@Nashville Predators

Cole smith is apparently our fastest player

More of how often they play with speed but still absolutely insane how much Cole Smith has come from last season

by tbiblaine23


  1. Rudmonton

    If this graph is correct it confirms what I’ve always felt. We just aren’t fast enough, the team has always had that missing element and I think this kind of shows it.

  2. GMBarryTrotz

    This isn’t a measurement of speed. It’s straight line bursts – so the amount of times a skater sprints faster than 20mph. 

    It doesn’t really say much expect that our style of play doesn’t rely on sprinting. 

    There are stats that tell a better story. Our team has the most Ozone time of any team in the nhl and we have one of the highest xGs of any team. 

    So really the formula is great. The execution is lacking. 

  3. Legionnaire11

    He has indeed always been a quick guy, his very first shift in the NHL I think he created a 2-on-1 with his feet but hit the post or shot it wide.

    Glad that he’s turned out better this season than most of us thought.

  4. AndyMatches

    Maybe he could speed up to being good. Also, just noticing Tanner Jeannot is right behind. Big sad.

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