@Boston Bruins

LIVE: Boston Bruins VS Ottawa Senators Scoreboard/Commentary!

LIVE: Boston Bruins VS Ottawa Senators Scoreboard/Commentary!

F Are f Are F Are This and welcome into the live stream folks oh welcome to the live stream welcome into the live stream folks welcome to the live commentary welcome to the live stream Tonight call coming to bruss the goalie scores Frederick scores trust Frederick from the circle and the burins regain the lead it’s 32 postrock Ki Saka scores again what a pass by the checkline checkmates makoy he shoots he scores C for makoy shooting scores this is the third freaking time

In the past 30 seconds we seen this damn commercial of Dak Prescott talking bling on a damn mattress bro get that off my TV screen Stand Standing Here what’s up what up what up what up what up what up everybody is in the room this room is packed to the brim Grant’s here s and Kyle are here Brendan’s sitting on my bed hello there’s there they are they’re sitting down on the

Floor oh [ __ ] no Jack Edwards anyway welcome in welcome into the live stream folks happy Thursday Bruins are taking on the Ottawa Senators so the Bruins did a funny thing they didn’t release their lines so I don’t know who’s playing with who however we’re going to play hockey

Anyway that’s that’s first time they’ve done that that in a long time I haven’t seen the Bruins do that this season just not release their lines so I don’t know who’s playing I don’t know who is but should be a good time oh boy let’s get into the into my keys to

The game the first key to the game is start the game on time the Bruins did not start playing hockey until the third period last night so start on time my second key to the game is take more shots on the net the Bruins have had been have been having trouble getting

Shots on net recently so get shots on your on the net more and number three lock down defensively give your goal tender a break the go that goal shouldn’t even shouldn’t have even happened last night with two and a half left because of a defensive breakdown so

Just be better lock down defensively and attack the netm more and start on time uh that’s what you have to do anyway let’s go around the room let’s get some start let’s get some uh final score predictions here start with Grant over in the over in the jury over there uh

Four Bruins brins 4 two Bruins all right so 32 and overtime oh great awesome Ottawa 51 Kyle goes 5-1 Brendan final score prediction for tonight 23 to nothing Senators go to two Bru I guess okay three to2 Bruins that’s way more realistic 23 to nothing

Ottawa I was G I was gonna say the I was going to say the better of the two goalies is a net tonight six nothing Bruins okay three 2 43 uh 42 Bruins I I’m thinking 51 Bruins is what I’m thinking um 13 to two very

Nice why are people sitting on the floor because they they they wanted to to be honest we didn’t make them long day classes and a long trip to the local convenience store yeah it wasn’t it was like a grocery store a grocery store we went they went

To the stoping shop I didn’t tag along but that’s okay Soph he’s G me a death St what not that I didn’t want to go that I just couldn’t go anyway j7 Red Sox okay okay Parker I I see what you’re doing here okay I know

You you’re a blue jays fan and all but the Red Sox aren’t planned and plus that’s probably right anyway how was going Kristen good to see you 52 Bruins yep I like that I like that six nothing score prediction from uh Tri I hope look what they did they actually

Released their lines no James no wait who’s out Coyle marshan pook zaka Van reik de Brusque geeki boquist Fredick Patra Heinen Stein who am I missing offensively loo there no Jacob loo is not playing what the lineup yeah that’s is steeve getting ice time over Lo what is the logic behind that why

Lo’s been on fired this month Jacob loo is not playing for the Bruins tonight according to the Bruins official Twitter page yeah grizz’s playing on the top pair with makoy good Christ LOL and Carlo grizzli and makoy ly Holman Carlo forward in Parker water spoon with Jeremy swiming shirk again why shirk not

Playing well I know well they don’t want him to play every game because they want to get water spoon in the problem is why are we benching shaton Kirk when we should be benching grizzli makes no sense giving him firstline minutes good Lord God San’s in net

Though that’s our that’s our savior I guess anyway how’s it going Lucas Cooper Liz and Ashley hello torbjorn exotic Prime Rex Cooper Kristen Tim Parker what is the crime Matt uh exotic how’s it going Brian say hi to how’s it going Moira and Megan uh let’s see everybody else in

Chat Kathy hello Laura dun hello hello everybody hell the Retro scoreboard appears what’s the backup scoreboard in case God forbid the guy who makes the scoreboard couldn’t make it so it’s okay I told DJ to get his ass in chat he wouldn’t he better he better appear

Released free Agy he’s released a free agency confirmed no Jack Edwards on the nessen call tonight they’re giving uh Alex fa the call wow I think this is Edward last year the fact that they’re starting to rotate him out a little more and they’re allowing Alex F to take over makes me believe

That this is probably going to be his last year broadcasting for the Bruins set them out the right way then yep who that’s not right Bor score look good to give gives me 90s Vibes gives you this gives you 90 Vibes I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad

Thing the scoreboard say apparently it gives you uh this gives this guy retro Vibes I think just I think it’s just because the Sanders have changed their logo back to what it was back in the oh oh the logos oh yeah yeah yeah yeah no

The logos yeah yeah I oh it should be me with brick I appreciate that Brian absolutely we I appreciate that screw needing a degree all right let’s do this I got to back up a little bit uh so I can see the screen fully I think I’m completely blocking

Your side no you can see it okay thanks tall but I’m not that tall thanks so if you want to if if you if if you want to sit up with me Grant you can and then yeah jery Swan against Jonas corpos Salo for Ottawa this should be

Interesting I was telling Kyle Brendan this earlier there is not a single blue jacket goenda that I’ve seen succeed since he’s been cre from Columbus am I right or am I wrong Elvis M leens will be next on that list yes he will be and wish him the best oh too bad

Bruins are in the road whes going from right to left senators in the home blacks the red shrimp going from left to right we are underway from the Canadian Tire Center in Canada Ontario just outside of Ottawa geeky shot saved by Corpus solo grizzli shot tipped by

Boquist missed the net makoy playing it in behind the net grizzli tied up there by Vladimir tereno I believe this is the first time we’ve played Ottawa this year if my Math’s correct I believe this is the first time we played AWA this year grizzli against Matt Joseph he drops it

For Frederick playing it over to Charlie makoy play up by go off geeki jper Bist couldn’t play the puck no Jacob loo why reasons Josh Norris a wrist shot save by Swan Claud jaru on the rebound in front knocked wide Brandon Carlo will move it ahead for Jake debrusk de brusk will

Have it they’ll carried up to the neutral zone goes off Van Reams like skate and here is ardam Zu it’s the greatest name in the history of hockey here is Claude jaru he flips it in Tim stla in on the four Che against linol lolm tying him up here’s a shot by

Bson he misses the net here is Jacob CH Jacob chran Shabbat AER stopped again by San lolm will try to play it out held in by CH at the line here is zaka for Brandon Carlo one nothing lightning already the game just started for them LOL for

Carlo Carlo will carried out to the neutral zone Banks it off of bson it’s going to be an offside against the Bruins here and maron’s already mouthing off he’s a little upset at that at that call Ariz yeah Colorado wow what am I saying Tampa Bay sorry is beating

Arizona one- nothing in the first period and it won’t say cuz the NHL F’s broken for the second straight freaking night good job NHL you didn’t have to change the thing with your app your app was already fine in the first place what’s that yeah here is Sanderson for Zu Brady

Kachuck shot misses the net and that puck went up and out of Play Even though Ottawa touched it they still stopped play because of that besides Montreal Ottawa has one of the most annoying horns in the NHL I was doing a goal horn test earlier and I blasted it by accident and scared

Myself yeah you were in the room when I did it by the way yes you were when I played this at full blast by accident that was um you know hey work it was like 10 minutes before stream went on here is Patra who’s back in the lineup thank God problem is

Okay grizzli for hinen must have been quick hinen flips in the zone Patra against branstrom ptra digs it free playing it back grizzli at the left Point playing it Around the Net Oscar Steen for Patra tied up there by stla Steen to Patra Bruns get it back Patra take tied up

There with branstrom bson in there as well here is Tim stla out to Center gets it out grizzli takes it away through Heinen Patra gets it back quick re-entry for the fourth line hinen looking trying to try to center it he can’t get it to through Chan bson for Thomas

Shabbat Shabbat with a playing it around the net the auto has a lot of interesting names Derek forbert for Parker Weatherspoon playing it around Jesper boquist up for forbert Bruns will move it ahead trying to find Frederick on a break couldn’t find him as Chan cuts it

Off Shabbat playing it up ice as it’s broken up there is trying to find cellic dumped into the neutral zone into the offensive zone there by uh who is that Parker Kelly Parker Kelly playing it around wers spoon takes it away Sanderson back to the line Castell with it back in the

Neutral zone artam Zu dumps in Cross Corner W spoon with it playing it up off marshand Zu will play it back to Sanderson in the in the senator end Zu with it for Matthew Joseph Vladimir tereno behind the net Shane Pinto playing get back a shot by Sanderson misses the net

Poster knock will try to take it he’ll try to flip it up ice here the Bruins aren’t starting off the right foot here they’re letting Ottawa Kind of Boss him around early not what the Bruins needed to do against a inferior team like the Senators well they tried that tactic

Last night look what happened here’s Matt Joseph a shot save San tied up there behind the net Carlos sitting down zoo playing it back Sanderson Drew couldn’t play it and Joseph holds in off a poock turnover gee what a shocker Pinto playing it around Marshon takes it

Away Marsh we’ll flip it in the zone you say pinto beans yeah I mean Shane Pinto pinto beans you know tomato tomato Bray kachuck for Shabbat Vladimir tereno playing it around the net GIS with a deep turn letting giru get to the puck first what was that Shabbat bomb save San he’ll hang

On how’s it going pine cone good to see you anyway oh good all right well this this the Bruins defensive strategy’s been good but they just haven’t been able to break up the puck out of the zone it’s a problem face off one by the S Chan’s

Bomb blocked by jper boquist bson for Thomas shabot at the center point trying to feed Chan he plays it in down low Chan trying to chip it in front swan makes the stop he stands tall on the post Trent Frederick will get it ahead he has Bish to his right and it’s taken

Right back and it’s taken and dumped back into the Zone there by Ridley Greg grizzli pass off Frederick hitting the referee jper Bist against Shabbat Shabbat takes it away super easily man this Bruins team looks flat oh boy stla Shabbat drops it for BS and it’s a turnover Here Comes Morgan geeki

Who’s going to try to Spring Jake to brus on a break and it’s going to be a delayed offs side Bron’s left the tag up yeah I don’t like the sound of that the Bron’s looking flat early in this one I don’t like that flatter than a soda that set out for too

Long and comes back in on San makes a stop Carlo over to lolm lolm plays it past Jake to bruss tape to tape passing it’s got to be another one of my keys of the game tape to take passing Bruns had a lot strugg struggles with that last night they’re

Struggling with that again tonight nice check there by Castell on wspoon Jake de bruss for Pavo zaka he’ll move it ahead has Van re St he feeds it over to forber forber in Van reik jumped the gun a little bit he’s offside shot are 7-1 Ottawa this is not

Good they can’t even get in the offensive zone right now they go to commercial break what a horrid first six minutes gez Yep this the first time these two teams have met this season they’ll meet again on March 19th and April 16th which is the last game of the season this is

The only time the Bruins will play in Ottawa this year because we know damn well they’re not making the postseason Grant you’re right Never Say Never but you’re right they’re not mid they’re bad they are not mid the Red Wings or Sabers is what we would call Mid

Sabers sure about that yeah they have a good L okay the Red Wings are mid might as well be getting traded at this point let’s see let me see where the Red Wings are on the standings in the Atlantic oh they they’ve had a fall off

They were third in the division like a week ago who’s on the ground Sophia and Kyle are on the ground currently willingly on the ground willingly willingly we didn’t make him sit there there is a chair right there that somebody could sit in there is a chair right there that

Somebody could sit in but nobody’s taking it Brendan took my bed he’s charging his phone Grant’s sitting on his bed and then Sophia and KY sitting on the floor but that’s okay it’s floor gang B did you say you’re about to fall asleep I’m trying not to fall asleep Jesus Christ my commentary

Don’t do that please I know it’s falling asleep is sleep no I said I said fall asleep in his bed if I if I will say this if you fall asleep on my bed I will not hesitate to drop an elbow on You full on elbow drop Shawn Michael

Style uh oh there’s a fight Derek forbert going at it with Castell and Castell and forward go Ring Around the Rosie twirling their way down to the ice right after the right as the face off well let the bodies hit the floor great song by the way can’t play

It but you know you know if you know you know well Jim Montgomery just stuck up his middle finger while getting something off his nose very nice thanks guys thanks for that Jim appreciate it oh boy yeah forward tackling cellic they’re not even giving him a fight they’re they’re not giving him a

Fighting major they’re giving him matching roughing penalties was up the face off oh yeah oh whoa that’s a that’s a fight what how is that not a roughing penalty how’s that a roughing that’s a fight that should be five minutes each correct Grant I think so they gave two

Each for roughing on forward and Castell when they were both on the ice throwing punches at one another it would be considered a fight but all right well thorberg quicker for the four on four Jake Sanderson playing it backwards back to Brady kachuck yeah as I like to say in the as

I like to say on stream some extracurricular activity after the whistle Josh Norris for ardam Zub greatest name in the history of hockey better than Greg mck ardam Zu Sanders Sanderson well it’s a better nickname Zu for Sanderson Zu makoy poke check Sanderson zaka will take it away he’ll have to Swerve back

Play it up to makoy has poock to his left he plays it off the bank off the boards poock and grizzli was over the over the lines at the back off he got tied up pastr trying to play it over to coil Puck bouncing over to Parker wetherspoon the Bruns left to retract

That he’s back in here is lolm for w spoon minute to go in the four on four Bruins are the best team in the NHL at four on four they’ve they’ve averaged to score more goals than give up on the fouron four wild spoon turns it over well right as I said

That here’s jiru in front pass broken up by Coyle Coyle going around the other way catching Shane pinto and the dead man’s Chase here’s Coyle up the other way Coyle across the line Cole to the net across he tried to find Marshon couldn’t find him Coyle gets it back though keeping possession

What effort by Coy what Puck possession here in front for Marshon and Shabbat cuts it off here’s Shabbat 30 seconds to go on the fouron four Puck deflected by wpon knocked down with the high stick Ottawa touches it so won’t stop play here is Coyle back to wspoon 20 seconds

To go on the four on four the Bruins still only have one shot so that’s not impressive or anything Ottawa has seven know can Tim Horton Tim Horton advertisements yeah I had I had Tim I had Timmy Horton once de brus for makoy we’re back to five on five forward and

Castell out of the box grizzli holds in De brush trying to chip it to geeki could not teraso takes it away flipped up here is Tim stula has branched him to his right sta across the line grizzli throws a hip check at suula and takes him off the puck for a second Puck

Worked back Bernard Docker branstrom first teraso goes off a stick makoy takes it away he’ll play it off the boards and out to Center how’s it going Josh good to see you bson for Tim stla blocked by grizzli and bson goes down geeki trying to take it away from from

Stoa he does Trent Frederick he’ll just wave it over to geeki Zu gets it by geeki and Jake Sanderson takes it away here is Sanderson he lofts in goes off the high glass Brandon Carlo playing it around here is Heinen has Steen and Po and lolm up on the rush lolm across

The line in front trying to find ptra just goes wide every time lyol touches the puck hooray from Kyle here is uh Zub for Sanderson plays it up past lolm Carlo will go back and get it against Brady kachuck yep one shot you’re right lolm for Heinen de Brusque will

Play it up for Patra Patra trying to take it free from Pinto he lost it to Chan jiru pressuring playing it around Van reight keeps it in plays it through Jake debrusk as Patra goes off for zaka to come on man the Bruins cannot sustain pressure right now good

Lord yesh Parker Kelly a shot jeez sa Swan only one shot they only have two shot attempts great amazing great job guys that’s the Bruins way guess what Monday they played the Jets and then they decided to stop playing hockey afterwards was it the same last night

Well we took shots on goal in the first period the second period we only had five the third period we had 16 and lost very nice they go to commercial break I’m going to take one too we’ll be right back after this the Bruins are struggling early against otta we’ll be right back

No my mic was off the entire time my bad um anyway my bad whoops oh no they missed theark joke they missed theark joke anyway jaru cross the Bruins line Puck got tied up in maron’s equipment he gloves it down Maron taken down there by uh Josh Norris

Coyle did not realize I was muted the whole time my bad M Glick up ice for poock Marshon back to maoy the only tap to tape passes the Bruins made this entire period are short passes did you nope I said passes mavo a what good

J you love your brother no we don’t no we don’t in unison oh my God there’s a penalty against the Bruins poock for tripping he fell give that guy an Oscar that’s a Oscar worthy performance nice acting dumbass Montgomery yeah thought I and I and I said earlier

At dinner this would be a good referee crew I was wrong coil against Tim stla bson Coyle wins the draw lyol takes the puck chips it to Marshon clear it clear it clear it he barely got it out geez he didn’t get a lot on that yeah I agree guys he fell stla

Bson sta tied up there by Coyle Carlo takes the puck off the boards and out to Center and all the way back down here is Shabbat with it and he’ll carry it out to center dropping it back for Chan for bson cross the Bruins line de bruss cuts it off and heining

Clears who’s in the Box for the Bruins poock for a supposed trip Shabbat kachuck all the way back to Josh Norris minute to go on the power play second power play unit out there for Ottawa Pinto chips in deep makoy will try to clear he can’t and the puck bounces out off zaka

Frederick in a foot race with with Sanderson Sanderson will get back Frederick pressuring Sanderson here is Sanderson up ice for Pino Norris cross the line Coyle takes the puck and flips it just out of the Zone on the Bruins I’d actually start pushing the puck because the Bruins only

Have one shot on goal here this entire first period even if it’s short-handed you still push the puck I think a little bit you know Bruns take it away ly Holm will clear again comes all the way back down Puck comes right to Brad marshan Who falls down

Amazing there there’s little I swear there’s little Gophers just sitting there Bo there it goes tripsy up with your fingers right marshan knocks into stla it actually helped his momentum back to the line Shabbat final and we’re back to five on five the brones get poster knocked back

Teras senko a shot blocked by Carlo the the cators did not have a shot on that power play sta Coyle shoving him off the puck Puck play back to Cher at the line sta oh what is Coy supposed to do there what is Coyle supposed to do

There oh my God that’s another one against Ottawa against the Bruins what is coil supposed to do there what are you are you kidding me what are you supposed to do that’s not a penalty the dude fell that’s where they just killed the penalty not even 5 seconds later his art there another

Penalty let’s see yeah it’s really hard to not avoid a trip when when sta closes his legs on Coy’s stick and then he Falls that’s ridiculous are getting screwed over back to back maran’s still upset I’m blind I’m dumb I’m deaf I want to be a ref they smell like sardines okay Bruins

Win the draw but senators get it zaka trying to die to get it out zaka does he chips it past serson zaka may have a breakaway here’s zaka curling drag he loses the puck gets it back though as to bruss poke checks it’s zaka makoy turns it

Over in his own Zone here’s Claude jaru playing it over to Norris yeah that should have been an embellishment minor zaka takes it and clears Corp pasalo playing it up for Pinto I forgot who the goalie was the Bruins haven’t taken a shot on goal on

Him since the first 30 second seconds of the game high and tying up the puck Puck comes to Derek forbert Sanderson gets it back Sanderson from the from the line knocked down Puck play with the high stick they stop play minute 12 to go on the power

Play Jason Tatum has been selected as an Allstar only good for Boston Sports in about 72 hours hooray since Monday night the BR since the Bruins won on Monday night and the Celtics won on Monday night too Bruins Celtics put the Heat tonight be a good

Game Bruins work it work it free here’s Marshon Bruins have a three on two short-handed Marshon poke check there by Shabbat zaka in on the for check against chran zaka wins it away but Chan gets it right back to shabbat took tied him up bson playing it back to

Shabbat cross the line taken back there by wspoon makoy flipping it up bison all the way back down touched by scorp pasalo that should be that should count as a shot on goal should it not he didn’t leave his crease and he touched the puck stz for

Chan bson tied up there by ly Holm Marshon clears 20 seconds to go on the power play Ottawa is doing the same thing Carolina did last night with with the puck they’re not leave they’re not getting rid of it stla Matthew Joseph closes in the slot blocked by

Carlo here is branstrom a shot knocked down Carlo will clear that’ll do it for the penalty back to five on five the Bruns will get Coyle back the BS have killed two penalties they’ killed more penalties than they’ve gotten shot on goal Kyle is dabbing off camera Swan plays it over to W

Spoon turnover Parker Kelly a shot misses wide W spoon with it for grizzli grizzli will move it up ice right to zoo as geeky wasn’t ready for it neither was Frederick as he was out of his position this an icing Icing against Ottawa maybe win the

Straight face off and take a shot on goal guys you know haven’t had one since the first minute of the game oh boy I already feel terrible for BRS lose Swan’s getting nothing clearly it clearly ain’t gonna be Swan’s fault well yes it is it’s a little bit

Of everyone but Swan’s fault so far I mean one shot on goal the opening 1520 is poock wins the face off as geeky out get a shot on and the Senators immediately get possession after they win the face off are you serious that’s a joke Matt grizzli

From did did my stream just crash for a second uh oh uh oh haven’t had that since um last year uh the Wi-Fi’s been acting up all day so if that if that just happened I’m sorry didn’t didn’t um thats are you gonna are you GNA okay that

Works the partridge in a pair tree hello we Supply entertainment during commercial breaks SL God aul Bruins games yeah I suppose so oh boy did you do the YMCA yeah okay after the game last night we actually blasted music plugged in that disco light that I showed you guys last

Night plugged that in oh that was fun bled some music we watched Sabers Kings for a while was cool what did you do last night we we plugged in we we blasted music and watch talk last night these four you were you left and went to sleep hey you want you needed sleep

Sir he hasn’t slept in five days guys he’s going for a Guinness road record wait what did we do last night I foret free what you do what we got back from the hockey game I came in the here watch the rest of the go a Bruins game and then once you left

We we stayed and played some music and watched some hockey and then another one of our friends came in the room at around 11 and we talked about wrestling for two hours and we both fell asleep at around 1:30 and got up for our 8 A.M class

Hooray be proud of us we got up for an 8 a.m. this morning motivated college students here jez more motivated than this Bruins offensive attack forward playing it around W spoon with it for ptra tied up there with branch and this put this the ice is bouncy the pucks are bouncing out of

Nowhere I know what’s going on Bernard darker turns it over oh what a dive by Josh Norris getting that puck out H my God Jesper bulist chips it in the zone he dumps it in says actually trying to do something effective awesome awesome ptra trying to play to stey

Can’t clad jaru takes it away grizzli pressuring back off grizzli you don’t do anything anyway grizzli for kach I wanton him off the team after last night and now here we go two on one for the Senators trying to find Norris deflected by that was Cole that wasn’t here’s

Kachuck in front for Norris and goes off Marshon and wide Marshon takes it away here is posto chipping chipping it ahead goes through Zub Coy falls down stop falling down these this teams been falling over more than anyway here’s coil across the line they still have one shot 17 minutes

16 minutes of 16 straight shotless minutes for this Bruin steam by the way 16 ottawa’s got the last nine shots on goal and we were making fun of the Rangers losing to the sharks the other night still deserved anyway the way the way they lost here

Is Van re what was that jvr too much power on the pass toward the brus got a break away if he could the Bruins have at least 30 turnovers at least this game is already done Senators win by 20 23 nothing Victory May fruition if sing gets hurt here’s de bruss take a

Shot idiot hooray they took a shot on goal 17 and a half minutes later it didn’t go in by the way here’s uh if you’re wondering B off reactions here’s van reik for debrusk back to van reik debrus is already a start of the game already

Already s much no he’s already one of the three stars of the game for taking the first shot on goal in 17 minutes of play oh my God W spon with it excuse me S uh deuss Coy looking like a nice top three stars right now Coy for what for

Diving falling over Frederick for geeky tied up there by Bernard Docker which we played the who the hell are you uh rock me the other night geeky tackled forbert shot tip by Frederick and goes wide W spoon with it playing it over to forbert the left point is shot

Tip on the net it might have got to corpo I don’t know penalty it’s going to be up wow holy [ __ ] call hold the presses call the news station the Bruins are getting a power play holy [ __ ] wow oh my God holding on Bernard Docker [Applause] wow

Christ let’s go time to get more the two shots on on goal baby hi they took a shot on goal and they got a power play how you get the buzzer sound I’ve already told you multiple times it’s off YouTube Coy marshan van re with poock

And makoy Coyle wins the draw makoy poso bomb score well the Bruins win the Bruins are are winning one to Nothing right off the face off I walked in it is cuz he walked in you’re play against a king you’re going to win it was right off the face off what a bomb O Bar Down that guy hell yeah that was a rocket oh man that was absolutely spectacular 92 miles hour beautiful that yes Bruins lead W nothing poo gets his poo got his 31 goal of the season and it’s one nothing wow I did have mac and cheese for lunch today

Yes well we can raid my host when we go there on Saturday how playing it up for poock who just got his 31st goal of the Season by the way Coy Maron Carlo for Coyle behind final minute of the first period Coyle in front for po knock in front Marshon

Saved by corpos solo wow that almost was almost was something interesting jeru from Center Ice save Swan plays it up ice maron’s cherry picking and he took a shot on NE well never mind he didn’t here’s Oscar steam with 40 seconds to go in the first period Well the bear wasn’t dancing cuz

Poock scored if somebody else scores and we’ll get it hinen for Patra tied up there by Chan Patra takes Chan down wow that’s a surprise here is Matt Joseph he’ll play it up ice and that was a that puck went out of play what’ you say chick chick now chickpea

Guys Pino beans and chickpeas will so the Bruins vers the foods we’re it’s the Bruins versus the um cabinet canned goods versus the CH you put chickpeas and chili okay I despise chili that is a massive hot take here why I don’t like chili I love chil Chili’s great with cornbread in it

Really H in for oh yeah Lin Holm yeah I crumbled up I mean cornbread’s Elite yep but sure do it it sure does get soggy but you know I enjoy it high flips into the Zone final 10 seconds of the first period uh Heinen shot blocked by pinto

And that’ll do it well that’ll do it for the first period Bruins lead won nothing overall the that period sucked overall that first period sucked however they scored a goal so I guess they made up for it they’re winning so who cares so they can’t lose 23 they can lose 23 to one

Now said what I was what do you got tell me n tell you names of players and you’ll change them beans chickpea and pinto beans okay um me think here marshand marshmallow Marsh marshmallow that’s actually a good one I didn’t think about that um I’m not going to give you pasta KN

That’s too easy you can just say pasta uh okay coil cauliflower cauliflower yeah hot take Chelsea Dagger is overrated curent craft 400 is better oh boy I mean the second part of coily coily fries guys now listen the second part of that comment maybe true I don’t

Know I like them both equally but to say Chelsea Dagger is overrated you sir are insane uh okay exotic is GI us one Jake de brusk what’s brisket bris de brisket that de brisket Brink Alex the brink called he want his name right um give us give us Bruin’s names

And Sophia will have the task of um changing them to food names Brendon is falling asleep like I said I will follow through if you fall asleep no I wasn’t I wasn’t my eyes were closed me I was asleep I was like okay I I think I know where you’re going with this

Makoy yeah that’s what I was gonna say Mac Mac and chovies and chovies who the hell eat fish know people put on pizza disgusting how’s it going Anthony good to see you how’s it going Chris thanks Sam for your work here I appreciate you cheers cheers I don’t have mac avocado Mac

Avocado Mac avocado here I’ll put some music on during the intermission again do more that’s not music um um ptra I was gonna it’s a food name not a not a not a kitchen utens utens Patrick Star I mean pan pancake just pancake ptra pancake ptra somebody said pot roast that’s so good

Pot why can’t I make this okay um I was thinking for maoy chips aoy oh I’m G I better change this to intermission we’re not playing Puck doku we’re going to do this the entire first period we’re going to come up with food names for hockey players for mavo I

Would have said Big Mac well I did say I have said that where if makavo scores it’s like our seventh Big Mac of the year or something like that today the double Big Mac did come out telling me I went to Burger King at night before okay it’s not a bruin but Sam

Monmo mozzarella cheese Mozzarella and cheese bow mozzarella balls mozzarella balls yeah Swan since that’s I think that’s your favorite player Swan’s Swan’s her favorite player a good choicea sea seaweed throwing uh marshan is Munchies according to Prime Rex okay marshy Munch the cereal it’s elite it’s elite Cinnamon Toast Crunch Elite it just

Tastes like cinnamon toast crunch guys damn shame uhuh how how about the wicked Mac SM we ever had that Switzer oh my God Switzer swisser oh Brothers good thing SW is the exact opposite of Swiss cheese like our defense in the first period and all of last night

Yeah two cheeses swisser so if you take some Swiss and some mozzarella you put it together you get Jeremy Swan better known as swisser according to Sophia hampus lolm lint chocolate what are those beans like Li lima beans God sway would be the Mandalorian because this is the this is the sway

Correct bla that’s correct we’re coming up with food names for hockey players Sophia we’re we’re naming hockey players and Sophia is going to turn it into a food name Celtics are the Lucky Charms well no sh they’re they’re little yeah they’re the Celtics Irish lucky leprechaun um I’m thinking here

Okay didn’t say it had to be active Patrice berser on berser on oh boo I know that’s true it’s right though but boo beef jerky burger Burg Burger Bergeron should be the name of a fast food Play Patrice get on that buddy uh Ilia Kovalchuk

Kovalchuk k v l c UK best Atlant of all next Danny 507 with Ottawa 1507 speaking oh [ __ ] don’t fall if I do it’s going to be a funny moment KO Kool-Aid man some said kibasa that’s pretty good uh van like somebody said it James Van schnitzel I don’t

Know who do that begin with an R then Rin dke that works that works uh Joe thoron big beard I love you 43 years old 44 now okay but who who’s got the better hockey beard though Jo Joe Thorton 100% what it’s Tim Horton Joe Thon Tim Horton he’s an actual player

Ort uh let’s see how’s it going user good to see you Paul Korea Korea k a r i y k a r r e r i i y a kiwi Paul kiwi Paul kiwi we’re okay for those are just joining us we’re n since we’re in the intermission here it’s one nothing

Bruins past not goal late in the first period um we are naming hockey players and Sophia is trying to make them into Foods food names uh berzi berui Italian restaurant which is unfortunately out of business now there’s only one left oh they’re running well the one in the one in the one in

The in our Mall went away the one in our mall if I can get the bread with the um the oil you know the butter if I know they only do it for kids but I always ask uh suban soup okay soup suban Jack Campbell was a a name of a

Goendale soup he we call yep now the AHL backup for the Bakerfield conders what oh for endon you call them endmt okay the the one in Glastonberry Connecticut still open according to somebody in chat North Andover that’s Tim Thomas yes my hero forever better than T don’t Thomas Bagel yeah

Right Thomas’s Bagels Wayne Gretzky Wayne grits somebody says Z Char is equal to Swiss chards Ryan Reeves Olive leaves again I’m going to I’m going to give the reminder once again we’re if you’re just joining us we are naming food food items that has if we’re given hockey names

We’re trying to name Foods related to the hockey player because we’re wasting time during intermission because I don’t want to play puck doku right now Bobby or equals Oreos very nice Jordan tutu it is spelled to to Red Wings leg Nashville Predators Legend and I believe a blue jacket

Tootsy roll toot roll that’s a good one well done going to live hockey on Sunday to see the main Mariners hey the ECHL Bruins affiliate well done Marin marinara sauce Marin the marinaras marinaras the main marinaras their entire rink will be covered in marinara sauce it’s going to be disgusting mess

The puck will be R by the end of the game and there might be Monella cheese Lise yes Mike scream my stream crashed again I apologize we’re backa Bill quacken Bush QA quac k n v u s h quail quail gr Grant and Brenan are ditching

Us for at least the second period they might be back for the third period right are you going to be back to the third period I might depending on how this game’s going right I was going to say after this we can we can run to Boomer cuz I have text

Me what you want cuz I’m going to forget um Paul coffee that’s a no-brainer that’s Sophia’s favorite drink she likes coffee let me tell you no one here likes coffee except yeah we all don’t like coffee but except her she’s the OD one now how much do you have a day like two

Or two or three usually um s sasaka moose that’s s saki the saki drink oh my God y coffee cake very nice night well done we’re going to oh wow we actually wasted the entire first intermission hooray wow good job lanquist lunchable lunchable hen lunchable that just sounds dumb very

Dumb all right see you guys Later Adam Oats Oatmeal quick uh quick oats oh that’s an actual player dick Duff that no no that’s disgusting that’s gross fluff that’s gross that’s terrible Bob Beers the current color commentator on 985 the sports sub I met him once nice guy that’s disgusting why is that disgusting I’m muting

Is oh up up up up okay I think we’re good again guys the Wi-Fi has been acting up all day I don’t know what’s going on I couldn’t do anything during my first class this morning uh second period’s about to start here so it keeps crashing

Periodically I apologize it is out of my control the Wi-Fi here sucks that’s the dean difference um Pierre okay hampus lolm is a Swedish meatball somebody just said that a knight just said hampus lolm is is the equivalent of equivalent of a Swedish meatball he’s Swedish he’s from Stockholm he’s from Ikea got

It he’s from Ikea God I’m pulling this up yeah guys Sophia over break we were playing video games one night and she goes what if I were to draw out what is happening on the ice so that I don’t have to show the game and I said I literally said in

Response my my exact retort to that was in within 30 seconds you’re GNA you’re gonna quit because it’s gonna be too hard would you like to demonstrate that 30 seconds don’t have oh God hey it’s Char and berson why are they matching twins Mike Fisher is a is fish sticks fish sticks yeah

Exotic bro I’m muting anyway anyway oh boy does anybody have any animal crackers as a kid yes all the time they have like a little bag like a little ziplock bag carryed to school every day in my lunch box mhm so yeah they were a little um a

Little oddly shaped so I’m not sure do you see the maron’s reaction to the save in my profile pick I took that picture myself I’ll um zoom in I’ll look at it later animal crackers are fire I agree next Bruins or Senators let me know who

On what team will score next in the chat and going around the room Sophia who’s going to score next for the Bruins or Senators well Ottawa score next or Boston yeah you want to say Boston you have a bad feeling oh boy seems like Sophia is always thinking

Sop FIA in Greek means wise or wisdom I think either kachuck or Patrick Brown will score Patrick Brown is currently in Providence all right so Brady kachuck scoring next apparently I will go with um yep okay then Nako I am going with uh Jake debrusk that’s happened before zaka wins

The draw Bruins going from left to right Senators going from right to left we’re underway in the second period grizzli Drive tipped and it goes wide of the net Buist back to grizzli at the left Point rotating to the center here is jper Buist a shot saved there by Corp

Pasalo rebound jammed at by zaka and boquist that stays out to brusk now trying to move it back to makoy taken back there by boquist played over to Grizzly nice quick re-entry for Boston he playing it around the net they already had two shots on goal omark from

The bench for the next goal very nice geeky okay yeah The Geek Squad he has the puck right now trying to drop it back trying to get it to Carlo instead he got tied up Carlo pinches and holds in Frederick back hands it in in deeper into the offensive

Zone in Hebrew Sam means bright sun or sunchild well I was born in August so so maybe I don’t know here’s van re in alone and a save by Corpus solo the Bruns already have a better offensive attack than majority that first period they’ve already they’ve already matched the

Amount of shots they’ve had they had the entire first period in the first 75 seconds of the second period Well done hampus LOL dumpson the Bruins had three shots in the first period they’ve already had three more in the first two minutes he did not do anything there he

Wasn’t even on the ice for any of those shifts Joseph up for Shane Pinto teraso for Matt Joseph a shot blocked by forbert Sanderson in past Shane Pinto beam W spoon for Marshon Puck comes back to wspoon wspoon Bruins goal belonging to poer knock in the first period late on

The power play was a quick face off too nice win and then postrock ripped it home for his 31st goal of the Season got Mary scoring next okay Sanderson cross the line pass Norris wers spoon falls down what are we falling down for I swear to God Bray could shuck at

The right point shot tipped just wide of the net here is Norris plays it all the way around Sanderson holds in what are you doing oh it’s the sun oh my God I was like what are you doing CU you because your sweatshirt touched my hair I was like what is going

On here I was confused forbert for poock playing it ahead Maron on a break break Marshon spinning back a backhand save corpos solo wow got wspoon scoring next I like that option here is Marshon for Coyle poer knock controlling shot misses over the net it missed the crossbar by a few

Inches grizzli holds in Buck goes past marshand here is Sanderson did Bruins win last game nope they lost to Carolina last night here is Castell in alone he misses wi of San makoy closed off there by Parker Kelly Wilders spon is the better Parker in this game let’s not get it

Twisted here is cellic in front a shot there by cardier is blocked Ro cardier grizzli for makoy trying to move it up held in by branstrom how’s it going super Noob here is grizzli we’ll flip it in the zone what subar super Noob his name Subaru my mom had a

Subaru uh once zaka for boquist flips it over Jake de brusk for Bist tied up there by stla De brusk Around the Net zaka trying to find Bas he can’t to brus goes off trying to play it to boquist and branstrom played it off his face and kept playing

Here is zaka dropping it for Carlo zaka again de Brusque he flips in the zone they put Bas in the second line I’m not sure Celtic’s up 40 to 25 wow zaka turns around and fires and a save by Corp pasalo here’s Parker W spoon for zaka

Playing it over Derek forber a bomb it got blocked rebound this is wide of the net the brones are pressuring here the brones almost have as many shots as Ottawa H here is Bernard Docker in his own Zone pling it over to branstrom I’m gonna move this F just a little bit

What they stop play nice chance for J for Van R right here another games going on around the NHL the Red Wings lead the Flyers one nothing in the second Dylan Lin with a goal in that one Canadians up three nothing on the Islanders Shawn Monahan Cole Coffield and Nick Suzuki scoring

For Montreal there lightning lead the coyotes two to one in the second uh hurricanes lead the Devils one nothing in the first um ducks and stars scoreless as they just got started same with Nashville and Minnesota Blue Jackets and Flames at nine Blackhawks and Oilers at

Nine how can you watch the Bruins live in every Bruins game do you buy no uh I am watching on nesson 360 but I signed in through my TV provider so I get it for free here is Drake bson closed off by makoy bson playing at a cross I feed for

Chan grizzli beats him van reik for Frederick chipping it ahead he’ll try to find geeki Shabbat beating him to the puck Naisha no need for the pasta spams see a bunch of pasta emojis here is makoy no need makoy off Frederick in the zone Chan L it around held in by ly Holm

Pressure by Joseph Marshon gets a stick lifted by Claude jaru he lifted out lifted out to Center unless he scores of course Nia pck scores them those are warranted but he’s he’s not even on the ice I mean come on pck playing it over shabat puts it through here’s

Carlo goes right past Coyle it was deflect Ed by him so they’ll call it no icing sederson taking oh my God it’s a penalty on pastron and he is livid again Senators to the power play post knock for hooking Ottawa goes to the power play for the third

Time they go to commercial break I’m going to take one too we’ll be right back in 30 seconds all right welcome back from commercial break yes or no yes it’s good it’s just yeah she’s she tried one of the drinks that I have in here it’s a it’s a diet

Green tea thing you guys have seen me drink it before she she tried one for the first time she said it’s a lot of flavor no senators are 0 for two on the power play I don’t I don’t even think they had a shot they didn’t on the first

Two power plays not even one shot attempt Norris back to Sanderson what’s sick Norris for kachuck cross ice pass couldn’t find him here is jaru Sanderson Puck bouncing against sath on the blue line stayed in Norris taken down by lolm here is Pinto playing it around

Shu soft I didn’t see the I wasn’t paying attention I didn’t see the penalty so zaka takes the puck and clears all the way back down put the cap on before you twist it like that I wanted to spill on Grant’s bed it would be funny but he’s gonna

He’ll be pissed off at me for letting you have it and then on his bed here’s Pinto closed off by W spoon trying to dig it free makoy in there as well makoy Pinto takes it away here is j a couple seconds ahead of

You on my life Fe of the game yeah cuz on a taped like on Ness in 360 jaru cross ice for Norris couldn’t play the puck Norris pressured loses it Jake de bruss might have a possible two on one he’ll have marshan de bruss feeds it over and it

Goes off a skate comes running on Corp pasalo cor Corpus solo is now what a porcupine a Corp a corporate uh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Senators have too many guys they didn’t get called for thanks ref coil flips it up the ice goes through Danton Heinen they had

Seven I’m blind I’m dumb I’m deaf I want to be a ref b gets around lolm St take it Coyle takes it away Coyle will try to get it to Heinen closed off by tereno he’s taken down and centers will get it back to five on five and couple of seconds

Shabbat no it didn’t go s must have knocked it away it got by him and then I guess it didn’t go in poster knock Zach okay Frederick scores Trent Frederick somebody screamed go Bruins from outside and the Bruins lead two nothing Trent Frederick Snipes one home whoever you were you did good

Don’t worry I’m investigating you going to go investigate okay oh my God that never went in it well Trent Frederick keeps his red hot streak going and it’s two not guys it was a ghost it was a freaking ghost yeah what yeah what a save by

Swingman on the other end they moved up the ice and Frederick scored and somebody screamed at the top of their lungs go Bruins that just get bunny year in 2024 that’s rude rude I should a [ __ ] I’ll be checking that shortly here is Ridley Greg across the Bruins line it’s

An offside I heard someone scream go Bruin I got to go back and watch that later did you oh my God that thanks Frederick from zaka at 819 it’s Frederick’s 14th goal of the season and the Bruins lead two nothing Alo now that’s wild and some crying laughing emojis in chat for your

Sunch child so some people are um laughing at your sunch child of me because they I call a sunchild um apparently you used to be an artist yeah you’re taking an art class currently correct draw lines of the CR what is his Elementary School here is Bernard Docker

For Parker Kelly he lifts it in in on Swingman will make the stop P not got an assist on that that’s his 38th assist that’s his 69th point of the season a shot there by RoR cardier I think cardier whatever the hell his name is charier charier charcoal

Charcoal nope didn’t go in the net watch the overhead here watch that this is earlier on the chance before the goal it bounced Puck nope nope never went in that was close it really was wasn’t it Bruns win the draw as Cole beats Norris Carlo to lolm moving it up

Marsh Brandon Carlo poer knock Carlo nice nice entry here here’s Coyle looking tied up there by Norris Puck dropped back held in there by ly Holm Norris takes it back and gets it out to Center jaru falls down grabs the pass gets up with it jaru looking for a drop

Feed could doesn’t have anyone Carlo kachuck lifts his stick trying to center it for Norris lolm is is bullying Norris the corner was it Leni I don’t know what that is Sanderson for Claud jaru cross ice lolm breaks it up boquist for lolm up ahead for poqu they’re going to stop play

Here another Bruins penalty undin marshan for holding the stick can we get a break please Lord God the Bruins need a Snickers not themselves when they’re when they’re hungry who’s screaming like that I heard it again I guarantee that like like um Matt across the

Way and and Jack and all them across the across the way right somebody is amped yeah somebody’s like go Bruins check Instagram now now I saw what you sent me on Instagram this oh yeah KFC guitar well done gotta love it though game night woo yeah I guess so didn’t know we were

Playing the bman zebras tonight where these refs come from a local high school oh boy referees are getting crap on really that’s holding the stick really stoa against Coyle face off one by stla centors the power play again Chan for stla across Chan shot misses the net here is

Chan back to the line Shabbat here’s stla Coyle drops his stick a drive from the blue line is stopped by San let’s go Bruins when me met that money back from last night thanks for the commentating man I was here last night as well I appreciate it I’m not even

Going to lie I’ve been running around all day and when I see you are live [ __ ] made my [ __ ] made my night Good Vibes thank you appreciate it thank you user you’re the man I appreciate all the love I’ve been getting recently it’s been nice Adventure Time we’re going to get

Copyrighted for that no not sorry no I’m not going to I’m kidding maoy will clear all the way back down right off to ah here’s Shabbat oh I had to go like that yep oh okay you would know the rust clears I remember I had to do that in

Like first grade and then after that they’re like schedule bathroom breaks every hour here’s Shabbat moving it up ice for cl sharu they’re like all right lineup it’s time for a bathroom break guys everybody can go even if you don’t have to go just try we’re not going again for another

Hour Sanderson for Norris sorry here I was went off my own tangent here’s Sanderson for Norris now shot saved by Swan rebound knocked away Coyle will move itead he might spring Hein in on a two-on one Coyle short-handed plays it across Heinen closes save by Corp pasalo he loses he

Loses his stick he’ll get it back as the Senators push it up the other way here is giru over for kachuck for Sanderson final 20 seconds of the Senators power play Claud jaru for Pinto jiru again try to find kachuck in the slot Carlo knocks it away

Senators have to touch it first off off the stop play for delay of uh for Puck play with a high stick shot by branstrom save Swingman rebound knocked away here is lyol we’re back to five on five the Bruins get poster knock back here’s Heinen or sorry Marshon I’m sorry

Marshon for lyol he got cut off by kachuck up I here is Matt Joseph and alone trying to feed it in front and it’s broken up late here’s lolm for poock Bruns have the numbers up the other way poock TR to curl and drag got caught off by Joseph and Kelly

Here is Joseph got knocked into grizzli for forbert tied up there by Matt Joseph grian forbert on deep pair oh my God remember that Meme I sent I told I showed you earlier Kyle no I didn’t show it to you I think I showed it to Rober P

Comes in on S and he stopped I would rather listen to you than Jack Edwards well funny enough Jack Edwards isn’t calling this game but I appreciate it Alex F he uh does college hoops on Fox oh yeah he does uh he did some MLB Friday night Apple TV games he used to

Be the Kings he used to be the king’s TV announcer uh he’s done games for the Rangers on the radio so you deserve it you’re the guy to goto when when I want to talk Bruins you deserve it you are the go-to guy for me when I want to talk people who love

The Bruins much as me man I love hockey Al Ling the Poo Bear I appreciate it got it last Christmas not this year but the year before um I check the fridge there’s some there might be one cold in the fridge you’re welcome I forgot what you’re welcome was

In Spanish I think it’s no it’s not is it danata yeah I took Spanish guys I’m smart I took Spanish for two years I’m smart here’s Patra chcken shot glove save Swan is it cold or is it like cool okay oh that’s good potra got the heating issue solved oh

Yeah we’re not sweating in here anymore it’s actually comfortable in here for once it’s very nice they fixed it and plus we have fans going so it evens everything out and we have a window open so it’ll even everything out to manag to remember how to say like 10 things komas what’s your

Name Frederick dumps it in the zone that’s the only like expression I remember how to say in Spanish I passed with A’s in Spanish class both years I just forget how to forget it’s been like three no four years since I’ve taken a Spanish class well might be a

Might be a good thing here is celic closed off by zaka getting three zaka takes it away from Castell grizzli over to makoy 620 to go second period Bruins lead two nothing goes off to brus In the Zone Shabbat will get it out here is sta quick re-entry for Ottawa shot by stla

Is gloved down by San his 20th save of the night Lo senador the Ottawa yeah sanador dewa took one year Spanish and only remember how to say red and how to say say where is the milk oh wow that hit the that hit wow

That hit the the um the top nub of the stick the when you hold the stick the top part they’re playing K craft 400 in in the arena Bruins score now you got you got to score now serson bomb hit forward it knocked him back St will turnaround

Shot blocked by forward again jper Bist they try to move it up ice gets it around Bist Works through four Defenders Focus across why did he pass it he had a shot he was unselfish Frederick nice keeping at the line Frederick with it who has the has the latest Bruins goal Frederick looking

Boquist drops it for wat spoon knob that’s what it is thank you boquest from the line shot knocked down by Frederick Fort move move it ahead geeki cross the line nice job by by Frederick’s uh getting the getting the defender off the puck geeky playing it

Back lyol to the net saved by corpos solo Bo the backhand what a stop by Corp pasalo who gets seventh player award Freddy shaty or jvr uh Frederick or Coy I think going to Northeastern game tomorrow night I’m hope the Bruns play preseason game of an arena next year

Since the original home of the Bruins oh Sophia locked herself out no it’s not grant grant lock the door before no I didn’t know no we’ll be right back we’ll be right back on commercial hello we’re back from commercial break Bruins lead two nothing somebody saying that Trent

Frederick should be the SE seventh Player Award winner I agree with that I’m I’m on board for it absolutely he’s been probably the most improved player of the Bruns have had all season Coy against JW it the face off to the uh right of Corpus

Solo Face Off is one back by the Bruins but the senators get possession here’s Norris playing it past grizzli that’s not that hard to do makoy takes it away L it around poster knock for Marshon Bruins have numbers Marshon with coil and grizzli maron’s poke check it’s

Forced out to Center makoy backt tracks 5 minutes to go second period Bruins lead two nothing still getting out shot by almost double but they’re winning so it’s fine here’s poock closes loses it Marshon in front he got poke checked wow makoy dropping it for Coyle grizzli bomb caught the

Crossbar I think Marshon loses it Puck comes into poster knock Sanderson comes out how’s it going edited good to see you here is coy don’t poke the bear linol knocked into poster knock for Coyle looking to find Marsha he can’t Coy nice job keeping possession of

The puck again how’s it going lava how’s it going Brian good to see you here is Zub for Sanderson I love saying his name Zub Zo coil enters the Zone trying to find Steen he got knocked into from behind Josh Norris will lift it out all the way back

Down this going to be a nice look against Ottawa how’s it going Ron I did s that I’d tell you what happened to me on at the Montreal Bruins erors night last week no I did not you did not tell me what happened you shook cam effing ne’s hand

In the fan tunnel that’s freaking crazy nice how are you I’m good Ron how are you Patra against Norris Patra wins the draw hinen back to makoy hinen looking turns around fires and got blocked Norris pressured by by nor by steeny knocks him down the nice hit

Here is makoy with it for grizzli what yep steam tied up Sanderson takes it we try to move it up and it comes out this will be an icing here against the Senators again so the Bruins goal so far poock got his at the 1836 Mark of the first

Period is power play goal for makoy and Coyle Frederick at 819 of the second his 14th of the Season make giving the Bruins a two nothing lead zaka wins the draw Jake debrusk looking around the net de Brusque with it turns around shot it gets blocked by

His own guy and it comes out to Center linol to W spoon dumps in off zaka stick in the zone de bruss trying to center it in front what what that is a thing that happens sometimes in a game oh debrus lost it zaka taken down

Trying to battle for the puck and it’s taken back there by Joseph it’s lifted up in the air to the line bounces just out ly Holmes got it got in scor who scored the two goals poock the first one and Frederick the second one dumped in there by wspoon Jake

Debrusk on the puck first shovels it the other way Shane Pinto on it tied up here is Zu zuie zo and Matthew Matthew Joseph almost took Brad maron’s head off what or Hy dooby-doo Dart Evil Incorporated after I I remember from that that show still

Made it to the live even though I’m I’m against social media I had my cousin drive up with me to his phone and we did it on there very nice so you can join me on the live that one time I was on Instagram so replay of Freddy’s go I

Think he has a potential to be similar to luch on ice type of power forward with decent numbers I agree back when luch was in his prime back he wasn’t in back when he wasn’t um a alleged piece of garbage rli playing it around the net Puck bouncing to geeky gloves it down

Frederick two minutes to play in the in the period two minutes gei knocks down a man it is um cellic Kelly goes oh my Lord what what now there’s no way that is a trip Frederick knocked it not whacked him in the stick and then the guy fell boquist for

Tripping I’m sorry no Frederick I’m sorry Frederick for tripping let’s see watch watch this what is that oh my God oh my God he fell he fell on his own accord he didn’t trip over anything nothing what did he trip on the damn air Montgomery’s yelling that it’s

Horrible where do the NHL hire these referees from Craigslist Sheen D dhgate hash piss poor holy [ __ ] what are the Senators screaming for the face off was done incorrectly and then they’re waving the guy who didn’t do it right out huh funny they got him from Facebook

Marketplace very nice eBay well done te Teemu it’s cheap and it’s plastic crap next up sends power play tripping on Brandon and busy all the way from Providence Rhode Island yep goalie for the Provident brones and oh my Lord Carlo clears it down 200 feet zaka against Sanderson

Bruins are short-handed again four of the five penalties have been [ __ ] but that’s okay here is uh Sanderson in the Senators are offside my dad has came in chat and said blind I’m I’m blind I’m dumb I’m deaf I want to be a ref yep ref straight from clown School

Nice the dollar store First Watch Sam last year been hooked ever since appreciate it f them in from Canada they’re in Canada they’re in Ottawa must hir them straight out of the Canadian government building right in Ottawa right in the downtown Ottawa here’s kachuck Puck comes out

Ref might have I’m starting to think the refs might have some money on the s’s winning right who oh Vu okay Shane Pinto forget that happened lolm against P against Pinto Marshon takes it and clears it we’re in the final minute of the second period here is

Sanderson stla for bson for Chan did Scooby Do train these referees 35 seconds to go in the second period Chen with it 30 seconds to go Chan here is stla okay somebody screaming as Ottawa just scored [Applause] and everybody’s brawling second intermission I’m gonna I’m gonna yell out don’t do

That next door is me geeking I’m just GNA yell don’t do that please it’s distracting no I don’t know who it is but whoever is doing it it’s an [ __ ] it’s distracting me 27 and a half left Bruins are up at 2-1 now what was that W spoons in the Box

Was Thomas Shabbat who scored for Ottawa by the way I didn’t mention that because too busy con cut off there by cut off by come on Bruins what the hell man that’s all I heard 27 and a half left they’re settling out penalties here they’re sorting out it was a it was

A little bit of a scrum after the after the goal a little bit of a line brawl situation they’re sitting here for a while here you might you might have a time to go oh wait what now having a jack he’s not calling the game tonight yeah let’s see what

Is there’s nothing going on right now if I miss the goal it’s on okay if I miss the home Do’s locked okay what the hell’s going on here 27 there’s a long delay after this goal it’s five on five okay Sanderson for Zub here is Sanderson a shot saved by

Swan under 10 seconds to go took a weird bounce Frederick with the final seconds of the period Carlo for lolm back to Carlo do it for the second period hold on a minute I’m leave my mic on for this yep yo whoever outs my door shut up thank you did y’all hear that

That yeah chan oh oh kachuck the t- silent what I said you hear it did you see people it’s you w to right I looked out and then I said whoever whoever’s yelling shut the [ __ ] up that’s all I said well I didn’t say the [ __ ] part

But yeah we’re live right now I don’t care people are running like I heard all I heard the stupidest thing Jason stepping up for how am I do I’m good you are screaming running around in the hallway you’re only embarrassing yourself when bro you’re a Savage yeah I don’t

Care I don’t about what I said to them I have the no FS given mon um mentality I’m live on the internet there’s about maybe 60 people people watching 70 people I’m saving your ass not mine no only making a fool out of yourself when penalty killing the are

The Bruins boxing off and Ling the carders pass the puck freely they’re doing the exact opposite the exact opposite they’re actually doing really good defensively I don’t feel like play I don’t really feel like playing hurdle either I don’t really feel like playing hurdle either feel like kind of just

Chatting during the intermission again you did the first time around people these days more food names okay let’s do teams teams well I’m ready to lunch up to jump up if somebody says something got a fight going tell him shut up did you know most dish soaps no I don’t care about dish

Soaps did you know that when people are stupid they do stupid things minions what about minions Pepsi or Coke Pepsi or Coke you’re asking you’re asking like some that might be too political for me to answer I don’t know you know probably Coke to be honest Coke Pepsi your Coke products

Sam ready to throw the throw throw throw punches for the stream no no they try to approach me I’ll just slam the door shut right in front of them that’ll hurt oh uh I don’t like soda that’s the first answer we got uh 100% Coke okay guy needs to chill there’s no need

For that fair enough he’s probably drunk so I’m not surprised go to TD for that right Dr Pepper okay favorite soda some asked me anyone know yep I’m not a big fan of it how’s it going Bobby good to see you favorite soda I’m going to go root beer apple juice

Valid soda Apple Juice I hadle ju I did too with my breakfast really she did she said I was I was waiting to go into my um video production class and I got a snap and S sitting outside of the classroom and she had an apple juice in her

Hand favorite is actually cream soda oh Grant would be in best friends of you grant literally got does he have it hold on I’m going through his fridge I’m tell yeah here it is they went to the grocery store they got this big ass thing of cream soda right here from stoping

Shop holy sheep [ __ ] this big freaking two lit thing of let’s see hot chocolate root beer and Pepsi are your favorite sodas nice thoughts on Apple Cider I only drink anything that mixes with rum that’s funny turn this way so you guys be more on camera we’re just talking during the

Intermission it’s 21 Bruins through two we’re just talking about anything and everything right now favorite chip favorite chip favorite chip flavor favorite chip brand I like the lay salt and vinegar chips orange soda sub sometimes too with pizza oh you eat pizza and you have orange soda valid it’s a valid

Answer wise oh the wise chips oh oh okay Jacked Doritos the buffalo wing and Ranch one or blue Takis or tea tea sorry Cape Cod chips ah valid good answer Sal chip they are good haven’t tried they are good not a chip but cheese popcorn that’s also okay that’s fair cheese popcorn’s

Good I’m not a big Taki guy I only had Takis a few times it wasn’t really all that good to me I no no used to be a great ship from the Boston area canes my my parents have broughten that up before they don’t have them anymore but favorite candy

Um H I’m going to go uh what are your favorite candies Charleston chew frch the Necco Wafers or Hershey Kisses Hershey Kisses yeah those are always good Swedish fish has always has always been one of my favorites I like the York Peppermint Patties is peanut brittle a candy yeah

Yeah I’d say so Three Musketeers that’s always a good answer the WWE Royal Rumble pay-per-view live show this this Saturday night from Tropicana Field I’m aware I I’m watching on Saturday Juicy Drop Pops I remember those m Yorks too djp you and I are on the same uh same wavelength wavelength I like

That as long as it doesn’t have like peanuts in it I’m usually pretty game for it or caramel usually pretty I don’t like caramel no Sour Patch Kids valid good answer a great candy a good brand of orange slices no orange s do yeah do you play any video games I do

Not a ton but I usually play with these two who scored for the Bruins it was Frederick and pck for the Senators it was Thomas Shabbat watch themac call it candy bars Grand 100 Grand anybody like those um my dad would tell you candy corn he likes candy

Corn that’s going to start a great debate in chat um favorite ice cream flavor I’m I’m I’m simple chocolate for soft Surf not just well I like soft surf but chocolate ice cream in general chocolate chocolate ice cream’s the way to go what are your favorite ice cream flavors Miss chocolate chip

Cookies and cream mint chocolate chip and cookies and cream Pistachio Pistachio Sam’s chocolate I said that already djp says a Mounds bar is his favorite candy nice I like vanilla vanilla mint chocolate chip cookies and cream Rocky Road cookie D cookies and cream very nice black raspberry from

Brams oh okay I know what you’re talking about then chocolate chip my my go-to do anybody know kimbles oh I do you know the one that’s done in Westford yeah best if you ever I’m us hanging out there a lot during the summer if you ever see me there do

You I’ve played the mini golf I played both courses I played the both courses like at least 50 times each you definitely have we probably just didn’t we just didn’t know each other back then you love kimbles see here’s the thing I usually go like a bunch of times

During the summer so if you ever see me out while you’re at Kimble come say hi their ice cream’s amazing Top Golf I haven’t done it but I want to do it it so bad Ashley agrees with chocolate yeah huh am I big no I’m a big mini

Golfer you have seen me why didn’t you come say hi you should have come said hi I don’t bite sure no I’m kidding I don’t I don’t bite I promise French vanilla nice friendlies makes a great black raspberry too I’m sure yeah and favorite like uh storybot ice cream I like the Turkey

Hill Dutch Chocolate I’m a connoisseur at this point chocolate ice cream Condor I know HJ yeah I think so oh my God they’re they’re large is high no it’s crazy have you ever gotten the Kimble have you seen what the Kimble special looks like yes it’s freaking massive didn’t you didn’t want

To bother me should have come said hi I’m right here my family knows I do YouTube they know should have come and said hi hoodsies oh my God so you know I so um um they you they make individual hoodsy cups now so you can get like just

Chocolate or just vanilla now but it’s just the size of a hoodsie cup I discovered it at Walmart like years ago bars kondik bars those are always a good one yeah yeah yeah yeah uhhuh hey the third period’s back hey we wasted time what that’s on a Bruins

Outdoor outdoor Bruins game at Lowden at the speedway I’m down I’d go see what TD one day well hey I I’m going two games this year I’m going to definitely won March 9th against the Penguins I’m going to be there the other one’s surpris the other one well we kind of said it

But we’re going in a couple weeks Mar calendar for Vlog there will be VL from both games I go to you come if you see me come say I’ll take a picture take a picture with all four of us cuz Grant’s going to be there

Too yeah like if you ever see me out as long as I’m not like super distracted or if I’m like with family at like dinner come say hi if I’m out if I’m at mini golf at kimbles what game is it again I’m uh Penguins Bruins March 9th it’s a

Saturday it’s a 3:30 game I’ll be there streaming it no I’m going to Vlog it how’s it going Josiah good to see you it’s wonder where you were good to see you Penguins Bruins March 9th I’m going with Harrison and then Kyle Grant sof and I

Are going to go to a game at some point in the next couple weeks I know so we haven’t quite decided on which game yet although we have a favorite so once we know for sure we’ll let you know hey thank you to SN uh etn dagel for the sub appreciate

It if I get a sweet you come up I’ll come visit absolutely I won’t stay because I’m going to hang out with friends obviously that I’m there that I’m there with but I’ll come visit or if you come down and see me am I going to stream Red Sox games this

Summer probably not unless it’s like a big series or unless they’re good especially since the team’s where they’re currently at no way BR it’s Jeopardy but Oh I’m gonna have that mini microphone that I ordered on Amazon that’d be a great video idea Bruins Jeopardy I can do that Dury allar break because they’re off next week we can we record that video for you guys Bingo can we have a Bruins can we get a Bruins

Hockey bingo card next game uh maybe for the postseason I can get that I can make that happen I’ll I’ll find out a free way to you know is the third period about to happen here or what’s going on okay good they only have one more game after this

One and then they’re off for the next week due to the all-star break should get brues versus Stars tickets that’s tickets going to be way too expensive I’ll probably be home for that game anyway one of the spots a pasta turn over okay good then you’ll automatically get a free spot the

What creat the Patriot logo passed away oh no that’s sad I was rewatching the Providence versus bu game the other day championship game the other day oh and college hockey they’re cheap how cheap we talking here hold on a second let me check yeah where is Grant where’d he go back here we

Are CH is6 no thank you Marsha needs one more goal to have fifth place all time to himself for most goals score for fifth most goals scored by a bruan in in in the team’s history he is seven short of passing Rick Middleton for fourth all

Time you’ll need 403 which is eight more after than what he currently is he can he only needs 33 more to pass berson all time Marshon 35 he’s already got 22 goals in the season I mean he’ll probably have like 40 this season and then he’ll probably

Finish up next he’ll probably pass him next year gral yeah he’s been ditching us a lot recently I don’t what’s up with that what a loser after the game on Saturday we’re all leaving we’re going to Grant house for the night to watch the Royal Rumble shut up this guy screaming again shut

Up I’m not afraid of those people they’re just Go Bruins going from right to left senator’s going from left to right Pino wins the draw against Coyle in the third period is underway kachuck will dump in the zone linol to Carlo played it up here’s poock has Marshon to the left poock slows it down playing it over there’s

Nobody there to play the puck except Claud Drew for Phil for uh Ottawa he flips in right in on Swan he’ll have to hang out of that puck he had no idea where it was he hangs on you okay yeah I heard I heard something about feet I was like oh what’s up

Okay oh no no no no no hide those that’s not good people people are weird face off one by the Bruins grizzli moving it ahead for debrus try to get to Van reik he can’t it’s open hey Mike Grant and Mike are here did Brandon decide decide to stay

Down there yeah Brandon’s he’s going to catch some z’s in a moment ear he needs to bro he’s insomnia right now Jesus Christ Puck play back forbert through van re Bruins lead two to one here the third period just started you haven’t missed much by the way Freddy T

Nice shot right Nice Shot I love that here is Shabbat grizzli gets it back here zaka back to grizzli jper Buist Buist walks right in Buist in front trying to find Frederick and it’s gloved down knocked by Frederick from Corpus solo geeky keeping it alive against uh cellic Parker Kelly gets it out

Branstrom dumps in Celtics are winning by 19 in the third quarter very nice that they are Frederick moving it ahead here’s Morgan Ki KI trying to center it he gets close closed off by branstrom Frederick in there to help as well big battle for the puck it’s worked free and the Senators touch

It here is hinen trying to get he gets past jaru nice move Heinen flips in the zone was ranking him was ranking the different people he’s door dashed with it’s crazy I’m not even on that list here’s branstrom played up ice it’s going to be an ISAC against Ottawa

That’s not it was touched by Bruins they’re goingon to say no here is ostini takes it away right in on Corp pasalo he’ll make the stop here is kachuck ptra takes it away from Shane Pinto oh my God jaru gets it in the Zone Carlo try to chip it head turnover

Here’s kachuck shot save San in front what a save Carlo for poock marand who needs one more goal to get fifth all time passing Ray bour for most goals in Bruins history that is good lolm in here is poster knock trying to shoot save by Corpus solo Chan takes it away go

Through Joseph poster knock shot is knocked down hit coil was a little stung up from that gets the puck back coil feeds Brandon Carlo at the right Point plays it in behind the net marshan against Chan Puck goes to poock poock in front for coil got checked by Matt Joseph Carlo holds

In here is Marshon with it Marshon turns around and fire shot knocked down here is Chan here is Marshon with it Joseph playing it over here is Shabbat with it he’ll carry out the center he dumps in sh about the auto go oh by the way ever since you’ve been gone some people

Been screaming outside our out of our door screaming like go Bruins what yeah I lit had to go out there and just go out I literally yelled out the door shut up here is De brus has boquist and zaka three on two de brus jumps in I mean they got know you’re

Commentating by now right yeah they do it on just tell him shut up here’s Sanderson because people don’t have respect Sanderson over to Josh Norris across for Kelly pass broken up here comes zaka Bruins have numbers boquist flips it over Bernard dacker got knocked down whoa linol knocked down with uh Josh Norris

Much love go Bruins thank you Josiah for the five for the $5 Super Chat appreciate it thank you so much and yeah he’s not winning the belt Saturday guys don’t get it out of your heads is he winning Saturday no n sorry ell night makoy he could we were talking about it

Last night he could win it uh Puck comes in on uh s and he’ll make the stop porzingis is hurt dude couldn’t dude can’t stay healthy I swear to God still in bro we’re up by like mavi and and uh Wizards as well this dude can’t stay

Healthy Marshon needs to needs a score and I make my parlay well hopefully he scores empty neck incoming coil against stla kachuck wins the draw Coyle Marsh dig W spoon digs it free Coyle gets it out glove down by Sanderson played over Brady kachuck makoy takes it away from him makoy over to

Wspoon wspoon with it playing it up Bice Marsh for poock Puck bouncing on him poock taken down by kachuck and sta takes it away here’s Claud jaru jeru rips it blocked by makoy nice block Standing Tall shot saved by San drive by Sanderson misses wide breaking news the Diamondbacks have

Signed jock Peterson to a one-year deal I know I’m I just saw this I just saw the notification I’m sorry toach Chuck for Zub AER misses wide that’s your way tell me to make the flooder post quicker I’m on it no no no I just literally notification I figured it was news here

Is Zub shot blocked by makoy shot by um jiru is blocked on the one timer here is Derek here’s Parker W spoon you played for you main holy shoot holy [ __ ] man San was my goalie that’s sick that’s awesome grizzli flips in the zone right in on Corpus Salo he’ll make

The stop he was a good kid I I believe it wholeheartedly yes he cleared he cleared he cleared he cleared the Al he cleared the whole Hockey Canada thing we’re good we’re going to go to commercial break I’ll be right I’ll be right back here in just a minute

We are back from commercial break the Bruins Le 2 to1 against the Senators here in the third period primere says I swear to God if I see another Sports gambling Adam jumping out of window agreed wow well I’m sorry but you’re going to have to deal with them a little

More Sam christs porzingis has left ankle sprain oh sh son of enjoy Niagara Falls like every other tourist ever but on holidays they do light shows it’s really cool what what where’ that come from must I must have missed something in the chat must the I have $100 on tonight’s game oh oh

Boy yeah me me betting one cent to win like eight cents that’s that’s a me hooray ptra wins the draw shot save by Corpus Salo you can get her playing any imagine getting her playing baseball exactly not not contact well basketball I mean if you

Jump up yeah you land the wrong way it’s rley Greg dumps it in it’s goingon to be an nice thing wow Bruin’s Legend history here five and a half years in 108 games after his NHL debut with the Bruins ero vodan Nan has finally scored his first

NHL goal with the Anaheim Ducks against the Stars tonight oh my God her vodan finally finally got the first got uning got his first NHL goal okay okay okay that Coy will take the draw here against uh charier marshan back makoy closes marshan across grizzli looking shot save

Corpus solo and the puck comes out to center makoy with it makoy almost turned it over to Castell Puck bouncing to Coyle how’s it going Eagles good to see you I’m doing good how are you here is grizzli for poo over to Marsh in front for Coyle couldn’t play

It kachu takes it away for Ottawa here is stew slays offside Flyers ceremony Saturday before puck drop for what for a player not sure I’ll see if I can find it I don’t know what’s going on about it face off one by the Bruins Carlo will

Deflect it out off Jake de brush Shabbat dumps back in for Ottawa the Bruins only have 15 shots on goal it’s another concern they said this again take more shots they’re doing the exact opposite here is boquist zaka is poke checked Bist kicks it back to his

Stick nice play bous with it campus lolm left Point lolm plays It Around the Net pass Jake to brusk Carlo cuts off Matthew Joseph and holds it in Joseph gets it back playing it to shabbat Puck dumped in there by Shabbat played Around the Net Carlo with it tus

Lolm boas will try to get it to Frederick he does Frederick jumps in Bobby Clark chicklet tonight Grant you hear that somebody made a joke about Bobby Clark Bobby Clark chicklets night at felia on Saturday lost of front teeth when playing hockey back in the 70s you love Bobby Clark though Hall of

Famer yeah no I lot of iconic clips of him smiling and missing that front row of teeth all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth my five front teeth my 10 front teeth here is ba that’s what he was here is Drake bson play it up the

Ice in deep Parker Kelly against wers spoon here is bson takes it away here’s a drive by branstrom it got blocked Bernard Docker wspoon throws p uh Pino off the puck Frederick will get it out it’s G be an icing here against uh the James Van rke Ice the puck he iced it

Face off one by Frederick ruins flip it out to Center Zu loses it to Morgan geeki we do love Trent Fred what’s your take on all about Bill Bel being being uh let go it’s the right decision respect for what he did obviously love Bell for what he did for the Patriots a

Drive by Sanderson misses the net obviously respect for what he did for the Patriots and everything and love bill for that but you know it’s time it’s a new time for new direction Sanderson shot save San from the a shot from um Sanderson you know time for a new direction for the

Patriots zooming on your face on a snap I don’t know it’s all right face off one by the Bruins makoy can’t get it out Sanderson holds in we uh good game with Arizona and Tampa tonight really what’s the score in that one I have no idea if that game goes to

Overtime after this game man we can turn it on maybe here is Coyle leading oh just ahead of poso on a breakway POS G to negate the icing he does here is ardam Zoo poso got thrown down here is Claude jaru it’s dumped in the zone Swingman leaves it for lolm lolm for

Carlo lolm again off Heinen in the zone CH whacks it away but Heinen dumps it back in here’s Thomas Shabbat for Josh Norris Ottawa pushing it ahead delay offside a has to tag up the runs will get possession here’s Carlo for lolm lolm in the neutral zone he dumps in

Around the Net Shabbat playing it here’s Steen for hinen trying to center it for ptra it hit off the back of the cage instead Joseph over to Chan plays it off the boards Steen takes the puck and dumps it right in on Corpus Salo lead it to

Shabbat with nine and a half left 63 Tampa well it’s a high scoring game in there bson playing it back to CH 9:15 to go in this game it’s a it’s a fast moving third period but there’s not a ton going on time’s kind of flown by Chon off Pinto in the

Zone wild this went up for boquist zaka Jake de Brusque he gets poke cheek knocked down and it’s taken back by the Senators here is bson across the Bruins line you don’t get any offensive pressure you can’t get anything going when you have no pressure going zaka will take the puck and move

It ahead he lifts in the zone the Bron’s going to get a change with eight and a half left Sam please don’t be mad but I call I stitched on you to grant for calling him a loser well that he did I called you a Los me the loser I called you a

Loser because you were too busy with with that’s it was all you know I was joking right of that’s joking and by the way why am I getting told on like an elementary school kid exactly geeky flips in the zone carp pasalo for stut eight minutes

To go the Bruins do this in every third period they just just play prevent every time it’s so dumb down by they’re up by one they’re up by one yeah they’re one up but still they stop playing prevent defense it’s so stupid no it’s not cuz you’re gonna

You’re going to get Ottawa going and you’re not going to get any offensive pressure if you’re up two then yeah maybe you’re up one here’s stla back to Sanderson a shot misses the net giru here is lolm coil works it to poock he’ll move it ahead post knock tied up there by

Stla sta gets it right back he took it right off poock stick like it was a piece of like it was a piece of cake nothing zaru I think they’re get cautious they’re getting called for anything last per it doesn’t matter you sometimes you have to take risks to play hockey stop

Being so Jesus Christ shot from the line save Swingman Rebound in front of the net oh my how’ It Go in the net no no no no that’s going to get called back immediately that was Norris has the goal for now but I don’t think it’s going to count shut the [ __ ] up

What I got whacked in that’s the last second let’s see up in the air and I don’t know up it was a it must have been that was a hand pass was it not I think they’re G to count it the Bron’s got to challenge that did they not I would

Challenge it the W’s immediately motioning for a hand oh they took it away they took it away they said no goal due to a hand pass which is the right call yeah right got luy with a hand they go to commercial break Mike I’m actually gonna do

Something can you like be like near the door in case they start yelling again just just kind of just go out yeah hold on I’m GNA mute we’ll be right back we’re back we’re back from commercial break wish every ruins League two to one still we

Have Mike positioned right next to me so they so this so the [ __ ] starts screaming again we’re going to go out there he’ll go out there and handle it tell him tell him the [ __ ] off pretty much right oh my God don’t know cops and robbers maybe

Okay one thing it’d be funny it was funny the first time then the second or third and the fourth and the fifth time it’s really dumb it’s not funny face off W by the Senators Jacob Chan for Joseph across the Bruins line Josh Norris with it six and a half left geek

Will play it up here’s Van Rey it to flex in geeky van reite deflects in the zone Josh am I in a dorm yeah I’m in a dorm room I’m in college by the way so that’s why here is Morgan gei I know the best broadcasts are when you’re back in your

Own house yeah it’s true because I don’t have to worry about interruptions well no no it’s not the door’s unlocked might go get the door it’s Kyle under six minutes to go here’s Shabbat behind his own net talking to you right next to you here’s giru Clos off there by Carlo nice

Hit by Carlo and giru here’s Coyle poock def flexs it in the zone here’s Sanderson 525 left here is zubie dumps in the zone and they sto play I don’t know WHYY that it wasn’t a goal but it was just a nice bonus they go to commercial break I

Don’t know why they sto play but they did 521 to go it’s still 21 Bruins watch him freak out way to go you did a great job in doing that idiot off sides oh off sides Mak sense okay oh boy I’m super nerve wracked if the Brewers don’t keep to sleep because like

They’ve been getting outplayed for the majority of the game yeah since they have the lead laid I just wanted to keep it about the they play tonight or tomorrow tomorrow oh tomorrow night yeah sorry I don’t know about that Rangers have been struggling recently I don’t know

Oh well to be fair it’s in New York so they might have they might have a shot they might have a shot are favorite yeah because they’re the home team that Rangers don’t lose at home very often so yeah first of the favorite you want a swiming goal so does

The rest of the world so does the rest of the world but we shall keep waiting always forget that trishan jari now owns the most recent I should go live for the Rangers game tomorrow no no I should go live for the game tomorrow no it’s at seven yeah I’m already

Calling a a volleyball game tomorrow so I’m good what Saturday yeah you should be fine yeah face off one by the Senators here’s Chan drops it for Pinto bson now the Bruns have not had a shot on goal this entire third period I’m pretty sure oh boy 26 they’re playing vent

Hocky here is Chan a shot from the line save San rebound knocked away Pino in for bson playing it back to CH the line shot saved by San again final five oh my God that’s another penalty against the Bruins that isn’t a [ __ ] penalty damn it another one

T it’s G to be on water spoon crosschecking So Soft dude let’s see oh come on the dude fell he felt contact and fell could to draw a penalty dude Bren and Gallagher got ejected in the Canadians Islanders game tonight for a head shot elbow to the head he was not involved in

That cators Bruins with the draw Carlo will try to clear rides the ridge the boards it’s held in there by Tim Su senators are one for five on the power play tonight they finally got one after a gift here’s another one Pinto San sits on it what a save what a

Stop basically sat down he caught it and then fell backwards like watch how it happened that’s way to do it yeah I got it oh Z against zaka Sanderson over stla Sanderson Center Point sta again for Ottawa Sanderson four minutes to go sta closes misses the net and it goes out of

Play yeah you thought it was 22 then the then the goal got called back because it was a hand pass bogus penalty yeah like can’t kick it what you can’t like kick it in um you can’t make a kicking motion if it goes off your skate

And then without you kicking it if it just goes like off the skate and then it’s a good goal now if you go kick it can’t do that there has to be a distinct kicking motion past like five or 10 years they’ve been trying to figure out what

The difference is between a distinct kicking motion and what because like sometimes it’s like you move the skate to direct it in but I don’t know it’s weird face off one by Ottawa Sanderson for stla four minutes to go Bruins will try to get it out here’s Marshon he has

Coil to the left to the right Marshon one on Three maron’s wrist shot saved by Corpus solo and he throws it to jaru that should be a hand pass but okay I guess not since the goalie did it I guess it’s not a hand pass here’s stla Brady

Kachuck dropping it for Sanderson under a minute to go on the power play stla Sanderson for giru jeru in the right corner K shot for Pinto he got stopped by swingan and it goes out of play that is his 30th save of the night the only reason this Bruins

Game is they AR even winning right now hand pass is allowed in the defensive Zone that’s dumb Swan’s in the allstar game for a reason guys for saves like that o I actually wasn’t even safe by him it went off it went off the defender and up and

Out of play looking for his 6 second career win tonight oh my God amazing how already reached that high in such short time a little less than three years that’s pretty good it’s a newer rule I think oh okay well even still a plot same my my my point still stands it’s

Still stupid if you if the goalie throws the puck to you it should be a hand pass teras senko scores from a ridiculous angle and we are tied That’s Mike For glad PR Terra senko oh that’s a great shot well they shot up I’m shocked Mike STS in case until the go horn goat stops playing when I when I drop the puck I’ll stop playing the goong game back off you’ll be all right good I’m not gonna blame San for

That that was a ridiculous angle great it was a great say it was a great shot on a gift of a power play three minutes to go in regulation makoy up bikes for post just so frustrating seeing very shady officiating the past two nights yep poock throws it on the net safe

Frederick the rebound stopped by Cor solo now here come the center up the other way it’s a three on two stla with ch tereno goes off for a change stla against grizzli grizli nice job cutting him off nice hit by makoy Shabbat shot saved by

Swan what not by much what’s up he said football he said leaki refs are still better than football refs I said perhaps but not by much not by a long shot hockey hockey ref of the best of the a bunch and it’s not a good thing because it’s like it’s

Like they’re not even all that good thinks are still the best no they’re not they just got to call way less if anyone no they’re not if anyone is the best I would say hockey if not hockey it’s BB but baseball it’s not really hard to

Call it’s just you kind of dud goes can pass with their gloves that’s fine I know that’s a rule but I just think it’s stupid it’s hard to call but it’s slower yeah I just think it’s stupid so hinen wins the draw as ptri got kicked out here’s

Bist here is bson with two and a half left bson closed off by boquist Pinto here’s Shabbat a shot save San Carlo will move it ahead Heinen will get it to boquist Bruins have some numbers Bist has Steen with him here’s boquist slows up Bist a wrist shot save the rebound

And Shabbat gets gets the puck first for Ottawa and he’ll flip it out forbert is getting out dressed by Parker Kelly he’s getting out beat over there and uh Kelly gets it up makoy for Marshon Marshon Works free from a Defender Marshon looking playing to the

Middle can’t find Zu Marsh tied up here is stla Claud J with a minute 50 left giru over to kachuck trying to find giru he can’t Marshon cuts it off Marshon with a minute 40 left in regulation Marshon up for Cole Coyle dumps in past Zu in the

Zone Puck flipped up and out here is Brady kachuck dumpson 90 seconds to go in regulation Bruins and Senators tied it two the Bruins got too complacent and their and played to play prevent defense and it costed them lolm dumps it in Around the Net Shabbat playing it over

De brus has it behind the Ottawa net tied up there by Chan Shabbat taken down by Frederick they’re going to call that I guarantee it oh wow they didn’t I’m shocked Frederick tied up zaka in there as well Norris for Matthew Joseph poke check Bruins get the puck right back Frederick

Dson final minute of Regulation Norris closed off by de bruss de bruss drops his stick and the puck lands on the Bruins bench and the Ottawa bench up and out of play with 51.3 to go in the third period they are in Ottawa yes at the Canadian Tire

Center in Canada Ontario which is a just north of Ottawa nope no k n a TA Canada yep what people thought I was saying like I’m making fun of Canada no yes it’s in the actual name of the town I’m not I’m not being I’m not being a jackass I promise

Here’s makoy to forbert it’s dumped in are you sure no said no geeky playing it behind the Net v uh here is Sanderson with 35 seconds to go nine penalties and the Bruins so that makes sense yeah here the Senators only have one here’s stel three on two

Here’s kachua shot San huge save with 27 seconds to go pred score yeah I do thanks thanks yeah but it’s overtime Craig Smith has a goal tonight oh Craig Smith has a goal tonight Grant Sam cousin cousin W around it’s over Craig Smith the only relevant relevant thing he did

As a bruin and that hatrick he had that one time yours yeah not mine no that was mine though game three stayed up until what 11 that night what C was on until like 11 o’clock yeah yeah game started like me too poock with 20 seconds lifts it in the

Zone flipped up and out with 15 seconds Carlos’s going to hang on to it he’ll move it up ice Brun try to get two points now uh oh turn over with 10 seconds zuo dumps in the zone and we’re going to have overtime in Ottawa but to

Be fair the Rangers losing to the Sharks is kind of like if the senators were to win this game it’s a game that you shouldn’t be losing but you’re just over there in case like why are we going to overtime okay good you should see Mike he’s right

There guys he’s right behind the TV he’s our bouncer he is literally our security for the night because you know well well you’re also a wrestler so like this is the first time they did that first time I’ve never run into this before I’m kind of shocked call me

Crazy yeah me too I heard it show us oh here Mike’s right there he’s hiding right near the door went through every single Bruins game I streamed last year with no problem yet the minute we have this one tonight and all of the this time you think we have Ottawa fans in

Massachusetts I don’t know we have a couple lease fans here but not Senators fans you kidding me it’s not all in the refs but no but it’s like it doesn’t help that’s mean no you can come back over here now they would have got they would have been here by

Now Mark get back on your post he’s only over there when a goal happens so like if some if Ottawa scores and wins this game they’re he’s over there he’s like oh [ __ ] I gotta make sure I would stand outside the door and be like oh yeah you want to say

Something and then second they be like th it you just tackle him to the ground how’s the officiating tonight not good not good at all overtime are going from the right to what happened left to right senators are going from right to left a nice save look at this save right here you

See this this was the sa bro Keegan tried to convince me that was a goal he’s like then when Frederick’s SC he’s like Frederick’s goal’s going to get called back I’m like shut up swan made the save instant rep play shows that is factual oh my God Swan gets first start

Win or lose yeah I agree I mean only reason the Bruins are in this game right now is my God they should have lost this game 562 and to be honest if h mark was in they might have but here is De brus with Frederick and lolm to start

Overtime de bruss for Frederick controlling in the neutral zone no no no no and this now here is Jake debrusk debrus in the neutral zone cross the line de brus walks in plays it over here’s a chance Frederick saved by Corpus solo but oh no it’s a two-on-one

For the for the Senators it’s teras Seno with Norris teras senko saved by San huge stop R’s GNA have a two-on-one back up the other way if they hurry Frederick will have lolm he’ll go for a change Frederick’s one on two he’ll drop it for

Makoy up on the on the ice now makoy nice move makoy around the neet keeping possession waiting for some new help he has Coy and Marshon makoy to Coyle Coyle in the high slot he swerves back here is Coyle keeping possession Coyle spinning back against Shabbat oh my God Co this

Nice job by Coyle possession and he gets it back to makoy to retain possession even though the puck came out makoy drops it for Marshon who needs who needs a goal to get fifth all time for himself coil Marshon tip in front save Corp pasalo the rebound still fre and knocks it

Away here is stla getting around marshan here comes St up the other way three on two here’s stla walking in going to go around the perimeter of the goal sta playing it over here’s Sanderson shot trickles wide it got deflected Brady kachuck for Sanderson Tim stla sta to the net save

Kachuck rebound Fanon Bruins going to a two-on one coil with Marshon here’s marshan looking shot score Brad Marshon is fifth all time in Bruins goals and then is a Bruins overtime winner all right I’m not saying that I get yeah get it hey ah there’s the hug

Woo didn’t someone just win money too didn’t someone need Maron scor for their parlay gang I think he needed marshan for his parlay good job buddy and it look like Co is going to get this pass too Martian shoots it right on goal Coro at the edge of the

Crease no shot wow game over we get to hear dirty water hey we shouldn’t be God this was an awful performance but it w a win You watch this entire Game hooray the Bruins have won six of their last seven games perfect and they split the home and and they split the back to back I’ll take It Boston you’re my Home the Celtics won too Celtics win to double whammy they won by 30 against Miami double win PR a backto back parades in June it’s gonna feel nice you got your parlay good job am gang congratulations on that well done congrats you bet $50 for the Bruins to win congrats 265 stand why

Not I think that should happen let’s get into your three stars of the game your third star is David posto who had a goal tonight the opening goal late in the first period kind of set the tone for the Bruins well done your second star of the game tonight is

The man who gave us the overtime winner and is now fifth all time in goals in Bruins history with 396 Brad Maran and your first star of the game is the man is the man who kept us in this game the entire time the goenda hell of a performance for that

Guy that’s an that he stole that game from the Senators ottawa’s police better be on the phone right now that’s a thievery that’s a theft that’s a theft Beautiful nice shot by marshan great rer hey we win shouldn’t have we shouldn’t have I’ll be honest with you the Bruins played [ __ ] tonight but hey a win’s a win they don’t ask how they just ask how many and the Bruins won a game so that’s

Fine the Bruins won they had more goals than the other team that’s all you that’s all they care about at the end the Bruins got outshot to Blasphemous to to blasphemy they got really outshot was like 40 to 25 or something like that but they won so who

Cares lie cuz them boys in the bay are winning Sunday yes sir hopefully was it K Chuck that whiffed yes it was Brady kachuck and now my soul help feels happy now that kachuck screwed up something good because they let that two onone for Ottawa like wide open and swayan kicks

It right now what’s what else is swayan supposed to do he can’t cover the puck in that situation so I see kachuck wide open on the left side of the net I’m like oh my God he’s just going to rip a top shelf game over and he missed whips

It Bruins go up Coy to marshan Boom game winner that that was that was a nuts final 253 seconds yeah well the Bruins G to are going to be on the road one more time and I’ve learned that Alex F will be on the call again on Saturday for’s up with Jack

He’s taking time off Bruins and flyers Bruins and flyers the final game for the allstar break coming up Saturday afternoon at 12:30 start as they’ll be taking on the Philadelphia Flyers from the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia and then the Bruins will be on the allstar break for

The next week so it’ll be my final stream until video hear about that oh yeah we Sophia gave the best video idea I’ve ever heard Bruins Jeopardy oh that’s a great idea so I think we’re gonna do that I’m gonna I’ll be Alex tbec or no unfort who’s the current host

Now unfortunately he passed away I don’t it’s no it’s a guy I forget I forget his name you look it up I’ll be whoever the Jeopardy host is it’s not it’s not TC anymore un unfortunately I’m Ken something right unfortunately he passed away recently I’m gonna lose that current Jeopardy host Ken

Jennings Ken Jennings Ken Jennings Ken Jennings thank you love I appreciate it Ken Jennings I appreciate it thank you good job Kyle and good job to the people in chat who tell me that all right well we’re gonna I think we’re going to go to whoever wants to go can go to Boomers

We’re going to I’m hungry what can we have it after we get food and come back I’m staying here I I was already down there and I’m pretty sure brenon andan Nate left so I was going to go down and get food and come back that’s

All I’m doing we’ll start the dance here you start you can start I’ll plug in the Disco like before I leave and I’ll go get food if anybody wants to tag along they can yes we are I just real we’re going have a disco party after stream

And you’ll see and if you check out my Instagram story you’ll see a video of it it’ll it’s funny it’s actually really funny when we do because we’re going to blast some music it’s be it’s gonna be great I want to play a game of pool okay

Well you can play game of pool while I wait for my food okay cool all right see you guys on Saturday for Bruins Flyers 12:30 start it’s going to be a good time have a good rest of your night everybody it was a success it wasn’t pretty by any

Means necessary but a win is a win if you like the stream make sure to please smash the like button subscribe to the channel make sure you turn on your post notifications to never miss when I go live or upload on the channel follow me on social media all the links are down

In the description down below it’s my Instagram my Tik Tok my Twitter all down there and if you like to share it with your friends share it with your family if you didn’t I don’t really care especially those [ __ ] across the street across the way anyway have a good

Rest of your night Bruins win 3-2 in overtime for all of us see you Saturday peace out Bruins win big in overtime good night

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