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What Should the Bruins Do at the Trade Deadline? w/ Pete Blackburn | Bruins Beat

What Should the Bruins Do at the Trade Deadline? w/ Pete Blackburn | Bruins Beat

I still don’t know if I look at them as being like a real cup Contender just in the sense like I’m trying to limit my expectations and also I think that there are several teams in the Western Conference that are better than them so like obviously only one of those teams

Can come out of the Western Conference if they were to meet in the Stanley Cup Final and by then that remaining team might be banged up whatever like you can you can say all these things it’s like I think the Bruins are the best team in the Eastern Conference but like they’re

Like maybe three four in the League and welcome into the Bruins beat on clns media my name is Evan marinovsky and today I am joined by Pete Blackburn Pete what is up hey buddy how are you I am good how about you I’m good thanks for having me back I like the ABS hat coordinated with the the maroon

Sweatshirt shirt it’s like hearkening to my UMass love uh so I I appreciate that that’s a I like the I like the get up you got going on yeah of course with the uh with the new show we’ve been like stocking up on NHL stuff like not just

Bruins not just Bruins merch we got merch for like basically every team so no matter what color I’m wearing I have a matching NHL hat that I can throw on with it which is nice well I you know it’s funny I was whenever I see the

Clips or I I I watch the pod on YouTube um I’m always there’s always a part of a little stressed out because to and this is going to sound dumb but like when we when I do this I can throw on a sweatshirt I could be wearing jeans

Sweatpants no pants maybe if I’m really feeling crazy that has never actually happened but on on what chaos spicy here on a Friday huh a Friday morning right no I’ve never not worn pants uh that was always a fear of mine like Zoom classes like I’d always have like good pants on

Cuz I’m like what you know what if they have me stand up and show that I’m like wearing wearing khakis or something um but with what cast you have like you got to wear you got to look good you got to have like good shoes on you got to have

Like solid pants you know you can’t just like scrub it up in there and so you must have to have your whole wardrobe kind of like you know done up well I mean the the thing is you just got to look like you you care and you try like

And and that doesn’t necessarily mean you got to dress up like I wear sweatpants basically every episode but it’s like I don’t wear gray sweatpants because number one there that that leaves little room for imagination sometimes uh but also like I feel like gray sweatpants have the uh the

Appearance of being like the sloppy or like the lazy sweatpants so I wear like black joggers I wear like different color joggers and stuff like that so F Bridging the Gap between comfortable and like looking presentable yeah no that’s a good I think that’s I like that the

Best I agree with you I I think if you had to wear like khakis and a dress shirt or something like that it would be way too much yeah like the vibe of the show is casual like it’s very chill and and uh like an approachable hockey show

So yeah I think if you go back and you watch like the first week of shows maybe I I like wore jeans and like was a little bit more dressed up and then after a week I was like this is this is enough I’m done with sweatpants please

Yeah I and there like there’s a lot of sweatpants you can get out there that are not like scrubbing it up sweatpants like that are just like tip normal that was one of the good things about the pandemic the pandemic like really kind of uh pushed forward the the athleisure

Wear and like the Comfort pants and stuff like that so uh yeah that now there’s like a million companies that make super high quality sweatpants and joggers and all that well even like I have khakis from like Lululemon and stuff and those feel like sweatpants it’s really weird over here I I’m

Freaking just rolling in money you know I got my go my go watch I had on and I took it off actually uh but like those feel like sweatpants and you put them on and they feel weird but they they look good and they feel good so that’s all

That that matters uh anyways Bruins we got we do have to talk a little bit of Bruins I know what chaos is not a Bruins podcast but this is so we got to discuss BR had to had to inject some uh some grab ass at the top of Bruins that’s I I

Always love when uh you guys were mentioned on felger and Maz recently and and felger’s like that’s that’s too much grab ass for me I I I can’t do the the grab ass you know got when are they going to talk about the one two2 and

Stuff which I I got a kick out of um I mean really when are you going to talk about the benefits of the 122 versus the 131 I think that’s compelling stuff you guys just you’re afraid to talk about I mean let’s here we’re cowards you’re cowards cowards that’s exactly it uh but

Anyways Bruins have won five of six five of six uh they won in Ottawa on Thursday night they had a little hiccup against the hurricanes on Wednesday they’ve had a weird schedule this week Monday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday but then after Saturday’s game they’re off for uh

A week um in the past six games I know they had a little skid before out west um have have your feelings changed on the Bruins at all yeah they actually have I I won’t lie like I was heading into like this kind of stretch thinking

That there was really like no best team in the Eastern Conference like in my mind the Eastern Conference was wide open and um you know in in in large part I still think that that’s kind of true but if there is a team it’s definitely the Bruins that stands Above the Rest um

I’ve been impressed with how they’ve been winning games specifically like the Ottawa game last night was crazy to me it reminded me of the um of the the game last year against Calgary where it’s like this team for sure did not deserve to win this game and everything was

Stacked against them and they still found a way to win the game and do it in in a way that was like to you steal a word from W galvanizing even though the Bruins didn’t necessarily need to be galvanized but like the fact that they came away from Ottawa with that win

Especially uh after um a a a loss the previous night really really impressive makes you feel good about this team and where they are right now so yeah I do think that they are the the best team in the Eastern Conference and that to to me right now is not really debatable I

Agree because the East has kind of underwhelmed at times I mean other teams like the Flyers have kind of come to the Forefront that we didn’t really expect but the Hurricanes aren’t playing to the level that I think everyone thought they would um and you even look at in the

East like the Panthers right behind the Bruins but the lightning have struggled at times the Leafs have not been without their struggles um the Rangers are in a crazy skid like they’re not looking good Islanders had to go and hire Patrick Wall like when is W when is Patrick W

Going on what chaos I think that’s what the people are really wondering um but I to me like I throughout the year I I talked about this with you earlier this season like I I kept being like they’re cool story the Bruins are but I like do I think

They are a favorite no but that I agree with you it’s changed with the landscape with the way the rest of the East is with the way the Bruins are playing with the Ascension of guys like Charlie Coyle and Pavo zaka down the middle uh I mean

Coyle is playing I’ve said this every week I think for the last like three months he’s playing the best hockey he’s ever play played I know everybody looks at that 2017 season is like his career best he you know knock on wood is going

To sore past that this season and I I to me like I just think they are they work you know they have the goalie tandem in net uh I want to get to San in a little bit but like in terms of being a cup Contender I’ve said all along I don’t

Look at them as that which is crazy to think but I just there were flaws in this team there were holes there were you know you look at last year you know no berson no Cree they’re a they’re a legit cup Contender I think I I I think

The page has turned on that in that there it is not just oh get in the playoffs and see what happens it is get in the playoffs and you are expected to go deep I think the things I think the expectations have changed with this team

Yeah I’m it’s I’m in a weird spot where like I I think that they should go deep and it will be disappointing if they don’t again based off of like what else there is in the Eastern Conference obviously there’s there’s plenty of time for that to change and we’ll see kind of

Where we are at the end of this season um with kind of how some of these other teams in the East have rebounded or you know kind of shaped up with deadline Acquisitions things like that but like the Bruins should should be able to make

A run this year I still don’t know if I look at them as being like a real cup Contender just in the sense like I’m trying to limit my expectations and also I think that there are several teams in the Western Conference that are better than them so like

Obviously only one of those teams can come out of the Western Conference if they were to meet in the Stanley Cup Final and by then that remaining team might be banged up whatever like you can you can say all these things it’s like I think the Bruins are the best team in

The Eastern Conference but like there are like maybe three four in the league yeah but I still put that in cup Contender territory and I think I think they have played them I mean if you’re going to finish on January 26 if you’re going to be first in the East you know

Vying for uh best team in the NHL points wise you should go on a run like I am getting to that point where it’s like all right if you’re going to keep playing this good you should continue that in the playoffs it should be expected that you continue that in the

Playoffs um and I think they have they’ve hit that and I didn’t see that all along I thought you know they would hit longer skids um obviously they’re not the the you know uh scorched earth type team they were at least in the regular season that they were last year

Maybe that’s a good thing maybe that’s a good thing last last they didn’t play a playoff game uh for like the entirety of the regular season and now I feel like some of these games during the regular season have felt like playoff games and have felt like they’ve needed to really

Grind it out and um you know that’s why I’m kind of hoping that they’re they’re they have somebody who kind of sticks around them a little bit to to push them in ter another in ter in terms of like another team oh yes I agree yeah because

The Panther’s been on their tail right like if we’ve seen other teams um like who have cleared the regular season standings like the lightning and and teams like that who don’t really face adversity during the regular season and then the playoffs hit and then they immediately kind of flame out so um yeah

I just I kind of want the Bruins to to have somebody on their heels and to be pushing them during the regular seasons games one through 82 I I’m with you on that I’ve you know this whole season I don’t you know no one thought it would

Be a cakewalk but looking back at it’s funny like you look back back to last year and it’s like I The Vibes around that team were so good and they were just they had no holes everything was shorted up and so it was like all right

Well if you’re not going to play any competitive games in March and April so what you know we know you know how you know how to win you’ve got all the pieces you went out at the deadline and and got two of the biggest fish there

Were might be berson and C’s last year like this is all setting up to be a story book ending and obviously it was the far the furthest thing from it and now obviously different story this season with different roster but they’re having similarish success but they’re also facing adversity now before we get

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Is the trade deadline um what does this team do what should they do um to me looking at Montgomery sending down low Ryan beer obviously you know they don’t have to clear waivers so that’s a big that’s a big bump but you look at the fourth line right now with guys like

Boquist and heining on it and you’re going for more of a veteran look which means you’re definitely planning on contending instead of playing younger guys down there and things like that when it comes to the deadline though obviously this team is not sto with first round picks or even second

Round picks um what do you think the Bruins should do at this deadline um I mean it obviously depends on what’s out there like if you can go and make a compelling run for a guy like ly Holm like that would be you know that’d be awesome do I think that that’s

Necessarily A you know a real viable option do I think they’re going to be able to out bid some of the other teams that are making a making a play for a guy like that maybe not and I think that like if you’re the Bruins you can only

Go in at the deadline so many times this year though like this year does feel like you kind of owe it to yourself to once again go for it because of like the the roster situation and kind of the the one-year bets that you got on some of

These guys and and you know you’re going to have to transition to a bigger picture at some point um but you know I I would like to see them go for it and whether that means like getting a big splash or whether that means solidifying the back end either one of those would

Be fine with me I do think they definitely need to solidify the depth I think you’ve seen too many times this year where Jim Montgomery has shortened his bench like crazy towards the end of games and I think that’s cost them I think it’s cost them several games where

They’ve just been running out like three lines two lines and guys gotten gassed and they’ve just run out of steam at the end of games um so like I would like to see them reinforce that back end and I know in the playoffs you typically only

You can get away with running two pairs for a good portion of the playoffs but I I I would like to see like no disrespect to Parker wspoon but like if if he’s on the playoff roster in his playoff starting lineup probably not going to feel amazing about it um like he he’s

Had strides um recently but I do think I would like to see some some extra bodies added to to the Blue Line because I mean like if somebody goes down in a playoff run you’re kind of screwed so like I would like to see some some bodies uh

Added and that doesn’t necessarily mean like a big splash but I think they need to reinforce yeah I W spoon I’ve I’ve liked I’ve thought he’s acclimated well I know he’s not I he kind of like to at points I’ll say that but there’s been points

Where I certainly haven’t I I I think he’s a fine seventh defenseman heading into the playoffs well that’s what I mean like if he he’s in your starting lineup I’m not crazy oh yes yeah and but you know I’m curious to see kind of how he progresses um I think he’s done his

Job uh so far um reminds me a little bit of Matt Bowski um hopefully a little bit higher of a ceiling but still never forget Matt bartowski’s goal he scored in like his first game in the playoffs he went through his legs against the Maple Leafs that was pretty cool the um

That was the start of like when he was like all right Bruns are going to own the Leafs for quite a while here um I agree with you I think some depth on the back end would help um you look at you know uh right now obviously you got

McAvoy and lindol and grizzli and Carlo and I know a lot of people are like oh what’s what are you going to do with grizzli I think W you know with this team turning into a cup Contender you know a team that has real expectations

It’s not just a you know kind of team that’s in Purgatory where they’re kind of letting young kids play and figuring out where they are um I think the page has somewhat turned maybe I’m wrong but I think just judging where they’re at I think the page has turned on potentially

Trading a guy like grizzli at the deadline or debrusk for draft picks um I don’t think you know maybe you package them again maybe to get a Lind Holm I don’t know how that gets it done but if in some weird way grizzler could be packaged for a guy like Lindholm and

Save you like a pick then maybe that’s what you do but I I don’t see them dealing either of those guys yet I feel like they’re I feel like they’re going to kind of go the Tory Krug route with both of those guys in the sense that

They’re just going to kind of let them play out the season and see what happens come the off season with with contract stuff and I think with like de brusk I mean if you tra like if you went out and traded debrusk right now I know he’s

Been hot the last couple games but you’re selling low for a former first round pick for a top six forward who should getting you 25 to 30 goals you’re not getting anywhere close to what he would have gotten let’s say a couple months ago maybe the real return on him

Is you let him continue to figure it out in the top six and be a valuable contributor for you down the stretch I know that doesn’t answer what they should do with the deadline but it shows maybe what they shouldn’t do which is rush off and trade guys like debrus or

Grizzli even though like all season I’ve been like if you can get picks for them do it I want to restock the pick I want them to look towards the future a little bit I would go strongly against that I think you this team against against like

Stripping away any of the pieces of this team for picks like I’m I’m not saying I’m I’m not saying that they should do that I’m saying I used to think they should do that but now because they’re cup Contender they there’s no reason to do it now yeah yeah I I think that

That’s that’s off the table uh I think like more more likely that’s my point is that that’s my point is it’s off the table because they’ they’ve gotten they’re too good yeah exactly yeah and I I think that I think that it is and you

Know more likely than a guy like linol a guy that I’m keeping an eye on um that I would I would like to see in Boston is a guy like Adam Henrik like he’s not going to cost you nearly as much he’s playing for you know a bad Ducks team like he’s

Uh from all from everything I’ve heard about that guy like very good in the room good leader like has some flexibility in the lineup and is a guy that you can slot in on a contending team and like might be like one of those under the radar kind of middle six depth

Ads and and that like really really helps your team in the makeup of your team so that might be the most realistic in terms of big fish where you’re not going to be able to go out and get a lindol and if you can great like if you

Can get a lindol and sign him long term awesome right like there no one’s really going to have any uh uh you know issue with that um but if you go out and give up legitimate assets for a one-year rental then I think they’re a problem

With that I think I’m with you you got to go out and get someone who you can try to retain um henrik’s an interesting one though cuz there is that ele another Anaheim guy Bruins just Lov they love trading with Anaheim it’s it’s they they’re best friends do you see ovak and

Aan had his first NHL goal finally hilarious first NHL goal after the after how long it took him to get on the board a little like essentially just a dump at the net from the goal line goes off the goalie back skate and in like at at that point you’re just like

Whatever I’ll take it just give me a goal fine just get me on the board you know I love how it’s like you know you try so hard for you know sifting shots through from the point you know getting close to the net dropping into the slot

All that stuff and it’s the shot from the corner that you know pinballs off the goalie and goes in so um anyways before we get to the rest of the conversation a quick word from Hello fresh quick break in the action to tell you about our delicious friends over at

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The back end is also a need I’m not saying it isn’t but if you can go out and get a middle six forward I’m trying to be realistic here obviously a lindol helps but if you can go and get a middle six forward who veteran guy like a

Henrik who can come in you’re not going to have to give up a ton for I’m for that like that I think is reinforcements that help you um I I mean to me and and we’ll get into the goal tending right now playoff wise a I want to see them

Use the tandem I’ve said this all along I want to see and they will exactly that’s another thing felger’s going on and on about is uh the the tandem right um I want to see them do that and I want to see Coy and zaka down

The middle as a one and two centers if you if you again if a lindol thing doesn’t work out because I I just Coy’s playing too well zaka is playing well he had really nice pass a great pass to Frederick on that goal on um on Thursday

Night um I want to see them I want to see it work I want to see those two in action and elevated roles doing their thing and and uh to me like I just a reinforcement in the middle do you have any other names trade deadline wise that

You would want them to go after uh I mean like I haven’t poured over the list all that much because I have I haven’t poured over the list either so I was C I was curious if you had any other people aside from Henrik no I Henrik was a guy that struck me

Early on in the season where I was like when he was playing well I was like okay this is a guy that that I would like to see on the Bruins or see the Bruins make a run at at the deadline and that was like an early thing and I still think

That makes a lot of sense um like if you’re going to make another guy that I think that like if you’re going to try to go make a big splash and this would be very difficult to do obviously but a guy like Tomas hurdle is a guy that I

Wanted to see the Bruins go after when he was nearing the end of his contract with the sharks few years ago um and then he signed that that big extension and I was like oh damn okay that’s off the table now with like the position that the sharks are in I don’t think

It’s necessarily off the table and I do think that it would make sense for the the Bruins but obviously it takes it would take a lot to make that happen and uh I don’t necessarily see that as a realistic possibility but just uh that’s one of the guys that like jumps to mind

Is like you know bucket list wish list type guy Tomas hurdle would be very fun on the Bruins hurdle to me’ be the top I think hurdle would be a great fit here I thought that when they were when there was all that was that that was the year

Before last um when he signed that extension and then they fired the GM and hired Greer and I think Greer probably came in and was like what the hell is this why why would you sign him to this it never made sense for them to give him

That extension I feel like they should have traded him maybe that was a bias take or whatever but like the trucks were not going to be competitive for most of the years of that contract no and I so again good for him for getting his bag we’re a pro getting the bag

Podcast imagine you’re probably Pro getting the bag as well but like get it somewhere else for you know for the for the Sharks cuz again um now if they draft celebrini this year and you’ve got a one-two punch for the next 15 years of Max celebrini and Will Smith that’s not

Bad that’s a pretty good down the-middle tandem you got there so again we’re not sharks beat but little sharks been it um uh I agree with you though that hurdle would be a great addition uh goal tending wise um swan has been kind of the go-to guy omark you know hurt for a

Little bit there uhar got the start against Montreal but Swan’s got the majority of the starts recently I know we both like the tandem I still want I’m not ready I’m nowhere near to be like oh just make San the guy and don’t play omark at all but I think swayan is

Proving that he could play multiple games in a row in the playoffs and be fine I know it’s not the playoffs now obviously but our only thing we can go off of is that he continues to play and continues to play pretty well um are you getting similar feelings of like huh

Swan could be the guy at some point yeah I mean I think that he could be like the onea like you know I think that you definitely want to have both guys in your pocket and be able to use them both and that’s always been my my we’ve

Talked about a lot on my chaos like having a goalie rotation in the playoffs does not me does not mean that you have to go away from the hot hand you can play the hot hand and then also you know give that guy a break and play all

Market game like doesn’t doesn’t mean you have to rotate by going back and forth back and forth every other game you’re not tied to one guy you can play multiple games so you know that’s how that’s how I feel I think we’ve seen in the past like the league is moving away

From a one goalie league in most cases like unless you have a truly Elite of the elite and I think there’s maybe a handful of those guys maybe fewer kuk Soros like it’s a small crew very small crew and uh I think that if uh you know

If you’ve got the guys in in your stable use them and I I know Jim Montgomery regrets the way that he handled it last year and so I I will expect that he handles it differently this year and I I do trust Jeremy Swan to be the guy the

One a versus the one B I agree um now I want to get your take on this because this is a t this is a take I’ve been throwing out there recently and I you know looking ahead to the off season which I know nobody cares about it’s

January but I think it’s interesting to look ahead um with Swan’s comments recently obviously lot has been made of his contract arbitration hearing uh what he’ll get on his future deal and he’s going to get paid he’s not taking a HomeTown discount he’s going to get paid

As he should we’re pro we’re pro getting the bag we’re all about getting the bag here um I remember Sarah civian once I don’t know I I think she said it on the podcast she was like if you can sell out that’s a good thing I’m not saying

Swayan selling out but like if you can sell out that means you’ve made it you know you sold out you you traded everything in for money so I guess we’re we’re pro selling out at times too um I guess that’s not a great thing to admit but uh doesn’t really matter um listen

Money’s cool I like money money buys happiness people forget that money does buy happiness I don’t know if it buys happiness but it it can buy you things that make you happy yes yes it it can um but so with uh with with San with with with the offseason uh do you think

They’re going to have to trade omark this offseason because when you look at the money I don’t know if you going be able to do both of them yeah I mean it’s it’s definitely on the table and I think that uh I mean I think that if you asked even

All Marque you’d be like you know it’s I I I know that it may be a possibility I think that he if he would admit that he thought it was a possibility last summer like you know it just it is what it is it’s the business it comes down to I I

Think it’s going to come down to it’s hard to answer right now because I think it’s going to come down to like how they approach the rest of of the roster like you know are are they going to um you know are they going to try to fill out this roster to remain

Competitive like IM in the immediacy you know or are they okay with having a bridge year are they okay with I feel like this was supposed to be a bridge year it was ways in a lot of ways and it just didn’t didn’t really work out that

Way but uh yeah I don’t know like I I definitely think it’s on the table I don’t necessarily know what their answer is but are you do you want to pay like more than $10 million for a goal for a goal tending tandem probably

Not no I don’t think you do so I don’t know like I don’t know what the answer is there I I it’s gonna this is going to be a fascinating fascinating summer for the BR I I agree I also look at I think A lot’s going to go down to what do they

Do in the playoffs right if you go out and you win a cup you can a lot easier to trade Lena omark yes because it’s like all right we we got you know we’ve won a cup let’s move on here um now if you’re out in the first round same thing

Where it’s like all right this tandem is not working we we you know we got to stick with one guy and have a backup that like hak that plays like 40 games or whatever and does okay but you’re not really expecting to come in much in the

Playoffs um whereas if they go deep like if they get to the conference final or something and they kind of just have a hiccup they don’t you know they just lose in seven games it’s like it’s tougher decision but you look and you hit it with the 10 million thing right

Like let’s say San this offseason gets somewhere in the range of seven right that’s probably what he’s worth or seven seven and a half um and then depend on the length of the deal obviously too like you know if you’re going a long-term deal or if you’re going a

One-year deal that changes the aav yes I just don’t see him taking a one-year deal at this point I know he’s an R still so yeah right a choice but I I I think that he’d probably want to go long term um but again all marks up the next

Off season too so then Omar has value Omar has you know I know last offseason’s trade market wasn’t great so wasn’t really the optimal time to trade him but if this trade market is good Omar has a ton of value like we mentioned de brus and gisik being guys

That if this if if the Bruins were a wild card team or even third in the Atlantic and they just kind of looked to be an okay playoff team you could make the case all right trade to brusk trade grizzik get pieces back you know kind of

Retool on the fly a little bit um omark might make up for that if you traded him in the offseason where like you would get a first a prospect you know like there are thing maybe you could somehow if there’s a team out there that wants

To give you a top six forward that you have under control for a long time but I to me I go back to what you said where like I don’t think it’s feasible to have both of those guys at you know all right seven and five for next year so that’s

12 million and then the next season you re you bring omark back again like you don’t want to lose omark in free agency because you have a trade chip so I think depending on how this season goes I do think they’re gonna have to have a decision with them I think you’re

Willing to lose all Mark and free agency if it means that like if you still believe in that being the biggest strength of your team and you believe that you can contend for a cup again next year like I think that’s okay um but it’s obviously you have to weigh

Asset Management versus like really really pushing in this window and I again like I think it really comes down to what you believe next year’s team and the expectations are going to look like like if you don’t think that you’re going to be a topof the league team or

That’s not what you’re essentially building to for that particular year then you explore asset management and would it make a lot of sense for the Bruins to trade Lena omark in the name of asset management absolutely do you think that like do you think they would lose considerably more

Games if next season let’s just say they said we’re gonna we’re GNA Go San and busy we’re going to go with those two guys like do they I agree they’re not top of the NHL 100% but to me I think they’re still in the playoffs like I I

Don’t I I again it depends again as you said on the rest of the roster because they also have cap space you know are you are you resigning Jake debrusk are you uh resigning grizzli are you going out and trading for guys or you signing

Guys I get that but let’s just say they roll back the same rosters this year right ptra Coy zaka you know those guys are older lowrise is a year older maybe he makes the team out of camp and you go out with San and busy like I don’t know

If the expectations change that much in terms of okay maybe they go from first to second place but I don’t I don’t think that I don’t think I would necessarily categorize that as like a bridge year I don’t I I think it depends right like it it it’s not necessarily uh

Like a massive drop off but there are a big questions that you have to consider it’s like is is this the the Jeremy Swan that we’re seeing this year is this the Jeremy Swan that we can expect for many years to come at this level is Jeremy Swan going to be the same

Without lenus olark um both as like a like a mentor like a a best friend here like obviously that that doesn’t necessarily mean that if you take away lenus alark he takes Jeremy Swim’s Powers with him but like this is a proven thing sorry kid see you pulling

The VCR out of the VCR tape this relationship has really pushed Jeremy Swan it has really pushed lenaar they’re getting the best out of each other uh they clearly enjoy each other’s presence and things like that um you know so does does taking away would taking away

Lenus olark have an effect on Jeremy Swan both from like a workload standpoint and you know like maybe a competitive standpoint maybe a a mental standpoint these are things that you have to consider I’m not saying necessarily that like they will but I think there could be a drop off I

Believe in Jeremy Swan but I don’t but like goal tending is very fickle too and it is a strong mental position and I wonder just like what what it’s going to look like when when you take away half the tandem I agree I think it is something

You have to consider I look at Swan’s makeup though and I know this is again this is judging from what I saw with him at Maine how he’s been in the NHL his easygoing nature all that stuff where I think okay I think he could handle it

But you’re right it’s not guaranteed um it’s sort of like uh I know you’re a big franchise mode guy in franchise mode when you deal off a player and it’s like you know you trade Jake debrusk for something and it’s like Charlie Coyle’s morale has decreased you know minus six

Or whatever and it’s like you know Charlie mako’s morale and I think it’s the same thing if you did deal in olark like s my guess is Swan would be heartbroken um but I do think that they’re going to have to make that decision and I don’t think it’s going be

An easy one but if you get a good enough package um I don’t see a huge issue with that in the offseason depending on how things go if you get all the way to the conference final and it’s like all right we needed a little more scoring we’re

Going to go out in the off season we’re going to get that scoring we’re going to run it back for one more year fine like I’m okay with that but as I said if they win the cup or if they’re out in the first round and it’s not even close and

It’s like all right the tandem didn’t even freaking work in the playoffs I think then you have a different decision that you have to make um anyways uh that’s been this week’s Bruins be I think we kind of hit on all the hot button topics we didn’t get to Jake

Resigning Jake debrusk but we can we can get to that a different day that’s a whole that’s a whole another topic so we can we can save that um but anyways what can people look forward to from you with what chaos and everything going on over there uh what

Chaos is heading to Allstar uh Allstar Weekend next weekend then uh from there we have a very fun week after the fact I don’t think that we’ve officially announced what we’re doing that week but it is going to be you’re going to Mars I’ll announce it for you yeah we are uh

Elon is sending us to Mars we’re gonna have a great time Mars first hockey podcast um we will be I I believe the only hockey podcast at a uh a certain certain event so uh that’s coming and uh it’s going to be a big few big few weeks

Ahead for what chaos so uh subscribe to our YouTube channel that’s like the most important thing but we’re also on podcasts uh apple apple podcast Spotify all that so uh yeah just what chaos show on on basically all of them before you go one more thing Utah what do you think

Of it um I don’t really have strong feelings one way or another I I do have strong feelings against more than 32 NHL teams I don’t want more than 32 teams if you’re going to put a team in Utah if you’re going to put a team in Atlanta

You’re going to put a team in Houston wherever you’re GNA try to re try to move a team try to add a team just relocate like we have some teams not going to name any names because I’m I’m not that kind of guy I root for successful NHL franchises we have some

Teams that maybe aren’t doing amazing in their in their Market so consider relocation rather than expansion I agree I you don’t need 33 NHL teams because if you hit 33 you got to hit 34 yes yep you do and then you just get too big you see this with a lot

Of Junior leagues too they have a million teams and it gets completely watered down I know it’s Junior Hockey still but like with the NHL I mean there are teams right now in the league where it’s like I mean this is a I mean you watch I you watch every team you watch

You know every night you got the million screens set up I I know how you do it but you do it you’ve you’ve perfected the art of it but like watching the sharks or the Blackhawks right now sucks now I know they’re rebuilding but there is there are so few just marketable

Players on those rosters players that you even want to watch and I take I say that knowing Conor B Conor Bard is out so again Conor Bard’s in it’s a different story but like there’s just nothing to watch with those teams and you’re to spread the talent thinner I

Disagree you watch the the the Chicago Black HS are so bad it’s fascinating they have a an AHL team playing at the NHL level and it’s it’s amazing to watch that that team is so bad terrible thank God for Peter morazzi because Peter mazic has been awesome behind a team

That has not been awesome although I will say and not to get into too much Blackhawks talk but like after losing Conor Bard they really have become a much better defensive team just in terms of knowing that like hey we probably can’t score let’s not let’s not get

Blown out like seven to nothing and so they’re just losing a lot of games like two to one one to nothing things like that so good for them I guess yeah they’ll get another high draft pick so uh but yeah Utah I saw you had a good

One did you say the Salt Lake City soakers is that what you said the team should be I agree Salt Lake City soers would be a hilarious name I can get down with that Soak City was thrown out there as like a a nickname for like an alternate jersey a Soak City Jersey

Would go so hard crazy it would be so good and just like if the whole Arena was themed with just like you know not soaking but like being soaking theme they should have a uh they should have a Mormon mascot that jumps on a trampoline and and call him like The Humper

Jumper could work the it’s a bed you know he’s jumping all over it I guess trampoline bed hell yeah get into it uh I I agree I think there’s a lot you could do there uh hopefully the people out there could be you know they’re good

Sports about it go for it um but they’re going to choose the jazzz are boring they’re going to choose a boring name and they’re going to be a boring thing you know I mean they’re going to have you know the Kraken and the golden kns have made it work but those were also

Very different markets and you know Vegas is Vegas and Seattle kind of went the cool you know hipster route and what what’s Utah gonna do I I don’t know the one thing I’ll say about Utah is that there’s not much to do in Utah no there

Isn’t I was in Salt Lake a couple years ago and outside of skiing there is not a heck of a lot out there so I I think that like the team would do well they would you know the the attendance would be good the support would be good but as

Far as like would it be the most fun Market I’ve ever seen in my life probably not no I agree with you but hey if I can go out there cover a game and then drive 30 minutes to Park City to ski I’m okay with that I can I can make

That work um anyways that’s Pete Blackburn I’m Evan marinovsky you Burns beat listeners have a great rest of your week

Pete Blackburn of the What Chaos! Podcast joins Evan Marinofsky on the show today to discuss the Bruins’ future, what they should do at the trade deadline, and what the realistic expectations are for the Bruins’ playoff run. That, and much more!

Bruins Beat w/ Evan Marinofsky Ep. 408


Pete’s thoughts have changed on the Bruins
….so have Evan’s
Where do the Bruins rank among East teams?
How does this shift their trade deadline strategy?
Some potential candidates to deal for
Can Jeremy Swayman be the main man?
Fun in Utah

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  1. Of course you trade Ulmark next year. If not, then it’s like benching a five million dollar player every game

  2. Like last year, the Bruins are not built heavy enough for the playoff grind. First round exit, unless they meet the Leafs in the first round.
    They need Gudas on the back end. And some heavy hitters and grinders up front.
    Ullmark gets 5mil, plays half the games. Swayman plays half, he's gonna get as much or more. He's five years younger and a bit better. Ullmark has to go.

  3. The Bruins need to be active at the trade deadline. They need to get at least a decent defenseman and a forward at the deadline. They don't have what it takes to go anywhere outside of the 1st or 2nd round of the playoffs with the current roster.

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