairness, everyone should play more like Hoglander.

  7. hangoverpho

    Hog setting himself up as a role model to the farm team

  8. TheShadowFactory

    JPat: *gets told to his face to stop sensationalizing headlines*

    JPat immediately after: “Apparently wants Mikheyev to play more like Höglander???? 👀👀👀👀👀👀”

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