@National Hockey League

Will anyone catch Mackinnon or Kucherov for MVP?

I really hope we’ll witness a cup final with Colorado and Tampa if Vasy return healthy.

by LumbaJ4cked


  1. Biff_Tannen-43

    Doubtful, it’s a two man race and I think MacKinnon comes out on top.

  2. No one is going to catch these two. Honestly, I think this year it’s Mack’s for the taking.

  3. bored_person71

    For forwards probably these two.

    One thing I will note is that oilers are red hot skinner really turned it around his stats are 22 w out of 33 games 2 so, almost a .91 save percent after that horrible start the oilers has. Been a major part of the streaks. If he gets say 20 more starts puts up 18 quality starts puts 12 wins and keeps save above .910.

    You think he might get some consideration as the third for MVP? Especially some he’s under 100 NHL games at the moment.

    Another one that may contend is swayman in Boston.

  4. HanSolo5643

    I don’t think so. The race for MVP is down to Kucherov and MacKinnon.

  5. AmuDiamond

    You want a cup final with 2 teams who have won in the past 3 years? Pass. But I think it’s obviously a 2 man race between these 2 at this point

  6. Tintinnabulator

    If Matthews somehow pots 70+ you gotta at least put him in the debate for it. However, if either of them stay this hot and get 140+ points, it’s hard to argue against them. I can only see Kuch not getting it if Tampa falls out of the playoffs down the stretch. At that point it would be Mack’s.

  7. NickyShore

    Kucherov should be ahead imo. 26 secondary assists from MacKinnon (7 more than kuch) but I of course hope Pasta catches both

  8. If Kucherov and the Lightning don’t make the playoffs, I can’t help but think that he’ll need quite a cushion to overcome MacKinnon and maybe even Matthews if he hits 70+ goals and the Leafs make the playoffs.

    McDavid is always the wild card. If he goes off for 80+ points down the stretch and Oilers win the division after their horrible start, how is he not in the conversation?

  9. plaverty9

    Why is no one even talking about Pastrnak for MVP? He plays for the top team in the league, as in most normal years is a factor that voters look at, and he’s in third place for goals, fourth place for assists.

    Would Tampa be in playoff contention without Kucherov? Nope. Would the Bruins be where they are without Pasta? Nope.

    The Art Ross Trophy is for the leading scorer, so let’s look deeper than just goals/assists.

    Have a Hart, give it to Pasta.

  10. IAmTheBredman

    The only other guys I can see making a case for mvp are: matthews if he he scores 70 and has 110+ points, Quinn Hughes if he breaks 100 points and Vancouver stays at the top of the league, or mcdavid if he does mcjesus things for the last half of the season and catches mack.

    Otherwise I think it’s macks to lose, I know him and kuch are neck in neck, but he’s been robbed before for the hart and hasn’t really gotten much personal hardware. I can see the voters for the awards wanting to give it to him over kucherov

  11. Ca1fSlicer

    I think it’s Mack’s to lose right now but damn I gotta give it up to Kuch he has definitely been my favorite player to watch in the league not on the Avs for years. He’s a hockey artist

  12. SovietHockeyFan

    Yes, McDavid. If Connor continues his pace since Knoblauch was hired, he will win it.

  13. TopTransportation248

    It’s Mack’s for sure.

    Kuch is a power play merchant on a barely playoff team.

  14. EnigmaMoose

    If Leafs make a good run and he keeps putting up strong goals, I can see Matthews.

  15. OMG_a_Ray_Gun

    Thankful to have both Kuch and Mack on my fantasy team.

  16. CustomerAlone6438

    mackinnon should win. kucherov has 100 more shots than mcdavid and still only like 20 points more lmao.

  17. Odd_Philosopher1712

    Tampa be lucky to make the playoffs go easy on the cup talk

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