@Buffalo Sabres

San Jose Sharks vs Buffalo Sabres – 1/27/2024 – Teal Town USA After Dark (Postgame)

San Jose Sharks vs Buffalo Sabres – 1/27/2024 – Teal Town USA After Dark (Postgame)

The San Jose Sharks fall 5-2 against the Buffalo sabes I don’t know what it is about Buffalo it’s just that shade of blue is some kind of kryptonite we’ll talk about all that and more after this but first if you want to be a part of

The show and join the CH foration chat with us and fellow sharks fans across the page that being the YouTube page or on the Instagram the uh Twitter machine Facebook threads Discord Reddit Tik Tok all that and more over at tealtown and of course you can always support the Pod

Over at VMO at tealtown USA we’re always trying to get better internet for Buckeye it’ll never get old well you know what else never gets old my co-host Mr Ian Reed how are you doing this afternoon Ian uh I’m all right I I hope I don’t get old because man I’ve done

Like I think this is three in a row so I hope you guys aren’t sick of me yet because uh I think I have one more coming up too yeah what is this Groundhog Day I don’t know well I mean since we last left you

Uh you know the the San Jose Sharks had a very nice emotional win against the rags uh and then follow it up with I would say a a performance that was was fairly decent off the Hop um you know the at the first period um the

Sharks were able to score the first two goals you know Mark Edward Vass getting his third on the season with eckan and emberson getting the assists there at 805 I will say the shots were very heavily skewed in favor of the sabes but I think the Sharks were able to

Really uh execute on their on their odd man rushes and I and I think we’re able to do just enough to get some lateral movement with the goenda volume but I mean to me territorially Buffalo looked like they had you know kind of pushed play for for

Most of the first I mean what do you see in yeah I mean it’s kind of the typical way that that the games where the sharks have gone right they’ve they’ve generally had to been very good making good on what little they do because they

Don’t do a lot in a lot of these games I think that Buffalo definitely had the shot volume I think they definitely had the the quality of shots too I thought you know um the score would say otherwise but I didn’t think kakan had an overly rough game I thought he was

Fine um the sharks just couldn’t outscore their problems in this one and yeah I mean it’s it is what it is at this point yeah but uh you know getting back to to something that they did do well I mean Yan Ruda jumping up in the

Play and you know pushing a little bit of offense from the blue line which was nice to see on the second sharks goal um that would be his second of the season and William Eckland um would get his 13th assist of the season so I mean you’re seeing you know well young guy

And William ecklin doing a lot of uh you know creative assisting um on a couple of goals and you know this is what you want to see from this kid I mean you know we want him to excel you know there’s considering where he’s drafted there’s there’s a lot of pressure for

Him to Excel and in needing to be a home run type pick but you know again it it takes players all all different at different levels different times to to go forward right and and as a player that you know coming over from the Swedish Elite league and having to

Change a little bit of his style having to fill out into his body a little bit more William eckan was going to be a little bit of a uh you know of a of a project and not not necessarily not because of talent but just because you

Know he’s got to fill out and he’s got to play the game here so I this is this is all good for me Ian I mean good good to see that he again is chipping in and yeah I liked William mcklin this season I I I mean this season let’s be honest there’s

Been there’s been more low points than high points so you have to kind of look for for like some of the things that you that you like going forward right and I think going forward like I like what William mlindo has done in his first

Full season in the NHL I think that you know on this team where offense has been hard to come by he’s he’s you know he’s factored in um his fair share um you know a guy like um like zerland I’ve been super happy with um I think he’s

Been a guy who’s super grown on me now he’s probably one of my favorite players on this team where starting the season I’m like I don’t know what this dude’s all about and you know I had I had questions and I was skeptical but now like you know zin’s one of my favorite

Players on this team I think at this point so you know there’s definitely been some some some positive points and you know you’re talking about offense from the blue line I I like fic’s game a lot um this game and that’s not something that I say very often on this

Show but I thought offensively like he was really you know he can sometimes be really really sneaky on how he kind of pinches into the play without people realizing he’s there because I think a lot of people look at vasic and they think of him as you know a defensive

First guy and sometimes you know I thought he picked his spots really well to kind of to get up into the offense this game and the Sharks you know he scored a goal and the Sharks I thought were were on their way but Ian hasht Q qmjhl stats yes

Course for classic I mean right cuz he wasn’t he he was pretty prolific in junior right as far as scoring goes I mean that the Sharks kind of thought they were going to get a little bit more of a two-way kind of guy when they drafted him

Right I mean the talent was definitely like yeah I don’t know but anyhow getting back to the game uh JJ petua would get his 17th the season uh Dylan cousins and Owen power getting the assist there that one kind of hurts for some of those stats nerds who uh

Stats and draft nerds who felt the shark should have picked you know uh patrika at at uh the the um drafting spot that we had a few years ago uh Doug Wilson Jr you know helming the the the uh draft development team at that point and you

Know again one one that kind of slips away and you’re like H you know that kind of always stinks you know it’s one that you you would love to have seen in teal or at least get the shot to develop in the in the shark system but you know

The Crux of it is developing in the shark system right yeah I mean I I a lot of people really like JJ petka and I I I get it um you know the 2020 draft like I there there there was a time where I think like the 2020 draft I wasn’t

Really paying much attention to to prospects or anything so like I didn’t have a board for that draft um so I’m not going to sit here and be like you know I have receipts to pull out where I’m like oh man pko was totally at the

Pick there I a lot of people did like him though a lot of people don’t like um didn’t like the wise blat pick I get it I love Aussie wise blat um but you know but that’s the guy we have right so I you you can kind of relitigate

These these draft classes and I think you know a lot there was a lot of that on Twitter um during this game and I can definitely understand why uh P has been really really good um for the Sabers um yeah I mean it it sucks uh

Obviously when when a guy kind of slips through your fingers like that but you know it’s done it was what four years ago now I yeah I I don’t know um so this is this is coming in from the locker room and thank you uh puckey and and AJ

For always getting us the quotes and stuff um so you know coacher saying I don’t think we did an a Rough Around the Net and in our own n we we were as tight um they turned their game up uh a notch and and we didn’t and I mean you know

Kind of Dov tailing back into the game at 1801 Jordan Greenway gets his six of the season and uh one of those I mean first off I I’ve always loved Jordan Greenway the player I think he’s just um you know really good solid body a guy

That you’d love to have on a on a playoff run you know somebody who’s just a he’s he kind of reminds me of a Holstrom light right just one of those big bodies that you just can’t can’t move around and just you hate playing against him but man you’d love him to

Play on your team uh but tuck and um uh middle sad getting the assists there and this is kind of what the Crux of what coacher was saying right they kind of got bullied a little bit in front of their own net tonight and I I think one

Well this afternoon one guy I think in particular you look atuk was pretty victimized in his own Zone this afternoon and we’ve thoughted about how we kind of started off as maybe seeing him as something that that could be a valuable piece maybe as like a six

Seven kind of Fringe kind of guy downgraded to I I don’t even know if he’s like a third pairing AHL guy right I mean he’s it’s just a really precipitous fall and I don’t know if it’s just that he’s hitting that rookie slash like youngish defense wall

Where you know you you get to a certain point and they adapt or they don’t and I don’t know what what are you seeing and what are you reading on onuk I I I’ve never been a fan um I think this is a guy who I understand why

They wanted to bring him in right he’s a big he’s a big guy um and he you know he he plays a heavy game but I I’ve never gotten like this is a player I’ve never gotten this is a player I’ve been pretty critical of all season this is a guy who

I think now obviously injuries being what they are I guess there’s a spot for him on this team but this is a guy that I would have sent down to the Barracuda forever ago at this point like you have a guy like uh kov down in the AHL right

Now I think he’s a better defenseman than than huk I don’t you know I just kov is kind of a known commodity at this point right I mean you know what you’re going to get from him and I mean I think he’s a little bit more steady than noot

Is at this point yeah I again I don’t I don’t know what the the sharks see in him I understand he’s a guy that he’s a part of the team omire trait so obviously they they think very highly of him but whatever they see I don’t see it

Yeah well going into that second period uh you know the Sharks would would then give up uh the tie that they were able to mount in that first period and Alex tuck getting his 14th of the season with Casey midat getting his 30th goal or 30th assist on the season excuse me and

Uh you know one guy that we didn’t talk about being inserted into the lineup you know and and at the at the cost of someone else right so Henry thr going on the injured reserve and Muka Mulan getting called up and uh Couture adding you know he’s got great Poise he’s young big

Tall but strong um and I I thought he had a decent showing yeah I thought he had a good good game I mean first game in the NHL I thought I thought he was good um maybe you know I think it’s easy to look good when your third pairing is

An absolute tire fire um but I didn’t I didn’t really have any like issues with his game that I that are new or different from what I’ve seen from him uh in the AHL I think it’s nice that he gets an opportunity to come up and get some games in before the

Trade deadline while there’s still some other people on this team to play with and I think I like I like putting him with rud I thought it was a good it was a good pairing it’s a good guy uh to learn from so yeah I mean I I really

Liked his game and I’m glad that he got a shot to kind of show something at the NHL level yeah you know Yan Ruda has that like Elder Statesman Paul Martin feel to him doesn’t he you he’s he’s been there done that multiple Cup Rings yeah uh so Muka mullan’s stat line on

The uh on the evening uh he’d end up at uh 3 shots he’d have uh two block shots which is nice um he’d have a hit one takeaway and two giveaways on 19 minutes and 21 seconds so also good to see that the Sharks you know and and the staff

Playing him um you know a good amount of time especially if they call him up yeah because that’s the concern right like you the one the last thing you want is to bring a guy up like that and then play him four minutes and then over taxs

The rest of your blue line so it’s it’s nice that the that the coach staff you know not only where they you know obviously they enjoyed the call up they liked having him being called up but they trusted him to go out and and try

And be a factor in this game yeah and then uh you know unfortunately it wouldn’t be enough of a factor and in that third period JJ patrea would again strike uh at 4 minutes and 33 seconds in cousins and Quinn would get the assists there and then Dylan cousins would get

The empty net or unassisted at 1544 with the sh the go go tender pretty early um four minutes yeah Patrick W’s back in the league so we got to David Quinn’s like I got to do this before W does it yeah yeah I I I totally feel you on

That one uh and you know what the tank is back on ladies and gentlemen never never a doubt never had a doubt I mean I said this last game right like enjoy the wins because when when it stops and it could stop for while now looking at some of these

Upcoming games y you know I mean other than there’s I mean they do have a game against the Ducks and they do have a game against Seattle uh in the middle of or not Seattle sorry Columbus uh in the middle of February I mean there’s there’s points that they could probably

Pick up but I think there’s uh I think it’s going to be another bunch of losses coming up that’s my opinion uh which is what we want ultimately and one of the guys leading the charge on on the tank Mr Mark Edward vasic here was it uh was

Was in the rush uh he was skating he was moving really well since he’s been in the lineup and on a regular basis scoring goals he’s got what three goals that’s vintage Mark at plus little bit of cheek tongue and cheek there from the captain uh maybe maybe not I don’t know

But uh you know it’s good to see that there’s some um I you know some comedic relief you know with cooch back in the locker room and you know it’s just nice to see him with the with the GU skating and again you know his his um injury and

And just kind of getting back from kind of how gruesome it was it’s it’s just good to see him on ice and you know good to see them um starting to integrate him back in and again the the comedic relief is always great between him and Eddie

Right I mean Eddie has just that great dead pan and he’s just able to to say the most ridiculous things with the most straight Stone Cold face I just I love Mark Edward and you know hopefully he’ll retire and you know he’ll he’ll played as as a shark his

Whole career um but we’ll see we’ll see where he ends up um and where they end up but the Sharks end up on the wrong side of a 5-2 uh loss against the Buffalo Sabers and uh you know shots 3625 in favor of Buffalo uh you know clearly the

The sabes push play I think they um their lineup you know kind of really did lengthen out at the end and you could kind of see that you know again the sharks are getting more depth but still not enough to compete and still not enough to to be anything other than a

Middling team at this point yeah I mean the sabes are an interesting team right because I think when you when you’re in the situation that the sharks are in and we know the goal at this point right we’re looking at the draft but um this is a team that’s been looking at the

Draft for for quite a while now um and this is kind of like this is this is the warning this is the team that you don’t want to end up being when it’s all said and done is this team in Buffalo obviously look at the Eastern Conference

Is is a tough conference there are a lot of really really good teams in the Eastern Conference and obviously there’s some real I mean there’s some juggernauts in the Eastern Conference let’s be completely honest here and in order for a team like Buffalo or Ottawa you know teams that have been really bad

For a while to to make a move and get back into playoffs you have to unseat some of those teams and so far um for different reasons obviously that that it’s been that’s been a difficult thing for for both teams you know obviously Buffalo I think they made a mistake in

How they handled Jack eikel um because obviously like you know you wonder you look at this team and you see what this team has and you wonder what what could have been if you know you just let Jack eel get the surgery wanted to begin with before you completely uh tank that

Relationship and you know this I mean the surgery that he picked is also you know playing out quite nicely for him and in the way in which it’s worked out with with Vegas so well exactly I me one other thing I wanted to bring up to you Ian on on Buffalo is not

Only could it be not only is it the mismanagement of the roster on the business side but I think culturally Buffalo has just been a losing culture for a long time this is why this so I understand why people have issues with David Quinn right because there’s

Obviously look at do I think he’s the greatest coach to ever coach no do I think that there’s some things that definitely perfects me yes but when you know the one thing that you can say in Buffalo is is not like you you want to talk about culture I mean how many

Coaches have they gone through exactly when things didn’t like when things didn’t go even remotely the right direction well got to change the coach and then we got to change the coach again and then we got to change the coach again and I think it’s hard to to

Establish anything now now look at I I understand people in the chat are going to start screaming at me being like yeah but what is David Quinn establishing here and is that going to be good long term you know and I will I will concede

That point I’m not sure if it’s going to be good long term but I think it’s better than a new voice every six months every nine months there is something to be said for St change yeah there’s there’s something to be said for stability exactly uh especially in a

Rebuild so I I you know is this all going to work out I don’t know I don’t have a crystal ball but I would rather you know I think David Quinn does some things that definitely annoy me but I’d rather some stability rather than just completely upheaving everything every

Time something goes remotely the wrong way yeah and just having the same voice the same system the same you know expectations from season to season you can go into an offseason and kind of know what the offseason program is going to be kind of know where you need to be

Every time you you switch staffs up I mean you’re you’re again philosophies change how people do things change if whether or not they change the up on the entire staff you know could be a you know just a small reshuffle could be a complete reorg Shuffle but again something to be

Said about stability across a franchise so you know it I I feel bad for the people of Buffalo longsuffering and and boy that mean that that sports city is just you know it pays its dues in so far as them watching their their Sports and loving their teams and just getting

Crushed oh I mean Buffalo used to be the king of Television like they used to draw better numbers on TV than anyone else in the league yeah yeah well Ian I mean I think this kind of bookends this one um you know again the Sharks losing five to2 against Buffalo Buffalo you

Know trying to claw back in I think what they’re seven points out now um but um you know trying to trying to make it a trying to make a go of getting back into this thing but my no we’re back and uh thank you for everybody who uh decided to stick around

But we were just uh quickly talking about uh hockey is for everyone and uh Pride night and again just uh some great um uh some great organizational uh shout outs to the San Francisco earthquakes um and and again to to Gay Pride and and gay um gay rights advocacy throughout

The Bay Area so very awesome to see uh and then I mean quickly Ian but I know we want to quickly wrap this up it wasn’t wasn’t too much of a thrilling show but um we have to talk about a New Jersey I mean we saw a New Jersey got

Released um the new sharks Finn C uh almost black armor esque type uh Jersey what are your thoughts yeah um I it’s it’s fine um I don’t I like the fin logo like I’ve always been a fan of the fin logo I’m glad they brought the fin logo back but

Um I just I don’t like it as a primary logo I think it’s too there’s it’s very plain so I don’t know but it’s fine I mean I it just to me it seems silly to release it when they did yeah I thought was a little after Christmas and like it’s weird right

Because like there’s going to be no third jerseys next year from what I understand so um the the timing of it all just seems really weird that’s that’s kind of what I thought too and um I like the Finn logo I think it’s really U an

Awesome take on the third logo and using it as a primary I think is a very interesting take um again the the team isn’t doing so well so maybe generating some hype generating some interest and you know bringing in uh something to talk about so that’s so that’s cool I

Guess you know gives us something to talk about I mean I personally can’t wait for them to win all 11 games and then we can just blame the jerseys for for screwing up the tank that’s that’s what I’m looking forward to yeah right um okay well I think uh I think

You can um I I think we’ll uh go ahead and wrap it up here um and we want to say thank you to everybody um for you know showing up and uh staying through this uh this particular cast unfortunately we had a quick internet breakdown but I’m glad that we were able

To get the backups in and uh get it back up to YouTube but it looks like we’re just kind of chuing along so anyhow uh Ian um I’ll let you have your final thoughts and where the people can find you yeah um when the Sharks Doo bad it’s

Good um at least at this point in the season uh Barracuda had a nice win last night they play tonight against the Calgary Wranglers uh it is free on ahltv all you have to do is make make an hltv account if you haven’t have one made one

Already uh it is the free game tonight I believe it starts at 6 uh Pacific 9 Eastern so uh if you want to catch some free Barracuda action and uh if you didn’t catch the game last night on TV uh they they’ll be on hltv for free

Tonight so check them out awesome well thank you so much uh Ian for for that and um and you can find them across uh the social media using the EM blocks hockey uh Twitter sphere as far as as as far as where I am at you can use my

First name e r i k last name l a n di across all the social media garbage and uh you know final thoughts uh when the Sharks do good it’s good when the Sharks do bad it’s good question mark but uh me yeah right but in case

You in case you miss it you want to check us out again uh smash uh the like the Subscribe and the bell button for uh getting those notifications after we go live of course if you’re a long time you know that we go live after every single

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Google Play Store uh the YouTube Rewind if you want to see our tears uh you know in the video SoundCloud Spotify tune in iHeart Odyssey and you can check out all of our com Collective misery over at tealtown you know you have to have some levity in this folks absolutely for for

Everybody here at tealtown USA thank you so much for joining us uh this afternoon and uh like we always say around these parts uh hockey is for everyone but also keep it real keep it teal keep it real teal and we’ll catch you after the next game good afternoon folks A

The Sharks would play an uneven first Period looking flat in the first 4 minuets, looking solid for a stretch of 8 minuets and proceeding to tail off from there. Vlassic and Rutta would both score resulting in a rare 2 goals from Dmen over 35. Kappo would play decent but would not be enough to overcome the Buffalo’s continued peppering. Sharks reveal a new 3rd jersey which Land and Ian talk about in this edition of Teal Town USA After Noon?

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