@Buffalo Sabres

Will the Cardinals Improve From This in 2024? (LIVE Q&A) | 64

Will the Cardinals Improve From This in 2024? (LIVE Q&A) | 64

Welcome back to another episode of the new news podcast uh joined by Sandy and Andrew again today and this is an exciting episode we’re going to be reflecting on some old takes from 2023 and some of the current news but we want to start off by just thanking you all

For being for listening and subscribing and being a part of this community we reached over a thousand subscribers yesterday um it was just so cool to see the support on Twitter as people were trying to get us to that number and then we far surpassed it within the day and

Um it’s just been such a fun to be a part of this so far and you guys started this a year ago under a year ago what’s the number about a year ago almost okay and so like just the progress you guys have taken with this

So far and to see how much it’s exploded in the last few months it’s we’re just a huge thank you to all of you who listen And subscribe and if you aren’t already join the community because we have so much fun stuff coming down the pipeline

Uh stby clap is coming on next week which we’re really excited about we got some Red Sox content creators who come on and talk about Bloom with us and then we’re just always going to have more stuff coming out so we’re really excited about 2024 we’ll bring um and yeah so we

Just thank you so much for all the support on that Sandy Andrew anything guys you guys want to add with that yeah it’s just been super exciting really appreciate how um our community kind of just uplifted us to to get a th subscribers yesterday um it’s going to

Open the door for us to to do some super exciting projects that we’ve been thinking about for a long time yeah we just really appreciate it yeah I mean all the support has been overwhelming and honestly like I went back and watched our first episode the other day

Uh which went out on January 18th of last year so a week from tomorrow we’ll hit our Oney year anniversary at least when we started making content and like how far we’ve come is unbelievable but we couldn’t have done that without all the amazing support so I can’t reiterate

Enough thank you so much it it’s been overwhelming yes so we’re really excited about 202 2024 will bring Andrew kind of pointed out but we’ve got some exciting project projects down the pipeline on top of what we’re already kind of doing we’ll just continue to evolve with that

But we got some other styles of content we think you guys are really like that we want to invest into over the next couple months or so so you guys will see more of that as we go through but um before we jump into some of these 2023

Predictions Revisited we wanted to talk about a couple of things that happened this week um or mainly one thing that happened this week that’s not Cardinals related that we want to get sy’s thoughts on the he Bloom thing but Andrew you’re kind of boy but not really

Your boy your anti-boy IM Mana signed with the Cubs and so you had some you definitely had some sh thoughts about it at first and maybe the contract has made you think not as strongly about it but yeah what was your reaction what are your thoughts on IMA as a whole and then

Your reaction on the CB signing him yeah I mean I thought he was a very midling Japanese pitcher 106 ra plus last year in Japan that’s not Park adjusted but it gives you a rough estimate of of what to expect with him um in the future and I mean

He’s he’s a fine pitcher I feel like he he makes a good backend guy but when the reports started coming out there he’s going to get 100 plus million for like a fiveyear deal I was like absolutely not no way um there’s just no shot that I

Would give a pitcher like him that much money it just didn’t make sense to me and other the reports are coming out that oh well the Cubs gave him like two for 15 a year or something Oh okay wait oh okay my bad guys listening Auto there is breaking news according to Robert Murray friend of fansided here works for fansided Jake Woodford is signing a minor league contract with the Chicago White Socks that includes a spring training in good for Woodford good for Jake good for Jake Woodford

Yeah for sure all right back to the okay sorry I thought that was significant enough to note I mean yeah maybe we’ll get him back in the Dyan ceas trade but um anyway sorry so imaga was not a guy I thought was worth anywhere near the hundred plus

Million dollars that was rumored at some point I think Jeff Pon even tweeted it out that he was going to get close to that that amount of money and I was like absolutely not there’s no chance I would ever sign a picture of that longterm deal like that um but I I

Was I was a big proponent of the Cub signing him at that that did we just S Andrew yeah I think we lost Andrew I was gonna say about imaga hopefully oh we’ve got him back now Andrew you’re good we lost you some tough technical difficulties uh oh his Wi-Fi is not good

As As for imanaga I think what Andrew is saying here is basically that he really was not one of those pitchers where it’s like we’re really excited to go give him a huge deal um and with what Yamamoto just got obviously sh otani’s been amazing since coming over to MLB it

Seems now that a lot of pitchers in the Japanese Market are getting a lot of attention and they’re getting a lot of money and so I think what he was mostly saying and and he’s been very vocal about it on Twitter um was basically that you know imanaga is not worth that

Much money um he’s a slightly above average pitcher according to ra Plus in Japan which like you said is not Park adjusted but you know slightly above a pitchers in the Japanese League which all things considered is a great League a lot of lot of Premium Talent comes out

Of that league but again let’s not pretend that it’s the same hitters that he’ll be facing at the MLB level yeah um you know there’s not Aaron judge and yordan Alvarez over there Lewis Brinson uh plays in the npb so there’s a little bit of a difference there and then the

Other thing is he has a serious home run problem y something that doesn’t get talked about enough although I heard them talking about it today on MLB Network he allowed 17 home runs in like 135 innings last year at the npb level which is crazy because they’re doing they’re

Dealing with a dead ball era that ball doesn’t fly as well either just the actual ball itself physically doesn’t fly as much and again he’s not facing the same type of hitters and it’s a contact oriented philosophy that most hitters are coming with yeah so you come

To MLB normally their home run rates Jump by a factor of two about a guy that could give up 45 50 home runs here I mean Bert blev home run numbers condensed into 160 Innings that’s insane yeah Blake Newberry did a really good piece on ammana at the beginning of

Offseason as an offseason Target and he found that pretty much all the significant arms who’ve come over have had their home run rate at least double their first either their first season or their career yeah or sometimes more so yeah it’d be pretty crazy for it to

Actually double for Mona but if it’s even half as P half as much more like that’s that’s not great um so I think those are the concerns there but his stuff it’s you don’t really you don’t really have Great Stuff Plus metrics over from Japan like we just don’t have

Access to that at least the common publicly um but when you look at um his stuff Plus in the World Baseball Classic that’s where the entry comes but it’s a very small sample size so how much stock do you take into it um I would personally I personally feel like

Monicaa probably overplayed his hand a little bit this off season it seemed like he this was about where his Market should have been and then it seemed like it was going to go higher and then it got to a crazy number and then he ended up signing for this so there’s reports

That he turned down over double from another team um I don’t know if that’s really true or not we haven’t gotten a lot about that but Andrew I don’t know if you have more to say with that um that Sandy and I didn’t chat on but I

Know you’ve been very strong in opinions about that yeah I mean I started celebrating once I was like oh the Cubs got him for like what 100 million plus that’s that’s amazing like I was that’s fantastic um they can uh fall under the weight of that contract um when he’s not

What they expect him to be but I guess the Cubs from office is smarter than I gave them credit for and they ended up Landing him um and you you know it’s it’s unfortunate that it’s not the the contract that that we were all hoping

For for the Cubs to sign him for but like personally I still don’t find that he has like a real place in the Cardinals rotation we have Lyn and Gibson they eat Innings um imaga kind of there there always a little bit of a question mark with Japanese pitchers and

How many innings they’ll throw um and I’m I’m comfortable with the like one-ear deals that we gave to to Lyn and Gibson over like some guy that I I don’t really know how his stuff is going to translate um because we don’t know how he grow at the new MLB ball we don’t

Know there just a lot of things about about him absolutely happens when you uh shop in that market Yeah Yeah but whether he actually turned down a deal that was double the size or not we do know that other teams were interested in him we know that the Giants were very

Interested the Red Sox were pretty interested and so now there’s some Fallout from imanaga that’s you know one of the major Dominoes on this pitching Market falling um so now obviously there’s a couple guys without a home still Blake Snell comes to mind Jordan Montgomery comes to mind I think reports

Are starting to emerge that Montgomery could be the next big guy to sign somewhere um and as a former Cardinal obviously he’s someone we’re interested in Montgomery and St Louis was amazing like I loved him I really wish the Cardinals could have extended him obviously it was going to be difficult

As a Boris client um but where do you guys think Montgomery ends up and do you think it’s within the next week and a half or so I think this Market is kind of slow it’s kind of like the 20 2019 Market whichever year Harper Machado signed

Yeah so it kind of strikes me as like one of those markets like Otani was off the board pretty quick um Yamamoto off the board pretty quick as well but like I think Montgomery and snow might wait it out towards closer to spring training uh Montgomery one of snow or Montgomery

I feel like is an Angel um yes I think it’s not going to go well for them because um both of them have like kind of shaky track records and the angels tend to not play that well with with um signing breakout candidates like randone

And and like um just some of those guys I’m not very high on that like Tyler Anderson obviously um both have had like better track records more success than Tyler Anderson but like Tyler Anderson went from being like an All-Star caliber pitcher to being like almost unplayable

As a starter at some point um so I don’t know I feel like the angels are kind of like stuck between a rock and a har because they have Mike Trout they don’t want to trade him and he’s only going to get older um but they’re not going to

They’re not going to improve their team by by throwing money at at random people because they they have fundamental like organizational flaws um the Giants and the Rangers also could be players for Montgomery um I know Blake snow is interested in playing for the Yankees um

I think he openly said that which is interesting um so we could see him end up over there the Yankees still need to get another starter but I don’t think any of them are coming to St Louis I feel like that’s pretty much bch shot down yeah I put my favorites right now

For Snell and Montgomery is probably the Giants and the angels probably Angels more Snell um Yankees I do think are sneaky but the strowman stuff I don’t know how legit that is I’m actually pretty cold I I said the Rangers in our chat earlier between the three of us but

I’m actually kind of cold on the Rangers making a big move because they do have a lot of financial commitments and they’re one of the teams that’s probably the most uncertainty uncertain about their RSN rights like yeah I think I saw that they’re supposed to get paid over100

Million from Valley this year and they’re not sure if they’re going to get any of it so that’s that’s a significant loss like they they will get some but they’re is it 90 is it 30 million who knows wow um so there’s just a lot of uncertainty there and they’ve already

Been Big Spenders so I just don’t see the Rangers being the team that makes a big splash um the Phillies I think you can’t rule out as a team that goes out and does something crazy the Cubs again they were supposed to do a lot this

Offseason so they could be a team um so yeah it’s kind of unpredictable right now um but i’ probably put my top threes the Giants the angels and then the Boston Red Sox who haven’t said yet um they’ve been openly exploring adding another starting pitcher trade was a

Probably big route but it doesn’t seem like CE is gonna be moved anytime soon same with Lardo um so I see Jordan Montgomery specifically as a really good fit for the Red Sox but we to see yeah I like that I think Blake Snell’s Market is different than Montgomery’s Market um

Obviously they’re gonna impact one another but I actually all offseason I’ve kind of been thinking Snell could be a mariner that I he said publicly he wanted to be there at some point he’s from the Seattle area uh or I know he’s from Washington let me double check um

Yeah I’m pretty sure he’s from yeah from the Seattle area just double check that and they just moved Robbie Ray so that’s a lot of money they just moved um so I think there’s a good chance he’s there and I think Monty’s a giant I don’t know

Why I just think the Giants really need to go get somebody uh I know that they got Robbie Ray I know that they got Lee but like being a Giants fan would just stink like sh Otani turned you down you offered judge moreone money and he

Turned you down um so I could definitely see them going that direction but I don’t know it’s it’s going to be really interesting how this Market develops like you said Andrew it’s played out really slowly and then as for the Rangers real quick I think if they do

Make a big move it should be hater I’m not sure it will be but I think him there would make a lot of sense they’d finally have that lockdown closure they need yeah the hater Market will be interesting too and I I do kind of wonder if maybe I feel like hater is

Maybe someone who potentially could take a one-year deal somewhere to rebuild his value or to hit the market again I just don’t I don’t see Montgomery or Snell doing that but at some point like if the RSN stuff becomes so uncertain with teams that they just don’t want to hint

Out the big deals I wonder if we see a like Korea to the twins a couple off seasons ago the first time where they’re’s just like okay I got to land somewhere and there’s a weird team that emerges um so yeah I think that’s anything else you guys want to out that

Otherwise I think we could probably get into some of our or actually we want to ask real quick Sandy you didn’t get to comment much on the Heim Bloom stuff Andrew and I’ve talked about it we’re gonna have um Robbie Hyde come on who you guys might know for as a prominent

MLB YouTuber covers a lot of different um on a big picture MLB stuff but he’s a big Red Sox guy so he’s gonna come on and chat with us about his thoughts on high Bloom but Sandy what are your thoughts right now at least I mean I’m

I’m pretty excited about it I think it’s a really good move for the Cardinals obviously players on the field are what win guys in the front office uh can influence that and they can build but they’re not going to play for you so I don’t want to get you know too far ahead

Of myself but I think it’s a really good move for the Cardinals he’s a guy uh who obviously gets a lot of the credit for what went on in Tampa developing that pitching lab very analytically minded he’s a young exciting Executive also uh The more I’ve learned about the nature

Of the role the more excited I am about that it seems like he’s gonna be um not necessarily like an instructor but he’s not gonna be the most visible guy um I heard he’s not even moving from Boston he’s staying there it’s a part-time thing which is good I I just think like

For him he’s going to be another line of defense for the Cardinals another guy that you have to get the stuff cleared with if you’re going to make a deal another set of eyes on everything and then I also wonder I heard some people commenting this I really do wonder if

Moso is thinking about his legacy and being done is Heim Bloom the guy they bring in to groom as a replacement for him I’m not sure obviously I think mosac could stay around for a lot longer and it wouldn’t surprise me but again a lot of people at different times have

Speculated that he could be out the door in two or three years uh it’s kind of all up to him honestly he can stay as long as he wants he’s been really good so yeah and I would say it’s less speculation and more like the likely route because MOS when he signed the

Extension kind of alluded to it he just didn’t confirm it and it’s less about him leaving the Cardinals and more about moving into more of an executive business ownership type role um John D did say today that he asked if H Bloom’s hiring was a start of the process of a

Succession plan and moso said he it wasn’t as Bloom is just merely in a part-time role I do think that means more about like right now that’s not a thing but I do think it’s clearly going to be a Thing If Bloom is around and things are successful and Bloom and John

Mosaic are like legitimately close like they they were friends before this they’re people that would have considered each other contemporaries and so I definitely think this is Mosaic bringing in an extra guide to comment on things and to give them perspective and help them from an advisory role but

Bloom isn’t looking to be a president of baseball operations right now which isn’t the role right now either um so I just think more of like a hey when the time comes to think about that I would be shocked if they don’t talk to bloom

About it I don’t think it’s like hey we brought him in and this is the plan right now it’s sure I put him as the betting favorite if they get to that point he’s still around yes um but I don’t think it’s fair to be like it’s

Not gers anymore it’s not Flores it’s oh absolutely absolutely and as in the Cardinals organization where they have so many great front office execs like gers and like Flores especially I love Randy Flores I’m not I’m definitely not saying he’s just jumping them uh in the pecking order and then one other thing

Real quick Bloom has gotten way too much hate for what went on in Boston honestly like he did what he was supposed to do he restocked the farm system Boston has one of the best farm systems in the league right now the bloom front office drafted and developed guy or they didn’t

Draft Brian Bell but they developed a guy like Brian Bellow who’s exactly what the Cardinals need he’s that high-end young Elite controllable starting pitcher so I’m very happy to see him coming in he’s developed good pitching in the past hopefully he helps the Cardinals get that done yep McAn Taj Bradley uh Joe

Ryan like Shane brought in yep they identifi guys in the fringes it’s yeah he’s really good at what he does so yep sweet well obviously we’re gonna be talking Bloom I think is just GNA be a lingering subject for a long time so we’ll have a lot of meat on the bone for

That um there’s probably more off season stuff that’ll be covered here soon but I think now it’s time for me to oh boy laugh in your guys faces about some bull tick so Andrew can you explain like what we’re about to do yeah so basically

We’re coming up on a year of of doing n news um and Josh has not been with us this whole time but um we’re excited to have him on board um and hopefully make some better predictions this time around but basically one of the first things we

Did last year was we profiled um the NL Central teams we’ll do that um in the coming months and then we profiled the Cardinals and we made some bold predictions we predicted the standings we predicted the playoffs and we predicted the Awards um that were going

To happen so um some of these clips have been memed on Twitter already by people that um in the Cub Circle um that I don’t want to acknowledge and or give publicity to they’re our best friends yeah um sure um but we’re gonna start off we’re gonna start off with an easy

One um and I don’t I haven’t seen or heard any of these so I don’t has no idea what’s about to be said yeah so just gonna live react and guess who said it we’re going to start we’re going to just warm you up if you know anything

About us you’ll know who said this um the first prediction was that sh Otani will win the American Leak saong award yeah so I I will never forget coming on the new news podcast I hadn’t heard of it and was like oh interesting and then the first question I was asked

Was will show he Otani signed the Cardinals by Andrew and I laughed it was like why is this a question and I got asked the second time I was on to and I’m like dude no it’s not happening so yes Andrew you definitely predicted he was gonna win the sa that’s totally

Something I would say what are you talking about I mean to be fair it wasn’t like something that was off the table until he no no no yeah it could have happened it wasn’t wasn’t the best take um that I oh wait talking about wait you talking about signing at the

Cardinals or the shotani will win American League sa young like okay I was like Sig the Cardinals was always off the table but that was definitely on the table do you want to take a guess as to who Sandy said would win American League sayon um Shane mclanahan it’s my guess

But it is somebody it is somebody that you talked about in your trades episode wait I think I vales I don’t even remember man uh I haven’t seen in forever it was Dylan CE yes okay that’s not that bad okay Dylan C he was terrible last year

He was coming off a second place finish Dylan C 2022 was you should have said Sunny gray and you would have gotten more points than me oh that would have been amazing some of my predictions weren’t that bad all right keep it moving that’s that’s terrible um okay we

We’ll mix we’ll mix some other ones in there um that that are cardinals oriented we’ll have a really bad one real quick oh um the next prediction is that Jack flarity would finish top five in sa young voting wow that came close to happening he even finished top five in the Orioles

Rotation um that’s tough um I gonna say Sandy and I don’t think it was that I mean it was crazy I would have said I think I might have said something that Jack could get cion votes but like as in like a guy who was decent not like

Finishing top five um but I’ll say I I think just when I feeling things out I feel like is more of a jack FL supporter than Andrew was so I’m GNA go Sandy here that would be incorrect that was I said that it was you yeah I said that I

I don’t know why I just believed in Jack flarity at the start of last season I was like he’s gonna turn it around I was really down on flare going into last season I was like I can’t believe that this guy who I like by the way I don’t

Dislike Jack flarity or anything yeah I don’t dislike him either I want the best for him I really wish that things have worked out but I did not see him being a super reliable piece man I could I could just so see Sandy convincing himself going into it be like he’s healthy he’s

Back that is something I might have said I don’t know how many times I said we’re back last year probably a thousand we were never back we were never back I remember I reluctantly wrote in May an article about what if the Cardinals need to be sellers who could be on the Block

And I said like all in the intro I’m only writing this because you guys want to talk about it it’s not happening they’re gonna be fine and then we were yeah then they were so oh man okay here’s here’s one the Cleveland Guardians will finish with 97 wins and finish second in the

American League oh my gosh I can’t I gota not look at your guys’s faces because it’s okay who really likes I’m gonna okay this feels like a Sandy deep cut I don’t really know why Andrew would say that definitely so we were putting together our playoff brackets and I was so high

On Cleveland I don’t know why I think it’s because they had so many rookies in 2022 and I was like even if just half of them take a step forward I also thought Mackenzie was gonna be healthy and I thought Bieber was gonna be healthier um

But I was so high on Cleveland I had them going all the way to the World Series yeah I just I thought I thought Oscar Gonzalez was gonna be like the next big thing I loved him but you know it is what it is yeah Josh Naylor

Hitting bombs left and right I thought Daniel Espino was going to be really good too I think so and then he was hurt and didn’t even pitch at all well all right we’ll have another guess another guess uh sy’s sy’s um take because you you know who I had for

American League MVP I don’t even need to say say it um Josh who do you think Sandy had for American League MVP it was not show um shoot I’m not gonna say judge I’m not gonna say um I I think it was like a really crazy

Thing now that I’m thinking about it was it like it wasn’t that crazy it was just like I don’t know I don’t think he would have said Cory Seager um Kyle Tucker no that’s not a terrible guess I would have said that oh vlat yeah how about vlat

Nope you’re getting colder okay okay uh AL Central oh he said guard oh Jose armz nope you you were in the right division you were in the right uh Mike Trout oh who RZ Mike Trout Mike Trout definitely Mike Trout I love Mike Trout love Mike Trout Mike Trout

Was not the was the second best player on his own team Taylor modder Jeff p is absolutely right Taylor Mo hey okay I do need to call something out real quick Cardinal fans as a whole need to and I’m kind of in this Camp because I kind of

Was like let’s make Taylor moer on the opening day roster but as a as a whole I think GLE fans need to like acknowledge that they pumped the Taylor modder wagon and spring training because he did really well and people like Taylor mder over Paul Dian Taylor MO play and then

By like a month in people were like how on Earth is Taylor Mondo on the roster like you asked for it that’s true I just want to say I was never I will admit when I’m like super wrong on stuff like I’ve been wrong on Byron buckton every

Single year thanks for bringing that name up Cody but I have never ever been on the Taylor modder hype train I just want that known I was on the henesys Cabrera hype train though gosh I thought he was gonna be our closer at some point yikes yeah one day maybe in an alternate

Universe he was so good until they like rode him into ground a couple years ago though he had like an insane beginning to the season at one point are you ready for another one yeah let’s do it do it the New York Mets will win 105 games

In the world my gosh okay that was definitely Andrew that’s wildre I was so high on the idea of Steve Cohen spending a ton of money and going to the World Series and I was like this is finally the year that buildt is going to like see that he needs to spend

Money and that’s why I’m the World Series and it was it was terrible I’ll do my victory laps of I think I maybe even predicted the Mets would miss the playoffs I think I maybe sneaked them in as a wild card but I remember being so

Cold on them but I think I couldn’t convince myself they wouldn’t make the playoffs but I remember I was teetering on it but not like this bad I just thought they were overrated yeah I mean I should have looked at some of the players they over

Spent on a couple of guys but oh I was I was on the Padres bandwagon I just didn’t believe in the Met’s offense like dude I was not on the Padre’s bandwagon really I don’t think I don’t think I had them making the playoffs no I had them

In the World Series I think dang actually no I think I switched to the Braves but it was close between them my playoff bracket was like the hottest spiciest takes and then actually I was cooking it was insane I mean you have the Cardinals winning the World Series

Because okay okay you know what of course I did I’m the biggest Homer in the world I I had the Cardinals winning the Wild Card round against the Braves oh my God and then losing to the Padres in the nlds all right what’s our next take here the next take is a classic

One the Cardinals will win 97 games in 2023 I mean it could have been either of you um I’ll say optimistic Sandy here though the only reason it wouldn’t have been me is if I had them winning more games than that you had you had both Central teams getting a buy

And you had the Cardinals beating Cleveland in the World Series possible I believed no the funny part is that was like so bad and the rest of my playoff bracket was crazy I don’t think it’s possible Texas no no no uh the right Central oh gotcha yeah yeah my Al wild

Card picture was crazy though you you had the Yankees or no you had Houston and Cleveland as the two division winners getting a buy and then you had Tampa as the third division winner which was a good call and then you had the Yankees Wild Card which I

Think everyone would have guessed that apart and then Baltimore and Texas as wild card come on I had Baltimore and Texas in the playoffs and Tampa Bay there you go I don’t think 97 is crazy I think I probably would have I can’t remember my number but I probably would

Have put in the 92 93 range last year and I think um someone Charlie Marlo M said it today in his podcast which I think is a good point like I think sometimes people look at the opening day roster and they like how can you predict

A team to win 86 like if I’m in the 88 range with the Cardinals right now it’s like I’m also assuming that if they’re in the hunt they’re gonna buy at the deadline so like last year I thought that team could scrap by be above 500 at

The deadline maybe a little bit better than that and then add and then be a low low to mid 90s win team but think at 89 and 73 I thought we were better than we were in 2022 like to be completely fair I thought we’d improved I thought Wilson

Tris offensively was legitimately I thought it was plus three wins over yina in terms of his offensive production I thought we take a step back defensively I didn’t think it’d be that big a deal I assumed Adam way would be the same guy he’d been because what’s the difference

Between 42 and 43y old wayo shouldn’t be any different so I was like it was very different it’s because of an injury which really stinks like he just didn’t have the Velocity I mean okay I I don’t know you you have the Cardinals two games over Dodgers yeah I thought Dodgers had

Gotten worse same I did too I thought they were kind of punting not punting but like not going to be the Juggernaut for 2023 so they could be in 2024 still won 100 games so wild yeah all right let’s bad takes but like if I just say

Them then Josh is gonna know that I said them because we already revealed sy’s um Al takes okay so who do you think like what do you think my ranking was like who are my three division winners um I’ll say Angels because you wanted Otani in the playoffs oh okay fine

Mariners as the AL West winner yeah no Astros yeah I had the Astros Astros white socks no oh gravy had the white socks right I was right I was right on I was right on the I was right on two division winners and then my Wild Card

Teams were terrible and then you had the Rays I did not have the Rays in the playoffs Yankees I’m low on the Rays every year yeah I the Yankees I’m always high on the Rays as the D am I supposed to guess your wild cards yeah my three Wild Card

Teams okay I’ll go Mariners yep Angels yep and Orioles no I had Toronto Toronto okay but I had the angels in there at 87 and 75 I I you know he wanted show in the playoffs Andrews is Big a home Homer as I am he just is a homer for show

Oani hey I mean what I had the Dodgers last year at 98 wins um and losing out the NLS to the p r because I did not like the Dodgers last year this time um but now you know now now I don’t know dude the ders are gonna win like 113

Games or something yeah I’m gonna have a ridiculous number this year do you guys want to guess my I’ve got my uh my standings predictions yeah I’ll guess them okay you can try and guess my okay so who do I have the West Padres I had the Padres Central cardal

Yep uh East the Mets no show me the Braves pH the Phillies show me the Braves I had the Braves come on let’s go the Braves are so good wild cards this this was Phillies ah no Dodgers remember definitely the Dodgers yeah Dodgers um Mets yep Mets and then

Maybe maybe it’s the Brewers I had the Diamond Backs okay oh that’s a good call thank you I uh I remember it was but now I remember it it’s between the Mets and the Phillies and I thought both of them were going to underperform and it had to

Have one miss the playoffs I couldn’t have them both and I picked the Phillies to miss which was I wish I would pick the mats oh that been so good okay uh AL West Astros yeah Astros yep uh Central Guardians white socks guardians Guardians okay East Yankees Yankees yep oh no no sorry

Blue Jays Blue Jays really were the Yankees one of your wild card teams yeah Yankees are one of the wild cards show me Mariners in the Wild Card yep and sorry I didn’t let you guess Rays yeah Rays is a good guess angels and I remember I I slightly over the Orioles

Or I’m just saying calling calling Rays Orioles and Rangers in the play play offs is my best take ever yeah I’m never calling Angels the playoffs again ever run through the rest I had Padre’s over the Cardinals NLCS Yankees over the Guardians in the ALCS see Otani and

Arnado winning MVPs Corbin Burns and Shane McClanahan winning zans and then gunar and Walker winning The Rook rookies of the year I like that there’s some wild ones that we haven’t even touched yet but um it’s gonna get crazier do you want to guess who my MVP

Was cuz I think Sandy already said it because he’s a homer wait you’re MVP yeah sh right no oh did you have aunia nope I didn’t get it right um did you have tatis I had his teammate oh so you had woto I had woto and then hey good pick

Sa young I I was very low on the Cardinals to start here for whatever reason I think the Wild Card Series in 2022 kind of burned me a little bit so I was like wodo is going to win MVP the Cardinals are going to regret not

Trading him my sa young pick was also like in a similar vein if you can um oh Pablo L wait are you going National League or national Leal National League my was yeah yeah I forgot about that who was someone that they could have acquired that well not someone they

Could have well it does Zack Allen yeah it was Zach Allen yeah and my Rookie of the Year you uh was not well my rookie of the year was Kai Sanga but okay yeah I think he finished top three Sandy had Corbin Carol yeah let’s go I got both

Rookie of the year is right that is one thing I did who was my MVP for the national league it orado right and your your song was uh you should know your miles michas no did I did I pick um I think I know who I picked

Am I guessing yeah take take one guess I think I know who it is I might not Though let’s go Zack Wheeler that’s not that bad I guess was it Sandy Alcantara did I pick yeah dude I’m I’m like this is deep new news lore I’m like a huge alcantra fan I was so mad when they tra just because we have the same name okay I

Remember when he was a prospect I was like guy’s named Sandy come on must be good yeah and he was awesome fan I was so sad that they let him go yeah that’s funny oh my goodness get back bold predictions those are like the really bad the Bold

Predictions you hit some of the like some of your bold predictions weren’t that off so I mean like I have two other bull predictions that you said on like the the like you said on the episode um but I’ll do a different I’ll do one of the bull predictions real

Quick we’ll see we’ll see um this one’s really bad the next Bull prediction is that Adam way wght will throw a no hitter at some point3 yeah I I I like no hitters I I I like no hitters a lot and um I I said it would be for win number

200 as well I was like it’s my gosh number 200 I was like this gonna be in like May it’s not be you got he had a vintage performance for win 200 so that’s close but he didn’t throw no hitter he was probably his best start of

The year so that was close yeah ah it’s unfortunate un I’m so glad he just got there I’m so glad he got yeah I think the next one will be obvious but it’s just funny um Jeff was that a legit guess the next one the next one is is

Definitely like you can definitely figure out who said it that Freddy PCO will be the best rookie in the first half of 2023 yeah that’s definitely Sandy Andrew prob didn’t even know who Freddy poo was to be fair I didn’t needan to he he got sent off like did I

Need to know who Fred P was like all the prospect guys are really high on him he’s so good Freddy PCO before the injury was insane in the minor thank you Cody okay Freddy Pacho was a Beast he looked like a guy who had crazy stuff I

Honestly thought he’d be in the circle of trust by may I was like this is the type of guy that comes up electric relief arm and I was like you know what especially if Jordan Walker doesn’t come up right away I see no reason why a reliever who’s like pretty Advanced and

Pretty old can’t come up and easily be the best first half rookie like if if he comes up and and in the first half gives you 25 Innings of like 2.8 ER baseball which isn’t crazy for a reliever who the League’s never seen before I was like

There’s every chance that he’s our best rookie because besides Walker I didn’t really see anybody yeah was making their who was going to be electric and to be very fair Walker’s first half left a lot to be desired so who was the best Rook did we even have

One last year was it just Walker by default well bur wasn’t Burleson technically a rookie because I yeah but I think he was still not yeah but he’d like made his debut the year before yeah but I mean he would had rookie status yeah for sure for sure

So yeah probably you’d probably say him I think Liberator techically rookie that going in this year too but yeah he did too such a yeah let’s hear it Tyler O’Neal will finish top 10 in MVP voting Sandy yeah I think so that was me that’s you I forgot that what I

Said Tyler O’Neal finished top I was a big Tyler O’Neal fan as well like I was super high on him in 2021 that MLB the Show card the lightning card in September was one of my favorite cards like of all time still and 2022 wasn’t good for him but I was like n

2023 he’s gonna be be back to MVP form and uh I was I was so very wrong um but hey maybe he’ll finish top 10 in MVP voting next year oh no don’t say that Palos is gonna win it O’Neal will be the runner that would be and Garcia and Ros

Rena will also receive votes and Lane Thomas is winning the NL MVP oh my gosh that would so bad I don’t yeah I don’t even know how to explain the chaos that would ensue no it’d be crazy the next two the next two are some

Of our iconic takes I think some of like the early days of new news people will know us from this I think more Cubs fans have seen them than Cardinal fans the the first one is the first one is the Chicago Cubs will finish 20 games behind the cinal Sandy I’ve seen that

Video but I’ve seen that Tik Tok and enough where the guy tries to meme you about it so yeah he hit me with this like he was like I’m gonna do The Office boom roasted format and it was it was so bad but um okay let me let me explain

Really quickly though like I I thought they were going to be good I thought the Cardinals had the better roster by far I really didn’t like the Cubs roster and I didn’t Cody Bellinger was going to have one of the luckiest seasons of all time um I was right about the Danby Swanson

Signing I thought it was a terrible signing thought it was a ton of money to commit to a guy and yeah I thought the Cubs were gonna finish 10 games below 500 I thought the Cardinals were gonna finish 12 to 15 games above 500 that’s almost a 20- game lead right

There yeah it doesn’t like when you when you break it down like that doesn’t sound as crazy yeah it’s just kind of funny that it flipped basically well and and one other really funny thing I actually so some Cubs fan was arguing with me that the Cubs had a better

Recent history than the Cardinals because of their world series title and I I averaged how many wins both teams had had every single year since like 2007 so the year after the Cardinals won the World Series I wasn’t even taking into account our 100 win teams in 04 and

05 and the Cardinals on average since then not counting last year because I haven’t done this for last year won like like 16 and a half games more in an average season than the Cubs like on average they finished way ahead of the Cubs so I was like you know what I I

Don’t think this is that crazy and I thought the Cardinals had gotten better obviously subtracting contras from the Cubs felt like something that was just brutal kind of the last hold over from that too so yeah Sumi tough yeah I mean borrowing some major moves the rest of this offseason um I would

Probably I think this is going to be like a more of the same for the Cubs this year where they’re probably going to miss the playoffs interesting they got worse yeah but I think they have young talent coming up so I think that’ll help negate some of that I think

2025 is when the Cubs could start to make a real push because that’s when their young Talent should theoretically be developing the major league level and then I would assume they would be more likely to spend although the next I think 2020 next offseason isn’t that great free agent wise outside of

Pitching um in Soto but I doubt he leaves Yankees so we’ll see but I think the Cubs are I think they are building something that 2025 2026 could be special um Cubs fans are probably really annoyed that 2024 isn’t going to be that um but the Cardinal fans or Cardinals

Also have a lot of young Talent so I’m not too concerned oh absolutely the difference is the Cardinals young Talent is already at the big league level the Cubs young Talent still percolating but I mean look also last year the Cubs farm system basically at every single level

You had guys take giant leaps forward like Ben Brown oh my gosh like completely different way of evaluating him now than we were last Owen Casey Kade Horton like these were guys that at the time they had some eyes on him but no one was saying wow Kate Horton’s one

Of the best pitching prospects in the league and look where he is now yeah and like Brendan Davis was coming off a really bad year so like some of their top some of their top prospects at the time were guys that had just underperformed so well and Brendan Davis

I wouldn’t say anymore is at all the jewel of that system oh no but like when we would have made the prediction he would have been one of the guys that was supposed to be so like to your credit there wasn’t like yeah yeah I looked at

It and I was like I don’t even see what the future is here but now it’s very clear the future is like six that are all studs which really stinks as Cardinals fans um yeah I’ll give the Cubs credit where credits do they’ve done a great job developing their young

System are you ready for the last one Josh yeah the last one I don’t know if that was the I think this one is more more of an iconic um take from from the newon news crew um the next prediction is that the St Louis Cardinals will have seven Allstars in

2023 okay I think I said that same thing yes six um I’ll look I’m pretty but you had a lot six All Stars Sandy yeah it’s definitely me okay here’s the path though Goldie arado there was a great path absolutely second base one of Donovan or Gorman Hy and

Then I mean michelas had just made the year before you could argue edming possibly could have snuck his way in there Walker there was a lot of guys that made sense cold and honestly they could have had four is this year like Gorman really should have been one but he like a

Historically bad June so it bumped out of people’s minds cont should have been arado was one Hy got hurt otherwise he would have been so that’s like three or four absolutely I have Sandy seven right here it was goldi arnado Edmund conteras Walker and Adam way so the wayo

Thing hold up hold up the wayo take this was before we knew the velocity was down if if wayo has the exact same season he had a year ago or like like in 2022 there’s no reason that wo doesn’t get the fan vote in I think if the Cardinals

Were winning and weno was pitching well fan vote doesn’t vote pitchers oh you’re right you’re right but I think I thought you were G to say player like Pooles but no because he’s not on that level as much as I wish wao was on that level

He’s not um but I absolutely what was the here go to the last few again because I thought there’s another one Edmond wayo were tough um Walker Walker was there another one in there that’s kind of weird Michel oh Mich is Michel was so good in 2022 like again

Same thing and Michel though yeah but again this is a guy who thought the Cardinals were gonna win a lot of games that’s true that’s true and for them to get there they have to have some good but yeah I don’t know the Edmund thing

My my thing with Edmond has been if the Cardinals are really good usually it’s because Edmund’s having a good season because he’s the type of guy that acrise value everywhere and I think in this day and age it’s easier than ever for a guy like Tommy Edmund who racks up a bunch

Of war in a good season to get attention for it I mean you remember like Cedric mullen’s MLB Network literally campaigned for him and he got into the All-Star game every single day it felt like I was listening to the radio they’re like I can’t believe Cedric

Mullen isn’t leading the fan vote and that’s kind of how I felt about Tommy Edmond at one point where you know he could be a four- war player in the first half and no one be shocked if he’s stealing a bunch of bags and playing really good defense at shortstop so yeah

I mean there there were four other incorrect takes that were like not as bad Sandy had won Cardinals top three team in NL by Ops plus that would have happened if we probably stayed healthy and whatnot Donovan hits 15 home runs or more might happened if he was healthy

Yeah um and then two of mine were Lars newars and Allstar which would have been arguable if the allstar game was at the end of the season because had I think the second most BW on the team and then the Cardinals get an ace of the trade deadline which obviously was not going

To happen given the way they played so like we I have that too um which I think it like even going back though it would have been tough to pull off because basically the only Aces moved outside of or Frontline guys besides Montgomery were Scherzer and ferlander which I

Don’t necessarily think the Cardinals would have done either of those was there another guy missing like a Frontline guy that got traded I don’t know but like I my our graphic had um like all most of our predictions were player Centric so Josh I bet I’ll give

You one guess as to who which pitcher was next to to my prediction oh tnie yeah anyway so the Otani fandom runs so deep it started so long ago too like it’s been it’s been there since I drafted him 17th in the in the 2021 Fantasy Draft I

Was like 17th round not 17 17th round 17th round yeah yeah oh my goodness yeah all in all though these takes like it’s it’s obviously really funny and like of course they’re bad takes um yeah like we this is a Cardinals podcast um all all

Of us have grown up as big fans of the Cardinals you know I’ve been watching Cardinal baseball since before I could remember so of course like on a year in year out basis I’m probably gonna overshoot the Cardinals projections by a couple of games hopefully it’s not this

Bad every single year right like but to be very fair I also don’t think these are the craziest things ever I don’t think it’s unfair to assume that the Cardinals were going to win the division I I can’t really find any major analysts who didn’t pick the Cardinals to win the

Division last year it looked like one of the least competitive divisions in baseball to start the season um everything went wrong for this team hopefully it’s not the same way in 2024 and we’ll be releasing our you know next year of bold predictions also these are bold predictions remember these were the

Five bold predictions some of the award stuff was ridiculous like that was just like who do we think is gonna win the award I I can probably yeah I can almost guarantee you that sy’s gonna have a homer NL sa young pick and I’m gonna

Have a homer andl MVP pick but um you know it goes we’ll see we’ll see see what happens the way it goes the way it goes Um I mean I had the angels in the playoffs last year what was I thinking happens I had like the two of us um for our world series pick we we picked four different teams to make the World Series and only one of them made the playoffs and that was the Blue Jays

For me in the AL it’s crazy yeah we’ll do better this year we’ll do better this year and then sy’s going to pick Dyan cease again to win NL sa young and he’s going to do it with the Cardinals yeah I would love could happen I’m really I’m going to be really

Interested to see what our bull takes are which we’ll wait to do this for a little bit till closer to spring training I put an article Red Bird rants that is somewhat about the 2024 season but some of it was more big picture 2024 so relates to next off season or this

Season as a whole so you’ll see some mind there some of those will be the same but I’m sure I’ll evolve by then but I’m interested to says about gray Yoto is gonna be terrible the Dodgers are GNA try to send him to the minor leagues he’s gonna say no and then he’s

Gonna force a trade out of LA to the Cardinals and then he’s gonna be an ace wow I can’t even believe you would let yourself say Yamamoto will be terrible but that’s fine yeah I mean that’s fine hey Kareem what’s up man what’s up Kareem

Soam seeing how much of an idiot we were last year oh man it’s actually so crazy that we said some of that stuff it is wild again it happens though um so as we’re wrapping up again we’re going to have um we’ll have some content this weekend for winter warmup I’ll be there

Doing some interviews with players and stuff so it looks like I just got my schedule and John Mo will be first one up on Saturday so we’ll we’ll make sure were you interested in any two-way players this offseason that’s true hey we’ve got Sunny gray right after him so

Sand I’ll have to make sure we talk to him a little bit so um some stuff with the interviews and we’ll we’ll bring some of that to the podcast but then we’ll all three be there just hanging around as well so we’ll make sure to let

You guys know how to um see us and get and if you guys want to catch up at all or um chat and we’ll have some content there um next Wednesday we got Stuy clap coming on so that’s gonna be really fun um got Robbie Hyde um who’s a big MLB

Creator Big Red Sox fan who’s going to be coming on at some point talk about H Bloom and then obviously all our reactions to anything going on Cardinal so stay tuned And subscribe if you aren’t already again thank you for all the growth that we’ve had

Just like last few months and we’re just really excited about 2024 bring so hopefully our takes are a little bit better than these bold ones and crazy ones were but I also think the Cardinal season will be a little better so I don’t think they’ll be as wild and off

But who knows I mean again they’re bold predictions right so the ones you get wrong you’re gonna CRA and burn and when you get one of them right it’s like wow I’m the only guy in the room that said that one of your bold predictions was

Like you got right was Miles mic list is extended by May 1 and I don’t know how bold that was well when we said that at the time though those extension talks hadn’t really started that’s true to be fair I don’t think a lot of people were thinking about that they were more

Looking to acquire pitching for long term and the Cardinal hadn’t done that yet and someone thought some people thought Montgomery would be the guy but so maybe maybe it’s like a aggressive aggressive take but not bold necessarily I don’t know yeah but I I still I give

You points for it you you got your bold take right I said Dylan Carlson become the clear fourth outfielder which I felt like was bold remember last spring people were like Carlson’s going to prove himself every day Dylan people are on that train so anyways just another of the guys where

It’s like we have no idea what 2024 holds for him yep so but we do know 2024 holds for the podcast and it’s exciting so yeah um again thanks everyone for tuning in again if you’re joining us for the first time or listening for the first time please subscribe like it

Helps out the channel a ton again we got content coming this winter warmup um subie clap coming out we got a bunch of stuff coming up so really fun exciting podcast and thanks again for tuning in and we’ll see you guys next time

The 2023 season was dreadful for the Cardinals but it was also the first year of the Noot News Podcast! We’ve come a long way from where we started and to celebrate 1000 subscribers we’re taking a look back at some of our bad predictions for the 2023 season and seeing what went wrong. Seven All-Stars? Better than the Cubs at every position? Waino’s no-hitter? Yeah, none of that happened but it’ll be fun to take a look at!

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