@Boston Bruins

Bruins @ Flyers 1/27 | NHL Highlights 2024

Bruins @ Flyers 1/27 | NHL Highlights 2024

12 and six Noah KES in center and off to rot pink  flying on in all the way around behind rapper on   try and he’s denied that looked just like Scotty  harno last night last year they stuck with olark   it eventually ended up costing them in that  Florida series but something worth watching  

For sure Mark with a save there on Scotty lton  who lean into one Maran he holds on and waits   outside that they get it to it in front a jam  shot and the save was made by Arison as van re  

DK for Boston’s power play obviously poso is the  big threat but another threat is their goal line   K shat Curry tis fires with a chance here with  numbers they push it ahead and here’s paling  

With it paling with the puck paling the shot and  the save byar and back the other way go the Bruins   although cou is back to knock it down and he gets  it to farby farby winds it fires in the save made  

Byar NE is going to the net and then he has the  but tip back to set ice know as if F saw connect   there nice pass there for far to TK tries to slide  it off to Cura from the angle to say rebound far  

In front but he was checked here’s ponak moving  up ponak the shot off blocked by CA it behind   and that to ponak centered it in Fr what a save  by Arison he rob zaka as the ruins get this clck  

And move ahead Naka off of the right side poster  knock he fires and scores David poock with a laser   beats Arison the Bruins get the first one Poo’s  25th goal in his 29th game against the Flyers  

And we talked about how lethal Paso is and had  a beautiful feed before that AR made a save on   and right here he just uses sanheim as a screen  and this this is the talent that posano has you  

Can see he waits and he puts it right through the  five hole of sanheim and then rips it off the far   post awfully difficult for erson to locate that  puck because it’s not only the screen of sanheim  

It’s also the driveby screen from get the puck  like behind the net po knock zigging and zagging   centers it in front van re like stopped by Arison  the puck sat there for a moment and the Flyers  

Having difficulty with this line zacha cross makoy  scores pretty much an empty net for him and it’s   two nothing Boston I mean Cog able to escape the  check great save by Aron but then it’s about the   defensive Zone coverage after that initial save  because you get running around in your own Zone  

And becomes difficult to sort things out devil  sends it diagonally into the Philadelphia Zone   walk er a peek around La couldn’t get a piece  of that Carlos shot he scores the arm goes up  

But it’s still a goal as the puck winds up in the  net and three goals in Rapid succession and just   like that the Bruins have a three- nothing lead  delorier gives it to Carlo at the point and much  

Like we saw in the Detroit game a bad break as  this goes right off a sealer stick it’s really   a nothing shot you know Carlos just risting it  to the net should be an easy find for a you can  

See goes right off the shin pad of sealer and  45 to go in the period P wrestled by York the   p with en re in front another same rebound and  they score and it’s po knock again just too many  

Bodies in front getting good looks and Pono  has his second of the period and 33rd of the   year it’s four nothing yeah this is what I was  referring to if you can kill plays quickly but  

Give credit to Van Rees D here I mean he he wins  a battle along with poock I mean these guys were   Beast behind the net the work of the two of poock  and Van Rees Dy and then eventually the feed by  

Jvr out front to POS you got to give credit I mean  those guys are digging in they’re winning battles   and if you don’t kill it and in car behind the  net van Rees d to Carlo two go to him the puck  

To zaka zaka all the way out to the point ly Holm  his shot deflected just wide pass KN got it back   in front van RS Dy and he scores more of the same  and it’s jvr with a goal ending a 10-game goal is  

Stouted picking up his third point of the game 5  nothing Boston to kill the offense early it allows   this line in particular to get going and posto  was an absolute beast on this shift once again  

He won several battles initially in the back check  on connecting in the neutral zone and then in the   corner against Dale bar be they’re all after boy  diligent checking by the Bruins too wouldn’t let  

The Flyers really get free with it now Cony Cuts  in front stay B Mark flashes the pad across KY   wants a penalty I don’t see an arm up he helped  me out and a good chance for kkny here he wanted  

A hooking call n was coming but another good save  there byar you can see how he loads on that post   and then that push with that right leg and as  you mentioned he’s a big guy 6’4 you got those  

Long legs and the Bruins cleared all the way down  it is going to lead to no they call off the icing   at the last moment and sanim will move it ahead  to forer Forster gets away from W spoon cuts to  

The middle of the shiny scores there’s some of  that goal scor ing ability of Tyson Forester no   big celebration but the Flyers are on the board  it’s 5 to one well what does that mean what does  

It look like this is what it looks like protect  the puck while the spoon bounces off of Forester   and then the skill can come into play the drag  the shot and it goes right through the legs of wmart a real determined effort from Forester there

Zanim picks it up full Gall he’ll head out with it  zanim flying through the neutral zone to the slot   the pass down by paling and the save made by omark  he wasn’t sure he had it Zone and then a real nice  

Play to kick it out to conne conne quickly gets  it over to paling and paling who looks so good   in the first period with a couple of chances  it’s this one as it bounces right to his stick  

For to trying to recover to steal it for a shot  off his stick punches to Excel and he’s checked   by Carlo before he can get the shot off now he  punches that puck forward here’s forer shot they

Score Forester fired away and it rang off the  post and Tyson Forester has himself a multiple   goal game it’s 5 to two probably his lack of  goal scoring good hard work here by lixel in  

The corner to win the puck and forer quickly  gets it to the net I think it goes off the   Brewing Defender goes right off the stick  I believe of yeah grizzling and it changed   Direction off the post and in and you know you  try and take minor victories in games like this  

And for Force good to see him get two here this  afternoon alexel will pick up we believe his   second NHL Point all Mark a huge save on Frost  then Puck it fluttered toward the goal connect  

Fire save hmark rebound spit out but the ruins  are able to get to it and Van St we’ll move it   ahead he’s got Frederick Frederick will wait to  Fire and sanheim PS over Peterson and the Bruins score charie

Coyle all yeah it’s going to be a goal it’s  sanheim that simply runs into Peterson without   the aid of Charlie Coyle and coil able to pick  up the free change tough break for Peterson as  

There is tipped away paling will move it out to  set ice fa to it and the Flyers will head into   the allstar break having lost five in a row in  regulation the Bruins at top the NHL standings

Extended highlights of the Boston Bruins at the Philadelphia Flyers

0:00 1st Period
4:24 2nd Period
6:28 3rd Period


  1. One thing I don’t think anyone saw coming was just how lethal the Bruins offense would be this year after all the talent that left. It’s not just Pasta either.

  2. Absolutely impartial here, but what a pleasure to watch the Bruins' game highlights without that Bostonian commentator…

  3. Good tuneups for Linus, good win Bs take that surge through the break!
    Better luck next time Philly

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