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#bradfordcity #salfordcity #matchreview


  1. Andy Cook is gone he could not win a single header like usual we need a striker to support him. Also get this donkey off he has no clue what he's talking about typical frank

  2. Tyriek Wright – Yellow – Missed a guilt edged chance at start of 2nd half after a great turn but I agree he was feeding off scraps the most of the 65 mins he lasted…

    Andy Cook – Yellow – Had no service to do anything from so disagree with your red box Sam…The formation isolated him for long periods as well…

    Brad Halliday – Green – Agree he was back to his consistent best last night plus weighed in with his 2nd goal of the season…Also agree lads "The Ginger Cafu" needs to be tied down on a new contract ASAP!!!…

    Liam Ridehalgh – Red – Just not good enough and not fit enuf to play at LWB…Should be moved on this window and an understudy for Richards should be brought in…

    Clark Oduor – Yellow – Agree he did well creating the chance for TW but doesn't do enuf for me to affect games…Tbh I was suprised he started over Chapman last night and he didn't do enuf imo to hold onto the shirt for Sat v Swindon…

    Alexander – Red – Strange decisions on the starting line up and formation plus the substitutions were strange as well…I agree once we start scoring the chances we are creating the style of play will no doubt be more acceptable but when your not winning it's not great on the eye…

    Fed up with all the lies from Sparks and Rupp and clear lack of ambition towards the club…They are trying to take us fans for fools over the Jake Young saga which is frankly embarrassing along with many other things!!!…


  3. Bad formation, playing odour in middle was pointless, should have gone with the 3 upfront with cook through middle and Chapman Wright out wide like the formation against Derby. Best position for wright out wide in the front 3. Not sure with out keeper either, slow getting the ball upfield, 3 occasion he took his time when we needed urgency.

  4. Where has Adam Wilson gone ? He looked really good as impact player off the bench but dont think he's had a look in since GA took over-Also please can we play with a decent left wing back -if me n my mate can see whats going on surely the coaching staff can .Time to start KMc ahead of Smallwood as well -its soul destroying watching at present

  5. I landed at 6.20 at manchester airport after working in germany over the weekend. Rushed to valley parade got there for the 27th minute already 1-1. That atmosphere so flat. Such a bad feeling at the minute. Chapman looked lively when came on. But y bring tyler smith on. Its pointless. He is never in the game. Y not bring bobby on and let him run at them. Some of the decisions are mind boggling. And fuxkin smallwood with these set pieces. Head in his hands after putting in shit ball after shit ball. Cant see where we go from here. Defence looks nervous. Just booting the ball up long. Keeper look good from what i seen. 27 minutes onwards. His kicking looks decent. Where the hell is alex pattison?? What a waste of money he has been

  6. I'm a Stockport County fan and I'd hoped we'd both be going up but I can't see Bradford making it now, I said ages ago you should have gone for Pete Wild, he deserves a big job and you deserve a good manager.

  7. You need to get Korban on, He talks more sense than this lad. Also who wants to look at this lads bed all scruffy in the background? If your on social media at least make a effort and tidy your scruffy bedroom in the back.

  8. Not sure about Sam Walker he looks ok at times with saves but never seems to leave his 6 yard box all too much

  9. Nice to see I’m not the only one who isn’t a fan of this other guy. He talks absolute shite and generally offers no insight. Next time can we have Rayners bantams please

  10. good analysis Shd! Pargey was a meh examination would prefer the 6 things we learnt just to be by ur self tho and add videos on the screen of stuff from the game and tweets and other people’s thoughts just to spice the video up a bit more and make it entertaining.

  11. Poor tactics from Alexander. Team played hoofball all the game, horrible to watch, with no result. 3 up front would have posed greater threat. Cook looked disinterested and lacked motivation and energy. Something going wrong, based on recent performances, despite the hype and bounce of new manager, looking like mid table mediocrity.

  12. 20:46 Sean Scannel plays league below National League South in Istmian Premier for team that’s top of the league there now.

    22:00 When MH was still popular I got loads of stick for daring to question the 3 years deals that were being handed out. But even by this window it is starting to show why it was a bad idea. I’m all for 2 years plus option but full 3 years is so risky.

    I also recall being told Dom Telford was a 1 season wonder when I was asking why we hadn’t tried to sign him before Cook scored his 30 goals. I was all for letting Cook go and was proved wrong. So I kept my mouth shut about the mad deal he got. But I doubt the same people are saying Cook is a 1 season wonder.

    Every time GA says we are lacking end product in the final 3rd it does I can’t help thinking that’s code for Cook doesn’t score many.

    27:00 I’m still backing GA but have to admit his team selection has been a bit iffy. When he was playing 1 behind the front 2 I could understand why he couldn’t pick certain players but there’s no excuse now.

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