@Vancouver Canucks

The Canucks do NOT deserve to go through this…

The Vancouver Canucks lost to the St Louis blues, Rick Tochett was interviewed and asked about Elias Pettersson, and of course after Tochett gives one critique, the Canucks media goes crazy and blows it out of proportion. Let me know what you guys think.



  1. well pointed out. media (or news in general) is not selling without negativity spin, but this is (sadly) more so on our media

  2. i have a strong dislike for the sports media in vancouver. in a world where nhl coaches tippy-toe around the media and their players giving these scrubbed politically correct 'answers', terrified to piss everybody off, the vancouver media was given the benefit of an honest person. he has been calling out players all year when they have been under performing and it never went passed the presser. but when it's pettersson, they embellish his statement. make out like he tore him a new one. so i hope they are happy now because their pressers with tocc will be the most boring ones out there.

  3. The mainstream media outlets in Canada are vultures. Almost as much as the American mainstream press. I've personally become immune to the talking heads of the world, and I hope that the players largely adopt the same mindset as they go into the dog days of the season.

  4. I have been searching for more positive media.
    The media in Van has become so needlessly toxic towards everything.
    They seem to have come up to the "bad news gets clicks" idea and I hate it

  5. Use specific language and name names. Why not mention Jpat specifically instead of talking about “the media”. Your headline is also negative media. You’re the one saying this issue is a “big problem for the team” and hurting player morale. Which is embellishment for clicks imho.

  6. Thanks for your balanced view on this subject. I am subscribing to your channel now. I don't know who to credit who said the following "The fans are allowed to go crazy or nuts. The coach and the players have to remain level-headed and not let the S### get to them

  7. YOU are also "making this a big deal and blowing it out of proportion" as part of "the media"….. the BIG problem for the Canucks is hypocrites like YOU.

  8. Van sports media is decidedly more effed up than most especially in the complete lack of accountability very cowardly beta male types

  9. no one in vancouver knows anything about success or positivity though, the canucks media has been generationally trained to report on failure

    Even the people reporting on the reporters…..

  10. JPat on S&P today tried to frame Tocchet's comments in the practice interview as him not admitting that what he said about Petey was criticism. Trying to frame it like Tocchet is overreacting to truthful reporting. Totally disingenuous. I have no respect left for JPat.

  11. I love your coverage and the coverage of a bunch of the other Canuck positive YouTubers. Why does there always have to be bad drama? Are people so conditioned by ridiculous reality shows where the people are useless wastes of skin and drama is the order of the day that they have to have it everywhere? 🤔
    With that said, I do want to see the boys in shiny blue helmets commandingly beat some other top teams like Boston, Winnipeg and Colorado as they are now, so we know for sure they can go long in the playoffs. Go Canucks!

  12. Yeah, little ironic that you are calling out media for being shitty and negative, while perpetuating shitty and negative media yourself. If you want the story to die, don't report on it. You really are not adding anything to the picture other than providing more eyes on what was said. Which is literally your main gripe, that people keep taking about it when it doesn't actually matter.

  13. I just like critical but fair coverage. I live in Nova Scotia now, so I prefer to seek out more positive vids about the Canucks to banter with the Leafs and Canadiens fans out here 🙂 A positive about being away from the epicenter of the Canucks fanbase is not being inundated with clickbait coverage.

  14. Guys like Drance and Ian Macintyre are total plugs who should retire asap the Canucks could win the cup and they’ll still look for negatives

  15. I have no like for the media in Vancouver and think they chase and enlarge stories that don’t need chasing or magnification, but I think many fans just felt Tocchet should have come out in defence of Petey for the OT cross check that led to the gwg. It seems to many that Tocchet sided with the refs , calling them “the best”? And then he proceeds to criticize the guy who’s gotten them like a dozen points in the last few games? But, whatever, let’s move on, beat Columbus, and go into the Break feeling positive!

  16. I think the Vancouver media wanted to spark a controversy like that. Afterall, it's been mainly nothing but great news for the Canucks this season. Spark a drama that doesn't exist and the news sells. And that's why I loved Torts when he was here. He'd shut them down.

  17. Tochett is asked a leading question—and gives an honest answer and then the drama queen media is trying to skewer him and create an issue.These idiot reporters are just trying to play one comment against another to drum up controversy.Tochett is on to these clowns and how they fabricate conflict.What morons these reporters(so called) can be -insulting Petey.Why?

  18. good shit bro i like the vids, i like quite a few nhl content creators here on youtube, youre deffs one of them, lovin vancouver this year

  19. Vancouver media should be ashamed of their constant negativity and obsession of finding something to make an issue.

  20. Don't forget the toxic fans who were crying about Tocchets coaching style. You know the ones who comments about who Tocchet should have on the ice and who should be in the shootouts etc…

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