@St. Louis Blues

Whose number should I put on my 22/23 RR?

Kyrou was the point leader last season, and seeing him score a hatty recently has me considering it – but I have a soft spot for Buch. I already have Binner on a home sweater.


by Sad-Perspective4702


  1. jormun8andr

    Thomas FS especially since his extension, future captain

  2. WheelinAndDealin520

    Rob thom he’s not going anywhere anytime soon and is a stud

  3. tamarockstar

    If you put Walker on there, it could be one of a kind. Just saying.

  4. callmepaulwall

    You could do a throwback to one of the Plager brothers. This year though I think Parayko would be a neat pick that hasn’t been mentioned.

  5. Rocky_Freese

    Can’t go wrong with #63! I ordered this jersey with Neighbours on it, and now I’m just waiting for it in the mail.

  6. stlbluesandcardinals

    Sadly 89 may not be here depending on how well our next few games go, or if he doesn’t sign a new contract extension.

  7. SheerStatic

    I currently have Kyrou, ROR, Vladi, & Binner my next will 100% be BobTom18 he’s not getting traded & he’s fucking elite.

  8. Utahgetme02

    If your luck is like mine, when I put a name on my sweater, that player is gone in less than a year.
    So please, do us a favor, put Krug.

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