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Rienk Mast Dominates with Career-High 34 Points as Nebraska Triumphs Over Ohio State 83-69

Rienk Mast Dominates with Career-High 34 Points as Nebraska Triumphs Over Ohio State 83-69

Ohio State loses to Nebraska I have a new goal when Ohio State comes up is that we talk about the other team first because I’ve been told that during the Ohio State Recaps Ohio State always loses and then we end up talking about Ohio State more uh so we should talk

More about the winning team like we do in the other on so let’s comment on Nebraska first and then we can get to the Jr really dislikes this team segment and all the people who like to hear Ohio State fans cry uh they can tune in for

This part so let’s focus on Nebraska first uh Kent what were your thoughts on Nebraska beating Ohio State 83 to 69 uh it was all rank MK the whole game it felt like uh career-high 34 points he was doing pretty much everything that he wanted to do um I started getting really

Impressed with the halfcourt sets that hyberg has put in at Nebraska because they started running you know I I guess I maybe haven’t paid attention to it as much as I should but their stuff that they ran against Ohio state was super creative and it was mainly to

Get their hot hand open and he kept getting open every time they ran their stuff so uh credit to coach hyberg but also you know Mast has to hit those shots too so credit to him I mean he was on fire um for me uh the the turning

Point in this game because uh Ohio state did have a little bit of a lead in the first half it kind of felt like they were in control for a minute five minutes to right before halftime it’s Tom managa he hits the three and when Tom managa hits

A three The Crowd Goes Crazy his only three of the game and that but the thing is the crazy part is like I I took a note while that happened and I was like it feels like momentum has shifted just because he’s the one that hit it you

Know right after that Mast hit two more before halftime and you know they were obviously excited about that but the momentum had already shifted at that point and from that F minute Mark where he hit the three it cut the lead from five to two and they didn’t even get the

Lead off of that but just the momentum that they got they were able to take a eight-point halftime lead uh right after that happened so um just too much in the second half like I said Mass looked like he just could not miss a shot and uh Nebraska’s tough to beat at Nebraska

They’ve proven it multiple times this year now I think if I’m remembering right I think kraton is the only one that’s beaten them at at Nebraska they’re 13-1 at home yeah yeah so uh besides Purdue that’s the hardest place to play right now in the Big

10 I meant to look that up before we got on as who has the best home records in the I mean Nebraska has the best home record in the Big 10 um but I don’t know who has the best home records in all of college football uh lee what were your

Thoughts on the game wait isn’t Purdue undefeated at home though oh wait yeah cuz they lost both their games on the on Northwestern at Nebraska okay all right so second best sorry it’s all good no Wisconsin is 10 and one but Nebraska is 13- one so best that’s better second best confirm sorry

Sorry Lee I’m taking up your time go ahead no good no no worries no worries um yeah I know CJ wilcher is wasn’t listed as a starter but I mean he played 30 minutes in this game had 16 points so um and and like uh Kent was saying

Anytime Tomy Naga seems to hit a shot just everybody in the place just goes crazy and not I don’t know if they like they’re shocked which I don’t know why they are shocked that because he tends to always seem to hit a big shot like

When it comes down to it I’m sure he’s probably the guy that Nebraska probably wants taken a shot but like uh like Kent said Mass was just crazy 13 for 17 from the field six for eight from from three um they just didn’t have an answer for

Him so um I I don’t know if Nebraska’s built for like a a Deep Run and can really challenge Big 10 teams later on down the road but I mean we’ve seen they’ve they’ve beaten Purdue so I think they can play with anybody but um they

Can also probably play down to the level of anybody as well so um I don’t know if this was more of a Nebraska played extremely well or just Ohio State’s what we thought they were not that great unfortunately sorry Jr um I’ll comment on Nebraska and then

We’ll get to my Ohio state woes I was really really impressed with CJ wilcher I’ve seen some of his um numbers and stuff like that over the past few games but he you know he’s been good but he hasn’t like popped to me uh in the games

As much uh recently uh but in this game he popped uh really really big him and rank Mass just seemed to be those two guys with the presence that were able to to make everything happened for them and um you know credit to rank Mass they kept doing that thing where they passed

The big big man up you know at the top of the key and uh a few times they backed off of him and he just shot it and made it and then there were there was another time or two where he was literally like probably two or three

Steps back from the not Steph Curry range but two or three steps back from the three-point line and he still just takes it and makes it um so I mean I don’t know like part of me is upset with the Ohio State Defense on that but then

The other part of me is like how do you like how do you defend that if a guy is just going to catch the ball and pull up from a two or three steps back from the three-point line like I mean at a certain point you you can’t just be up

On a guy the entire time so um you know Mass he was just ridiculous and this one and CJ waler they were talking about it on the broadcast he really does have such a pretty jump shot uh the way he’s able to elevate and come back down and

And really flick the wrist with it and he’s it looks really really nice and it goes in most of the time too so uh it looks really really nice and um I think that he is a a really nice piece kind of an underrated piece to this Nebraska team

And what they’re able to do um did we talk enough about Nebraska can we talk about Ohio State now I will say one more thing about Nebraska I think Bryce Williams uh needs to be more consistent there was a moment in the game uh yesterday where he had what looked like

A I’ll just say a temper tantrum for no reason really other than like he they were on a fast break and he threw it away and lost his mind over it and you just can’t do that in basketball there’s so many plays you just have to move on

To the next thing and I uh I don’t know I just sometimes pick up on some of those social cues from guys when they’re in games and it just feels like uh you know if he just took a deep breath every once in a while because he’s shown

Flashes where he can go on he can be super streaky I remember one game I can’t remember who they were playing exactly but he had 17 points in the first half of a game this year and then the second half he had two so um if he

Could even that out a little a little bit and just be a little bit more consistent and uh trust his teammates maybe I don’t know I don’t know what the issue is I don’t want to say he doesn’t trust his teammates I’m sure he does but

Um if we if there was some more consistency from Bryce then I think that it would bode well for the Corn Huskers overall going forward yeah they he scored double digits in the last three so if you’re looking at the stats it’s kind of like you know um well he has been consistent

But you’re right when you watch Bryce Williams you know it’s like the consistent gamepl it’s not so much the numbers it’s just like the consistent gameplay of playing within the offense and and like you said part of it is trusting his teammates too uh he might very well trust his teammates but it

Doesn’t always look like he does um when he plays so so yeah uh Le you have any more thoughts on Nebraska before we move on no I I was gonna comment on Bryce Williams as well but Canen already hit it so na it we were actually just trying

To keep talking about Nebraska so we could skip the Ohio State part I understand that well we have a comment here here so we’re going to get to it eventually fisherman fire Holman this is this is the battlecry of Ohio State fans right now um he also

Says there’s two teams that haven’t won a road game yet in the league oh that’s a that’s a good trivia hold on let me think of is Ohio State who do you think the other one is I have it right here but I’ll let you guys

Guess um I’m gonna look at the rankings I’m not cheating I’m just going to look at the rankings so I have all the teams pulled up is it Indian IND no Indiana’s one and three dang it that was my guess your turn to guess uh go back forth we’ll eventually get it right

Um I’m gonna go I’m gonna go Penn State got it oh that that that was a smarter guess yeah uh yes Penn State is 0 and4 just like Ohio State they are 0 and four in this one so thanks for pointing that out fisherman um yeah it’s

Kick them all down right yeah no hey fisherman looks like he’s an Ohio State fan yeah yeah nice um yeah no I and I’ve been vocal about this I man I I like Chris Holman like personally I think that he is like a you know probably like a really good

Dude and and he came on our Channel and gave us an interview and I really appreciate that but for whatever reason like his team’s just they press so hard at the end of the games and when other teams go on a run they just they look

Like they get so down on themselves I give credit to Ohio State they fixed the shooting issues for themselves in this game they didn’t shoot as poorly from three-point land uh but it was the other team that they apparently ignored that part of their practice where they said

Okay let’s fix the offensive shooting issues and then it was like oh crap we forgot to practice defensive shooting you know practice in this one because Nebraska just went off in this one um and at the end of the day like I I think that this team has good

Players um they just they can’t seem to put it all together and I don’t know what that is I I hesitate to I hesitate to blame coaching because you know players are are their own you know people and they make these decisions and stuff like that but at a certain point I

Don’t know where else to go with some of these issues in coaching um and I’m not trying to say Chris Holman is a bad coach I just don’t think Chris Holman has found it yet and at a certain point fisherman is that you know if you can’t

Find it at a certain point you have to move on from the guy uh whether you believe in him or not so um Lee what are your thoughts on uh on the Buckey right now yeah I watched I haven’t watched many of their games I did watch their

Michigan uh game last week um yeah they’re kind they kind of are like Maryland right now it’s it’s when they struggle to shoot the ball they don’t obviously they don’t win games I think the only difference right now between them and Maryland is is Maryland always

Seems to put a a good defensive effort in um and obviously you got to score more points than your opponent does and they just kind of can’t figure out how to do that right now unfortunately so um I’m kind of like you I like Holman as a

Person I’m not sure he’s necessarily a good basketball coach and I think that’s that’s where I’m at on Kevin Willard right now too so I’m not trying to make this about Maryland but I see a lot of similarities in the two teams we got

Like a trio you know here of like we can agree that you know Holman and Willard and you know name other ex coach you can adopt Jaan in this case forth Kent uh I’ll adopt him I’ll adopt him anything to get him out of coaching I’ll I’ll

Make him my child that’s fine you just want him out of the Big 10 right yeah yeah yeah he’s making making us all look bad there you go what what’s your take on the Buckeyes right now Kent yeah yeah I mean I feel like I have defended them

Like most of the season because of how strong they started and I was getting really excited about them and um you know after last season I was really hoping that they were going to make a NCAA tournament push and then um the Michigan game happened and anyone that

Loses to Michigan um immediately is off my radar because that just can’t happen and that was I think I really think that that was the turning point for their season um if they could have won that game maybe they can turn around and uh you know go battle out at Nebraska

Because they have some more confidence but you know I I’m just really worried about them the rest of the way they have some really tough opponents coming up um if I’m looking at this right which I think I had just pulled up their schedule yes I did Northwestern Illinois Iowa I

Mean at Iowa too not at it’s just a brutal go for them uh the next couple weeks and it’s just like man I just I I’m worried about them I’m worried about you J.R and I’m worried about them I I am one though I will say that I I don’t

Think that uh Holman is that bad I’ll just put it to you like that I don’t think that he’s he’s ready to be like fired I know Ohio State fans they’re I feel like they’re ready to fire people at the drop of a hat they want to fire

Ryan Day right now dude is one of the best coaches in college football so I’ll tell you who is ready to fire somebody tricky’s probably ready to fire Chris Holman he is a big a big proponent for firing so really yeah oh dude drop of a hat trick tricky would probably fire

Hard ball from the Chargers right now hasn’t even has even uh play game fire leave from the podcast said something wrong he would he’s he’s threatened to fire Jordan he’s threatened to fire Jordan on air I don’t know I love it no I think this I just don’t know who’s coming in

After that though if you fire him who’s coming in after that Jr who do you want to be Ohio State’s coach D May that’d be good be pretty good I think he’s probably Indiana bound though after Mike Woodson gets the boot though because he’s from Indiana man is

Everyone getting fired this year well I think mik Woodson’s probably a year away but if he keeps keeps his team going the way he is uh it’ll probably happen eventually fisherman also said Ohio State last Road win was at Northwestern that’s where they play next uh that’s

Right the Ohio state has not gotten a road win in over a year their last Road win was New Year’s Day of last year um to be fair they don’t play year round though I mean that’s true we wish they did but they don’t look at January record for

OSU it’s bad yes I tweeted that out after the Michigan loss uh January has not been I think Colman’s had two seasons uh where he’s had a winning record in January but why do people think I’m just curious why do people think he’s so bad like well the three

Coaches we’ve talked about right now like Jawan Howard is clearly not an X as an O’s coach Kevin Willard is clearly a jerk and uh Chris Holman I just feel like people are just mad because he’s not you know getting as many wins as they would

Like but I don’t feel like he’s a bad basketball coach I don’t know I think I think honestly I think a part of this plays into football rules everything with Ohio State and so when football isn’t doing as well it’s like there’s like a cloud over everything with Ohio State and you

Know I know certain Big 10 teams would be like oh wow Ohio State fell off they’ve won 11 games the past three years you know right it’s like hi it’s me it’s me how spoiled are you and it’s like yeah I I get that and and to a

Certain extent yes we are very spoiled uh to think that 11 win seasons are are falling off uh but that’s just the way that Ohio State fans look at things and Ohio State fans look for something you know with a an ounce of positivity elsewhere in the school uh and yes

That’s exactly what I was going to bring up next uh fisherman or Roberts loss now struggling is why uh the Oral Roberts I don’t think Chris Holman will ever live down that Oral Roberts loss now you know I I I personally look at that and I say

You know oral Robert shot amazing in that game and Max AI was you know really freaking good uh and Dwayne Washington had like one of his worst games of his career there um so I personally don’t hold that against Holman as much I look at it as Ohio State should be a

Tournament Team every single year um or at Le in contention for the tournament every single year in the past Ohio state has fired their last three head coaches when they’ve missed the tournament two years in a row um and so that’s kind of what the precedent has been set at and I

Feel like if you set a precedent that’s kind of what you have to go with um and so don’t get me wrong I’m you know I I’m not one of those people that I root against the coach I hope Chris Holman does figure it out because I think he

Can be a good coach he does a good job of acquiring Talent he just doesn’t always know how to put it together sometimes uh the oral Robert loss cannot hold that much weight though because if we fired coaches every single time there was a bad NCAA tournament loss then

Purdue would have a new coach every year yes we got it in yes we’s happy about that well I want I want to say this like you said like you don’t think Holman’s a bad X and O’s guy but what do we what do we kind of gauge

Coach coaches on The how many times they win versus how many times they lose you know what I mean like if the guy’s not producing then then he’s time but going back to the or’s or Robert loss I mean like look at what amith is doing now

He’s the he’s like the most he’s the leading active division one scorer and he’s killing it where’s he at now Texas I think it is I mean like I mean he’s he’s a good player but yeah I mean it’s a bad loss but every I feel like every

Team’s had a bad loss in the NCAA tournament you know what I mean so right and I think the big biggest thing with it was like you know Ohio State like I said they should be a tournament team or at least in contention of the tournament

Every single year uh but Ohio state is one of those teams where they kind of pop up and they have a two seed or a three seed and it’s like oh yeah this is our year we can kind of have a deeper run in the tournament and just so much

Of those hopes were smashed and we’ve never like we’ve never gotten back to that point where we are a two- seed or a three seat or something like that um so and and quite honestly the other piece of this is is like and I’m not trying to

Dog Ohio State fans here especially not fisherman I’m sure fisherman is very plugged in with all of college basketball uh but a lot of Ohio State fans don’t really watch college basketball outside of Ohio State um probably don’t even watch very much Big 10 Basketball uh because they they just

They care so much more about football that it’s like oh if Ohio State’s on I’ll I’ll watch it but um but you know so when even when Ohio State loses to Nebraska who is a very good team at home they say oh my gosh we just lost to

Nebraska that’s one of the worst teams in the Big 10 it’s like no they’re actually you know top four or five in the Big 10 this year probably maybe even six um but that’s not that’s not the way Ohio State fans look at they say well we

Get blown out by Nebraska Nebraska sucks it’s like well no they yeah Nebraska is not the team no Nebraska anymore yeah right uh so you know that’s a part of it too I’m not trying to say Ohio State fans are stupid or anything like that I just don’t think they pay as much

Attention to it um fisherman I watch by more of a wrestling fan well there you go State wrestling much better than basketball so one thing I’ve learned uh from doing this whole uh you know covering if you want to call it covering the Big 10 is that uh 90% of the people

Don’t know what they’re talking about and I’m one of them by the way I I include myself in that group it’s just uh it’s really difficult to have um you know any sort of discourse at all with people when they’re the love for their team is so connected to the the things

That are coming out of their mouth sometimes uh it makes it really difficult but uh Hey if you guys don’t like Holman get rid of him and uh like I said find somebody else that you think’s going to do better it’s tough to win in

The Big 10 period so uh you know those those uh mat painters or whoever you want to compare them to Tom mizo uh whoever else you think is good in this league they’re not just growing on trees out there man it’s going to be hard to a better Coach I

Think yeah no I agree and that’s and that’s where my fear is is like I always go back to yes we can say fire a guy but we also have to think about who like who’s that next guy and of course it’s probably Aaron Craft I would bring in

Aaron Craft to coach the team because like he hasn’t been around that program enough I don’t think over the years you know yeah uh fisherman says most fans on Twitter want Jay Wright yeah see that just speaks to how much State fans don’t really know Jay Wright is never coming back to college

Basketball um and that that was the last guy who beat uh Holman in the tournament too I think that was Villanova when they were the two seed in Ohio State beat oh who was it VCU or something like that uh or no um lyola sister Jean they beat

Sister Jean that’s right it was over after that you nobody beats sister Jean and gets away with it that’s like that’s like you get the Madden cover and you’re cursed after that you beat sister G cursed after that done all right we probably spent way too

Long on Ohio State so we’ll uh spare ourselves here and get to the next one thanks for listening to the Big 10 huddle please do like and subscribe we appreciate that if this was your first time listening we are the Big 10 huddle we cover all things Big 10 football and

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In a thrilling match, Rienk Mast shines with a career-high 34 points, leading Nebraska to a triumphant 83-69 victory over Ohio State. Mast’s outstanding performance, with 21 points in the second half, propels Nebraska to its best 20-game start since 1990-91. The Cornhuskers, with a 13-1 record at Pinnacle Bank Arena this season, are making waves in the Big Ten.

C.J. Wilcher adds to the excitement with four 3-pointers and 16 points, contributing to Nebraska’s impressive 52% shooting from beyond the arc. Brice Williams’ 14 points, seven rebounds, and four assists further bolster the Cornhuskers’ success. Despite missing Juwan Gary due to a calf injury, Nebraska dominates the game, leading by as many as 18 points.

On the Buckeyes’ side, Bruce Thornton scores 16 points, while Jamison Battle and Bowen Hardman each add 11. However, it’s Mast’s exceptional 13-of-17 shooting, including 6 of 8 from 3-point range, that steals the spotlight.

As Nebraska celebrates this significant win, they look ahead to a challenging road matchup against Maryland, while Ohio State aims to bounce back on the road against Northwestern. Don’t miss the highlights and analysis of this intense showdown! đŸ€đŸ”„ #NebraskaBasketball #RienkMast #CollegeBasketball #OhioStatevsNebraska


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