@Toronto Maple Leafs

This is becoming a MASSIVE problem

#hockey #nhl #torontomapleleafs #winnipegjets #austonmatthews #connormcdavid
The NHL has a serious problem with Goalie Interference as we’ve seen countless times this season. Especially in last nights game between the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Winnipeg Jets.


  1. You know you could have said in the video what the call was instead of assuming everyone watched the game.

  2. You should see the goalie interference penalty Hyman took against the predators yesterday. You can’t even drive to the net with the puck anymore apparently.

  3. hilarious joke of a league. no wonder the rest of the world doesn't take you seriously, "NHL"

  4. I think this is a good call even if it is borderline. Eck is misinformed in this video, saying 'he [Nylander] is outside the crease'. He isn't. He is in the crease prior to being shoved into the goalie you can see his skate in the crease. It also forces Hellebuyck deeper in his net then he would otherwise be. I believe that is where the interference occurred and that the call was correct. I do think the NHL should put out a press release to clarify.

  5. No goal is the correct call. Per the NHL rule book…

    "If an attacking player initiates contact with a goalkeeper, incidental or otherwise, while the goalkeeper is in his goal crease, and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed."

    The only part of the rule that discusses the event of being pushed into the goalie by a defender concerns wether a penalty would also be called on on the play for goaltender interference…

    "NOTE 2) If an attacking player has been pushed, shoved, or fouled by a defending player so as to cause him to come into contact with the goalkeeper, such contact will not be deemed to be contact initiated by the attacking player for purposes of this rule, provided the attacking player has made a reasonable effort to avoid such contact."

  6. Now do a video on the weird ass Canucks major situation yesterday loll. I’m not a complaining Canucks fan, just super confused.

  7. Yeah it's a few seconds when you stop the video for 3 seconds and give the goalie time to regain his composure. But in actual fact it was maybe one second tops. 😂😂 Still that was a very soft call and I'm not sure how they justified it in the review process.

  8. I love hockey more than any sport, but the NHL will always be dead last out of the big four because they just don’t wanna change anything the arrogance of Gary Bettman is just like no other it’s like he just doesn’t want his league to be successful

  9. This one seemed really clear to me, makes it so confusing when the league does this. I thought this one would count based on other goals in the league being allowed when a defender clearly shoves a player into the goalie. Boggles my mind when the league gets these easy ones wrong.

  10. If Bruins fans agree with us u know theres problem, ive seen montreal fans agree with stuff about us BUT NEVER the Bruins fans. lets be real here

  11. Well, incidental goaltender interference was literally invented by the NHL to take goals away from the Detroit Red Wings . . . Hell, the on ice officials started using it to take away goals from the Wings in the playoffs before it was even a rule . . .

  12. Actually it was a good call. When you look at it in replay in slow motion (you will see it better at 0:43 of the video), Nylander is pushed into Hellebucyk and contacts him with his shoulder. If that was it, then no interference. But Nylander did not stop there. He then he pushes his stick against Hellebucyk in order to regain his balance and that is interference. It was just a split second, but if he had just kept his stick down he would have been okay. However, the rule is that the goalie has first right in the crease and not the opposing player. If a player initiates contact (remember it was his shoulder that contacted first and he finished up with his stick against Hellebucyk), then it must be interference. Good call by the refs and lucky for the Leafs they did not also assess an interference penalty on Nylander.

  13. Puck doesn't lie. Players pushing opposing players into their goalies hoping for an interference call should receive a penalty.

  14. The refs should be surrendering their paycheque for that game after that horrid call. They even reveiwed it and still got it obviosuly wrong.

  15. The biggest problem is the inconsistency of each call. They vary so much that nobody knows what is and isn't and the ref doesn't want to make a wrong call, so he doublse down knowing there is no consequence for that.

  16. The problem that comes with it is determining a player embellishing it or actually falling from the push/cross check. Sometimes it's pretty obvious and sometimes it's not.

  17. Hellebuyck had a full 2 seconds of recovery time after the "incidental" contact, bullshit call from a terrible organization

  18. That was a pathetic call. Willy standing in front . Gets pushed forward not once but twice . He can't go backwards so he just has to stand there . Puck gets put in by bertuzzi. .. Should have been a good goal officials and nhl blew this one titally.

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