@Tampa Bay Lightning

[NHL Player Safety] Arizona’s Michael Kesselring has been fined $2,408.85, the maximum allowable under the CBA, for cross-checking Tampa Bay’s Maxwell Crozier.

[NHL Player Safety] Arizona’s Michael Kesselring has been fined $2,408.85, the maximum allowable under the CBA, for cross-checking Tampa Bay’s Maxwell Crozier.

by Personinu


  1. The-Machinist-

    That seems low seeing he just did it to another player.

  2. AllHailRedheads

    I would be ok with it if it wasn’t directly after THEY scored…. It should have been 1game imo

  3. Three_Froggy_Problem

    I don’t know how you can look at that play and see anything but explicit intent to injure. He should’ve gotten at least a game.

  4. clockbergjr

    I still don’t understand what happened. Was this just old beef carried over from when these guys played in the NCAA / AHL or something? Didn’t really seem like Crozier and Kesselring went at each other during the game to warrant a vengeful reaction like that after a goal.

  5. Vezinalevskiy

    I think it should be a suspension but with all the gallagher talk I was starting to think the NHL was gonna sweep this one under the rug

  6. TurboPats

    That was bullshit. He should have been suspended a game at least. Most players would be celebrating a goal but this dude attacked Crozier. Totally unhinged bullshit that shouldn’t be tolerated in the nhl but it’s not surprising

  7. lecavalierno4

    Did anyone see what triggered that dirty crosscheck? Had to have been something, right? (I missed more than half the game 🙁)

  8. Tpabayrays2

    He should have been suspended. That was a blatant cross-check while play was dead

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