@New York Islanders

Brendan Gallagher Match Penalty against Adam Pelech

2023 – 2024 Season
New York Islanders vs. Montreal Canadiens

This is my second channel that will focus only on NHL content. My main channel is over here.


  1. This is exactly the type of dirty play that does not belong in the game. The NHL DoPS needs to get serious and end this crap.

  2. This is normal he will be back soon and don't again the league is a joke, if they were harsh with penalties and suspending players this wouldn't happen. Stop fineing players and suspended them for ten games minimum. They will stop all the bs all the dirty plays will stop if the punishment is harsh enough. Give em ten days I bet he will be on his best behavior so he can have a job at the end of the year. You do it 3 times and your suspended for the year. Gotta be tough on crime haha.

  3. I am a Habs fan and saw that incident. Galley needs to sit a while as this was totally unacceptable. As long as the NHL referring will look like WWE officiating these kind of events will continue. We need refereeing that is consistent and not directed by Bettman’s (McMann) office. Make hockey a great sport again and stop treating players like expendable commodities. Once several bad actors get thrown out of the league, the others will fall in line.

  4. Refs protect a dirty hit. Suspend him for the rest of the reason. Clear intent to injure. Hope someone puts Gallagher in the hospital. Gallagher has been a dirty rat his entire career.

  5. Moron. Gallys gotta go. Old. Small. Ineffective. And dumb. Whata stupid penalty to take. Almost blew it fir he Habs. Veteran, Assistant captain at that.

  6. only people that can’t say shit are those who defended McAvoy headshot this early season, other than that, enjoy the suspension buddy

  7. The elbow lands right on the button. Hell, it easily could have knocked him out because it was clean. Based on Gallagher’s reaction, one might suppose that shot was not what he intended. But if it was, he couldn’t have executed it better. The call is a really easy one after review.

  8. WTF? That is some Tie Domi/McSorley shieeed stuff we haven’t seen in a long time. Blind side with an elbow raised with intent. I hear he might not get more than 5 games… if true a complete farce. Should be 10-20 because it is intent to injure and vicious.

  9. That's a 3 to 5 game suspension, for sure. Probably accompanied with a decent fine as well. Fortunately for Gallagher, it doesn't look like a season ending injury for his opponent!

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