@New Jersey Devils

What are we thinking? That only former NHL player Alex Formenton was charged after he turned himself in to Canadian authorities amid an investigation into an alleged sexual assault by several members of Canada’s 2018 world junior team.

Will the others get charged at a later date? Or are they just material witnesses at best?

by Yanks4lyf


  1. Glum-Professional925

    I’m thinking “God I hope Jack is back in time for the stadium series game”

  2. They’ll probably get charged as they continue to arrive. My guess is the others just haven’t physically gotten there yet.

    Material witnesses don’t surrender to police. People gettin charged and arrested do

  3. nsfwITGUY19

    We really have no idea right now. They said they’ll be doing a press conference on Feb 5 I believe. Until then we have no info.

    I’m holding out hope that our guys are innocent and are just “persons of interest” but that’s just me being naive.

    All we can do is wait and see how it plays out. Honestly, we need to move on and focus on our team. And let the legal system handle that situation.

  4. LionHeart_1990

    OP needs to watch the investigation video and realize McLeod is in a shit ton of trouble and will probably never play in the NHL again

    5 players were being investigated for criminal conduct last year by London police. 5 players just took a leave of absence after London police confirmed they will be charging 5 players. Connect the dots…

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